大马73%年轻人负债 槟消协:迷恋时尚是债务陷阱

  • 6 months ago
新闻报报看 | 槟城消费人协会今天发文告提醒年轻一代,迷恋时尚是债台高筑的陷阱,年轻人不要为了追赶花钱的潮流,而带来一世人的负债。尤其UCSI民调研究中心在去年揭露,大马有73%年轻人都在负债当中,而且还没有足够的钱去偿还债务。(主播:梁宝仪、庄文杰)


00:00 There is a popular saying in the Internet
00:02 "There are three generations in the office"
00:04 "Those born in the 70s will save money"
00:07 "Those born in the 80s will invest"
00:08 "Those born in the 90s will pay the debt"
00:10 "And the parents in the 90s are helping their children repay the loan"
00:15 This kind of online language
00:16 Although it is a bit of a sexual mockery
00:18 But it reveals a cruel truth
00:22 The young people born in the 90s and even the 00s
00:25 They spend money on spending, paying debts
00:27 From the Moonlight Clan in the past
00:30 Now it has evolved into the Moon Family
00:33 Young people have already carried a lot of debt
00:36 And become rich
00:38 But this rich is a rich man in debt
00:41 Not a rich man in wealth
00:43 How can young people be careful about spending money?
00:45 Don't be a rich man in debt
00:49 The Consumer Association of Peking City
00:50 Today issued an advertisement to remind the younger generation
00:53 Falling in love with fashion is a trap set by the debtors
00:56 Young people must not bring a lifetime of debt
00:59 In order to catch up with the trend of spending
01:01 The Chairman of the Consumer Association of Peking City, Moshe Din said
01:04 The statistics of young people's debt are shocking
01:06 The UCSI Poll Research Center revealed last year
01:09 73% of young people in Myanmar are in debt
01:14 And there is not enough money to repay these debts
01:17 Now, whether it is the Moonlight Clan or the Moon Family
01:20 They are already receiving attention from the financial system around the world
01:24 Moshe Din said that the global international situation is unstable
01:29 People should spend properly
01:31 Now many young people
01:32 They are carrying a lot of debt because of the crazy card overspending
01:37 Even causing their own bankruptcy
01:40 Because most young people
01:41 They don't have the habit of checking their accounts
01:43 When they received the settlement at the end of the month
01:45 They found that the big trouble was coming, and they had no money to pay back
01:48 They used their own money to pay off their debts
01:53 The serious problem is that they have no money to pay back
01:54 They are listed in the blacklist
01:56 Since then, there has been a difficulty in borrowing
01:59 So he asked young people to learn to control their budget
02:02 Don't shop crazily
02:04 Don't learn to catch up with the trend of spending money
02:07 When using e-wallets
02:09 You have to think twice before you make a decision
02:11 And the Chairman of the Consumer Association of Peking City also reminded
02:14 Young people are affected by Western lifestyle habits
02:17 And companies have been encouraging consumption
02:20 But consumers must be smart in consuming
02:23 For example, under the advertising formula
02:25 Fashion consumption spreads rapidly
02:28 Through social media
02:29 Unscrupulous consumption is made by those who are afraid of not entering
02:33 And buying first, then paying
02:35 Such a card-shaking convenience
02:36 In fact, it also caused many young people to accumulate a lot of debt
02:39 In the end, there is no way to get rid of the debt trap
02:42 Once you are in a debt crisis
02:44 The Consumer Association of Peking City recommends young people
02:47 Be sure to seek a trustworthy financial advisor
02:50 And the debt management agency to assist
02:52 To determine your repayment plan
02:54 [Music]
