SST调涨对通胀影响 微乎其微或超乎想象?

  • 6 months ago
八点最热报 | 3月1号开始,一些特定领域销售及服务税SST的税率从6%调涨至8%,这一波税率调整是否会引发市场一系列的连锁反应?调动的成本是否最终会转嫁到消费者,甚至引发另一波通货膨胀?对商家和消费者造成的影响到底有多大?超乎想象?还只是微乎其微?(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04 In early 2024, net purchases of foreign goods below 500 RMB must pay 10% sales tax.
00:11 Consumers immediately felt that the price of online shopping platforms was getting harder and harder.
00:15 However, everything has just begun.
00:18 Tax increases have been coming in succession.
00:20 Starting on March 1, the tax rate of some special sales-level services, FST,
00:26 has increased from 6% to 8%.
00:30 The range of tax increases has also been further expanded to the KalaOK,
00:33 foreign-export services, logistics, stock economy and reimbursement.
00:37 Will this tax rate increase cause a series of chain reactions in the market?
00:42 Will the cost of foreign goods being transferred to foreign companies
00:46 eventually transfer to consumers and even cause another wave of inflation?
00:51 Will the price of goods that were originally low become even lower?
00:56 Will ordinary people be more unable to afford it?
00:58 How big is the impact of the 2% increase in FST on consumers and merchants?
01:03 Is it beyond imagination or is it just a slight increase?
01:07 Tax consultant Chai Zhao-yuan explained during an interview.
01:10 Sales and service tax, FST, is actually a two-part component.
01:15 One is the sales tax for goods, sales tax.
01:18 The other is the service tax for services.
01:22 Although everyone is saying that FST's tax rate has increased,
01:25 in fact, this time the government is only adjusting to the service tax.
01:32 He believes that this wave of expansion of tax increases and tax rate adjustments
01:35 will basically not affect the price of goods.
01:38 What will be affected is only the service sector.
01:41 This is a concept that must be clarified first.
01:44 He also said that due to the adjustment of the service tax rate this time,
01:47 there are only two percent, which is very small.
01:50 And some specific areas that people need on a daily basis,
01:53 such as catering, get free goods, are not adjusted.
01:56 Therefore, he believes that the impact on the cost of people's lives will not be too great.
02:01 However, Li Rongchang, assistant professor of economics at the Malaysian branch of Xiamen University,
02:05 believes that this time the FST tax rate adjustment,
02:09 although some businesses are willing to accept the increase in costs,
02:12 there are still some businesses that will transfer it to consumers.
02:17 And through inflation, it is often based on a psychological expectation.
02:22 The business has seen the increase in FST,
02:24 and there is the low-value imported goods to pay sales tax,
02:28 and then the tax on industrial benefits, targeted subsidies, etc.
02:31 Tax reform will start one after another.
02:34 The business will naturally start to raise the price expectation.
02:39 Because doing business is not to say that the price has risen, so I have to raise the price.
02:44 But it will expect that my future life consumption will start to rise,
02:48 the cost will rise, then I will have to adjust the price in advance.
02:54 And the price adjustment of the business will list the chain reaction of the rise in cost.
03:00 So the actual price adjustment, he believes, will definitely exceed 2%.
03:05 Okay, tax consultants and economists have their own views.
03:09 What do businessmen and general consumers think?
03:12 How much does the increase in FST tax rate affect?
03:16 Is it really because of the increase in FST that white fog has a rise in price again?
03:21 FST will definitely have an impact.
03:26 For example, those who help us make air conditioners,
03:29 they didn't have cost-in this thing.
03:32 So indirectly, it affects us, the cost will increase.
03:37 So far, our industry has not been affected.
03:41 We didn't say that there was any FST in our import.
03:46 Because of the FST, the rice price increased, the material, everything is increased.
03:51 Then the food price also increased.
03:53 So everybody suffers and the salary is the same and our currency is so bad.
03:57 It's very, very bad, our currency.
04:02 Make sure our currency comes up, then everything will reduce.
04:04 Ask to help, the Prime Minister asked to help people.
04:06 Starting on March 1, some specific industries were expanded to collect 6% sales and service tax FST.
04:12 In some areas, FST was adjusted to 8%.
04:16 8.4 News visited the Basang Valley area.
04:18 Some businesses said that suppliers had not yet risen in price
04:21 because they had not yet felt the pressure of cost adjustment.
04:24 Some people think that although FST was adjusted to a specific area,
04:28 the chain effect and the weak currency,
04:31 now the cost of business has become higher.
04:34 This is the opinion of the businessmen.
04:35 What about the general public as consumers?
04:38 FST was adjusted to 2%.
04:39 Have they already felt that the pocket is getting tighter?
04:43 No, there is no impact for the time being.
04:45 Just live a normal life.
04:47 Although it is 2%, it still has a slight impact.
04:50 The income did not increase, the boss did not increase my 5% to cover this 2%.
04:56 So there is still a little burden.
05:00 They are now raising food prices.
05:02 Even in the market, half of the items are said to have FST.
05:05 So weird.
05:06 So I feel the burden.
05:08 FST adjusted the tax rate and expanded the area.
05:11 Some people say that their wallets are temporarily dry.
05:14 Some people's wallets have already started to hurt.
05:17 However, how much does the government's expansion and adjustment of FST tax rate affect the level?
05:22 The tax consultant and economists in the study have different opinions from the businessmen and the public.
