• last year
The northern Hungarian village of Holloko celebrates Easter Monday in its own particular - and peculiar - way.
00:00 Visitors and tourists flocked to the little village of Halóka in northeastern Hungary
00:06 on Easter Monday to watch the men pour buckets of water on local women in an unusual Easter
00:12 tradition for the village. The tradition is centuries old. In the old days, the tradition
00:17 was to only water the girls men deemed desirable candidates to be a wife.
00:22 "I feel like I'm home and I feel safe here. I feel safe in this environment."
00:30 After the watering, celebrations begin. The Nograd Folk Dance Ensemble then invite onlookers
00:38 to dance in the open streets.
00:40 "Here, in Halóka, not a single girl has stayed dry. The four-day Húsvét Festival
00:47 is the biggest festival of the year for traditional dancers and people. This brings more and more
00:53 people here, to the Hollókő every year."
00:56 Zoltán Siposegyi, Euronews.
00:58 (whooshing)
