Happy Birthday Kyla♥️

  • 5 months ago
Birthday Party
00:00 [Singing Happy Birthday]
00:27 Blow your candles.
00:29 Yay! Happy Birthday!
00:36 Happy Birthday!
00:56 Okay, you guys eat first.
00:58 Watermelon, watermelon, banana.
01:03 Mahal!
01:08 [Indistinct chatter]
01:12 How much is it?
01:14 Maimai, you're not getting any, Mahal.
01:17 Watermelon, watermelon.
01:22 Hey, hey, let me get some.
01:25 [Indistinct chatter]
01:28 Happy Birthday!
01:33 Happy Birthday, Kayla.
01:35 Just a little bit of salt.
01:37 Just a little bit of cooking wine.
01:40 Oh, you guys are so good.