Grèce: gouvernement Mitsotakis sous motion censure

  • 6 months ago
Le gouvernement grec de Kyriakos Mitsotakis est confronté jeudi à une motion de censure au Parlement, accusé par l'opposition de gauche de dissimuler les responsabilités politiques dans la catastrophe ferroviaire de 2023.
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00:00 The Greek government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis has confronted Thursday a motion of censure
00:04 in Parliament, accused by the opposition on the left of hiding political responsibilities
00:08 in the 2023 railway disaster.
00:11 This motion, proposed by the PASOK socialist party supported in particular by the main
00:16 opposition formation on the left, SYRIZA, has no chance of knocking down the executive.
00:20 Because having 158 seats out of 300, the right-wing party "New Democracy" of the Prime Minister
00:27 holds the absolute majority in the monocameral parliament.
00:30 The vote is expected in the evening after an intervention by Mr Mitsotakis, attacked
00:35 for his judgment-driven management of the collision which had killed 57 on February 28,
00:39 2023 and upset the whole country.
00:41 It will come to a close in two days, and almost overnight, of acrimonious debates during
00:47 which the accusations of incurring and criminal actions have been at the government's
00:51 disposal.
00:52 Public opinion has reached an irrevocable conclusion, your actions aim at a concealment
00:56 of the responsibilities, said Nikos Papas, head of the parliamentary group SYRIZA.
01:01 "You are summoned to give answers," he added.
01:05 "In all scandals, your political choice is to hide the truth," the PASOK leader,
01:12 Nikos Androulakis, also attacked.
01:13 "The unprecedented denigration of the state of law and institutions by the government
01:18 cannot last any longer," he also underlined.
01:20 Destabilize. The deposition of this motion of censorship on Tuesday came after revelations
01:26 in the Dominican newspaper Tuvima affirming that the recordings of conversations between
01:30 the train conductor and the train conductor the evening of the accident were manipulated
01:34 to credit the thesis of human error. The spokesperson for the Prime Minister has strongly denied
01:39 this information and accused the opposition of wanting to destabilize the country. But
01:44 for a year, families of victims and political leaders supported by a part of the civil society
01:49 continue to denounce the serious negligence at the origin of this accident.
01:52 This full-blown collision between a passenger train and a freight convoy has highlighted
01:57 the unacceptable flaws in the security of the Greek railways, according to the text
02:01 of the motion of censorship, and in particular the considerable delays caused by Greece in
02:05 modernizing its signaling systems.
02:08 To the criminal oligarchy, an attempt was made to conceal the case, as criminal and methodical
02:14 as it is, continues the text that describes Mr. Mitsotakis but also the former Minister
02:17 of Transport Kostas Karamanlis who resigned the day after the disaster.
02:22 Intervening in Parliament, the latter, who is also a deputy, assured "I have never
02:28 hidden and I do not hide behind any parliamentary immunity. If someone has real accusations
02:34 against me with evidence, let him stop shouting and let him bring them. I am here, has he
02:40 also launched? "
02:41 For months, the collective of families of the victims, very active, have been demanding
02:46 and demanding the removal of parliamentary immunity from Mr. Karamanlis and his predecessor
02:50 on the left Christos Pirtzi. The opposition on the left has also taken to the parliamentary
02:56 inquiry commission set up after the collision and which, according to it, was instrumentalized
02:59 by the majority in power to serve their objective and hide political responsibilities.
03:04 Dissemination.
03:05 In the European Parliament, the representative of this collective, Maria Karistianou, also
03:12 accused the government of "hiding". More than 30 railway workers have so far
03:17 been prosecuted in this case, but no high-ranking officials.
