Sleeping Handsome Let's Mate Part 1

  • 5 months ago
Sleeping Handsome Let's Mate Part 1
00:00:00 [Music]
00:00:10 This video uploaded by English Movie Only in
00:00:21 So what are we gonna do? Are we gonna wait for a maracuda to land on a half-dead guy? Pray?
00:00:27 He is your cousin! Now show him some respect!
00:00:29 Mind your own fucking business!
00:00:31 Elliot is definitely gonna wake up! You're right! Maybe we can speed up the process!
00:00:37 Nick, stop it! You've caused enough trouble already.
00:00:41 What's happened to my grandson? He's the last pure blood that we have. We can't just let him die like this.
00:00:49 Find Elliot a wife. Have her produce an heir for our family.
00:00:55 What?
00:00:56 No excuses! I command you to get it done.
00:01:01 You can watch part 2 of this video searching English Movie Only on
00:01:05 No excuses! I command you to get it done.
00:01:12 Mom, what are we gonna do?
00:01:16 Don't worry. We'll just find him someone terrible.
00:01:24 Hello? Oh well, it's $3,000 for a cookie and $5,000 for the full service.
00:01:33 I'll take the full service.
00:01:35 Okay. Text me address and I'll be there in 30 minutes.
00:01:42 So, what are you looking for?
00:01:44 Basically, we are looking for a wife to have my nephew's child.
00:01:48 We've gone through thousands of resumes but so far there has been one that needs our help.
00:01:54 Jackpot.
00:01:58 When I hired you, I clearly told you to finish the job. Do you know how?
00:02:08 You didn't tell me you were going to be fucking human!
00:02:11 Keith, your mouth should...
00:02:16 Enough!
00:02:18 Only a dead man can be just.
00:02:32 Fool.
00:02:34 Clean this.
00:02:36 Then your girl will be there anytime soon.
00:02:41 Are you Avery Tate?
00:02:45 Yeah, I am.
00:02:47 Right this way.
00:02:49 Hey.
00:02:53 Hi. This place you got here...
00:03:01 Sign here.
00:03:04 Congratulations. You are now officially Elliot's wife.
00:03:13 So, about that million dollars...
00:03:16 Get your job done before you ask for the money. Country girl.
00:03:21 Family full of weirdos. I guess no money comes easy in this world.
00:03:27 It's like playing hard to get.
00:03:31 Well, Sleeping Beauty. Time to wake up.
00:03:40 Maybe I'll just wake you up with a little... something special.
00:03:46 Oh, um, just a minute!
00:03:48 Oh, what's this?
00:03:52 Nutrition shot.
00:03:53 Why does he need that?
00:03:55 Is he sick or something?
00:03:58 You have no idea what you got yourself into, do you?
00:04:01 What did she just say?
00:04:06 [Suspenseful music]
00:04:10 Holy shit. He's in a coma.
00:04:15 That was the first day playing wife.
00:04:19 The wife of a man in a coma, you mean?
00:04:23 You tell me.
00:04:25 Hey, Dad?
00:04:29 Yeah, honey?
00:04:31 I need your help with something.
00:04:34 Okay.
00:04:35 They were giving this to Elliot Waldorf, my new husband.
00:04:38 Something's going on over there.
00:04:40 I just want to get in, get my money, and get out without any difficulties.
00:04:44 Okay. Check it out.
00:04:47 Mom! Mom, no, no, no.
00:04:50 Hey, I'm taking care of the bills. It's okay.
00:04:52 Sedative?
00:04:53 How could they be giving this to a coma patient?
00:04:57 Avery!
00:04:58 This is a sedative.
00:05:01 I didn't think it would be this complicated.
00:05:05 But I do know who's giving it to him. The maid.
00:05:08 So if I stop her from giving it to him, do you think he'll wake up?
00:05:13 Most likely.
00:05:15 Elliot Waldorf, when you wake up, you are going to owe me big time.
00:05:24 Can I help you?
00:05:31 I know what you've been giving Elliot.
00:05:33 You're playing doctor now, call girl? Get out of my way.
00:05:36 I might not be a doctor, but neither are you.
00:05:40 What's going on?
00:05:45 Liz has been drugging Elliot. I suggest you fire her immediately.
00:05:49 Madam Rosalie, I didn't do anything wrong. I was just...
00:05:53 Just what?
00:05:54 How dare you to drug my nephew?
00:05:57 Alright, enough of all this nonsense.
00:06:00 Elliot needs some peace and quiet so he can rest.
00:06:03 And you are?
00:06:08 Avery Tate, sir.
00:06:11 Ah, Avery.
00:06:14 You are the spouse that my Rosalie got for Elliot.
00:06:18 We are very thankful for all that you've done for our Elliot.
00:06:23 And we're counting on you.
00:06:27 Rose, I want you to make sure that Elliot's okay.
00:06:30 And I want you to find out who did this to him.
00:06:34 Don't worry, dad.
00:06:37 It's been days since I stopped them from drugging you.
00:06:44 And you are still sleeping like a log.
00:06:47 Come on, dude. Open your eyes.
00:06:51 Otherwise, you'll wake up.
00:06:53 Dude, open your eyes.
00:06:56 Otherwise, I can't get a penny out of you.
00:06:59 You're awake.
00:07:03 Who are you?
00:07:04 Well, we...
00:07:07 We got married two days ago.
00:07:09 I'm your wife, Avery.
00:07:12 No.
00:07:13 And actually, we have some business to get to.
00:07:17 Okay, okay.
00:07:19 This is done. This is done.
00:07:23 Master, I think Elliot's awake.
00:07:26 I heard sounds. I heard sounds coming from...
