Naiki | Shaukat Khanum | Iqrar ul Hasan | Waseem Badami | 24 March 2024 | #shaneiftar

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#naiki #ShaukatKhanum #iqrarulhasan #waseembadami

Naiki | Shaukat Khanum | Iqrar ul Hasan | Waseem Badami | 24 March 2024 | #shaneiftar

A highly appreciated daily segment featuring Iqrar-ul-Hassan. It has become a helping hand for different NGO’s in their philanthropic cause to make life easier for the less fortunate.

#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2024 #ShaneRamazan #Shaneiftaar #naiki #ShaukatKhanum

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00:00 [Music]
00:26 [Arabic]
00:52 And of course goes without saying, I always say this,
00:56 no matter what institution it is,
00:58 I say that at least institutions like these,
01:01 which serve people,
01:03 the last thing that should be done is to put a label on it,
01:07 any affiliation, political, secretary and so on,
01:12 all this should be above this.
01:15 So it is possible that you have any opinion in every regard,
01:18 but when it comes to institutions like this,
01:20 then I think there is only one problem,
01:23 and that is that it is human.
01:25 There should be no other issue.
01:27 And I am sure, I am very sure,
01:29 that this Shaukat Khanum Hospital in Pakistan,
01:32 is one of such examples,
01:34 which is not just an example, but has become a metaphor,
01:38 that how underprivileged people,
01:41 or people who cannot afford,
01:43 how they have to provide treatment,
01:45 especially in terms of cancer,
01:47 what facilities they have to provide.
01:49 I would like to invite the Chief Medical Officer of Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre,
01:54 Dr. Mohd. Asim Yusuf.
01:56 Thank you very much sir.
01:58 Welcome to the show.
02:00 And during this time,
02:02 if you could please run the details of Shaukat Khanum on the screen.
02:05 So the idea is that in the next 10-12 minutes,
02:07 as a layman, who does not know anything about Shaukat Khanum,
02:12 we should be able to know what he is doing,
02:14 how he is doing it,
02:16 what he wants to do,
02:18 and how we can contribute to this,
02:20 through a donation of 1 rupee,
02:22 or through a donation of 1 Arab.
02:24 How can we play our part?
02:27 So sir, once again, thank you very much.
02:30 First of all, tell me,
02:32 if I may say, we keep hearing,
02:34 but let us revise,
02:36 how would you describe,
02:38 Shaukat Khanum is a facility for cancer patients,
02:40 for free or for cheap treatment,
02:42 in Pakistan, would you say so or what?
02:44 Yes, I would say, thank you,
02:46 I would say that Shaukat Khanum is a facility in Pakistan,
02:50 where cancer patients,
02:52 without having to pay for it,
02:54 or someone else will pay for it,
02:56 a high standard treatment is done,
02:59 and more than 75% of our patients,
03:02 are treated completely free of charge.
03:04 In Lahore, our hospital is in Peshawar,
03:07 and in Karachi, it is under construction,
03:09 which is our biggest cancer hospital.
03:11 In Lahore and Karachi, it is fully operational.
03:13 When you say 75% of the treatment is free,
03:15 the rest 25% is affordable,
03:17 and they pay for it.
03:19 Is there a category,
03:21 for example, a treatment of 100 rupees,
03:23 can be given for 60 rupees,
03:25 so they pay 60, is there a category like that?
03:27 75% is totally free,
03:29 100% is on support,
03:31 and 10% is on partial support.
03:34 Like you said, we can give this much,
03:37 or we can give 5 lakhs first,
03:39 and then we cannot give,
03:41 because cancer treatment is very expensive.
03:43 So we call it hospital support,
03:45 and we call it partial support.
03:47 So in such conversations,
03:49 we do mention full support,
03:51 because that's the bulk,
03:53 and that 75% is totally free.
03:55 Right. On average, how much is the expense?
03:57 Of course it varies,
03:59 but on an average,
04:01 how much is the expense on a cancer patient?
04:03 Breast cancer is the most common cancer,
04:05 in women,
04:07 and about 50% of our patients have it.
04:09 The initial treatment,
04:11 is 25 lakhs.
04:13 Blood cancer or leukemia,
04:15 is said to cost 50 lakhs.
04:17 On one person?
04:19 Yes, on one person.
04:21 And if a bone marrow transplant is needed,
04:23 which is very important for many patients,
04:25 then it is 1 crore total expense.
04:27 And if you are on support,
04:29 then it will be totally free for you.
04:31 Ok, so now you people,
04:33 this is not a challenge,
04:35 that there will be a lot of people,
04:37 there is a capacity of a hospital,
04:39 so is the waiting list big or what?
04:41 So, 1,80,000 new cancer patients,
04:43 are there in Pakistan every year.
04:45 How many?
04:47 1,80,000. New patients come?
04:49 New patients are diagnosed every year.
04:51 Out of them, about 25%,
04:53 45,000 come to our walk-in clinics,
04:55 in Lahore, Peshawar, Karachi,
