• l’année dernière


00:00 [Music]
00:23 Today's message in the series Stretch is entitled Stretch Your Way, Stretch Your Palm.
00:31 Stretch Your Way, Stretch Your Palm.
00:36 Mark 11, verse 1.
00:42 This morning I was typing so aggressively on my phone
00:47 because we hit a revival zone, a revelation zone rather.
00:53 And I just pray it doesn't impede what I want to say this morning.
00:59 When they came near Jerusalem to Bethpage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives,
01:06 he sent his two disciples and said to them,
01:10 "Go your way into the village over against you
01:16 and as soon as you enter it, as soon as you enter it,
01:23 you will find a colt tied on which no man ever sat or never sat.
01:30 Loose him, loose him and bring him."
01:38 So this colt is in the male gender.
01:42 It is a seed carrier.
01:45 This is not a womb. This is not an incubation center.
01:50 This is a seed carrier.
01:56 Jesus is the word, the seed.
02:00 Seed carries seed.
02:03 Jesus was not trying to incubate anything, another message.
02:07 And if any man asks you, "Why do you do this?"
02:11 Say, "The Lord has need of him and straightway he will send him here."
02:21 And they went their way and found the colt tied by the door.
02:26 Not a door, the door.
02:31 So when you enter the village, as you enter into a village,
02:36 there is a permission center called the door.
02:41 The donkey was tied by the permission center, the door, not a door.
02:48 And by the door where two ways met and they loose him
03:01 and they brought the colt to Jesus.
03:05 Notice they didn't bring him to Jesus, they brought the colt to Jesus
03:11 and cast their garments on him and he sat on him.
03:17 I don't have time.
03:19 Let's go to slide four.
03:20 This is the same story of the same event as the event is unfolding.
03:27 Many people came that day to the feast.
03:33 When they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem,
03:36 they took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet him.
03:44 So the branches are used to meet him.
03:48 Your palms don't come as a result of him being here.
03:56 Your palms go to meet him.
04:01 That's another message.
04:03 And went forth to meet him and cried Hosanna,
04:06 blessed is the king of Israel that comes in the name of the Lord.
04:12 Verse 14, and Jesus when he found a young donkey sat on it,
04:18 where it is written, fear not, daughter of Zion,
04:20 behold your king comes sitting on a donkey or an ass's colt.
04:25 He is seated, father, bless this word in Jesus' name.
04:34 Thirty-five minutes.
04:36 There is motion in everything.
04:40 Everything in the universe is moving at its own designated pace
04:44 to complement its cohabitors.
04:48 St. Thomas Aquinas said, if there is movement, and there is,
04:56 there then must be a first mover, therefore that first mover is God.
05:04 Movement just didn't occur.
05:07 There's a first mover.
05:09 And so just remember, anybody used to play drafts,
05:16 we would set the rules before the drafts,
05:19 and one of the rules was a touch is a move.
05:23 A touch is a move.
05:24 Just remember that in everything in life, a touch is a move.
05:29 So you single guys, no touching.
05:33 Nothing in the universe moves by itself.
05:38 So your praise, your movement, Tawanda, impacts, affects my life,
05:47 positive and negative.
05:49 So then, there are forces that precipitate movement,
05:53 the greater moving the lesser, and also the lesser moving the greater.
06:01 So the greater is the mother, the lesser is the baby.
06:07 But when the baby moves, it affects the mother.
06:11 And so I remember with all the boys, I can't remember which one was the greediest,
06:18 but Tiji would be at work, and when one of the boys was hungry,
06:25 the milk would start pouring.
06:27 The lesser was affecting the greater.
06:31 So whoever you are, as little as you may think you are,
06:37 or as great as you are, you are only are based on something that's lesser.
06:48 I didn't fill in an application form to become a dad.
06:52 At 7 o'clock in the morning on the 22nd of February, 1984,
06:57 as soon as Gene was born, I became a dad.
07:00 The lesser promoted me.
07:04 That very moment, at the same time I became a dad, my dad became a grandfather.
07:10 He didn't fill in an application form.
07:12 Now they were hinting, but the touch moved, and he became a grandfather.
07:20 So movement then finds itself in the category of cause and effect.
