• last year
Naz (Sinem Ünsal) is a recent graduate of the police academy and lives with her uncle and her mother, a protective character. The police department, which is in pursuit of a mafia boss named Tarık Koşuoğlu (Tardu Flordun), decides to use Naz and a crazy police officer Pamir (Halit Özgür Sarı) together on an undercover mission. Pamir and Naz will move across the street from the mafia family's house like a newly married couple, gain Tarik Koşuoğlu's trust, and bring him to justice…

Cast: Sinem Ünsal, Halit Özgür Sarı, Tardu Flordun, Bülent Emrah Parlak, Şinasi Yurtsever, Ece Dizdar, Selçuk Borak, İdris Nebi Taşkan, Emrullah Çakay, Fulden Akyürek, Erşan Utku Ölmez, Hasan Elmas ve Şebnem Sönmez


#Undercover #sinemünsal #HalitÖzgürSarı


00:00 Oh, Ms. Naz, you've started your shift early.
00:04 Couldn't you sleep well last night?
00:05 What shift?
00:07 I'm lying to the woman's face.
00:11 And she's lying to me.
00:13 My uncle?
00:14 My uncle is already making a fuss about lies.
00:17 Was your uncle at home?
00:19 He was.
00:20 Did he say "chef" at the restaurant?
00:22 Why?
00:23 You don't know my uncle.
00:26 Although I don't know him that well.
00:28 He's a bit different.
00:29 His goals are always high.
00:31 He says "I became a chef as a waitress."
00:34 "I became a police chief as a guard."
00:37 He's become a security guard in the club next to his summer house.
00:42 Oh my God.
00:44 What are we going to do now?
00:46 Where is Pamir?
00:48 He'll show up, don't worry.
00:50 He's stubborn, he won't give up.
00:53 He'll get his job done.
00:54 You just relax.
00:57 Relax?
00:59 How can I relax?
01:01 Since Pamir came into my life, I'm not...
01:05 ...a peaceful girl anymore.
01:07 The more he tells me to calm down, the more I become restless.
01:12 The more he tells me to trust him, the more I'm afraid.
01:27 What?
01:28 Is there anything you want to tell me?
01:34 Like what?
01:37 I mean...
01:39 ...like being impressed.
01:43 Pamir?
01:48 Pamir?
01:50 Pamir...
01:52 Pamir likes himself.
01:53 He's a smart, intelligent guy.
01:56 He's always on trips.
01:58 Pamir.
01:59 Let's not talk about trips.
02:03 Do you really think I'll be impressed by Pamir?
02:08 Can't you?
02:09 I'm writing here.
02:11 Don't write there.
02:13 Write in your mind.
02:15 Write in your mind so that I won't talk.
02:17 I'm writing.
02:19 Okay.
02:20 I'm writing here.
02:21 Don't write.
02:21 I wrote.
02:22 Don't write, come on.
02:23 Do you know what I like the most in this life?
02:27 We'll see.
02:29 Let's see.
02:33 I got orange juice.
02:36 Is Pamir here?
02:45 Is Pamir here?
02:48 No.
02:50 [phone ringing]
02:53 [keys jingling]
02:55 [phone ringing]
02:57 [keys jingling]
02:59 [phone ringing]
03:01 [phone ringing]
03:03 [keys jingling]
03:05 [phone ringing]
03:07 [keys jingling]
03:09 [phone ringing]
