Strategi Hershey dan Mondelez di Tengah Krisis Harga Kakao

  • 6 months ago
Produsen coklat seperti Hershey, Mondelez, serta pembuat manisan lain yang mulai menerapkan sejumlah strategi promosi jelang momentum Paskah. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mendorong penjualan perusahaan di tengah harga kakao yang melonjak dan daya beli konsumen yang tergerus akibat inflasi.


00:00 Chocolate producers like Hershey, Mondelez and other sweet makers are starting to implement a number of promotional strategies to boost the momentum of Easter.
00:08 This is done to boost the company's sales at a sharp price and to boost the consumer's purchasing power due to inflation.
00:20 Chocolate producers like Hershey, Mondelez and other sweet makers are starting to implement a number of promotional strategies to boost the momentum of Easter.
00:34 Hershey and other producers will boost sales through promotions and add other variations by offering more non-chocolate Easter treats such as cookies and cream bunnies.
00:46 According to Reuters, the industry data, which includes the purchase of chocolate and candy,
00:51 the momentum of specials such as Easter and Halloween is becoming more important for the company's sales.
00:57 From the supply side, the price of cocoa has increased threefold in the last 12 months due to the growing crop of peanuts in West Africa.
01:06 On the other hand, the price of sugar has also increased by about 7%.
01:09 The price of food for chocolate producers is also on the margins of their profits because the value protection that protects the cost of commodities will end at the end of this year and next year.
01:18 Now seasonal sales are the key to the profits of the companies.
01:23 According to the National Confectioners Association, the sales of peanuts on Easter in the United States is the largest chocolate consumer in the world.
01:31 It is estimated to have reached a total of about US$5.4 billion last year,
01:36 although this is largely driven by an increase in prices, not the volume of sales.
01:40 On the other hand, according to the Association of Sweetsmakers,
01:44 Easter is the third largest holiday in the United States to buy chocolate and candy,
01:49 with Halloween placing the top followed by the cold season holidays.
01:53 For more information, visit IDEC channel.
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