07:26 When there is a need for movement, cause, the result will be effect.
07:33 Slide number 6.
07:37 Adam and Eve caused a problem in the earth that precipitated a movement in heaven.
07:46 There was God's plan for humanity, 316, given to Nicodemus after midnight,
07:56 for God so loved the world that he gave.
08:00 So when Adam and Eve made the mistake they made,
08:05 to be human is to err, that activated a motion and movement.
08:14 Jesus was then in the pipeline to come.
08:19 And of course, heaven and Jesus being in the pipeline is like government.
08:26 It's always in the pipeline. It takes a very long time to come.
08:31 So Adam's challenge moved in heavenly action.
08:36 So in our solar system, the sun is the center of the system.
08:40 So slide 7.
08:43 And 9 planets, I think Pluto was denied planethood
08:48 by some professor that was drinking too many expressoes.
08:56 But Pluto is there, whether it's a dot or dust.
09:00 9 planets move around the sun in an anticlockwise manner.
09:04 And so even though the sun is stagnant as the center of our solar system,
09:09 it's moving in the scope and the spectrum of the universe.
09:14 And so we are in Andromeda.
09:17 And as Andromeda moves within the structure of the Milky Way,
09:23 our sun, even though it's a center, it's moving and moving with it.
09:31 Our moon, and I hope there's no howling this week,
09:35 because the moon is about to be full.
09:38 Our moon slips around the earth every 28 days.
09:44 And so as the earth moves around the sun, the sun doesn't say,
09:48 "I can't handle this. I'm checking out. I'm going to my own."
09:52 No, the moon is there because of the earth,
09:57 and the earth moves around the sun in 365 and a quarter days.
10:03 And so on our planet, there is air, land, and sea,
10:06 not to be too technical.
10:08 All of these are in constant movement.
10:12 And so each body housing entities that are moving at varying speeds.
10:20 And so right now, the movement of the air is slower
10:26 because of the refrigerators.
10:30 When it's warmer, the air moves faster.
10:37 And so for all those that are 50 and above, you need the fridge.
10:48 And so it is important to understand that every action creates
10:54 an equal and opposite reaction.
10:58 Before you make a move, in the words of Eric Clapton and his group,
11:04 "Think. Think twice."
11:08 Before you make a move, before you make a move,
11:13 for you to uproot your family and go to a Zealand that's new,
11:21 just remember when you lift your children, if they are...
11:37 for them to establish their lives again is not that easy.
11:43 So before you make that move, Christine, consider all the factors.
11:50 Consider all the factors.
11:53 Slide number eight.
11:55 Life bodies, whatever they are, and manage life forms,
12:04 life bodies and manageable life forms,
12:09 for their bodies to be productive, mechanisms have been put in place
12:15 to release God's will and God's blessings.
12:19 So whatever life body there is, whatever form of life there is,
12:27 it has to be managed.
12:31 A life form cannot live without management.
12:35 It has to be managed. Everything has to be managed.
12:41 A person whose life is out of control is because there's lack of management.
12:48 And so even though we are a church that moves by the Spirit, in the Spirit,
12:55 we manage the service.
13:00 The Holy Spirit has total charge of the service, but we manage the service.
13:05 Because there's some people who have nowhere to go, have nothing to do,
13:09 you can stay here all day, but there's some people that have things to do,
13:13 places to go, food to eat, to cook, phone calls to make.
13:19 Because now in Israel and in the Arab world, today is the business day.
13:26 It's the business day.
13:29 And so a lot of business and stuff is being transacted, etc., etc.
13:34 And so we manage the service.
13:36 We manage certain things, as I'm trying to manage my time.
13:40 So one of the mechanisms that was put in place for Israel,
13:46 for God's blessing to be guaranteed, is the system of the feasts.
13:54 The first feast is the feast of Passover.
13:57 And there's many scriptures, I've chosen Deuteronomy 16,
13:59 "Three times a year shall all your males appear before the Lord."
14:04 Say "appear."
14:06 It's like people who miss church, suddenly they just appear.
14:09 So the Lord says, especially for men, who don't go to church regularly,
14:13 "Three times a year you have to appear."
14:15 Look at the man's hair, "You have to appear."
