Panayam kay BFP Spokesperson Fire Supt. Annalee Atienza

  • 6 months ago
Panayam kay BFP Spokesperson Fire Supt. Annalee Atienza
00:00 update
00:02 about the fire incidents in the country
00:04 and fire safety inspection
00:06 of the DFP in public health facilities
00:08 we will discuss with
00:10 Fire Superintendent Annalie
00:12 Atienza, the spokesperson
00:14 of the Bureau of Fire Protection
00:16 Ma'am Annalie, good afternoon
00:18 Good afternoon
00:20 Ma'am, to you and to all
00:22 of our listeners
00:24 First of all, when the
00:26 year 2024 started
00:28 how many incidents
00:30 were there in the country?
00:32 and what is the difference
00:34 in the number of incidents
00:36 compared to the year before?
00:38 For now, Ma'am, we have
00:40 5,174
00:42 5 incidents
00:44 compared to last year
00:46 around 4,077
00:48 so we have increased
00:50 26.9%
00:52 of our incidents
00:54 and the majority
00:56 of these incidents
00:58 are in residential areas
01:00 the main reasons
01:02 of these incidents
01:04 are the open flame
01:06 from rubbish fire
01:08 to structural fire
01:10 second is
01:12 smoking or lighted cigarette
01:14 and third
01:16 is the open flame
01:18 from cooking
01:20 Ma'am, in your assessment
01:22 what are the reasons
01:24 or the main reasons
01:26 that you mentioned
01:28 the reasons
01:30 that this fire is happening
01:32 and what is the role
01:34 of the Bureau of Fire Protection
01:36 especially in the information drive
01:38 to avoid the fire?
01:40 Yes, we continue
01:42 to listen to all
01:44 the mediums
01:46 or avenues that we can go to
01:48 we go down
01:50 to the community
01:52 that is part of
01:54 our Fire Prevention Month
01:56 activities, our
01:58 Community Relations Week
02:00 that is also the
02:02 refresher courses
02:04 or trainings of our
02:06 Barangay Fire Brigade
02:08 that is also the
02:10 conduct of
02:12 fire drills and demos
02:14 in malls
02:16 in industrial
02:18 establishments, business
02:20 establishments, and especially
02:22 here in our hospitals
02:24 that is also the
02:26 conduct of
02:28 our summer starting activities
02:30 in social media
02:32 so that all of our
02:34 fellow citizens can
02:36 go there and
02:38 now, their
02:40 knowledge and level of
02:42 awareness can be improved
02:44 From the reasons
02:46 of these fires
02:48 can you give us
02:50 briefly tips to avoid
02:52 the fire especially
02:54 in residential areas this
02:56 Holy Week and those who will leave
02:58 their homes and go on vacation?
03:00 Yes
03:02 because now
03:04 it is off plan,
03:06 we always
03:08 remind
03:10 if we will leave our houses
03:12 is to make
03:14 sure that
03:16 our main switch
03:18 of electricity is switched off
03:20 our LPGs
03:22 are also switched off
03:24 and make sure
03:26 that it is double check
03:28 or triple check
03:30 as much as possible
03:32 with a list down of what we need to do
03:34 before we leave
03:36 our homes
03:38 or if there are instances
03:40 that we will not
03:42 unplug
03:44 our appliances
03:46 or equipment like
03:48 CCTV or
03:50 our refrigerators
03:52 we will just assure
03:54 that we will set it up
03:56 to our trusted neighbors
03:58 if for that
04:00 and we will have an emergency
04:02 we will be able to help
04:04 or inform
04:06 Ma'am, the task force
04:08 El Nino
04:10 ordered the BFP to
04:12 conduct an inspection
04:14 on public health facilities
04:16 in the country. How will you
04:18 do this?
04:20 Yes, Ma'am, this is
04:22 annual on a regular
04:24 basis according to
04:26 our fire code. So as of
04:28 this time, we will
04:30 continue to conduct
04:32 fire safety inspection
04:34 in all establishments actually
04:36 especially here
04:38 in the hospitals.
04:40 We will also continue
04:42 to coordinate
04:44 with the
04:46 administrators of
04:48 buildings and also
04:50 as we mentioned earlier,
04:52 strengthening
04:54 our barangay
04:56 fire brigade
04:58 as our first responders.
05:00 In facilities
05:02 like hospitals,
05:04 what are the
05:06 main things that they should
05:08 monitor
05:10 to avoid fire?
05:12 Of course,
05:14 we will put in our
05:16 mind that hospitals
05:18 have immovable
05:20 patients that sometimes
05:22 they cannot move
05:24 on their own so they have to be
05:26 assisted. The priority is
05:28 our
05:30 emergency exits
05:32 and fire alarms
05:34 especially that is our main
05:36 requirement in hospitals.
05:38 For now,
05:40 occupants should be alerted
05:42 and it is also important
05:44 that our
05:46 employees
05:48 regularly conduct
05:50 fire and earthquake
05:52 drill so that
05:54 our team
05:56 of our fire brigade
05:58 in that hospital knows
06:00 what right away
06:02 or SOPs
06:04 during emergencies
06:06 especially in places like this.
06:08 Ma'am, here in
06:10 different public facilities or
06:12 commercial buildings, why
06:14 are there some incidents where
06:16 after a fire,
06:18 an investigation will be conducted that there is a lack
06:20 or it was not followed the building
06:22 standards to prevent fire?
06:24 What is the BFP's
06:26 response to this?
06:28 Of course, in our
06:30 investigation,
06:32 sometimes there are
06:34 deficiencies that were not noted.
06:36 There are instances probably
06:38 that there was a renovation or
06:40 additional facilities
06:42 that were not
06:44 passed by the Bureau of Fire
06:46 Protection. There are instances like that.
06:48 However, there are also
06:50 instances where the building
06:52 has not been maintained
06:54 for a long time.
06:56 That is why we always
06:58 encourage building owners,
07:00 establishment owners
07:02 to inform the Bureau
07:04 of Fire Protection. Help us
07:06 to be
07:08 cooperative and participative
07:10 when it comes to
07:12 fire safety measures
07:14 of our establishment.
07:16 For now, this should be
07:18 acted on immediately and
07:20 we should do
07:22 any
07:24 amendment or correction
07:26 or
07:28 any other
07:30 appropriate fire safety measures.
07:32 Okay.
07:34 Message and reminder
07:36 to our fellow citizens
07:38 this Holy Week.
07:40 Yes.
07:42 This is Holy Week.
07:44 Some will travel.
07:46 I hope you will prepare
07:48 the vehicles properly.
07:50 Do not forget the blow baguettes.
07:52 And the houses that we will leave,
07:54 make sure that
07:56 the appliances are packed.
07:58 Again, make sure that
08:00 the neighbors are safe.
08:02 And save
08:04 the emergency hotline
08:06 of the Bureau of Fire Protection
08:08 that is closest to their location
08:10 or the three numbers, 911.
08:12 Dial them immediately
08:14 to the immediate response of
08:16 our Bureau of Fire Protection.
08:24 [Foreign Language] Bureau of Fire Protection.
