Peningkatan Produktivitas Sawit, Intip Ulasannya

  • 5 months ago
Pemerintah terus mendorong peningkatan produktivitas, pengembangan komoditas kelapa sawit, melalui Rapat Koordinasi Nasional (Rakornas) Rencana Aksi Nasional Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan (RAN-KSB). Selain itu pemerintah juga memutuskan, untuk meningkatkan dana peremajaan sawit rakyat menjadi Rp60 juta per hektar.


00:00 We start with the first information, the government continues to promote the increase in productivity
00:04 of the development of palm oil commodities through the RAKORNAS,
00:08 the implementation of the IMPRES, the National Plantation Action Plan for Palm Oil.
00:12 In addition, the government also decided to increase the youth fund of palm oil
00:17 to Rp60 million per hectare.
00:25 The government continues to encourage the implementation of President's Instruction No. 6 of 2019
00:31 on the National Plantation Action Plan for Palm Oil.
00:35 In the Plantation Action Plan for Palm Oil, which continues from 2019 to 2024,
00:41 the President ordered that the National Action Plan be implemented comprehensively.
00:47 The Minister of Economy and Finance, Erlangga Hartarto, explained
00:51 some important steps including strengthening data infrastructure,
00:55 increasing farmer's capacity, monitoring the environment, and accelerating certification and product access.
01:02 Erlangga mentioned that the implementation of the IMPRES has reached 883 companies
01:08 and 52 cooperatives and plantations that have been certified by the ISPU.
01:14 The government will also increase the youth fund of palm oil for farmers
01:19 from Rp30 million to Rp60 million per hectare.
01:23 The IMPRES has been certified by 883 companies and 52 cooperatives and plantations.
01:38 In addition, the implementation of the PSR program is average of Rp50,000 per year.
01:45 The PSR fund has been allocated for the area of Rp331,000 hectares or Rp9.25 trillion.
01:54 In the previous meeting, the government will increase the PSR fund
02:00 to farmers from Rp30 million, which is usually Rp30 million,
02:05 which is only Rp0 million, to Rp60 million per hectare.
02:10 Thus, farmers can maintain their crops until they produce TBS.
02:18 The government will also increase the PSR fund to farmers from Rp30 million, which is usually Rp60 million,
02:19 In addition, the government will increase the PSR fund
02:21 to farmers from Rp30 million, which is usually Rp60 million,
02:23 which is usually Rp60 million,
02:26 The government will also increase the PSR fund
02:31 to farmers from Rp30 million, which is usually Rp60 million,
02:34 by involving various parties involved.
02:40 The end
