Custom Jason X Sixth Scale Figure by @gallactiblescollectors and Tinelas Customs

  • 5 months ago
Custom Jason X Sixth Scale Figure by @gallactiblescollectors and Tinelas Customs


00:00 Guys it's okay he just wanted his machete back. Here's a look at the Jason
00:04 X custom six scale figure from Galactables.
00:09 While evil may be busy getting an upgrade I'd like to first really thank
00:17 Daniel at Galactables and a heartfelt thank you again to Tinella at Tinella
00:21 customs for allowing me again the chance to have a look at one of their amazing
00:24 custom horror six scale figures this one being the Jason X Jason Voorhees. Not
00:29 one of my favorite of the Friday films but still an incredible figure. I can't
00:33 wait to show you guys the closer details on him. Now they have collaborated in the
00:36 past they still continue to collaborate and they also as well are doing some
00:41 future projects. The orders unfortunately for the Jason X Jason Voorhees have
00:44 already closed and customers are getting all their orders fulfilled. This one
00:47 actually is being lent over by Daniel shortly after this review I will be
00:51 sending it reluctantly sending it back to Daniel. If by the way you haven't
00:56 already followed them on their socials you are first of all missing out. Daniel's
01:00 doing some amazing work over on Galactables his YouTube channel where
01:03 you can check out some of this custom horror six scale figures and of course
01:06 you can always follow Tinella on her works on of course Facebook and socials
01:11 as well. I'll provide all those links down below in the video description. To
01:15 get this review certainly underway first I did want to show you guys the fact that
01:18 he is on a display stand. A display stand is not included with a figure but he does
01:22 come with his own fair share of accessories. We're gonna grab his
01:25 well the tape measure and see how tall the figure actually stands. He seems to
01:28 be exactly 12 inches in height or Jason X's Jason Voorhees is 30 and a half
01:34 centimeters tall. Outside of the custom carefully foamed pack box that Jason
01:38 arrives in, customers who were lucky enough to be part of this limited run
01:42 would also find inside the following things. A certificate of authenticity
01:45 directly from Galactables signing the project off for Jason X. Addition size
01:49 for this particular figure is actually 8 of 9 and the year release is 2024.
01:53 Tinella also as well contributes her own certificate featuring her signature in
01:57 the bottom corner the opposite side November 2023 for her release and the
02:01 contributions that she made for this collaboration were the trousers, the
02:04 shirt, the jacket, the inner suit and two times machete. The thing I also really
02:07 like that she always does with her certificates is that she also includes
02:10 little sample swatches of all the fabrics that she used. You also as well
02:14 get yourself a certificate from Macabre Art Studio indicating that this is a 1/6
02:18 scale Jason X and comes included with the frosted head. Is it the frosted head
02:22 that you're thinking of? It is the frosted head that you're thinking of and
02:25 you also as well get yourself a sticker to be included there as well. Jumping now
02:30 over to Jason's accessories, the figure doesn't include not just one but two
02:34 different types of machetes, an interchangeable hand but by far the
02:38 coolest accessory, no pun intended, is that he actually comes in clue with the
02:41 separate head remains of Adrian. Not only one of the most memorable kills in the
02:45 Jason X film but some would even argue one of the most memorable kills in all
02:48 of the Friday films. He takes Adrian's head proceeds to
02:52 submerge it in liquid nitrogen and then from the camera shot looking up we can
02:56 see the character's face freezing over. I love the way they've replicated this in
02:59 the smaller head. First of all I do like also that they've made it where the head
03:03 is attached permanently onto the hand so if you want to have Jason carrying
03:06 around this severed head if you wanted to it's just a case of removing a hand
03:10 from this side of his forearm and replacing with this one instead. Now it
03:14 does also have rooted hair on the back which is really nicely done here but
03:17 probably the most interesting aspect of the face like in the film you can
03:21 actually have it smashed. Well don't want to really actually smash it. What you do
03:25 is next the best thing. You just remove the front of the face you can
03:29 see the gory interior on the one side and even on this other side I think is
03:32 really neat because you can almost even make out the eye holes, the nasal cavity
03:36 and what's left behind of the mouth. Now you can also carry it around just like
03:39 this and have Jason carrying around the head and just leaving the face off
03:42 completely. This is by the way also attached by magnets so you can feel
03:45 there's a secure attachment here to the top of the head but I think if I was to
03:49 have this figure in my collection I would probably think it'd be a lot
03:52 cooler to have him carrying around the smashed face like this and again it's
03:56 just a case of removing the hand that he has on this side and replacing with this
04:00 one instead. Just because this is a loner figure I don't want to take the time to
04:03 do that just yet so maybe we'll do that for final looks. We'll just move Adrian's
