El problema no es el hambre

  • 6 months ago
El problema no es el hambre
El sociólogo guantanamero Yaser Ravelo opina acerca de las protestas en Cuba y las causas que provocan la difícil situación en la que se encuentra la isla. “Nuestro enemigo es el sistema comunista”, asegura Ravelo.
Testimonio exclusivo de Yaser Ravelo para ADN Cuba


00:00 First of all, I greet and respect all the people who listen to me in the world, in Cuba, and anywhere, please.
00:07 I see it well to talk again on the networks, on other things, on the protests that are taking place right now in Cuba.
00:19 First of all, I want to say that I feel pleasure to hear those protests, I feel respect for the people who manifest, who give their opinion.
00:32 Because my dream is to have a country of freedoms, a country of democracy, with democracy.
00:40 So what happens? First of all, I explain my respect for all the people, for me all the protests are important, all are important.
00:52 Even the protests with the heart, because there are people who do not have the right to go to the streets, there are people who do not put up a sign,
01:03 there are people who do not vote, there are simple ways to protest, but they do it from their heart.
01:10 With those people I also thank them and support them, because we also need people with a heart for my country.
01:18 Now, I think that those protests are often being directed more by the security agencies, we have to be very careful about that.
01:28 Let's see, Cubans, please, Cubans who listen to me in Cuba and in the rest of the world, we cannot act like hungry dogs.
01:40 We are talking about hunger, we are talking about current, we look like beggars begging.
01:48 We have to understand that our problem is not hunger, it is not the current, it is not bread, it is the system of government that does not work.
02:00 In other words, what works for what does not work. It is a system of government that works like this, it is not that it does not work, it is that it works like this.
02:11 Everyone works for one person, for one caste, for one family.
02:21 A few days ago Maduro said, the surnames, no, here there is only one surname, the rest are beggars, starting from the president and ending up with the last person.
02:32 We are asking for food, it is not food, we have to ask for freedom, we have to ask for democracy, we have to ask for values, we have to ask for dignity.
02:45 These are the things, the only premises that make a society fruitful, that a society manages to transcend, that a society manages to emancipate itself.
02:59 It is not for food, because if you are hungry, they give you a plate of food and they calm your hunger.
03:06 Dog, and we are not dogs, we are very glorious Cubans.
03:11 And I explain to them, I respect them, I respect them with a deep heart, all the people who manifest themselves, I respect them and support them.
03:20 My way of thinking, very soon I am going to call for a march to Havana, because that has to be the solution, a march to Havana to claim democracy,
03:35 to claim that this system has to fade, it has to stop, it has to stop thinking about existing for posterity, especially things, to pre-worry in our minds, in our lives.
03:51 This government has tied us to hunger, misery and terror.
03:55 I explain this to you because we are acting like slaves, the slaves of when the colony thought that their enemies were the machines,
04:08 it was the trapiche, it was the cart, it was the machine tool, it was their enemy.
04:21 No, they did not understand that their enemy was not the tool, it was the owner, but not the owner either, it was the system that allowed the owner to enslave them, to exploit them.
04:35 That is our enemy, our enemy is the communist system, which is a plague that manifests hunger, misery and terror.
04:44 People ask for food because they have no courage to ask for something else, because they feel terror.
04:51 It is not because they do not know, because they really do. I am convinced that our Cubans, my Cubans, we think and we know that the problem is not having five pesos or having a plate of food,
05:03 the problem is that the laws that they put on us are laws that ridicule us, they are anti-Cuban laws, they are laws that are against our lives, our personal structure.
05:15 And while there are these kinds of laws, we will not progress.
05:19 While they feel that we are their property, Cuba will not be a Cuba of social progress, it will never be.
05:30 This sociologist says it with the most modest intention.
05:37 At this time, I would also like to say, it has been good to take your breakfast, about the tweet issued by the US Embassy in Cuba.
05:48 A nation that has always been a leading nation in the world, a nation that is democratic, that believes in democracy, a nation that accepts everyone and leads them to make their dreams and people greater.