00:07:28 Come, come. Everybody, come.
00:07:30 This is good. This is good news.
00:07:32 Hey.
00:07:35 Grandma.
00:07:36 Hey, wait.
00:07:37 Okay, let's go.
00:07:38 Elliot. Elliot.
00:07:40 Grandma.
00:07:41 I'm so glad you're awake.
00:07:45 We thought we lost you forever.
00:07:47 It's good to be back, Grandma.
00:07:51 I'm so glad you're alive.
00:07:53 But why am I married?
00:07:56 We got a wife to take care of you.
00:07:59 Well, everything seems in order right now.
00:08:03 But remember, you've been in a coma for a long time.
00:08:06 So walking will be still a challenge for you.
00:08:09 So right now, use a wheelchair.
00:08:11 And after some time and good care,
00:08:13 you should be walking again.
00:08:15 It's like one, two weeks.
00:08:17 Well, don't worry. I'll take good care of him.
00:08:20 Hey, Doc.
00:08:21 Even though he can't walk,
00:08:23 everything else still works, right?
00:08:26 Summon the elders
00:08:28 and tell them that their presence is required
00:08:30 at the next full moon.
00:08:32 We have a lot to celebrate.
00:08:34 Of course.
00:08:35 We are thrilled to have Elliot back, aren't we?
00:08:39 You ready to do this, honey?
00:08:48 No, don't call me that.
00:08:51 What's your name again?
00:08:53 Avery. Avery Tate.
00:08:56 I'm your wife.
00:08:58 Yeah, maybe legally.
00:09:00 But we're not doing this.
00:09:02 Okay, okay, okay.
00:09:03 We can take it slow.
00:09:06 That's not what I meant.
00:09:08 Oh, so you like it rough, huh?
00:09:11 Tell me what you like.
00:09:12 You know, you can rip these.
00:09:14 We're not doing this.
00:09:16 What part of that do you not understand?
00:09:19 Okay, you know what?
00:09:20 Listen, jerk.
00:09:21 Your maid, Liz, was feeding you sleeping drugs
00:09:23 until I stopped her.
00:09:25 Otherwise, you'd still be a fucking vegetable right now.
00:09:27 Just stay out of the family business, okay?
00:09:31 You're gonna be out of here by morning.
00:09:33 Anyways.
00:09:34 No, no, no. I signed.
00:09:35 Mrs. Dalton, can you please get this woman out of my bed?
00:09:38 What? No, no, no.
00:09:40 Mrs. Dalton!
00:09:41 Yes, sir. I will do that.
00:09:44 You jerk! How can you treat me like this?
00:09:46 Don't worry. It's perfectly normal for newlyweds.
00:09:48 Is he always this mean to everyone?
00:09:50 He can appear cold at first, but he's actually a good guy.
00:09:53 Are you guys fighting already?
00:10:09 No.
00:10:10 No, we weren't fighting.
00:10:13 I wonder if you two are not working out.
00:10:16 We can always find someone new for you.
00:10:19 No. Everything's fine between us.
00:10:22 Your maid, Liz, was feeding you sleeping drugs
00:10:26 until I stopped her.
00:10:27 Otherwise, you'd still be a fucking vegetable right now.
00:10:30 Hey.
00:10:32 What's her name? Liz.
00:10:34 Isn't she supposed to be the maid who's taking care of me?
00:10:37 Oh, her?
00:10:38 Yeah.
00:10:39 Oh, that stupid girl.
00:10:40 She was giving you sleeping drugs.
00:10:42 I found her time, and I made sure she was fired.
00:10:45 Okay.
00:10:46 That's good.
00:10:48 My dear nephew,
00:10:52 you don't know how happy I am to see you awake.
00:10:57 It's late.
00:10:59 You must be tired.
00:11:01 Yeah.
00:11:02 You should get some rest.
00:11:06 Okay. I will.
00:11:08 Have a good night.
00:11:10 You too.
00:11:11 No matter what,
00:11:18 today is the day I make that stupid jerk mine.
00:11:21 Oh!
00:11:24 Good morning.
00:11:26 Um, get dressed.
00:11:28 So, is this like a date now?
00:11:38 I thought guys like you were above dating.
00:11:40 Let's stop here.
00:11:41 Avery,
00:11:46 it was rude of me to kick you out last night.
00:11:48 And I appreciate that you saved me.
00:11:50 Oh.
00:11:52 Finally, someone's catching on.
00:11:53 Look,
00:11:56 we still obviously need each other.
00:11:58 And I need you to find out who wanted me dead.
00:12:02 And I need a baby.
00:12:04 Why do you need a baby?
00:12:06 I don't need a baby.
00:12:08 I need to get paid.
00:12:10 I signed a contract with your aunt.
00:12:14 Right.
00:12:16 Interesting.
00:12:17 Well,
00:12:19 okay, this is what we're going to do.
00:12:21 We're going to take this slow.
00:12:22 Right now,
00:12:24 just consider us business partners.
00:12:27 Okay.
00:12:30 So, does this mean that I get to stay in your room tonight?
00:12:32 Because that room Mrs. Dalton has me in is so stinky
00:12:34 and smells like a dog and it's dark and gross.
00:12:37 And I think there's someone in there too.
00:12:39 It might be haunted.
00:12:40 Yes, you can stay in my room.
00:12:41 Okay?
00:12:42 Yes.
00:12:43 Thank you.
00:12:44 That's fine.
00:12:45 Ah, two lovebirds.
00:12:47 I told you they'd work it out.
00:12:50 A bloodline can't be corrupted.
00:12:55 It'll weaken our power.
00:13:02 Acting can be exhausting.
