Barack Obama is a Commie spy counter-run by the CIA since...


by RickHyatt

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As a life-long espionage operative, at one time actually also unknowingly an Agent for the Commies, I was long ago "Turned," as used to lure out their agents, moles & assassins. I was ordered to remember how the Enemy went by the phrase, "To teach them well, train them young." Then I was ordered, in 1977, to remember, repress, & independently broadcast just how far back Gary Condit's "Training" went, as well as some Indonesian Connection I would remember as being groomed by the Commies for this eventual Coup D'Edat of the Presidency with this election. How to lure out all the moles? "Just fly a Barry Soetono from the Flagpole & see who salutes" is the good news revelation for the American People as SCOTUS will rule soon on his constitutional ineligibility to be Pres, or even sign any laws nor treaties. A ROYAL SURPRISE TO COME FOR THE CHICOMS! Go to for more PROOF! Distributed by Tubemogul.