هل تربك العقوبات الدولية العلاقة بين روسيا والهند في تجارة النفط؟

  • 6 months ago


00:00 India is the second largest Russian client.
00:04 It seems that it is changing its mind this time, and one of its companies announces a
00:09 halt in the purchase of Russian oil.
00:12 What are the main reasons behind that?
00:15 At first, we point out that the Indian oil reserves are the second largest Moscow client
00:21 after China since 2022, after the outbreak of the Ukrainian-Russian war.
00:28 Therefore, if we look at the figures, we notice that the Russian oil reserves,
00:33 or specifically in 2023, made up 36% of the total Indian oil purchases,
00:42 compared to the previous year.
00:45 On the other hand, we notice that there are Indian oil reserves that are ready to stop
00:51 accepting raw materials from the Russian companies.
00:58 Today, we are talking about Reliance Industries, which announced that it has stopped
01:07 purchasing Russian oil from Russian companies, namely Sovkomflot.
01:15 In this context, we point out that the United States added 40 Russian oil transporters
01:22 to the sanctions list since October 2023.
01:27 Therefore, India's withdrawal from its decisions to buy Russian oil is a return to
01:32 more sanctions imposed by the United States on Russia.
01:41 This leads to a rise in the price of Russian oil, and therefore, the countries are
01:45 increasing their costs.
01:47 We also point out that all this leads to a small loss for Russia,
01:55 which is one of its largest clients.
01:58 India imported an average of 652,000 barrels of Russian oil per day in 2022.
02:08 The question remains, to what extent can international sanctions today
02:13 put more pressure on the Russian oil sector?
