Laba Bersih FILM Susut 39%

  • 6 months ago
PT MD Pictures Tbk (FILM) membukukan laba bersih yang dapat diatribusikan kepada pemilik entitas induk sebesar Rp96,64 miliar sepanjang 2023. Capaian ini merosot 39,6% dibandingkan realisasi Rp159,99 miliar pada tahun 2022.


00:00 The PT MD Pictures Tbk company is publishing a clean sheet that can be attributed to the owner of an index entity of 96.64 billion for 2023.
00:11 This achievement is 39.6% higher than the realization of 159.99 billion rupiah in 2022.
00:21 The decline in this clean sheet results in the base share price of the film's emittance decreased from 16.89 shares in 2022 to 10.16 rupiah per share in 2023.
00:35 PT MD Pictures Tbk publishes a clean sheet that can be attributed to the owner of an index entity of 96.64 billion for 2023.
00:47 This achievement is 39.6% higher than the realization of 159.99 billion rupiah in 2022.
00:56 The decline in this clean sheet results in the base share price of the film's emittance decreased from 16.89 shares in 2022 to 10.16 rupiah per share in 2023.
01:10 This condition is in line with the decline in the sales volume of the film last year, which was 15.41% year-on-year.
01:18 In addition, the sales volume of the film has also increased to 139.47 billion rupiah.
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