14:18 You have to appear.
14:21 You have to appear.
14:22 "Three times a year shall the males appear before the Lord, your God,
14:27 in the place which He will choose,
14:30 in the feast of unleavened bread," which is the feast of Passover,
14:35 "in the feast of weeks," which is the feast of Pentecost,
14:38 "and in the feast of tabernacles.
14:41 They shall not appear before the Lord empty.
14:44 Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God,
14:49 which He has given you."
14:54 So there's somebody that's going to give a dollar, that's all you have.
14:58 But I don't expect in the right to give a dollar.
15:01 Give me a break.
15:03 Gotta stretch the little things.
15:06 Great word I heard about that.
15:08 So people on the front row, you cannot be dollar people.
15:13 Just point at the people on the front row, including the ushers there.
15:19 And so you are expected, front row,
15:25 to do more and to give more.
15:28 And so God then puts in place
15:32 three specific times when three specific offerings are expected of the men.
15:39 At the feast of Passover, which is unleavened bread,
15:41 the feast of Pentecost, which is weeks,
15:44 and the feast of tabernacles.
15:46 All of these feasts, men have to appear.
15:51 So Palm Sunday, which is today,
15:57 is the beginning of the feast season in Israel.
16:02 Next week is Easter, it's resurrection Sunday.
16:07 So Palm Sunday begins what is called the feast of unleavened bread.
16:12 So these three feasts in Israel are Passover, Pentecost, weeks, tabernacles.
16:16 Passover consists of three feasts, unleavened bread, Passover, first fruits.
16:20 Unleavened bread, Passover, first fruits.
16:23 So today, today, unleavened bread begins.
16:30 And then 50 days from Passover is Pentecost.
16:35 Pentecost.
16:37 And then in the seventh month of the new calendar, which is the Jewish calendar,
16:42 the feast starts with Rosh Hashanah, which is the blowing of the trumpets,
16:46 followed by Yom Kippur, the feast of atonement,
16:50 and then by the feast of tabernacles, 11.
16:56 The feast of unleavened bread, which is this one,
16:59 each household was to physically remove yeast or leaven from their places of habitation.
17:07 Yeast in the Bible is a type of sin which moves slowly and sadly
17:11 until it overtakes and overcomes the entire entity.
17:16 So my mother used to make ginger beer.
17:20 Ginger beer in my mother's house was not allowed for those 16 years and below,
17:29 because that ginger beer was like Skokie and Chamoré.
17:32 You drink that ginger beer, you just, you start cross-eyed like this.
17:38 And so of course when you tell a child, "Don't drink the ginger beer," of course.
17:44 And so unlike Dr. Ned, who said he's never drank alcohol in his life,
17:48 I was on ginger beer from when I was a little boy.
17:51 My father used to do what is called home brew, which was making beer at home.
17:56 It was basically like a 30-day process.
17:59 My father was tasting every day, so by the time the beer was mature,
18:03 there was nothing left in the shoe.
18:06 Of course we as young boys were helping him taste.
18:12 And so the thing that causes a thing to ferment was yeast,
18:17 because yeast has a swelling ability.
18:22 And so on Palm Sunday, which is today,
18:26 it was a needful exercise for every household to physically,
18:33 not mentally, physically go to every room to ensure that there was no yeast in the room.
18:40 Even a crumb of bread that was made the day before,
18:44 and yeast was used, yeast was used for that bread that had to be removed from the house.
18:52 Because when the Lord came to check on the house,
18:56 if there was any yeast, there would be great judgment unleashed,
18:59 but also there would be blessing that would be prohibited.
19:03 A little bit of yeast can prohibit your blessing.
19:07 So in Exodus 12 and verse 15,
19:10 "Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread."
19:13 That means from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday,
19:17 unleavened bread, bread with no yeast.
19:21 That's like eating roti, which of course Helen and my people don't mind at all.
19:28 And of course mom's people, we don't mind at all.
19:32 It's bread with no yeast.
19:35 And so he says, "You shall eat unleavened bread,
19:38 even the first day you shall put away leaven out of your houses.
19:44 For whosoever eats leavened bread from the first day until the seventh,
19:50 that soul shall be cut off from Israel."