06:08 What does it do to people? Great people. Unfortunately, our nation is not like that.
06:14 I was not lucky enough to read the tweet personally, but what I have heard, I do not feel it at the level of that great nation.
06:25 I do not feel it committed to our Cuban population, to the population that is dying, that is suffering.
06:32 Because they should have committed more to us and not let themselves be intimidated by these communist bastards.
06:46 Excuse me the word please.
06:49 They should be a little more intransigent with them, because they are abusing their people.
06:57 You have seen, Mr. Ambassador of the US Embassy, you have seen the positions that those officers, so to speak, the gendarmerie of this system, in the protests.
07:13 That many times those protests are guided by the security agencies, believe me that, they are guided by them.
07:18 Because they are bread and butter protests, those protests do not ask for political change.
07:23 And the Cuban population asks for political change. Everyone does it, in one way or another.
07:29 We all do it, we ask for political change.
07:33 Because all Cubans are waking up and seeing that our problem is not bread and butter in the current.
07:39 It is that politics works, but it works badly.
07:43 Communism is a caste system, it is not a system linked to its people, it is not a system that has to do with the emancipation of its people, of its people.
07:55 It does not look socially to develop anything or anyone.
08:02 It always seeks to have in misery, to absolute in misery, to distribute misery.
08:07 It is the only thing it seeks, because it is the best way to keep a people in control.
08:14 I'm not going to say manipulated, because I don't believe in manipulation.
08:17 What these communists talk about manipulation, what you do, no, I don't believe in manipulation.
08:22 Because in the end, as a sociologist, as the worst of all, as I always explain to my friends,
08:28 I don't believe, I believe that the human being is a being that in the end he is the one who chooses, he is the one who chooses.
08:39 I think that yes, everything has to do with life, everything, you are part of the medium, you mimic with it.
08:46 But you are also a component of that medium, an intrinsic component.
08:53 It is not mimicked at all.
08:56 So I think they should go a little further.
09:00 In fact, we should do an international campaign where we can take all these leaders to international courts of justice.
09:12 Criminalize it, expose it, denounce it for the crimes of that humanity that they commit against the Cuban people.
09:22 How they make us live in terror.
09:27 And they are not terrorists.
09:29 And what is that?
09:31 If you are terrorists, you end the Cubans, you end life, you end the children.
09:38 You have risen above our flag, above our shield, above our anthem.
09:46 You have risen above it.
09:48 And I say the other part out of respect for you, Internet users, because imagine what a Cuban says apart from that.
09:56 So I believe that you Cubans from here, Cubans from there, this is fundamentally for you.
10:05 Please, come there one year, one day, come to have a beer, come to have a drink.
10:11 That is not a human being's attitude.
10:14 You had to go at the cost of your own life, at the cost of your own well-being, at the cost of losing very important relationships in your life.
10:23 See your children grow up, see your brothers die, see your mother face diseases.
10:29 Please come to celebrate, to celebrate that, please.
10:33 To celebrate that you are not ashamed, that there is nothing to celebrate here.
10:38 Here if you come, come to promote a change in your country.
10:44 Come to look for what you had to go out with a rat fleeing to the other in your country.
10:50 Come to that.
10:51 Do not come to celebrate, there is nothing to celebrate here.
10:53 And the Cubans who are there, the U.S. government should be a little more crude with them,
10:59 since the Cuban communist system that loves us so much speaks of the Cuban Adjustment Law.
11:05 Please remove it.
11:07 You remove it and it is like covering the exhaust valve of this system.
11:13 Once no one can go out to look for anything or bring anything, you will see that the system will only explode.
11:19 Because that's what happens, it's biologically, chemically, physically, the natural physical result of things.
11:28 If you put pressure on a pot, you cover the valve, the pot will explode.
11:34 And the Cuban has become, I don't know, in fact, it is that communism needs no decorum.
11:41 Why? So that everyone says the color they want.
11:45 So that everyone listens to the words they want.
11:48 So that everyone expresses what they want.
