Russian human rights defender Oleg Orlov turns 71 in prison

  • 5 months ago
Russia's oldest human rights organisation has said the critic of the war in Ukraine is being treated inhumanely.
00:00 Russian human rights advocate Oleg Orlov, who was imprisoned for condemning the war
00:06 in Ukraine, is turning 71 in prison. He is reportedly facing harsh treatment from prison
00:12 authorities. According to the memorial, Russia's oldest human rights organization, Orlov's
00:18 health is rapidly worsening due to the conditions in prison and the continual journeys between
00:23 his cell and the courtroom.
00:24 "They take him to the court before breakfast and bring him after the break. He has no hot
00:31 food. Of course, he will not be able to prepare well for the trial. It is physically impossible.
00:38 I'm afraid there will be no more breaks."
00:41 Memorial's legal team is working to improve his living conditions and prepare for the
00:47 upcoming appeal court hearing, which will likely be within weeks. For political prisoners
00:52 in Russia's penal colonies, life is marked by harsh treatment, including physical and
00:58 psychological torture.
00:59 [SWOOSH]