05:28 This time the account is very small.
05:31 So basically it is 2%.
05:33 Sales tax or service tax,
05:35 they only target specific items or services to increase tax.
05:41 So its increase in tax is actually less than half of FST.
05:47 So even if it is 2% higher,
05:51 basically its impact will not be so big.
05:54 It is worth paying attention to that those who are taxed,
05:57 service tax, many of them have nothing to do with the people.
06:01 Including some so-called professional services,
06:04 or some more luxurious ones,
06:06 such as karaoke or massage.
06:11 If the people don't go to karaoke,
06:13 basically there is no problem, right?
06:15 We need to understand that this 2% increase,
06:18 although it is a specific area,
06:20 such as karaoke,
06:22 it seems to be a non-relevant thing.
06:23 But we need to know that the rate of inflation,
06:25 its rise or fall,
06:27 mainly depends on people's expectations of the price.
06:31 For example, you are a seller.
06:32 What will the price be after your expectation?
06:34 Then adjust your price.
06:35 If FST is 2% higher,
06:37 like it or not,
06:38 the cost of operation will increase.
06:40 Then in the buyer's side,
06:43 they will see that it is 2% more expensive now.
06:47 So you say it has a slight impact on our communication,
06:52 I disagree.
06:53 Tax consultant Cai Zhaoyuan believes that
06:55 due to the increase in FST tax rate,
06:57 limited to specific, more luxurious areas,
07:00 the service tax of catering, communication, etc.
07:02 that the people need daily is 6% unchanged.
07:04 Therefore, the inflation pressure is also limited.
07:08 However, Professor Li Rongchang,
07:10 Assistant Professor of Economics at Xiamen University,
07:11 believes that in addition to FST,
07:12 there are various new tax systems that are about to start this year.
07:18 And the buyer's expectations and concerns about inflation
07:20 are often considered chain effects
07:23 and advanced deployment to adjust the price.
07:26 Therefore, FST adjustment affects the price of catering.
07:29 He believes that it will not be just a slight increase.
07:32 In the case of economic slowdown and depreciation,
07:35 you will have a serious impact on our domestic consumption
07:38 by implementing more tax rates,
07:40 increasing tax rates, etc.
07:42 It affects our economic momentum.
07:44 I think it is not worth it.
07:45 And if it is about whether it is a break,
07:48 of course it is a break.
07:49 To reduce the fiscal system.
07:51 How to reduce it?
07:52 All economists believe that what should be done
07:54 is to reduce the government's operating expenses.
07:57 This part is the most important.
07:58 But the problem is,
07:59 do you think our government does this?
08:01 Yes, say, right?
08:03 Say, and then to the civil servants,
08:06 when some are in a good mood,
08:07 two thousand yuan, right?
08:09 These should be reduced.
08:11 So I don't agree with a series of increases in taxes
08:14 and implementing more new taxes.
08:17 The government wants to increase income and increase FST tax rates.
08:21 Is it the best way out of all the government's ways?
08:24 Li Rongchang believes that in the case of economic slowdown and depreciation,
08:28 the government's knife should not be on the people.
08:31 To increase income,
08:32 the knife should be on the government's operating expenses.
08:35 Save money by borrowing.
08:37 However, Cai Zhaoyuan believes that
08:39 adjusting FST in a specific area
08:41 is the best way to increase the national treasury income
08:44 when the government is balancing existing taxes
08:47 and the people's living costs are the least affected.
08:49 Of course, many people are saying
08:51 why the government wants to raise the service tax
08:55 and capital gains tax
08:58 and tax on luxury goods and sugar.
09:01 Why not just raise the FST tax?
09:06 In 2015, when we raised the FST tax,
09:10 the inflation rate was 30%.
09:12 If the inflation rate was 30%,
09:15 it could have been 70% to 80%.
09:17 Many people are saying
09:19 that the inflation rate is higher than 60% to 70%.
09:24 This is absolutely possible.
09:26 So that's why
09:28 when the people's income has not yet increased,
09:31 the Minister of Finance has been saying,
09:33 and the Prime Minister has been saying,
09:34 we can't push the FST tax.
09:38 Although the FST tax system is more transparent,
09:41 it is also better for businessmen.
09:44 But it is because of the fear that
09:47 it will cause severe inflation
09:49 that the people cannot bear.
09:51 So, how do we increase the tax?
09:53 We can only look at the tax itself.
09:57 Basically, in terms of tax,
09:59 I can expand this range.
10:01 Then slightly increase the tax rate
10:04 until our income is increased.
10:07 Did the increase in the FST tax by 2%
10:13 really increase the cost of business operations
10:15 and increase the cost of living for the people?
10:18 Or is it because of other reasons
10:21 that the FST tax has not increased?
10:24 Tax consultant Cai Zhaoyan believes
10:26 that the increase in the price of goods
10:27 is not a problem unique to China.
10:29 In fact, it is a problem
10:30 that all countries are facing.
10:32 After the new coronavirus epidemic,
10:34 and the financial crisis,
10:36 the global supply chain has been affected
10:38 and the price of goods has increased.
10:40 Of course, the depreciation of the currency,
10:42 the increase in the price of imported goods,
10:44 and the further increase in the price of goods
10:46 in China have also increased.
10:48 Okay, let's stop for a moment.
10:49 Let's look at the next hot news.
10:52 The New Economy
10:54 The New Economy
10:57 The New Economy