04:07 head off to the side here. The figure has also as well an interchangeable hand for
04:10 this side of the figure's body. He has a closed fist but if depending on where
04:14 you wanted to have the machete or hey why not if you want to have the figure
04:16 displayed with two machetes you just again remove the hand on this side and
04:19 replace it with this hand instead. One of the notable traits of Jason in this
04:23 movie is the fact he has fingerless gloves and again you got yourself a
04:26 fingerless glove interchangeable hand that can be swapped out with this side
04:29 of his body. Let's now talk machetes. Okay so Jason has two different machetes in
04:34 the film. He has sort of the more basic go-to Jason machete before he becomes
04:38 uber Jason. This if you could believe it is actually metal. This whole blade is
04:42 metal while the end of the handle looks like it's actually been done I'm
04:45 guessing in plastic. It sort of does have a plastic feel to it. It's a really nice
04:49 and also very heavy machete that can also be carried around in this hand or
04:54 again like if you wanted to you can also have him carrying around in this hand
04:57 also as well. As he gets later into the film of course he gets blown away and
05:01 then reconstructed into uber Jason and then he has sort of a metallic all-metal
05:06 version of that same machete. It's obviously a little bit different than
05:08 the machete that we start with. Completely different type of blade. I
05:11 love that this one has a curved blade to it and has little holes on the end of
05:15 it. But this is something of course that we get later on to the film. I'm
05:18 wondering if Daniel and Tanila are planning maybe to do an uber Jason.
05:22 Probably would be a little bit more elaborate of a suit to try to construct
05:24 but Jason would then go with something like this for his machete instead. With
05:29 that all being said for his accessories we'll kind of just move everything out
05:32 of the way and obviously I'm sure you guys will actually want to see what
05:34 Jason looks like. Let's pick him carefully up off of his display stand
05:37 and get a closer look at the head sculpt. Now the head sculpt is removable at
05:41 least the front of his face is removable. We don't really get the chance to see
05:45 Jason really unmasked in the movie. I mean basically we see him this at the
05:48 beginning and then eventually when he becomes uber Jason we then see what he
05:51 ends up becoming instead. But Jason in the movie has some rather interesting
05:55 elements to him. One of which being the fact he does actually have a real eye. He
05:59 actually is seen looking around the room. It's an interesting looking very
06:04 different type of hockey mask as well. Whereas this particular hockey mask had
06:07 the notable flat front face to it which is nice to be done here as well. The work
06:12 that he put into this mask is astonishing. I just can't believe the
06:16 amount of work that he not only sculpted the mask but also painted it. You got
06:19 some damaged parts there on the side of the face. None of these wounds by the way
06:22 other than really just the gash that he has somewhere on the top of this
06:25 hockey mask are get carried over from the other films. But you kind of see a
06:28 little more of the influence here from maybe Jason goes to hell. Kind of in the
06:32 way that the mask is kind of molded to his face. Also kind of the way that you
06:36 can see for how long he's had the mask. How it sort of has left an indentation
06:40 on the front of the figure's face. He also has as well all these rooted hairs
06:43 there on the back of the figure's head sculpt. Again the hockey mask is
06:46 removable. The strap is a little more of a softer material that they've used so
06:50 it's not going to give you any problems at all when it comes to actually
06:52 removing the hockey mask. You want to see what it looks like without the hockey
06:55 mask? Okay so let's just take this off carefully and even though we really
06:59 don't get the chance to see this in the film I'm sure he probably went to look
07:02 at source material maybe seeing images online of what Jason actually would have
07:06 looked like underneath the hockey mask and it's pretty gruesome. He has one
07:09 dead eye on one side but again he's got a fully functioning eye on the other
07:13 completely scarred on one side. Exquisitely detailed again by the
07:17 talented work by Daniel. I love the face sculpt also that they've given for the
07:21 mouth down below here. This face by the way is movable so you can move it back
07:25 and forth. Again I'm going to be very careful with the way I'm going to
07:28 be moving and talking about the articulation on this figure but just a
07:32 fantastic looking head sculpt. Really wish I was part of this campaign. Really
07:37 wish I jumped on this and I had the funds available to get on board this.
07:40 Again not a big fan of Jason as he appears at the beginning of Jason X but
07:44 I gotta say like the figure itself looks incredible. He does have as well the
07:47 restraining collar. My guess is that they probably put the restraining collar on
07:51 and then put the head over top of it. It's pretty close to the neck. It is
07:54 nicely painted there as well in silver. He's also got the hanging hooks that he
07:58 has on the shoulders which he sort of is suspended by. Taniyla of course
08:02 contributed by including the jacket. This is something of course that she made.