00:13:04 Yeah.
00:13:05 Look what the family you got there.
00:13:07 Well, goodnight.
00:13:12 Wait.
00:13:15 You
00:13:17 sleep here.
00:13:18 It's really not that bad.
00:13:26 (sighs)
00:13:27 Before we eat,
00:13:38 I would like to propose a toast
00:13:41 to the triumphant return
00:13:43 of my grandson Elliot.
00:13:45 To us!
00:13:47 To health!
00:13:48 To family!
00:13:49 To family!
00:13:50 So,
00:13:54 Annabery,
00:13:55 you've been part of the Waldorf bag
00:13:57 for quite some time now.
00:13:59 Long enough
00:14:00 that I would like you
00:14:02 to assist Rosalie
00:14:03 in her preparation
00:14:04 for her full mansourie.
00:14:06 Can we?
00:14:09 My pleasure.
00:14:11 So,
00:14:15 how are the two of you?
00:14:18 You can watch part two of this video
00:14:21 searching English Movie Only
00:14:22 on
00:14:24 So then I expect there will be
00:14:27 an announcement of a baby soon?
00:14:29 Um,
00:14:32 well,
00:14:33 Yes?
00:14:35 We can't keep our hands off each other.
00:14:37 Yeah.
00:14:38 Wild row.
00:14:39 You hit the jackpot.
00:14:42 Okay, that was a bit too much,
00:14:48 don't you think?
00:14:49 Hey, I'm a natural.
00:14:50 And I think
00:14:51 I'm just starting to have fun.
00:14:53 Aren't you afraid
00:14:55 they're going to figure out
00:14:56 we're lying?
00:14:57 We're not lying.
00:14:58 We're just
00:15:00 pretending.
00:15:01 Okay.
00:15:02 That's enough.
00:15:03 No,
00:15:09 this is not,
00:15:10 no, no,
00:15:11 this is...
00:15:12 Yeah!
00:15:13 Oh yeah, baby!
00:15:15 Yes!
00:15:17 Oh, Elliot!
00:15:19 Elliot!
00:15:20 Yes!
00:15:23 Oh yeah!
00:15:24 Oh, Elliot!
00:15:28 Oh yeah, baby!
00:15:32 Mmm!
00:15:33 Alright, that's enough!
00:15:34 You need to stop that.
00:15:37 It's gotta be convincing.
00:15:39 That's
00:15:40 plenty
00:15:41 convincing.
00:15:42 I'm helping Rosalie out
00:15:44 with the banquet tomorrow.
00:15:45 Oh, that's great.
00:15:48 Hey, find out
00:15:49 as much information
00:15:50 as you can
00:15:51 about who's trying to kill him,
00:15:52 but
00:15:53 don't be too obvious.
00:15:54 Of course.
00:15:55 But once I get you
00:15:57 that information,
00:15:58 you may baby.
00:16:00 Okay?
00:16:01 Deal.
00:16:04 Rosalie!
00:16:06 Rosalie, I have to do
00:16:07 all of this
00:16:08 today?
00:16:09 Uh-huh.
00:16:10 Don't worry.
00:16:12 If it is too much for you,
00:16:14 I can always tell Ann-Rae
00:16:15 that you're not the right person
00:16:16 for--
00:16:17 No, no, no, no, no!
00:16:18 I can do it!
00:16:19 Good.
00:16:20 It's just
00:16:23 one, two, three, four,
00:16:25 five, six, seven--
00:16:27 [music]
00:16:49 Hey, how'd it go?
00:16:50 Did you find anything?
00:16:52 I tried my best.
00:16:56 [music]
00:17:02 Okay.
00:17:03 Um...
00:17:04 You're burning up.
00:17:08 Mrs. Daughton!
00:17:09 She's running a fever.
00:17:16 Most likely due to
00:17:18 overworking and dehydration.
00:17:20 Please make sure she rests
00:17:22 and stay hydrated.
00:17:23 I understand.
00:17:26 [music]
00:17:38 Are you feeling better?
00:17:39 Who changed my clothes?
00:17:42 Well, it's not like you did it.
00:17:46 I told Rose to give you the day off.
00:17:51 You need to rest.
00:17:53 And I got you something to eat.
00:17:56 It's soup.
00:17:59 Here, I'll feed you.
00:18:01 Mm, too hot.
00:18:03 Okay.
00:18:04 I'll blow on it for you.
00:18:05 Here we go.
00:18:10 Mm, now it's not even warm.
00:18:16 Oh, well,
00:18:18 you need to give me
00:18:19 a specific number of blows.
00:18:21 That was really dumb.
00:18:23 That's my bad.
00:18:26 Okay, one more.
00:18:27 One more.
00:18:28 Give you your strength back.
00:18:30 That's better, right?
00:18:33 Mr. Tate.
00:18:40 Yes.
00:18:41 Yes, Elliot.
00:18:42 I'm here to pick up Avery's stuff.
00:18:43 Oh, yeah.
00:18:44 Yes, I'm sorry we're early.
00:18:45 I remember, I remember.
00:18:46 Yeah.
00:18:47 Um, Avery's room is right upstairs.
00:18:49 Okay.
00:18:50 Mrs. Dalton.
00:18:51 Yeah.
00:18:52 Yeah, right over here.
00:18:55 Right this way.
00:18:56 Down the stairs.
00:18:57 This way.
00:18:58 Right here.
00:19:00 Oh, I'm so sorry.
00:19:09 This is Avery's mom.
00:19:11 She's really sick.
00:19:12 Oh.
00:19:13 Uh, Mrs. Dalton.
00:19:16 I'm so sorry.