04:57 in the hope that we will treat them.
04:59 Unfortunately,
05:01 due to the capacity,
05:03 in Lahore and Peshawar,
05:05 last year for example,
05:07 we took new cancer patients.
05:09 Apart from this,
05:11 about 32,000 are in follow-up,
05:13 which is not active treatment.
05:15 So, that is why we are making a third hospital in Karachi.
05:17 Karachi's hospital is bigger than Lahore and Peshawar?
05:19 It is twice the size of Lahore.
05:21 Twice, ok.
05:23 In size and physical capacity,
05:25 and all the equipment and facilities,
05:27 are twice that of Lahore.
05:29 How many patients will you be able to cater annually?
05:31 So, we hope that when it will be fully functional in Karachi,
05:33 then about 10,000 to 12,000
05:35 new cancer patients will be able to be taken annually.
05:37 Alright.
05:39 Our estimate is that Lahore needs
05:41 20 cancer hospitals of the size of Shaukat Khanam in Pakistan.
05:43 So that if any cancer patient
05:45 does not go back,
05:47 then 20 will be there for him.
05:49 Exactly.
05:51 This will be the third in Karachi.
05:53 How far has Karachi reached and what is the target?
05:55 Karachi's physical structure is complete.
05:57 1.1 million square feet.
05:59 11 lakh square feet.
06:01 Its finishing work is going on.
06:03 The original date was
06:05 that it will open on December 23.
06:07 It has been delayed a little.
06:09 Due to the economic situation,
06:11 the financial crisis of the country,
06:13 the devaluation of the rupee,
06:15 and the inflation,
06:17 the costs have escalated a lot.
06:19 So now our target is that
06:21 it will open on December 25.
06:23 It seems that the target will be achieved now.
06:25 Inshallah.
06:27 And how much is the cost in Karachi hospitals?
06:29 In the entire project.
06:31 The project cost is 31 billion rupees.
06:33 When it started,
06:35 it was much less.
06:37 But because of inflation and
06:39 cost increases,
06:41 we have spent 12 billion on it.
06:43 And we need
06:45 18 or 19 billion more.
06:47 We hope that
06:49 it will be completed
06:51 this year and next year.
06:53 I will stop here for a moment
06:55 and request that Shaukat Khanam Hospital
06:57 is your example.
06:59 We are very grateful to him.
07:01 His work is very good.
07:03 His work is very good.
07:05 His work is very good.
07:07 He is the biggest city in Pakistan.
07:09 And if there is any facility in Karachi,
07:11 it goes without saying that it is not only the city of Karachi,
07:13 but the whole city of Pakistan is benefiting from it.
07:15 Because there are representatives of the whole city of Pakistan
07:17 in a very large number.
07:19 This project is being made, which is twice as big as the project in Lahore.
07:21 And it has already been delayed.
07:23 The target was for 2023, but it has been delayed to 2025.
07:25 So I will stop here
07:27 and request you
07:29 that Shaukat Khanam Hospital
07:31 should be made in Karachi.
07:33 I will request the people of Karachi and the whole of Pakistan
07:35 to try to make this happen as soon as possible.
07:37 So that in a city like Karachi,
07:39 where there are patients from Afghanistan
07:41 to Pakistan,
07:43 there are patients from Afghanistan here too.
07:45 There are patients from Sindh, Balochistan,
07:47 Dehramurah, Jamali, Dehralayar.
07:49 So there are a lot of people.
07:51 So that something good can happen for them.
07:53 And you know what the private hospitals are.
07:55 A poor man
07:57 gets a cold,
07:59 and he says, "Just do it."
08:01 He can't support the doctor.
08:03 So this cancer is a very different matter.
08:05 So the first request is that in Karachi,
08:07 as much as possible for Shaukat Khanam Hospital,
08:09 we must definitely light our part of the candle.
08:11 In this, Zakat,
08:13 Atiyat, Khairat,
08:15 everything can be done.
08:17 So the Zakat that we collect,
08:19 and in Ramadan we collect the most Zakat,
08:21 I will also appeal to your viewers
08:23 to remember that.
08:25 We spend Zakat only on direct patient care.
08:27 The year in which it is collected,
08:29 in that year only,
08:31 it is spent completely.
08:33 It is only on the deserving patients,
08:35 who are deserving of Zakat.
08:37 And it is not saved for the next few years.
08:39 And that does not work as construction work.
08:41 So we don't do any construction work
08:43 or the work of buying equipment machines.
08:45 So the hospital in Karachi
08:47 is not being made from Zakat.
08:49 Those non-Zakat donations,
08:51 which people give for charity,
08:53 it is made from that.
08:55 So Zakat is spent separately,
08:57 and that is for the direct patient care.
08:59 If someone is giving Zakat,
09:01 then he should be assured that
09:03 this money will be used to save the life of a cancer patient.
09:05 When Karachi Hospital will be built,
09:07 the patients will be treated,
09:09 they will be treated with Zakat.
09:11 But Zakat is not spent on construction.
09:13 Neither in Lahore, nor in Peshawar,