20:01 So mistakes are not tolerated.
20:10 There's no provision for a mistake or an error.
20:15 In other words, your soul salvation,
20:18 your blessing is in a category of a deliberate act or action.
20:26 Brian, a deliberate action.
20:31 Salvation is a deliberate action.
20:33 After the second service today, there will be a baptism.
20:37 As many as 40 are going to be baptized today.
20:40 That's a person making a decision to be immersed in water for the remission of their sins.
20:46 It's a deliberate action.
20:49 And should you be here and you have not been baptized,
20:52 I would really admonish you and encourage you to go and sign up, get some counseling, get baptized.
20:59 Because that soul will be cut off from Israel.
21:03 If you are harboring secret sin, a private life, a big house, a small house, a kaya,
21:10 whatever habitation, a mud hut, and a little something there on the side,
21:16 a little stable, whether it's vegetarian, non-vegetarian, all of that, all of that is going to come to your life.
21:25 You will be cut off from God's supply line.
21:30 The major mover is God.
21:33 You are the lesser mover.
21:36 God wants to get blessing to you, but there are conditions that have been specified for that blessing.
21:44 And so we begin with Palm Sunday, which is the feast of unleavened bread.
21:48 These seven days are really important, where we deliberately focus on things that plague us and hurt us.
21:57 Unleavened bread is a decision path where I know I have a weakness.
22:06 I know I have a struggle.
22:08 Oh, by the way, you guys didn't tell me you were wearing green.
22:13 You know I was tormented in Cape Town looking for this green shirt.
22:16 I was absolutely, ask Tammy, I was absolutely tormented,
22:20 only to find that the Lord wanted me to be in sync with everybody.
22:23 So all the pinkies, I don't know where you guys, what memo you got.
22:31 And so the point that I'm making here is that for the blessing of God to be released in your life,
22:37 even though God is a blesser, there are several conditions that must be in place.
22:42 So the feast of unleavened bread with the story that we're reading, Palm Sunday, which is today,
22:49 there are decisions that you have to take.
22:51 So watch me now.
22:53 Watch me now as we start coming to a slow land.
22:57 Jesus understands that he's on his way to be crucified.
23:02 And so this Palm Sunday, to fulfill the scriptures, he's going to call for a donkey to be given.
23:13 And so in the course of that week, three days after Palm Sunday,
23:18 he's going to raise Lazarus from the dead, which is chapter number 11 of the book of John.
23:24 In chapter 12, he rides in Jerusalem on this colt.
23:30 And so why a donkey?
23:33 Several reasons. It's stubborn, it's obdurant, it's immovable.
23:40 You know, if you drive to Belial, I'm just telling you now, after Bembisi,
23:45 slow all the way down because you are going to see certain entities,
23:51 I won't say government entities, standing on the road that refuse to move.
23:58 A huge truck carrying 40 tons.
24:03 The donkey's like, "Teach me, Ram."
24:09 And they won't move. They will not move.
24:13 You can go right up to there and hoot, hoot, hoot.
24:16 They'll just look at you and say.
24:20 Either you go around or you stay here until Tam Bahama.
24:28 And so the donkey is going to represent human will.
24:35 I watch people in church.
24:38 This morning I was typing, I was trying to read the Spirit,
24:41 but I watch people in church.
24:42 There are people here, no matter how powerful the Holy Spirit is moving,
24:47 you can see that will, that human will.
24:50 They refuse, I don't even know why you come to church,
24:53 refuse to be moved.
25:00 You're like Angelina Jolie.
25:07 No matter what Imelda was going to do today, which was incredible,
25:11 or Towe, which was in cred.
25:16 No matter what they would do today,
25:19 that human will is like, "What could you do better than that?"
25:24 I heard Kaia sing that, he sang it better than you.
25:27 Israel always did the song better.
25:29 That's human will.
25:31 And so what human will is, human will is in the same category as a donkey.
25:37 That donkey is tied by a door where two ways meet.
25:43 You must allow your minds to change.
25:47 You know, I'm very grateful that,
25:49 Chich and I are very grateful that our mom is with us,
25:55 and we're also grateful that we have grandchildren.