00:19:19 I'm so sorry for
00:19:20 barging in like this, Mr. Tate.
00:19:21 We'll be getting out of here.
00:19:22 Okay.
00:19:23 Yes.
00:19:24 All right.
00:19:25 All right.
00:19:26 It is him.
00:19:29 It's really him.
00:19:30 It's the wolf.
00:19:31 What?
00:19:32 It's the wolf.
00:19:33 Everyone a toast.
00:19:42 To good news
00:19:44 and good news to come.
00:19:45 And good news to come.
00:19:46 I'm honored
00:19:50 by all of your presence.
00:19:52 If you haven't heard,
00:19:53 my grandson Elliot
00:19:55 is awake
00:19:56 and recovering.
00:19:57 So,
00:20:00 at the next full moon,
00:20:02 I have a very important announcement
00:20:05 about our succeeding alpha.
00:20:07 Cheers until then.
00:20:10 You heard him, Grandpa.
00:20:12 Make sure Avery's out of the house now.
00:20:15 [music]
00:20:17 Hey, sexy.
00:20:27 Elliot?
00:20:28 How are you,
00:20:31 sister-in-law?
00:20:32 Heard you're feeling a bit sick.
00:20:34 Feeling better.
00:20:35 Are you looking for Elliot?
00:20:37 I think he's gonna come back--
00:20:38 No, I'm here for you.
00:20:40 It's in a way
00:20:41 a crippling a wheelchair
00:20:42 could satisfy a woman like you.
00:20:44 What are you doing?
00:20:46 I'm curious if you can actually satisfy me.
00:20:48 No, don't touch me.
00:20:49 Stop!
00:20:50 No!
00:20:51 No!
00:20:52 No!
00:20:55 No!
00:20:56 What are you gonna do?
00:21:04 Stay away from my wife!
00:21:08 Stay off!
00:21:09 We're family, bro!
00:21:15 Mom!
00:21:26 What happened?
00:21:28 It was Elliot, Mom.
00:21:30 He caught me.
00:21:31 Just once, Nicholas.
00:21:37 Can you not be so useless for me?
00:21:39 I'm sorry.
00:21:40 Avery, it's okay. You're safe.
00:21:46 No, let me go!
00:21:47 What are you?
00:21:51 It's still me.
00:21:52 But yes,
00:21:54 I'm a werewolf.
00:21:56 Avery, Avery.
00:22:01 That's it. I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise.
00:22:03 Okay?
00:22:04 But, Nicholas--
00:22:05 You can watch part two of this video
00:22:07 searching EnglishMovieOnly on
00:22:10 Wolf instinct?
00:22:12 Yeah.
00:22:13 It's gonna take like twice as much
00:22:19 for me to have a baby with a werewolf.
00:22:21 You're really persistent about that baby thing, aren't you?
00:22:26 Well...
00:22:31 (sighs)
00:22:32 What if I take you out on a date first?
00:22:37 Gentlemen,
00:22:40 I'm sure you all understand the magnitude
00:22:44 of the task before you.
00:22:46 It has so much inherent danger
00:22:49 that I must ask one of you to raise your candle and volunteer.
00:22:53 Oh, what about Elliot?
00:22:59 I trust my dear nephew,
00:23:01 and I think it would be a great opportunity to prove himself.
00:23:04 I agree.
00:23:09 (sighs)
00:23:14 Do we always have to watch werewolf movies?
00:23:20 Mm-hmm.
00:23:21 I've got so much to learn.
00:23:24 Oh, they're kissing.
00:23:27 Werewolves can be romantic, too.
00:23:56 Grandpa?
00:23:57 (clears throat)
00:23:58 Yeah.
00:24:00 Yeah, I can.
00:24:01 Yeah.
00:24:03 Sir?
00:24:16 Ah.
00:24:19 Every date.
00:24:21 Sit, please.
00:24:23 Please.
00:24:24 You wanted to see me, Grandpa?
00:24:29 Or is it Alpha?
00:24:31 Respectful term is Alpha.
00:24:33 And soon,
00:24:35 you will become the future Luna.
00:24:38 That responsibility is...
00:24:41 big.
00:24:43 (chuckles)
00:24:44 Mrs. Dalton told me everything.
00:24:47 I truly must apologize.
00:24:50 Thank you.
00:24:53 Fortunately, Elliot showed up in time.
00:24:55 Well,
00:24:56 so now you know the secret of our family.
00:25:00 I hope it doesn't deter you from bringing forth a child for our bloodline.
00:25:04 I understand that it must seem strange to ask such a thing from an outsider.
00:25:10 You must understand that peace is very fragile in our world,
00:25:14 and uncertain times call for very certain measures.
00:25:21 Now, why me?
00:25:23 Fate.
00:25:24 I suppose.
00:25:26 I never used to believe in such things
00:25:29 until my only son died not long after his mother gave birth to Elliot.
00:25:34 Elliot's mother was a human like you.
00:25:37 You see, the human gene offsets the werewolf mania.
00:25:41 But Nick is an exception to the rule.
00:25:45 I see.
00:25:49 Well, don't worry, Brim.
00:25:51 Alpha.
00:25:53 Elliot and I are in love.
00:25:57 (chuckles)
00:26:00 Elliot!
00:26:05 Elliot!
00:26:11 Elliot, what happened?
00:26:13 Ah, this is nothing. Don't worry about it.
00:26:15 Oh, um, I'm fine.
00:26:17 I'm your wife.
00:26:19 I'm your mate.
00:26:21 You need to tell me what the hell's going on.
00:26:23 Or I'm gonna tell the Alpha.
00:26:26 Okay.
