Solar eclipse to draw record crowd to Niagara Falls

  • 6 months ago
Business owners and short-term renters on the Canadian side of Niagara falls are speeding up preparations to welcome a million people expected to flood the region to experience a rare solar eclipse in the backdrop of the popular destination. - REUTERS
00:00 early spring is usually n
00:04 Niagara Falls. But the sm
00:06 town is bracing for a rec
00:09 excited to see a rare tot
00:12 April eight. We are prepa
00:15 people visiting our city
00:19 Falls Mayor Jim Diodati,
00:22 million people every year
00:26 It's not all at one time.
00:28 that we've ever had. The
00:31 since 1979 in Canada and
00:35 encouraging many people t
00:38 and rentals in advance. T
00:41 is also a plus for local
00:44 owner of Bravo Pizzeria a
00:47 to have a full house for
00:50 long time. We're coming u
00:53 So it's an exciting time.
00:56 Niagara Falls, Niagara on
00:59 has been named as the mos
01:02 Canada for the solar ecli
01:05 physics professor at the
01:07 It's an outdoor experienc
01:10 want to share with your f
01:14 for sure. Uh, you know, I
01:18 feeling of the sun's gone
01:21 something that that's been
01:24 to see the stars come out
01:27 something that my kids wi
01:29 whole lives. The next tot
01:34 United States isn't expec
01:37 isn't expected until 2044.