08:05 The jacket has sort of a tackiness to it. It's pretty close to the suit that he
08:10 has underneath so it doesn't really have a lot of give to it. You can see like all
08:14 the little rips and tears and stuff. They did their best to try to destroy
08:17 Jason realizing the only alternative was really to freeze this guy. I really like
08:22 the way they've done the jacket. Again it's sort of got like a bit of a
08:24 crispiness to it by whatever they've adhered over top of the material. It does
08:29 still give him some freedom when it comes to moving his arms and stuff
08:32 around. You can still bend his elbows and stuff like that. He also
08:35 has of course the restraining cuffs down below here on his wrists down below
08:39 there as well. If we move this kind of just carefully out of the way you can
08:42 kind of almost get a little bit of the inspiration that they would have gotten
08:45 from like Jason X. Where like essentially Jason X he would have had like a
08:48 coverall suit and then they would just divide it in the middle with the belt.
08:51 Having the gray on the top and the gray down below here in the pants kind of
08:55 again gives me sort of the vibe from Jason from Jason Goes to Hell. All these
08:59 nice little rips and tears that they've also added to the material itself.
09:01 There's even functioning pockets on the side. I don't really know what
09:04 Jason's actually gonna be storing inside those pockets. He's got a little belt
09:07 there also on the side. Like the attention to detail. If again you aren't
09:11 familiar with Galactables work definitely check out his channel. Just
09:15 the attention to detail on all of his figures that he's really
09:17 producing is incredible. As we move a little bit further down on the figure as
09:22 well there's a little bit more slack to the slacks that he has. Just moving these
09:26 also up as well you can see as well they've sculpted brand new shoes, brand
09:30 new footwear for Jason. Very large shoes, very large feet also as well. They've
09:34 even also taken the time to scuff. Daniel's scuffed up the bottoms of the
09:38 shoes as well so it looks like Jason's been walking around in these for a long
09:40 long time. Okay so I'm gonna do my best again to kind of look through the
09:43 articulation on this guy. I don't really want to ham-hand this guy too much just
09:47 because again I'm gonna have to pass this guy back off to Daniel after this
09:50 review but I'll kind of do my best to kind of talk a little bit about the
09:53 articulation. So the head's gonna be on a ball joint. It does move back and forth.
09:56 It does move up and down. Obviously if you have purchased this figure you're
10:00 probably gonna feel a little bit more confident moving this guy around than I
10:02 am right now. He has a hinge joint in his shoulders so the shoulders do hinge out.
10:06 For all intents and purposes you would be able again move the arm forward and
10:09 back. I'm just not again gonna do too much to this because I just don't want
10:12 to damage the figure. He has a hinge in his elbow. My guess is from what I can
10:16 actually feel here, he's probably got like a double hinge in the elbow area
10:19 and again like the hands rotate back and forth back and forth there as well. Upper
10:24 torso I'm guessing would be a ball joint. I do want to also stop to tell you guys
10:27 there's there's a fair bit of not padding but a very muscular body
10:31 underneath. So they probably Daniel probably used a very large torso piece
10:35 when it came to producing Jason because you can actually feel like his
10:38 pectorals right here. He's a very large thick thick figure which would work
10:43 really well considering his Kane Hodder's frame. Legs do split out. Again I'm not
10:47 gonna move them too much. You can move them forward. You can move them back.
10:49 There's a swivel at the top here. Double hinge on the knee and again when you get
10:53 to the feet here just moving them up a little bit there's also a ball joint
10:56 here allowing the leg to really freely move back and forth and up and down
11:00 there as well. It's a great figure. Let's go ahead and get his
11:04 hockey mask back on. I'm sure most people are probably are looking to get this guy
11:07 or have already ordered this directly from Daniel and Danila. Probably have the
11:12 plans I'm guessing to display this guy with the hockey mask on there. Just again
11:15 I really like the attention to detail. I have to really go online and see if there
11:19 was images of Jason unmasked like this where there was this neat looking
11:23 indentation. Very much again kind of reminds me of Jason X Jason where like
11:27 the mask he's worn so really long that it's now embedded itself into his skin.