00:26:27 Ah, there was a trigger, but I took care of it.
00:26:32 You need to be more careful.
00:26:36 Yeah.
00:26:37 It's okay. It's okay.
00:26:39 What is it, Mrs. Dalton?
00:26:41 The man you kept in the basement. He's awake.
00:26:45 (door slams)
00:26:46 Man, you've caused me a lot of fucking problems.
00:26:55 Here, just, uh...
00:26:59 Just take a deep breath with me, buddy.
00:27:03 Just... you do it. Ready? Here we go. Together.
00:27:06 Feels good, right?
00:27:10 Yeah.
00:27:12 All I need is a name, and you can see your family.
00:27:17 I told you, I don't know!
00:27:19 Anyone could have put that shit inside!
00:27:21 Not me!
00:27:22 You've killed three of my men!
00:27:25 Why do you still lie to me?
00:27:28 (sighs)
00:27:31 You played for the wrong team, man.
00:27:36 Utilizing it.
00:27:40 Elliot! Elliot! I would! Elliot! No!
00:27:43 Nice of you to join us.
00:27:55 It's the first full moon since Elliot's awakening.
00:27:59 Therefore, I have a momentous announcement that I'm proud to make.
00:28:05 Now, despite my appearance,
00:28:09 I've become an old man.
00:28:11 But, things change.
00:28:14 Dynasties change.
00:28:16 So after the birth of his son, Elliot will become the elf of Blood River Pack.
00:28:24 Dad! Elliot is way too young.
00:28:27 Are you sure he's ready for this task?
00:28:30 The Dark Witches grow powerful, more so day by day.
00:28:35 We must be prepared.
00:28:38 Grandfather, I'm deeply honored, sir.
00:28:41 But, I'm still recovering, and there's so much more that I need to learn from you.
00:28:46 (laughs)
00:28:47 How much is there to learn about having a baby?
00:28:50 Yeah, you're right.
00:28:52 Sure, there's plenty I can teach him, sir.
00:28:54 And that's why I like you, Avery.
00:28:58 You've got a good one, son.
00:29:00 Miss Walden, I'm sorry.
00:29:03 I'm sorry, miss.
00:29:05 Please, ma'am, please! Give me another chance!
00:29:15 You really let me down the last time, Liz.
00:29:19 I can't be wrong. There's Dark Witches outside. I just can't!
00:29:23 I want Elliot, drag him.
00:29:25 And I will consider not to expel you, ma'am.
00:29:29 Just... drag him?
00:29:31 If you want him killed, I can just...
00:29:34 Just finish.
00:29:37 Isn't it that you like the wine?
00:29:47 Oh, well, I helped Rosalie pick it out.
00:29:51 I was having that as a party all evening, actually.
00:29:54 Well, no one said that.
00:29:58 Mr. Waldorf, cheers.
00:30:02 Cheers.
00:30:05 You can watch part two of this video searching Englishmobiley on
00:30:10 Okay.
00:30:12 Well, well, well, don't you both make a fine couple.
00:30:19 Fantastic.
00:30:22 How are you holding up, Elliot?
00:30:24 Oh, he's fine. He just needs a minute.
00:30:28 I'm going to have someone else take care of business for the pack for now.
00:30:34 That dinner was delicious, although I think I've never seen people eat so much meat.
00:30:41 That meal was crazy.
00:30:43 Elliot? Oh, my God.
00:30:46 Oh.
00:30:48 From now on, you are not going to bed until I treat your wound.
00:30:54 Okay.
00:30:56 Ah, ah, no need for violence, all right?
00:31:01 Is this for Elliot?
00:31:14 What are you doing?
00:31:16 Nothing. I just thought I needed a little more sugar.
00:31:19 It's ready.
00:31:22 [Door opens]
00:31:24 Hey, babe. What are you--
00:31:32 You.
00:31:33 Yeah, it's me. Elliot is in danger.
00:31:36 We have to save him.
00:31:38 Okay.
00:31:40 [Grunts]
00:31:45 [Grunts]
00:31:47 Sir, go easy. Madam Rosalie told us to wait.
00:31:52 So what? I don't need her instructions.
00:31:55 I can do to him whatever the hell I want.
00:31:59 No fighting back now, huh? Tough guy.
00:32:03 Why do you always get so lucky? Your grandfather's a bitch, and sex women's low to you.
00:32:08 You're a half-dead guy.
00:32:11 Where am I? So inferior to you.
00:32:16 [Footsteps]
00:32:18 Girl, don't do anything stupid.
00:32:25 Hey, stop it, asshole.
00:32:33 Look who's here. What a pleasant surprise.
00:32:37 Why don't you show me how much you love your husband?
00:32:42 Okay. I'll do whatever you say. Just leave Elliot alone.
00:32:47 Hmm. How about this?
00:32:51 I fuck your wife, what are you?
00:32:55 Why, you watch.
00:32:57 'Cause she's such a sweetheart.
00:33:00 There's a full moon, so all my people...
00:33:05 They're just...
00:33:07 Take off your clothes.
00:33:12 You've made a huge mistake.
00:33:16 Hey, hey, hey, get him!
00:33:27 Hey, stop!
00:33:40 Goddamn it!
00:33:42 You fuck with my family!
00:33:45 It's not your fault. It's not your fault.
00:34:06 What took you so long?
00:34:09 I was a half-dead man, remember?
00:34:12 But I'm really proud of you, Mrs. Waldorf.
00:34:16 I'm really proud of you.
00:34:24 [SIGHS]
00:34:26 Nicholas is banished from the pack!
00:34:39 Dad, please! He's just a kid!
00:34:43 He doesn't know what he's doing!