25:59 So we sing a song, "Here I Am Stuck in the Middle with You."
26:04 So we've got an older generation who does things a certain way,
26:11 puts salt in the food before the food is even pupuring,
26:15 and we have a younger generation who have on their doorpost as you come in,
26:20 "Remember Lot's Wife."
26:25 And so we find ourselves in the middle.
26:28 And so we are affected by an older generation of thinking,
26:33 and we are affected by a new way of doing,
26:37 which is necessary thinking.
26:41 So it becomes important.
26:43 I'm talking about Amelia.
26:44 I'm not talking about my kids.
26:45 I'm talking about Amelia.
26:46 I'm talking about Aurora, Idris and Eden.
26:50 They do things in a totally different way.
26:52 Idris is basically reading at barely three.
27:00 Reading.
27:01 He can spell Tyrannosaurus Rex.
27:08 And, of course, this is attributed to Cochamelon.
27:16 And so what you have here is that human will is shaped by environment,
27:22 by circumstances, by generations, by individuals.
27:27 I prayed for somebody in Cape Town.
27:31 Their dad died when they were three months old
27:35 and asked me to be their dad, happily so.
27:40 But their life has been shaped by absentee fathers.
27:46 The church we preach for Bethel in Cape Town,
27:49 I was asking Bishop Jimmy Francis,
27:54 as you come out of the gate, there's like streetlights and cables,
28:02 and along the streetlights there were trainers, shoes, running shoes,
28:08 hanging there.
28:10 So I said to him in Afrikaans, "Wat me kier? What dat?"
28:16 So I said, in other words, "What's up with that?"
28:19 He said, "No, that there is marking the gang territory."
28:24 He said, "This area here pointed out houses."
28:27 He said, "That house is a major drug lord."
28:30 And shared a story how there was a drug lord that had come out of prison.
28:35 He was in prison for 20 years. He got parole, came out.
28:38 The day after, he was shot 16 times by a generation after his
28:47 because he shot the generation after his shot their father.
28:53 And so you have revenge killing.
28:55 So people are shaped by their environment.
28:59 Your home is an environment.
29:02 You are shaping your children.
29:04 Non-shaping is shaping.
29:07 Non-deliberate is deliberate.
29:09 Because you are producing a champion or you are producing a monster.
29:13 So you have to be very determined as to what your culture in your home,
29:20 your culture in this church, your culture in the country, what that will be.
29:28 Because it shapes individuals.
29:31 And without a word of a lie,
29:34 almost every place we went in Cape Town,
29:38 the hotel, restaurant, the mall, Kufamba says everywhere,
29:45 full of people from Zimbabwe.
29:51 And they were scandaling about us.
29:52 Tammy was there listening.
29:53 They were talking about us and da-da-da.
29:56 And Tammy was giving us a little bit of interpretation.
30:00 And so I then said,
30:02 "Please tell them that Bishop said your tip has been cut to one-tenth."
30:10 And so one lady then came to me and said,
30:12 "You know what?
30:14 A man of God would like to come home, but --"
30:20 And of course when they say that,
30:22 it's attributed to a certain condition that has caused them to leave,
30:26 whether it's political, whether it's domestic,
30:30 may have lost a mother, a father, a job, whatever the case might be.
30:35 The reason they are there is because something has happened to affect their environment.
30:42 It's so important.
30:44 We're complaining, coming out of Cape Town, because the cabin of the plane was so cold,
30:48 and they said, "We can't change the environment for one passenger."
30:54 So we do a neutral environment to bless all those who need blankets when it's hot
31:02 and who don't need sheets when it's cold.
31:07 So this donkey now, tied by a door, tend to never say, "Release your will."
31:14 Say, "Release your will."
31:17 "Release your will."
31:18 "Release your will."
31:19 "Don't be stubborn."
31:21 "Release your will."
31:23 It won't hurt you to listen to your children and your grandchildren,
31:27 but in turn they must listen to you.
31:31 There are people that want certain songs to be sung,
31:36 certain messages to be preached,
31:38 certain people to be preaching.
31:41 "Release your will,"
31:43 because you are tying your will to the door,
31:50 where two ways meet.
31:52 What are these two ways?
31:53 I could spend all day with this.
