Love. Die. Repeat: ANGELA IS ALIVE! (Full Episode 51 - Part 1/3)

  • 6 months ago
Aired (March 25, 2024): Bernard (Xian Lim) is in tears after seeing Angela (Jennylyn Mercado) alive, following his choice to save her. Meanwhile, Chloe (Valeen Montenegro) feels disappointed after hearing about the time loop he is in. #GMANetwork #GMADrama #Kapuso


00:03 [GUNSHOT]
00:21 [GUNSHOT]
00:22 [GASPING]
00:23 [GUNSHOT]
00:24 [GASPING]
00:25 [GUNSHOT]
00:28 Chloe, what are you doing?
00:29 I hate Elton. He has a point.
00:32 Bernard is mine.
00:33 Chloe, I pity you. I'm a virgin.
00:36 Who are you?
00:37 How could you take my child away?
00:40 I'm Elton.
00:41 Who?
00:42 Elton, I'm taking care of Elton.
00:44 You're finally back to life, Angela.
00:47 Bernard!
00:48 You know this will happen.
00:50 No. You told me my son will be alive.
00:53 He will be alive.
00:54 If I die, how will my son live?
00:57 Why did you take my son away?
00:59 Sir, he's just answering.
01:01 He said he's going to die.
01:04 If you choose to die,
01:06 you won't have a chance to be with Angela.
01:10 Time has stopped.
01:12 Because you have to choose
01:15 if you will continue or end.
01:18 You still have a chance to change everything.
01:21 Chloe, Angela is going there now.
01:25 Elton will kill her.
01:26 What are you saying?
01:28 Please, Chloe. You have to tell Angela.
01:30 Why did you call me?
01:31 The child's father died.
01:33 Why are you still concerned about Angela?
01:35 We'll send a tow truck to survey the building.
01:38 Okay, sir. Thank you.
01:39 I'll go there now.
01:40 There's a truck.
01:41 Let's go back after 10 minutes.
01:43 He's not in the area anymore.
01:45 We'll go there later.
01:46 Go home to your husband
01:47 so he won't think about anything.
01:49 What else did he say to you?
01:51 He called me earlier.
01:53 He asked me about my life.
01:56 Angela!
01:58 My son!
02:00 How did you know I'm here?
02:20 Are you okay?
02:24 What's happening to you?
02:26 Why are you crying?
02:27 Love,
02:31 I'm just happy that I caught you.
02:34 Angela, we have to leave
02:40 before Elton comes here.
02:42 Isn't Elton in jail?
02:44 Angela, he escaped last night.
02:48 He's on his way here now.
02:50 It's hard to believe,
02:53 what happened to me.
02:55 Angela, my days are repeating
02:57 just like yours.
02:58 I'm here to save you
02:59 because Elton will kill you.
03:01 Bernard might be alive,
03:04 but it doesn't mean
03:06 everything will be okay.
03:08 I might be able to
03:10 give you a different
03:12 replacement.
03:20 A lot of people died
03:22 since I left.
03:23 Chloe,
03:24 Hilda,
03:25 Bernard.
03:26 If I can fix the life
03:28 that changed my life,
03:30 I can sacrifice all of that.
03:32 So are you saying
03:45 you're in a time loop now?
03:47 Like what Angela said before?
03:50 Angela, you're dead.
03:52 But before the day
03:56 that the old man in the can was seen,
03:58 he told me
04:01 everything that will happen.
04:03 So that's why you were
04:07 in a taxi earlier.
04:09 I'll answer.
04:11 I'll take you to the hospital.
04:12 When will it happen?
04:13 Okay, okay.
04:14 The one that's...
04:16 This one, the one that's in the hospital.
04:18 This one, the one that I was in a taxi.
04:20 I left my cable.
04:22 And you, you're in a hurry.
04:24 Ma'am, I've experienced that too.
04:27 My grandmother told me,
04:28 it's called Deja Vu.
04:30 It's a memory
04:32 from your past life.
04:33 That's why it's familiar.
04:35 But if I'm dead,
04:38 why did the old man tell me
04:41 that I'll die
04:43 but our child will live?
04:45 Why didn't he tell me
04:46 the truth?
04:47 Bernard, are you sure
04:49 that I'm dead?
04:51 Are you sure?
04:53 Ma'am,
04:54 I don't know how
04:56 Elton killed you.
04:57 I know that Chloe
04:59 escaped from you.
05:00 She followed you here
05:03 and she'll shoot you.
05:04 You know that you can't do anything
05:13 if your destiny is to die
05:15 even if you don't want to.
05:17 Chloe gave Bernard a chance
05:19 to change everything.
05:20 She gave him a chance
05:22 to give him one more day.
05:24 So it means that we still have a chance
05:26 to change everything.
05:27 We can still stop Elton.
05:29 Good.
05:31 Good for the both of you.
05:34 What about me?
05:37 Bernard, if you're really in a time loop,
05:40 I hope you'll think about our child.
05:42 I hope you'll find a way
05:44 to stop me from doing that.
05:46 Chloe, if that's the only thing I can do,
05:48 I won't make a decision
05:50 about the exact time
05:52 and day that everything will happen again.
05:54 So,
05:56 you'll save Angela
05:58 and your baby?
06:00 Is that it?
06:01 Get out of here.
06:04 Chloe.
06:05 Get out of here.
06:06 Get out of here.
06:07 Angela, we don't have much time.
06:09 Get out!
06:10 [door opens]
06:11 [sobs]
06:24 Sir, which unit are you from?
06:35 I'm from Chloe Ezekiel.
06:37 She's expecting me.
06:39 Sir, can you remove the sheets from the cup?
06:43 [sighs]
06:45 [grunts]
06:58 [grunts]
06:59 Hello Kenneth,
07:10 get the body of the guard here in the lobby.
07:12 You'll see something later.
07:15 [dramatic music]
07:17 [door slams]
07:30 Baby, I'm sorry.
07:32 Your dad really cares about you.
07:42 He doesn't have any other love,
07:44 if not Angela.
07:46 [sobs]
07:48 Do you know what time Elton will be here?
08:01 I don't know. I don't know.
08:02 Hurry.
08:04 Elton!
08:10 Elton!
08:11 [dramatic music]
08:14 [dramatic music]
08:15 [upbeat music]
08:18 [upbeat music]
08:19 [upbeat music]
08:32 [upbeat music]
08:34 [upbeat music]
08:35 [upbeat music]
08:37 [upbeat music]
08:39 [upbeat music]
08:41 [upbeat music]
08:43 [upbeat music]
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08:47 [upbeat music]