00:34:46 Please, we want you in our time. Can you look at me and listen to me?
00:34:51 Challenge me again, and you'll leave with him.
00:34:56 I give you great thanks and the deepest apologies.
00:35:08 Avery, you've earned my trust, and I know my Elliot is in good hands with you.
00:35:14 Therefore, so is our pack.
00:35:17 Thank you for trusting me, Grandfather.
00:35:21 I was acting all the time. I just needed to know who's behind this.
00:35:27 Elliot, you could have gotten yourself killed if it weren't for Liz.
00:35:43 Where is Liz?
00:35:49 Going somewhere.
00:35:52 Madam, I did what you told me to.
00:35:55 You didn't do a thing. Because of you, my son became a road.
00:35:59 And you think you can just walk away?
00:36:02 [SCREAMING]
00:36:06 [SCREAMING]
00:36:09 Dolly, I need your help. Elliot will be the next Alpha.
00:36:32 [MUSIC]
00:36:35 We can't afford another betrayal among our pack.
00:36:43 After these last incidents, I'm finding it harder and harder to trust my own daughter.
00:36:49 Well, I could keep an eye on Madam Rosalie if you would like, Alpha.
00:36:54 Report back to me if you find anything of interest.
00:36:59 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:37:01 Dear Dolly!
00:37:04 Oh, Rosalie, it's been too long.
00:37:07 Where is Dan? Did he come with you?
00:37:10 Oh, no. I'll likely be divorcing him soon anyway.
00:37:14 A pathetically disabled werewolf doesn't deserve a born Luna like myself.
00:37:19 What, it is because of his eye?
00:37:21 Oh, come on. Once he's healed, he would be a perfect choice.
00:37:26 So, let me guess, your Nicholas got into trouble again, and now you need my help?
00:37:33 That dumbass just got himself expelled.
00:37:36 Yeah, kind of saw that one coming.
00:37:40 So, has Elliot been mentioning me?
00:37:44 Not since he got married to that bitch. Every date.
00:37:48 Well, seems the car accident simply gave him memory loss, too.
00:37:53 No matter. I'll simply have to remind him who I am.
00:37:58 So, where is he?
00:38:01 Hey, you. Fetch me a glass of water. I've had a very long trip.
00:38:06 Oh, the water's in the kitchen.
00:38:09 Seriously?
00:38:11 I won't hold this one against you because you clearly don't yet know who I am, Omega.
00:38:22 But now you do. So go and fetch your lady a glass of water, and tell Elliot that Dolly is here.
00:38:29 Dolly? Dolly who?
00:38:32 My husband never mentioned you.
00:38:35 So you must be the famous Avery Tate.
00:38:41 Well, thank you very much for taking care of my Elliot while I was away.
00:38:48 But now it's time to wake up from your daydream, Cinderella.
00:38:52 Not everyone can be the future Luna of the greatest pack of all time.
00:38:58 And my father personally fought alongside Elliot's father, our greatest warrior.
00:39:05 So who does that make you, human?
00:39:09 Despite your impressive family history, I'm not going anywhere just yet.
00:39:13 I've made up my mind to pass along the family bloodline.
00:39:17 They chose me as a last resort.
00:39:20 You won't be here much longer.
00:39:23 Dolly, was it? I actually had that glass of water for you.
00:39:29 Are you out of your mind?
00:39:45 You wanted to see me?
00:39:48 Yeah, I wanted to talk about our little deal.
00:39:51 What about it?
00:39:53 You owe me a baby.
00:39:56 I know, Eve. But the thing is, Nathan hasn't even found Liz yet.
00:40:01 Rosalie's still after me. After the war, Nick is her only hope left, so...
00:40:06 Look, I understand it's a dangerous time for the pack.
00:40:09 But after everything I've done for you, I think you owe me twins now.
00:40:15 That's not how it works.
00:40:16 Are you sure?
00:40:17 Yeah.
00:40:18 Well, maybe we need to renegotiate our deal.
00:40:22 I'll have to take a look at our contract.
00:40:25 Dolly, it's been a while since I've seen you. How are you and Dan doing?
00:40:37 They're fine. But, Grandfather, I have some information regarding Elliot and his new wife that I believe it may...
00:40:46 You can watch part two of this video searching Englishmobilely on
00:40:51 They're not planning to have your grandchild.
00:40:54 What? Why would you say such a thing?
00:41:02 Well, I was just walking by and I couldn't help but overhear them arguing.
00:41:07 I think they must be having some... issues.
00:41:11 Dolly, I appreciate your concern.
00:41:17 But every couple has their issues.
00:41:21 I trust Avery. And my grandson as well.
00:41:27 Okay.
00:41:29 Did you miss me, handsome?
00:41:50 Dolly, I didn't know you were back from England.
00:41:54 Where's Dan?
00:41:56 Shh. Tonight, there is no Dan.
00:42:01 I am all yours. I've missed you.
00:42:05 Please, stop, Dolly.
00:42:07 You know, you married my brother the day I was hit by that car.
00:42:14 What are you doing? Huh?
00:42:17 You know I'm married.
00:42:19 No, you've done this to yourself.
00:42:22 Elliot, wait!
00:42:24 Paul, I want every detail you have on one Miss Avery Tate.
00:42:35 Dig deep.
00:42:36 Yes, ma'am.
00:42:38 And make it quick.
00:42:40 I won't let her become the Luna.
00:42:43 That position has only ever belonged to me.
00:42:49 [door opens]
00:42:51 Hello, everyone.
00:42:58 What else?
00:42:59 Oh, I am so sorry. That is completely my bad.
00:43:03 Oh, apologies. Truly.