31:55 The two ways are firstly good and evil.
31:58 When I would do good, evil is there.
32:00 Right and wrong, light and darkness, right and unrighteous,
32:02 spirit carnal, spiritual natural, heavenly demonic.
32:07 The stubbornness of the unclean animal, the donkey,
32:12 had to be redeemed by a lamb.
32:15 And because of time, and because we don't have time to delve into this,
32:19 the Bible required everything that comes out of the womb,
32:23 the first one that comes out of the womb belongs to God.
32:28 So I'm the oldest, I belong to God.
32:30 Jane's the oldest, she belongs to God.
32:33 Eden's the oldest, she belongs to God.
32:36 That doesn't mean that the rest of you that are beneath you don't belong to God,
32:39 you belong to God.
32:40 But as is with the first, so is the second.
32:43 And so a lamb was required to redeem everything.
32:51 So tithing is not 10%.
32:54 No, tithing is the first tenth.
32:58 Why the first?
32:59 Because if you pay your tithes after you have paid all your bills,
33:04 my vingeray doesn't take faith to do that.
33:07 But he takes faith from the first tenth.
33:12 So then tithing then becomes a work of faith,
33:15 and not an obligation of a law.
33:19 So as soon as I get any earnings, I take the tenth off first.
33:25 I don't consider expenses and bills.
33:27 That's when that becomes a work of faith,
33:30 believing that the 90% will perform at a level of 120%.
33:37 And so the unclean animal orbit is, there are many,
33:45 again, it's just time.
33:47 A cow is a clean animal,
33:50 because its foot splits the roof and it chews the cud.
33:57 A camel was an unclean animal,
34:00 because it was irregular in terms of the way it was built.
34:04 A lamb or a sheep is a clean animal,
34:08 because it eats grass.
34:10 A goat is an unclean animal,
34:12 because a goat will eat anything.
34:14 If you leave your weave on the fence, the goat will eat your weave.
34:18 A goat eats anything.
34:22 So sheep and goats,
34:24 that's why the Antichrist spirit is the spirit of a goat.
34:26 It will throw anything at your life.
34:29 And so a donkey is the category of an unclean animal.
34:33 So if your favorite donkey gives birth to a colt,
34:39 that colt, if you want to keep it,
34:43 you have to give a lamb in the place of the colt.
34:49 If you don't give a lamb,
34:51 the donkey's neck has to be broken.
34:55 Scripture tells us that.
34:57 And so the scripture is in chapter whatever, somewhere.
35:07 Somewhere in the reading there.
35:09 The Bible says that when a donkey or an ass is birthed,
35:14 if you don't have a lamb in place, love more,
35:17 for that donkey, you have to break the donkey's neck.
35:23 Stay with me.
35:24 So in essence, in essence,
35:27 there are many people in this service today.
35:30 You are living in a broken neck house.
35:34 You are driving a broken neck car.
35:37 You are functioning with broken neck finances.
35:41 Because you have not redeemed what is unclean.
35:45 See, money, have you got a note?
35:48 Just a quick note.
35:49 I've got mine in an envelope.
35:51 Just a note, anyone.
35:54 Don't flash the note, just a note.
35:56 Just a note.
35:58 Five is the number of grace.
36:02 This is unclean.
36:04 It's the spirit of mammon.
36:07 It's the spirit of mammon.
36:09 We need it.
36:10 It's for exchange purposes.
36:12 For exchange purposes.
36:15 So I give you this, you give me a product.
36:20 It's for exchange.
36:21 But generally, it's unclean.
36:23 You cannot serve God and money.
36:27 Money is here to serve the purpose of God,
36:31 the purpose of your life.
36:34 That's what it's here for.
36:36 And so, for you to cause this to be clean,
36:40 you owe God 50 cents from this one.
36:43 To cleanse this, to cleanse it.
36:47 That's the purpose for the chigume, the tithing.
36:50 That's the purpose of it.
36:52 It's to cleanse the whole process.
36:55 And I'll deal with tithing at some other point.
36:57 And so here, this donkey that was born in Bethany,
37:04 it was supposed to have its neck broken.
37:09 To save the donkey's life,
37:12 a lamb had to be given for the donkey.
