• l’année dernière
Une journaliste spécialiste de la famille royale fond en larmes en plein direct à la télévision après l’annonce du cancer de Kate Middleton: « J'ai l'impression que nous l'avons poussée à faire cette déclaration" - Regardez


00:00 -Kinsey, this is a great shock to us and I'm quite certain that you share in our sadness, in our optimism that God willing, our beautiful Princess of Wales will recover fully and speedily.
00:14 But the vulnerability and the frailty coupled with the courageous bravery and honesty really is something extraordinary to behold, I think.
00:23 Vanessa, I really wish that I had, you have such an uplifting spirit right now and I wish I could meet you there.
00:31 I am unfortunately, I'm just so angry. I've lost all faith in humanity and I'm just really disappointed at the way we've treated her and it feels like we've pushed her into having to make this statement.
00:45 And, you know, I've done news all over the world for the last two weeks and I've been asked all sorts of horrific questions about this woman's privacy and about, you know, her credibility.
00:57 Is she a liar? Did she lie about the photo? Did she, do I really think she photoshopped the photo?
01:03 And so I think cancer is so scary and it's so upsetting and you have such a cheerful and joyful spirit right now and I wish I could meet you there but I'm mad at the Kim Kardashians making fun of the situation, on my way to find Kate.
01:17 I'm mad at the John Olivers, I'm mad at the Stephen Colberts and I'm mad that this person became a punchline when she was going through something so serious and horrible behind the scenes.
01:28 I share every word that you say. I feel exactly the same. I have been one of the people in this country, I'm a newspaper columnist, obviously I broadcast on talk TV every day and I've had absolutely no truck with any of this, any of the time.
01:43 I have thought it has been a combination of extreme rudeness, ill-mannered, churlish, boorishness. It really has been disgraceful and I have said so daily, I have been horrified by it, I've written about how ghastly it is, the things I've written have been on the front page of newspapers here because I have been aghast at the way in which, you know, some imbecilic idiots who decide to write something malicious,
02:10 entirely of their own invention, into their smartphones, have somehow kind of been an avalanche that's gained traction, gained momentum and then sensible and credible journalists such as yourself, such as journalists at the BBC, my former colleagues, have been somehow compelled to give some sort of credence to this arrant nonsense by having to a) acknowledge it exists and b) comment on it.
02:35 And it's been appalling, it's been rude and crass, entirely unnecessary, based on fiction and figments of really malicious and malign imagination and I get why you're crying.
02:48 I mean it is a shaming thing, isn't it, that a young woman in the throes of cancer, embarking on chemotherapy, recovering from serious abdominal operation, has to make a comment and a statement in this way just to keep the pressure at bay and keep people's hideous personal views at a distance.
03:11 I agree with you, you know, were I not presenting this show I'd probably have a good cry too because I think it really has been a sullying of so many people who should be ashamed and really should apologise.
03:21 In fact, on my programme I've said over the last few days, aren't people going to have to hang their heads in shame and apologise.