00:43:06 Now, Avery, I think it is high time you tell us all just a little bit about yourself.
00:43:12 Um, what wolf pack does your family hail from?
00:43:16 I'm not one of you.
00:43:19 Interesting. Well, what do you do?
00:43:23 Oh, um, well, I work with clients and I meet their demands.
00:43:29 Wow. That sounds absolutely fascinating, doesn't it, Jess?
00:43:35 You must tell us more. What demands are you meeting exactly?
00:43:39 Okay, Dolly. That's enough. Fine.
00:43:42 Last I checked, you're not the future Luna.
00:43:45 So show some respect.
00:43:48 Now you see why I called you back.
00:44:02 Let's work together and we both get what we want.
00:44:12 How's that?
00:44:15 That beast is just my son.
00:44:17 And she must not give birth to Alice's child. Do you understand?
00:44:21 I think I have an idea.
00:44:26 Good.
00:44:28 Take this and put it in his drink.
00:44:38 After he drinks it, he'll be all yours.
00:44:43 You always loved my coffee, didn't you?
00:44:47 No one makes it as good as you.
00:44:49 Don't I know it?
00:44:51 Thank you.
00:44:57 You always are everywhere, aren't you?
00:45:00 Well, Elliot just adores my coffee.
00:45:03 Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't even think to make you a cup.
00:45:07 How silly of me.
00:45:09 Avery, let's play nice, okay? Dolly's family.
00:45:13 Well, don't mind if I...
00:45:18 You!
00:45:20 Did you drink this already?
00:45:22 Yeah, of course.
00:45:24 Yeah.
00:45:25 Dolly! Dolly, what did you put in his drink?
00:45:29 Dolly, what did you put in his drink?
00:45:32 [Dramatic music]
00:45:35 [Upbeat music]
00:45:38 [Kissing sounds]
00:46:06 Must be tough becoming the Alpha.
00:46:10 Did it ever occur to you to, I don't know, leave it all behind?
00:46:15 Live a normal life?
00:46:18 I really respect my older brother a lot, and he's the best for the job, but...
00:46:25 He's got a lot of issues.
00:46:27 I made a promise to Grandpa, and I can't go back on my word.
00:46:32 [Sad music]
00:46:34 [Laughs]
00:46:42 Oh. Oh.
00:46:45 Poor Avery.
00:46:49 Time to let the world know who you really are.
00:46:54 [Laughs]
00:46:56 [Dramatic music]
00:46:59 [Dramatic music]
00:47:01 Oh, well, well, well.
00:47:05 Looks like this is the trash woman you married, Elliot.
00:47:09 Where did you get these?
00:47:13 Oh, please. They're everywhere. I barely even had to work to find them.
00:47:17 Oh. Oh, I'm sorry.
00:47:20 Were you still here thinking you were her only one?
00:47:24 Well, at least now we both know exactly what she meant by, um, what was it?
00:47:31 Meeting client demand?
00:47:33 Shut up, Dolly! Shut up!
00:47:36 And get out, Dolly.
00:47:38 You need to be a little more careful about who you choose to bring into this family.
00:47:42 Okay, you and I both know I am the only one here fit to be the Luna.
00:47:46 [Hums]
00:47:48 [Knock on door]
00:47:54 [Phone vibrates]
00:47:56 Hey, Dad.
00:48:00 What do you mean?
00:48:05 Are you serious?
00:48:09 What?
00:48:11 Oh, no.
00:48:15 I'll be right there, okay? Just hold on.
00:48:21 [Sighs]
00:48:23 Mom? Mom, Mom! I'm here.
00:48:32 Oh, no.
00:48:34 You're wearing too much, Dad. The bills.
00:48:38 You might have to sell the house to keep up with the treatments.
00:48:41 Don't worry about the money, Dad. I got it. It's okay.
00:48:45 Does your husband know what you do?
00:48:48 Not yet. But I'm sure he'll help.
00:48:52 I don't want you to worry, okay?
00:48:55 Please be careful, Eve. You're our only hope.
00:49:00 I can't put you in danger, too.
00:49:02 You're not. You're not. It's me.
00:49:06 [Sighs]
00:49:08 I'm sorry I gotta go.
00:49:14 I don't know when I'll be back, but I'm gonna come back.
00:49:18 And there's gonna be a plan. And you're gonna be healthy. I promise.
00:49:23 [Sighs]
00:49:26 [Sobbing]
00:49:28 Oh, Ellie.
00:49:53 My mom.
00:49:55 I want you out of this house. Now.
00:49:57 What?
00:49:59 What? What are you talking about?
00:50:07 What?
00:50:09 What?
00:50:11 How do you--
00:50:13 This is what you've been doing behind my back.
00:50:16 It's not what you think. Please, I can explain.
00:50:19 You've had so many chances to explain.
00:50:21 This whole time we've been together, but you haven't.
00:50:23 Who are you?
00:50:25 Elliot, please, just hear me out, okay?
00:50:27 Please. Yes, I used to be a prostitute.
00:50:30 And yes, I married you because at first there was a lot of money I could get out of it.
00:50:35 But that's the past. Now I'm here because I love you.
00:50:39 Elliot.
00:50:41 This is what you came here for. Yes?
00:50:43 I love you now.
00:50:45 Take it. Go. Go!
00:50:47 I said go!
00:50:49 [sobs]
00:50:51 Hey, Dad. I think I got the money.
00:51:12 I don't know if it'll be enough, but it's a start.
00:51:14 I'll be there soon.
00:51:17 [sobs]
00:51:19 Am I pregnant?
00:51:25 So, Elliot finally kicked you out, hmm?
00:51:42 What do you want?