37:16 A better lamb than the lamb of God,
37:19 who takes away what?
37:21 The stubbornness, the sin of the world.
37:24 So this donkey is tied by the door of opportunity.
37:29 You can't go any further beyond the door of opportunity
37:33 if you insist on having an obdurate, stubborn mind
37:38 based on Adamic thinking.
37:41 Quickly, Tanashi, give me this.
37:42 You cannot.
37:44 And so Jesus said to his disciples, too,
37:48 he needed a witness,
37:49 "Go to the city.
37:51 When you get to the door, the place of permission,
37:55 you will find human will, as stubborn as it is,
37:59 tied where two ways meet,
38:03 the spirit world and the natural world.
38:06 Your job now is to untie human will.
38:10 Bring it to me so I can sit on it
38:16 and direct it.
38:18 Your life is nothing without Jesus.
38:22 If Jesus isn't riding your world,
38:24 you are in serious trouble.
38:26 Jesus first or nothing.
38:30 And so the people then,
38:32 the people, when they heard that Jesus was riding on a donkey,
38:38 going to Jerusalem,
38:40 they got palms.
38:43 If you go to Exodus,
38:46 chapter number 15 and 16,
38:48 when the children of Israel left Egypt,
38:51 a type of sin,
38:53 and they were on their way now to the promised land,
38:57 they came to a place called Elam,
39:00 the place of healing,
39:02 where there were 70 palms
39:07 and 12 springs.
39:10 You cannot possess your promised land
39:13 without the palms.
39:14 The palm is the tree of peace.
39:18 You can't go forward in your life
39:21 if you do not exhibit peace in your life.
39:25 So watch this, Jesus is crucified.
39:28 When he appears before his disciples,
39:31 the first thing he does,
39:33 he shows them his palms
39:35 and says, "Peace, peace."
39:39 And so turn to you three people
39:42 and say, "Peace come on you."
39:45 Turn to the people and say, "Peace come on you."
39:49 Sisters and brothers,
39:51 today is Palm Sunday.
39:55 We're giving you a chance
39:57 to let Jesus ride your life.
40:01 Jesus be the center of my life.
40:06 Direct my paths and direct my ways.
40:10 Give three ladies a high five.
40:12 Say your man is Jesus.
40:15 Say your man is Jesus.
40:17 If you need a real man in your life,
40:20 find Jesus.
40:23 In the name of Jesus,
40:24 I'm expecting Jesus to direct every life here today.
40:30 It's Palm Sunday
40:32 and I'm looking for Jesus to come.
40:35 And so I'm raising my palms
40:38 and I'm saying, "Lord, you're about to give your palms
40:42 in place of my palms."
40:45 And so I willingly offer you
40:48 the sacrifice of praise.
40:51 I have to be nailed to the cross
40:54 because of my sins,
40:56 but I don't need to be nailed to the cross
40:59 because you're taking my sins.
41:02 If you look at my hands,
41:05 you won't see nail prints there,
41:08 but I lift up my hands
41:10 as a sacrifice unto the Lord.
41:14 The Bible says, "Where two or three
41:17 are gathered together in my name,
41:20 there am I in the midst of them."
41:23 So when you raise your palms,
41:26 a hand with palms that has holes in it
41:30 will come and stand where you are
41:33 and touch your life.
41:36 The higher you raise your palms,
41:38 the better the blessing comes on your life.
41:42 If you will say, "Lord Jesus,
41:47 take my will,
41:49 take my thoughts,
41:52 and ride on them."
41:55 I can't go to Jerusalem
41:57 with an old mindset.
41:59 I can't go to Jerusalem
42:02 with my weight tied by a dog.
42:04 I can't go to Jerusalem
42:06 to the Feast of Resurrection.
42:09 If I don't remove the leaven,
42:11 a donkey will rule my life.
42:14 Stubbornness will be my way.
42:17 Stubbornness is as the sin of
42:21 idolatry.
42:31 Stand with me.
42:33 Saul offered a sacrifice.
42:39 He used his will
42:43 against the Lord.
42:45 Samuel came to him and said,
42:47 "What did you do?"
42:49 Saul said, "I made myself do it."
