Abonne toi ! :D
00:00 Well, today we meet again live from the epic of the sum
00:03 because apparently you like to see how drunk we are
00:05 And I can understand that, I also always surprise myself to be so stupid
00:08 Seriously, who knows who screwed me up and who didn't cover it
00:10 So for your great pleasure, we will tell you the story of how we stayed locked up outside
00:14 because of a bottle of muscat
00:15 Kamoulox my guy
00:16 Well, first of all, I think it's important to specify that the only way to enter our apartment
00:20 it's thanks to an electric flywheel, not manual
00:22 Openable from the outside only with keys
00:24 It's a bit the principle of keys, you put them in a lock, you turn, it opens the door
00:28 The keys what, you know the keys?
00:30 We talk about it, we do a podcast on the keys?
00:31 No, I don't think it will be necessary
00:32 So if you lose the keys or you break them, it can happen, we never know
00:36 But you find yourself like a jerk locked up outside
00:38 And that's really annoying when you live inside and not on the terrace
00:42 Well, now that that's clear, we can directly penetrate the anecdote
00:45 This anecdote happened two years ago, at a time when you could still go out at night and enjoy the little pleasures of life
00:51 Sorry if the youngest you don't see what I'm talking about, it was really before the health war
00:54 Wooo, I still had hair at that time
00:56 Basically, every summer in Montpellier, there is a thing called the "Estival"
00:59 It's a place where you can do a little bit what you want, but mainly consume a maximum of wine
01:04 Be careful, alcohol is dangerous for health, I want to clarify it
01:06 Besides, I remember that we had met Dirty Biology
01:08 We recognized him, he didn't recognize us, in short, we met Dirty Biology and he snubbed us
01:12 Besides, here is his upside down head, now on the side, deformed, a sphere
01:15 During this evening, after a few tasting glasses, you know, it's glasses specially for tasting like that
01:19 We realized that wine makes you thirsty because it's not water
01:23 So we said to ourselves, "Hey, wouldn't it be the time to drink a little Musca de Rivezalte?"
01:27 Yeah, I think it's the right time, yes
01:28 No, it didn't solve the water problem, but don't worry, we said to ourselves that it wasn't important at the time
01:31 So, what do we do? Well, we take a Musca de Rivezalte
01:34 Except that I don't know if you noticed, but the bottles are sealed by a mystical object called "cork"
01:39 And this cork, well, you have to remove it to be able to taste the bottle
01:42 Because I don't know if you noticed, swallowing the bottle is not the right way to consume it
01:45 And to open the bottle, well, we need a corkscrew, in fact
01:48 Except that no one under 30 years of age has a corkscrew on them
01:51 What I have is my wallet, my phone, my keys, and sometimes a picture of Emma Watson
01:55 In case I want to hang out in the street, it's illegal, don't do that, you'll end up in jail
01:58 And then we start opening our chakras to find which object would be most likely to be turned into corkscrew
02:02 We quickly realize that Emma Watson's picture won't help, so we decide to take the keys
02:05 So, proud of our idea, we take our keys like that
02:08 Imagine that there are keys there
02:10 We take the bottle, imagine that there is a bottle
02:11 We start to make a lever in the corkscrew like that
02:13 And then the key, you see, it starts to shake a little because in fact it's not made to open bottles
02:18 But to open doors, I don't know if you knew
02:20 But we say to ourselves, "It's okay, we just have to make the movement in the opposite direction and the key will straighten up, it works like that"
02:25 Instead of doing "Iii", you do "Iii" and it's good
02:27 Well, the key breaks, some will say "predictable", others will say "bad luck" and some will say "Photoshop"
02:32 But those are out of the question, ignore them, if you give them importance, they will continue to spam in the comments
02:36 And as we said at the beginning, this key is the only way to get home
02:39 But that, it only works if it's whole
02:42 And there, in the immediate, well, it's rather in two very distinct parts
02:44 And suddenly, we know that when we want to go home, it won't work
02:47 And it's not this asshole from everywhere who will come and bring us another one
02:50 No, he's never there when we need him to do two like that, come help us
02:53 Which makes the atmosphere of the evening go quickly from "Yeah, I love drinking muscado riverzalt with my friends"
02:58 To "Give me a rope that I hang myself for life"
02:59 But at that moment, a friend of ours, hit by a lightning of genius, says to us
03:02 "Hey guys, honestly, my mother's life, I have glue at home, we go 6 months, we glue the key back, we take a corkscrew, we drink the bottle, you can go home, everything is good, it ends well"
03:11 And since it was the only solution that was offered to us, well, it's the solution we made
03:15 And it turned out later that it was a shitty solution
03:18 Because gluing a metal key with glue is like trying to glue a broken tibia with sperm
03:24 Visually, it will do the trick
03:25 But if you try to play football, it's not the ball that will go away, it's your foot that will go straight into the lucarne
03:30 So, at 4am, once the musca and the evening is over, we decide to go home
03:34 Well, that's what I would have said if we hadn't found ourselves locked outside with a piece of key stuck in the lock
03:38 Because yes, gluing the key back, well, it was a shitty idea, the glue didn't hold
03:41 And when we turned it in the lock, well, it stayed stuck in there, which created a feeling of intense loneliness
03:46 Well, right now, we are stuck on the terrace 5 meters from the Holy Grail, our respective beds
03:50 Which means we have a little bit of sleep, yeah
03:52 So, for a few minutes, we try to use our brains to find a solution
03:55 But the problem is that our brains are already sleeping, there are only our bodies that work, everything is an illusion
03:59 So we quickly opted for the voice of No Brain, or use the force
04:02 But be careful, not like Evan McGregor in Star Wars, no, rather like Connor McGregor in his MMA match, brute force, my guy
04:08 So I slipped my fingers under the rolling pin in a cosplay of a cow's foot
04:11 And with the strength of my colossal phalanxes, I lifted the rolling pin very lightly
04:15 But enough for Jean-Mi-Max Cordelage to be able to sneak like a langoustine inside the apartment
04:20 And thus open the rolling pin through the inside switch, clip
04:23 And I can tell you that once inside, well, I had never been so happy to find this 26 square meters totally destroyed
04:28 Well, I was happy for 30 seconds, the time it took me to fall asleep
04:31 Because I was actually dead
04:32 Moral of the story, the human being broke his head to invent utensils corresponding to each situation in life
04:38 So use the right tools, good evening, it's not complicated
04:40 Here, it was another little video where we tell you how we are big shit
04:44 I hope you enjoyed it, if so, manifest yourself in the comments and subscribe to the channel
04:47 If you want more videos of this style, do not hesitate to put a little blue thumb, go check our Instagram, it's fun
04:52 And especially go see our Tipeee, there are lots of super nice counterpart, you'll see, we have fun, wouhouhouhou
04:57 Subscribe !