00:51:44 Are you feeling all right, Ava?
00:51:46 You appeared pretty sick just now.
00:51:49 It's none of your business.
00:51:51 Listen, just between us sisters,
00:51:54 I consider it a pretty dickish move to kick out one's wife just as she becomes pregnant.
00:51:59 How do you--you don't--
00:52:01 Oh, please, the nausea, your very evident hormonal displays.
00:52:05 What else could it be?
00:52:07 But listen, since all you ever really wanted out of this was money,
00:52:11 I can assure you, I will offer you far more.
00:52:15 Just on one simple little condition.
00:52:19 You walk out of here and never come back again.
00:52:24 What do you say?
00:52:26 Dolly.
00:52:28 In your dreams.
00:52:32 [laughs]
00:52:34 You'll be back.
00:52:36 Doctor? Doctor?
00:52:41 This should cover all my mother's medical bills and her treatments.
00:52:45 I'm sorry, Mrs. Waldorf.
00:52:50 It can cover part of your debt, but it's still not enough.
00:52:54 The equipment and medications required for your mother's treatment are well over a million dollars,
00:52:59 and I'm afraid--
00:53:01 How much more do you need?
00:53:03 [sighs]
00:53:06 Well, I suppose you'll be reconsidering my offer now?
00:53:10 You followed me.
00:53:16 Well, don't blame me for caring about your well-being.
00:53:19 I simply had a suspicion you might need to see me again.
00:53:23 And it would indeed appear as though time is, um, of the essence.
00:53:28 Okay, fine. I'll do it.
00:53:35 Just say a number.
00:53:37 Two million. And I'll never return to the Blood River Pact ever again.
00:53:41 [laughs]
00:53:43 Far too easy.
00:53:48 Well, goodbye, Avery.
00:53:53 [laughs]
00:54:00 [sighs]
00:54:02 Hey, Elliot. Are you free tonight?
00:54:12 You see what I undergo, huh?
00:54:17 Hey.
00:54:21 Hey.
00:54:23 You've clearly had a lot to drink tonight, Elliot.
00:54:26 Come on. Let's get you to bed.
00:54:28 Okay.
00:54:30 [sighs]
00:54:32 I just, um--
00:54:34 I just missed her so much, Dolly.
00:54:37 I missed her so much, and, um--
00:54:41 I, uh--
00:54:44 [gasps]
00:54:46 Um--
00:54:48 [groans]
00:54:50 It's okay. I'm here now.
00:54:53 [groans]
00:54:55 [sighs]
00:54:57 Dad. I got the money.
00:55:03 We're gonna resume treatment. Mom's gonna be okay. I told you.
00:55:06 No, Elliot and I were--
00:55:09 Elliot and I are fine. We're great.
00:55:19 You can watch part two of this video searching Englishmobilely on
00:55:25 [soft piano music]
00:55:27 Are you feeling better?
00:55:29 Oh, hey.
00:55:33 Hey.
00:55:37 How's Mom doing?
00:55:40 Not great.
00:55:43 I'm trying the best I can.
00:55:45 [soft piano music]
00:55:47 Hey, who's here?
00:55:49 Mom?
00:55:51 Did she hear me?
00:55:53 She did.
00:55:55 Mom, we need to get you to a hospital.
00:55:59 Hey.
00:56:02 Yeah?
00:56:04 There's something I have to tell you before it's too late.
00:56:07 Mom?
00:56:13 Mom?
00:56:15 No, no, no, no. Mom? Mom?
00:56:17 Hang in there.
00:56:19 Call an ambulance.
00:56:22 Mom?
00:56:24 Okay.
00:56:29 We've run every possible test.
00:56:32 Brain scans, blood work, everything.
00:56:35 And the results are in.
00:56:37 Doctor, what is it?
00:56:39 The results are unlike anything we've ever seen.
00:56:42 Then run them again.
00:56:44 Use the best treatment. Buy in the best doctors.
00:56:46 Ma'am, ma'am, ma'am.
00:56:47 I have the money now.
00:56:49 I assure you, we've repeated the tests multiple times.
00:56:52 We've done the best that we can.
00:56:54 Now, if you want us to refer you to a leading team of experts, we can.
00:57:00 No.
00:57:06 Master Elliot, would you like some dinner?
00:57:13 That's okay, Mrs. Darling.
00:57:15 Could you please give us a minute?
00:57:18 Are you refreshed after your run, Elliot?
00:57:21 Clear.
00:57:23 I heard about your spot with Avery.
00:57:27 Maybe I should have helped you to pick a better wife.
00:57:32 Okay.
00:57:34 If anyone touches her, I will not hesitate to break their neck.
00:57:40 [Explosion]
00:57:42 [Sigh]
00:57:52 [Grunting]
00:58:08 [Screaming]
00:58:10 Mom, I did everything I could.
00:58:18 How did it end up like this?
00:58:22 I...
00:58:24 [♪♪♪]
00:58:27 [♪♪♪]
00:58:56 [Crying]
00:58:59 Mom, are you okay?
00:59:18 Better.
00:59:20 It's not like this place is doing wonders.
00:59:25 Let's save our dough.
00:59:28 Maybe one more?
00:59:30 Avery, there's a secret that I've kept from you.
00:59:36 From the time that you were small, I've been teaching you witchcraft bit by bit.
00:59:42 I told you to use it wisely.
00:59:44 You remember, right?
00:59:46 Yeah.
00:59:48 The truth is, there's a rift in the witching world.
00:59:54 Light witches, dark witches, two sides.
01:00:00 [♪♪♪]
01:00:04 [♪♪♪]
01:00:07 (upbeat music)