11:50 That's what they want.
11:51 And in truth, many times they do not agree with those words.
11:54 But since they are prostitutes of character, they say it, that easy.
12:00 And I don't think that's the opinion, my Cuban brothers.
12:05 I don't think that's the situation.
12:07 We must commit to healing our families, our homeland.
12:13 You can send 100, 200, 500 thousand dollars.
12:18 You have calculated how much your mother or father can do with that money.
12:26 However, in a country where you earn it in very few hours of work, in very few days, you do a thousand times more than here.
12:34 It means that they are exploiting you too.
12:37 They are massacring your money.
12:39 They are doing the same thing they do to us.
12:43 They are making you miserable.
12:48 They are abusing themselves in the same way they abuse us.
12:51 But many times that money is sent to those police officers.
12:57 Who go out to repress the people who want something different.
13:02 That they do it in a very peaceful way.
13:04 Because the way when it is not peaceful, it is the security organs that penetrate us.
13:09 If they penetrate us, remember that we are working against people who play chess.
13:15 As I always explain, people who have a system, a whole paraffin,
13:23 in function of repression, in function of terror, in function of the subjugation of the masses.
13:30 We are not talking about little.
13:32 The power, as I always explain, the hegemonic power is very important in the guide of the crowds.
13:43 Yes, it is very important because biologically we are made to live in crowds.
13:49 Yes, and to comply with the rules.
13:51 Yes, he does.
13:52 Biologically we are made, we are predestined in that way and he abuses it very well.
13:56 Those Cubans who go there and dare to defend this caste of improprieties,
14:05 to give a name to what is communism in Cuba.
14:09 Please, those Cubans, be ashamed and please the U.S. government,
14:14 the same thing that the Cuban government does to us,
14:18 talk to them, get on a plane and send it.
14:21 If you want to defend Cuba, go to Cuba to defend it there.
14:25 Why? Because they are looking for remittances for whom?
14:28 For the Cuban government, which in the end is the one who stays with everything.
14:33 What happened to Gil, that's a shame, that's a disgrace,
14:36 that's what everyone knows, that's how they are.
14:39 Because to serve in communism, the first thing you have to do is not serve.
14:45 The people who do not serve are the only ones who can serve a dictatorial system.
14:51 The corrupt people by nature, the shameless people, opportunists, calculators,
14:57 a person of honor, of prestige, with dignity, communism does not serve.
15:01 Why? Because that person can openly say what he feels and communism does not interest that person.
15:08 Did you understand? My Cubans, please.
15:12 It's nice what they do for us, but they have to look a lot,
15:18 they have to look a lot at how they are doing it.
15:21 The umbrella, sorry to say so, but you are a "bretera".
15:27 So learn, you are Cuban.
15:31 I remember when I hear you speak, I remember many "pro-Batisteanos"
15:36 when Fidel triumphs and they take them prisoner and start shouting and shouting.
15:42 I can imagine you in a little while.
15:44 Let's see, because I want to see you, I need to see you, to see what you are capable of at that moment.
15:50 Where was your audacity, where was your Cubanism, which is not Cubanism,
15:54 because a real Cuban defends his homeland.
15:57 A real Cuban does not let others slaughter him and turn his face and go.
16:01 No, no, a real Cuban loves his homeland.
16:03 Even what Martin said, puts in his homeland,
16:08 makes the first law in his homeland be the cult of man's dignity.
16:13 That has to be our first law, no longer the cult of what others think or what others think,
16:21 because here are others, here is one.
16:23 The problem of Chile is a stupid problem.
16:25 They know very clearly that no minister or anyone in Cuba arrives at the end of the month
16:30 with those opulent lives that they live, those belly buttons that they have,
16:33 those colorful colors that look like lobster,
16:36 with a salary and a food of the winery, they know that it is not like that.
16:40 And I want a free homeland, totally free, a homeland without oppressive, a real homeland.
16:48 That's what I plan for my homeland.
16:51 For more information, visit www.ISGlobal.org