42:57 Samuel said, "Rebellion is as the sin of
43:04 and stubbornness
43:09 is the sin of idolatry."
43:11 You know why?
43:17 Because you raise your will, Michelle,
43:20 and you expect everybody to come
43:22 and worship your will.
43:24 It's idolatry.
43:27 Idolatry.
43:31 Father, I pray for your blessing
43:32 on every woman and every man.
43:35 It is our spiritual right to be blessed.
43:40 You are the greater, we are the lesser.
43:44 Unlock our lives, our spirits.
43:47 Create a doorway for us.
43:50 Grant us great peace and great blessing.
44:00 Slide number 15.
44:04 There will always be doors.
44:05 Say that.
44:08 Say that again.
44:10 Say that another time.
44:13 Come guys.
44:14 There will always be doors.
44:15 Always be doors.
44:18 There are doors that are closed.
44:21 The donkey was tied by a door.
44:22 There will always be doors.
44:26 To wonder there will always be doors.
44:28 Always, always, always, always, always.
44:35 Number two.
44:37 There are doors that are locked.
44:41 In Revelation he told the Philadelphian church,
44:43 I am guaranteeing you an open door.
44:47 In chapter number 16 of the book of Acts,
44:49 the Bible says in verse 25,
44:52 all the doors were opened.
44:56 There are doors that are protected.
45:01 There are doors that are protected.
45:03 Because some doors shouldn't open in your life beforehand.
45:07 You can't handle some things.
45:10 You can't.
45:13 At some point God would have given Adam and Eve a revelation of good and evil.
45:17 At some point.
45:18 That door opened prematurely.
45:21 Couldn't handle it.
45:24 There are doors that are prohibited.
45:27 Prohibited.
45:28 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods, thy neighbor's wife.
45:32 It's prohibited.
45:33 Not allowed.
45:34 No explanation.
45:35 Thou shalt not.
45:39 And then there are doors that are opened.
45:41 I now pray open doors on your life.
45:43 Open doors.
45:45 Open doors.
45:46 Open doors.
45:47 Open doors.
45:48 On every woman, every man, every family.
45:51 Open doors.
45:53 Open doors.
45:54 Can you feel that anointing?
45:55 That anointing.
45:56 Open doors for Zimbabwe, Lord.
45:58 Open doors for our nation.
46:01 People have suffered for too long.
46:04 Struggled for too long.
46:06 Open doors.
46:07 Open doors.
46:08 Open doors.
46:09 So I receive open doors.
46:14 Every person in this room, you are a door.
46:19 Every person, you are a door.
46:27 Jesus said, "I am the door."
46:30 He never said, "I am a door."
46:32 I am the door.
46:35 Every person in the room is a door.
46:40 And you can open your door for somebody to get an opportunity.
46:45 Father, I thank you for every door in the room.
46:48 I pray for blessing on every room.
46:51 In the name of Jesus, we submit this message to you on this Palm Sunday.
46:58 Receive these, our gifts.
47:04 Amen.
47:12 I was watching a news program this morning.
47:17 And there are several coffee houses in the United States in Starbucks shops.
47:23 They've done away with human beings now.
47:26 They have AI instruments, tools that actually make your coffee.
47:32 You phone in, you want an Americano, there's a robot that's making your coffee.
47:39 They said, "There are too many people that are being abused by the public.
47:42 People come in and shout, 'You put too much sugar.
47:45 It's not strong enough.
47:46 You didn't put enough sugar.'"
47:48 So now you can't shout at a robot.
47:52 So now there's a challenge of levels of unemployment.
47:56 Regardless of that, our God is making way for you.
48:00 Every door, lift up your gate, lift up your heads, all your gates.
48:06 Be lifted up, you.
48:08 Be lifted up, you everlasting.
48:11 You are an everlasting door.
48:13 Every everlasting door, raise your hands.
48:16 Father, write my life, write my will.
48:19 Untie my mind, untie my thought pattern.
48:22 Happy to think like mom, happy to think like Eden and Idris, Melia, Aurora.
48:27 Untie my mind, write on my life.
48:30 Bless every woman, every man.
48:32 [speaking in foreign language]
48:34 [applause]
48:40 [music]
