Call of duty Modern Warfare remastered gameplay part 10/ shock and awe

  • 6 months ago
00:00 [Music]
00:13 Marines, we have a possible fix on Al-Assad of the capital city. First battalion is on the move.
00:18 Intel gathered by SAS indicates that Al-Assad may have a Russian warhead. Speed is critical.
00:24 S-teams have been deployed to the area. Force Recon and Wild Cross operators have taken out most of the air defenses.
00:29 But Al-Assad's ground forces still pose a serious threat.
00:33 Looks like we're bulleted into their radar shot.
00:36 Intent Al-Assad, you end this war right here, right now.
00:40 Lock and load, Marines.
00:41 [Music]
00:53 In formation. Approaching objective. 30 seconds.
00:56 [Music]
01:07 Outlaw, this is Deadly. We'll take out the big targets. Pump up any troublemakers with a Mark 19.
01:13 [Music]
01:22 All call signs, this is Overlook. We're seeing enemy armor in the palm grove, west of the river.
01:27 [Music]
01:45 Taking fire.
01:47 [Music]
01:54 RPGs on the rooftops.
01:56 [Music]
02:04 Right armor. Take it out, Deadly.
02:06 More ground infantry. Watch it.
02:08 [Music]
02:14 We got RPGs on the rooftops.
02:16 [Music]
02:20 Anti-air battery, rooftops.
02:22 [Music]
02:33 Top-down with RPGs.
02:35 [Music]
02:54 Command, this is Outlaw 25. Infantry's making a run for it. We are clear to land. Over.
02:59 [Music]
03:00 Uh, roger that. Okay.
03:02 Bachelor 27, let's get the Sabres to the front.
03:05 Outlaw, this is Command. Unload half your chock here and take the rest two clicks west.
03:09 We need you to evac an advanced team pinned down in the city.
03:12 [Music]
03:16 Down the ramp! Move out! Go, go, go!
03:18 Roger that, Command. Outlaw 25 is in route.
03:21 [Music]
03:29 Marines, listen up. One of our forward recon teams has gotten pinned down and needs our help.
03:34 [Music]
03:44 Outlaw, this is Deadly. Returning to base to refit and refuel. You're on your own for now, 25.
03:50 [Music]
03:55 Advanced team is pinned down in a hot area. They're popping green smoke to indicate their position.
04:00 [Music]
04:02 Roger. We have a visual. Outlaw 25 out.
04:05 [Music]
04:19 Watch for friendlies near the colored smoke. Let's get our point B back and get the hell out of here.
04:23 [Music]
04:29 Delta is too hot. We'll circle back in three minutes.
04:32 [Music]
04:46 Watch for friendlies near the green smoke on the second floor. Let's get our boys out of there. Move!
04:51 [Music]
05:09 Hostiles making a run for it! Let's go! Go! Go!
05:13 Hostile down.
05:15 [Music]
05:21 Enemy personnel! By those sandbags! Over to the east!
05:25 [Music]
05:29 I'm up to you! Reloading!
05:31 [Music]
05:33 Contact!
05:35 [Music]
05:39 Cross it!
05:40 [Music]
05:43 Drop them!
05:45 [Music]
05:46 Hold your fire! Hold your fire! Friendlies up on the second floor! I repeat, we're up on the second floor!
05:51 [Music]
06:01 Fire on that balcony!
06:03 [Music]
06:06 So you're alright out of here?
06:08 We're in, Captain. Let's move out before they regroup.
06:11 [Music]
06:12 Outlaw, this is Deadly. Refueled and fully loaded. You guys miss me?
06:16 [Music]
06:20 Move out! Let's go! Let's go!
06:22 [Music]
06:51 [Music]
06:53 [Music]
07:05 [Music]
07:19 [Music]
07:25 [Music]
07:29 [Music]
07:39 [Music]
07:47 Deadly, let's move!
07:49 [Music]
07:53 Contact!
07:54 [Music]
08:03 Go! Go!
08:04 Jackson, get back to the Mark 19!
08:06 [Music]
08:08 Outlaw, be advised, we have a situation here. Over.
08:11 Go ahead, Command. Over.
08:13 Radio Team Six has located a possible nuclear device at Al-Asad's palace to the west.
08:18 Nest teams are on the way. Until the device is verified safe, all forces are to fall back to the east. Over.
08:25 We're hit! We're hit! I've lost the tail rotor!
08:28 [Music]
08:31 Mayday! Mayday! This is Deadly going in hard!
08:34 We're going down.
08:36 [Music]
08:41 We have a Cobra down. I repeat, we have a Cobra down.
08:44 [Music]
08:47 Deadly, this is Outlaw Two-Five. Come in. Over.
08:50 [Music]
08:51 Command, I'm visual on the crash site. I see small arms fire coming from the cockpit.
08:56 Request permission to initiate search and rescue. Over.
08:59 Copy, Two-Five. Be advised, you will not be at a safe distance in the event that nuke goes off. Do you understand?
09:06 Roger that. We know what we're getting into.
09:09 All right, Two-Five. It's your call. Retrieve that pilot if you can. Out.
09:14 Deadly, do you copy? What's your status? Over.
09:17 I'm here! Keating is KIA! Hostiles moving in fast! I sure could use some help down here!
09:25 Hold on, we're coming to you.
09:27 [Music]
09:34 Be advised, Two-Five. Hostiles advancing parallel southwest of your position towards the crash site.
09:39 We got 90 seconds, Jackson. Get the pilot. No one gets left behind.
09:45 Jackson, pull her out of there and get back to the LZ. Do it.
09:51 Get to the C-8. We'll hold down these corners. Go!
09:55 Lieutenant Vasquez, this is Outlaw Two-Five. Now would be a good time to get the hell out of here. Over.
10:00 Roger that. We're on our way.
10:06 Outlaw, this is Command. We have a probable nuclear threat in the capital.
10:09 Proceed to the minimum safe distance until the all-clear is given by the NES team.
10:15 Go! Go!
10:23 Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We're in for some chop.
10:27 Hang on. Jake, give me max power.
10:30 All US forces be advised, we have a confirmed nuclear threat in the city.
10:34 NES teams are on site and attempting to disarm. I repeat, we have a confirmed nu-
10:45 Everyone hang on!
10:47 [alarm blaring]
11:03 [music]
11:23 Something has happened.
11:24 [radio chatter]
11:33 Two set off what appears to have been a nuclear explosion in his own country.
11:37 [radio chatter]
11:47 [music]
12:00 [electronic sounds]
12:12 [radio chatter]
12:34 [radio chatter]
12:59 [electronic sounds]
13:28 [music]
13:56 [grunting]
14:03 [music]
