去年习拜会后首次通话 习近平向拜登施压“台湾问题是红线”

  • 5 months ago
八点最热报 | 中国国家主席习近平与美国总统拜登继去年11月习拜会之后,昨天进行电话会谈。在台湾课题上,习近平在通话中明显向拜登施压,强调台湾问题是中美关系第一条不可逾越的红线,重申中国绝对不会纵容,任何外部势力对 “台独” 活动的支持。(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00 Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04 China President Xi Jinping and US President Biden held a telephone conversation yesterday.
00:11 This is the first time the two have spoken since the Xi-Biden meeting in San Francisco last November.
00:17 China's official media CCTV described the two leaders' frank and in-depth exchange of opinions on the issue of Sino-US relations and bilateral relations.
00:27 The White House said that the purpose of the two-person call was to control the tension between China and the United States.
00:34 In the end, many international media used the US-China export advanced technology issue as a news title on the issue of Taiwan,
00:39 with Biden and Xi Jinping as the US-China export advanced technology issue.
00:46 According to a Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs statement,
00:48 Xi Jinping emphasized to Biden in the call that China-US relations should adhere to the three principles,
00:53 which are "to be in harmony, to be in balance, and to be in trust."
00:58 In this way, he fulfilled the "old mountains and new fields" vision to stabilize Sino-US relations.
01:03 Xi Jinping also emphasized that China and the United States cannot do without interaction,
01:06 so the strategic recognition issue is always the first button to be pressed on Sino-US relations.
01:13 But on the Taiwan issue, Xi Jinping clearly pressed Biden in the call,
01:18 emphasizing that the Taiwan issue is the first "unyielding line" of Sino-US relations.
01:23 He reiterated that China will never tolerate any external forces' support for Taiwan independence.
01:29 For this, Biden said that the US implementing a China policy does not support Taiwan independence,
01:33 and it is not willing to have a conflict with China.
01:36 But Biden emphasized that the US opposes the Chinese government's use of any forced means to control Taiwan.
01:43 Xi Jinping also said that the US's high-tech export restrictions on China
01:47 are endless, and the sanctions against Chinese companies are getting longer and longer.
01:54 This is not "to reduce risk," but "to create risk."
01:58 If the US insists on suppressing China's high-tech development,
02:01 China will not sit back and do nothing.
02:04 But Biden did not give in.
02:07 According to the White House, the US has no plans to cancel any plans to limit China's high-tech exports.
02:15 Biden told Xi Jinping that he will continue to make necessary decisions
02:18 to prevent the US's advanced technology from being used to endanger the security of the United States.
02:24 Chinese and US leaders Xi Jinping and Biden had a phone call for nearly two hours yesterday.
02:30 The White House National Security Council Spokesperson Kirby later said at a press conference
02:34 that the two's regular phone calls are very important to avoid "smoking gun fire" in Sino-US relations.
02:38 We believe that there is no substitute for regular communication at the leader level
02:42 to effectively manage this complex and often tense bilateral relationship.
02:46 Both presidents agreed to pick up the phone and speak when needed.
02:49 But Kirby said that the call between China and the US did not have any new information to send.
02:55 This caused reporters to ask why Biden and Xi Jinping chose to make this call.
03:01 I don't have a new message to read out to you today.
03:03 I'm curious why it was needed now, why not next week, next month?
03:06 Was there a particular catalyst that they needed to have this phone call?
03:09 Reporters asked, Kirby said that the call was not to announce anything,
03:13 but to follow up on the process after the November summit.
03:17 There's been a lot of staff level work and both presidents thought that now,
03:21 a few months later, this was a good time to kind of check in with one another, see how that's going.
03:25 Kirby added that the two leaders also discussed TikTok.
03:28 Biden made it clear to Xi Jinping that the US does not want to ban this app.
03:33 He just hopes that he can distance himself from Chinese companies
03:36 and ensure the safety of the US and the people.
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