• last year
Dive into the enigmatic world of "The Return of Mitchell Campion" from the iconic series "One Step Beyond" (1959).

Mitchell Campion, portrayed by the talented Patrick O'Neal, finds himself embroiled in a perplexing mystery as he seeks solace on a serene Mediterranean island following a traumatic car accident. However, his peaceful retreat takes a bewildering turn when he is greeted by locals who are convinced he had visited the island weeks prior, engaging in a romance with a woman named Francesca. Bewildered by these claims, Mitchell realizes he has no recollection of such an encounter, especially considering he was hospitalized during the purported visit.

Directed by the masterful John Newland and penned by Merwin Gerard and Lawrence B. Marcus, this captivating episode delves into the realms of astral projection and the inexplicable nature of memory. O'Neal delivers a riveting performance, navigating the eerie atmosphere of the island with aplomb as he grapples with the unsettling question: How do you know me?

With its thought-provoking narrative and captivating performances by O'Neal, Lilyan Chauvin, and John Newland, "The Return of Mitchell Campion" offers a mesmerizing exploration of identity, memory, and the mysteries of the human psyche. Step beyond the ordinary and into the realm of the extraordinary with this unforgettable episode.


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