11:31 I just love this kind of little outline crease that he has right here where
11:35 the mask has been sitting against his head for so long. Let's go ahead and put
11:38 this back over top of his head. Now again this was a limited run figure as usually
11:43 is the case when we do have a look at these Galactable collectible releases
11:47 with Danila. I mean they make these in very limited runs. If it is the case like
11:51 the the Certificate of Authenticity indicates that it's a nine figure
11:54 release. Kind of would have been ironic if they had done ten figures because of
11:58 course Jason X and all. But the fact that they had limited release this, people
12:02 have already got the chance to get on board and back this obviously this
12:05 figure and they're probably getting all their orders fulfilled. You know
12:07 reluctantly I with the cost of sometimes these custom figures and they're
12:11 certainly well worth it. I really wish that like in hindsight having now seen I
12:16 mean I'm a big Jason fan. I'm a big Michael Myers fan as well and with the
12:20 amount of work that not only again Danila and Daniel put into this piece.
12:24 Really wish that I had gotten behind this when I had the chance. If you guys
12:28 certainly are a fan of Jason X, like the way he looks as he becomes uber Jason or
12:33 even just the way he looks before he becomes uber Jason. What an incredible
12:37 figure this is. Again smaller in size as a sixth scale release and it comes with
12:41 some pretty interesting accessories. By far my favorite of the accessories even
12:45 though like the machetes being all metal. Nice touch is that they actually took
12:48 the time to include Adrian's smashed head. Something that if I had the chance
12:52 and I had picked this figure up for myself I definitely would have displayed
12:55 with him. Not being able to resist the urge. As we wrap up the review here for
13:01 the custom Jason Voorhees from Jason X of course I had to have the figure
13:04 displayed with the frozen head remains of Adrian in one hand and the metal
13:08 machete in the other. You know it's not until you actually have one of these
13:12 figures in your hand that you realize there's hours and hours behind every
13:16 single one of these figures you look at. It isn't just a case that Daniel's
13:20 working his regular hours. He's probably working overtime to produce the kind of
13:24 pieces that we're looking at in these reviews. From head to toe Jason
13:28 looks finished from all the sides and you know with the benefit of having a
13:31 custom figure as good as this one also you get to see details that you wouldn't
13:35 be able to even see in the movie. I would imagine he probably did some extensive
13:39 extensive research in order to acquire images of what Jason would actually look
13:43 like under the mask. You don't really even get the chance to see Jason under
13:45 the mask this one movie. Usually it's always the case that Jason is unmasked
13:49 but ironically enough you don't see that in Jason X but you get the chance to see
13:53 it here in a six scale figure. Between what he's doing and then what T'Nila is
13:57 doing with her amazing costumes on these six scale figures the collaboration
14:02 between the two we've already seen one example of that with the Rob Zombie
14:05 Escape Michael Myers we're now seeing it again with Jason X Jason Voorhees. If
14:09 you get the chance and you have the funds available I didn't have the funds
14:12 available at the time of wanting to get on board backing this one but if you
14:15 have them available you want to reach out to Daniel kind of see what he's
14:19 currently doing. Don't worry I'll provide all the information down below in the
14:22 video description. If you guys want to follow them over on their socials
14:25 definitely subscribe over to Gale Actables on his YouTube channel you can
14:29 see what Daniel's doing right now. I mean he's probably producing some he's making
14:32 a few other projects I can't quite say what they are but definitely if you want
14:37 to guys follow him over on his channel follow us with T'Nila over over on
14:40 Facebook and also her other socials. Yeah there's a lot of good stuff coming from
14:44 the two of them. I mean having one being so talented in clothing and then the
14:48 other one being so talented in sculpting sixth scale horror figures it's a happy
14:52 marriage between the two. Big thank you again to both Daniel and T'Nila for
14:56 allowing me again the chance to have a look at this this guy again he's already
14:59 been fulfilled all of the customers have already been getting their figures I
15:03 think they're out there shipping them out now to the customers shortly after
15:06 this review again reluctantly I only jokingly say reluctantly because again
15:09 now seeing that how good this guy was in the hand of being such a big Jason
15:12 Voorhees fan I really wish that I had the funds available I could have gotten
15:15 this guy for myself but this guy will be in fact shipped back to Daniel and again
15:20 a big thank you for allowing me the chance to show this here what do you
15:22 guys think of this figure is this the kind of thing that you guys could see
15:25 yourselves picking up have you guys already been collecting whether it be
15:28 stuff from what Daniel's been doing in T'Nila or have you guys been collecting
15:31 other horror custom six-year figures if you have let me know down below what are
15:35 you guys collecting and also as well if you guys did enjoy this video why don't
15:39 hit it like if you guys are loving the content you guys are seeing and you
15:41 certainly do want to stick around for more if you haven't already done so make
15:44 sure you hit that subscribe button down below and if you haven't already done so
15:47 make sure you turn on the Bell notification as always guys thanks for
15:50 watching see you guys next time
15:54 you
15:56 you
15:58 (whooshing)
