Contrôle des établissements pour handicapés par le gouvernement

  • 6 months ago
Une campagne de contrôles systématiques de tous les établissements sociaux et médico-sociaux accueillant des personnes handicapées en France sera lancée à partir de 2025, a annoncé lundi le gouvernement, dans le cadre d'une stratégie nationale de lutte contre les maltraitances visant les personnes handicapées ou âgées.

"Cette stratégie prévoit de contrôler tous les établissements médico-sociaux hébergeant des enfants et des adultes handicapés d’ici 2030.
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00:00 A systematic control campaign of all social and medical institutions
00:04 welcoming disabled people in France will be launched from 2025,
00:08 announced Monday by the government,
00:10 as part of a national strategy to fight abuse targeting disabled or elderly people.
00:15 This strategy plans to control all medical and social institutions
00:19 hosting disabled children and adults by 2030.
00:22 Inspectors will be in charge of checking that their fundamental rights are respected.
00:27 A special attention will be given to the fight against abuse,
00:31 says the AFP, the ministry of elderly and disabled people.
00:36 This will be done over several years, but as soon as there are reports,
00:40 the regional health agency immediately goes to the fore,
00:43 said France Info's Fadila Katabi,
00:46 minister of elderly and disabled people.
00:50 She was asked about the number of inspectors, about 130,
00:53 compared to the number of institutions.
00:56 In total, 9,200 establishments that host disabled people are concerned,
01:01 including medical and educational institutions,
01:03 medical institutions, specialized hospitals,
01:07 and health care institutions.
01:10 There will be already announced controls, but above all,
01:13 unopined controls to see if the recommendations of the high health authority
01:16 are well applied and respected,
01:18 hygiene conditions, safety, etc., added Mrs. Katabi.
01:24 This control strategy is published the day after the broadcast on Sunday evening on M6
01:28 of an investigation of the "prohibited area" on the failures of the state in the disabled sector.
01:33 The show shows in particular a delaborated IME,
01:35 which refuses to let parents in,
01:37 alerted by an educator on the deplorable conditions of the shelter of their children.
01:42 This investigation also gives the floor to parents who indicate having filed a complaint
01:45 after having noticed signs of abuse on their eldest autistic son.
01:50 Mrs. Katabi also asked for a mission to be launched
01:53 with the General Inspection of Social Affairs (IGAS)
01:56 as of this summer to control the support and orientation of disabled children in IME,
02:01 in response to this report, according to the Ministry.
02:04 Conclusions are expected for the end of the year.
02:08 The objective, explained by the Minister-Delegate on Monday morning,
02:11 is to see if the orientation of children in these IMEs is relevant
02:14 because there are also children who could join the school of the Republic.
02:18 Questioned on the IMEs,
02:20 accompanying students in a situation of disability and sometimes failing recruitment,
02:24 the Minister-Delegate has stated that their number will increase since 2017.
02:29 After the scandal caused by the publication of the book "Investigate the false healers"
02:32 by journalist Victor Castanet,
02:34 which revealed abuse of residents in medical retirement homes,
02:38 EHPAD, of the private group Orpea, which has become MS.
02:41 The government had announced that the 7,500 EHPADs in France,
02:45 public, private and associative, would be controlled.
02:49 Half of them have already been,
02:51 the others will be by the end of the year, according to the Ministry.