09:15 nor in Karachi.
09:17 So how do you pay the construction cost?
09:19 We have been doing donation campaigns for the last 12 years.
09:21 Specifically for Karachi Hospital.
09:23 We have campaigns for that.
09:25 And if I take your point forward,
09:27 Karachi is the city
09:29 which taught philanthropy to the whole country.
09:31 There is a tradition of philanthropy
09:33 for hundreds of years.
09:35 We appeal to the people of Karachi,
09:37 because they always,
09:39 when there were hospitals in Lahore and Peshawar,
09:41 when we did not have any presence here,
09:43 then 20% of our donations came from Karachi.
09:45 Wow.
09:47 We tell the whole country that
09:49 now it is time to support Karachi.
09:51 But also we expect and hope
09:53 that the people of Karachi will also
09:55 give their heart to the Karachi project
09:57 and will also give us Zakat.
09:59 And I am very sure that
10:01 one thing which I am very satisfied about
10:03 regarding Shaukat Khanan,
10:05 that merit is not compromised.
10:07 So please tell us about the transparency merit.
10:09 That the patient who is truly worthy,
10:11 if he is forced,
10:13 that is a different matter.
10:15 If a patient is getting 100 every year
10:17 and the capacity is 20,
10:19 then what can be done about it?
10:21 But otherwise, if a patient has come
10:23 and deserves the merit,
10:25 then he does not go back.
10:27 Tell us about the system of transparency.
10:29 So the system is that
10:31 for supported treatment,
10:33 we accept cancer patients on the basis of stage.
10:35 Only their stage,
10:37 their age, their general health,
10:39 that is, there is a decision on medical reasons.
10:41 There is no other decision
10:43 that where have you come from,
10:45 which language do you speak,
10:47 are you from Afghanistan or Pakistan?
10:49 What is your religion, creed, caste?
10:51 Nothing.
10:53 Only your disease and its stage is there.
10:55 Because we spend money on Zakat
10:57 for treatment.
10:59 We think that this is a sacred trust
11:01 that people have given us.
11:03 We trust that we will spend it properly.
11:05 And the best way to spend it
11:07 is that it can be completely treated.
11:09 So we try to
11:11 accept those
11:13 whose disease can be completely treated,
11:15 they can be healthy,
11:17 they can go back to their homes,
11:19 they can contribute to society,
11:21 they can take care of their children.
11:23 These are the only criteria to accept.
11:25 Okay, and tell me a little bit
11:27 that there was an impression
11:29 that you have not taken care of your health
11:31 all your life,
11:33 sleeping patterns, eating patterns,
11:35 etc. etc.
11:37 So the chance of getting cancer is increased.
11:39 We hear a lot that
11:41 the age of the person is 8, 9, 12,
11:43 what is this?
11:45 11% of our patients are children.
11:47 Really? Seriously?
11:49 But the good news is that
11:51 many children's cancers are very curable.
11:53 Wow, reversible.
11:55 If they come in the early stage,
11:57 then the cure rate is very high compared to adults.
11:59 So clearly,
12:01 environmental and other factors are not so relevant.
12:03 Genetic factors are more
12:05 problematic.
12:07 So, what is the benefit of this?
12:09 When we say that the sugar level has increased in Pakistan,
12:11 cholesterol has increased a lot,
12:13 so we say that get an HB1c test done,
12:15 check LDL cholesterol,
12:17 so that we know where we are standing
12:19 and take precautions accordingly.
12:21 Now, is there any test or something
12:23 that shows that he has cancer
12:25 and it is of the last stage?
12:27 So, it is of the last stage,
12:29 is there anything to be saved from this?
12:31 If you keep doing such tests,
12:33 then you will find out that God forbid,
12:35 you will find out that you have cancer.
12:37 So, there are disease specific tests,
12:39 but there are some general measures
12:41 that we can take.
12:43 One is that there are many cancers,
12:45 like smoking,
12:47 using betel leaf,
12:49 etc. should be avoided.
12:51 They can cause mouth and lung cancer.
12:53 Being overweight,
12:55 if the diabetes is uncontrolled,
12:57 if there is hepatitis B or C,
12:59 then it increases the risk of liver cancer.
13:01 Being overweight,
13:03 it increases the risk of liver cancer.
13:05 So, optimizing your weight,
13:07 keeping it at your level,
13:09 exercising, maintaining a healthy diet,
13:11 and avoiding smoking,
13:13 these are the general measures.
13:15 Then there are some specific things,
13:17 like if you get a vaccination
13:19 for hepatitis B,
13:21 then the risk of liver cancer
13:23 reduces.
13:25 And if there are any symptoms,
13:27 then it should be investigated early.
13:29 If there are any symptoms,
13:31 if you feel pain,
13:33 if you lose weight,
13:35 without any reason,
13:37 if you have prolonged fever,
13:39 if you feel a blue rash,
13:41 or if you start bleeding,
13:43 from your nose,
13:45 then these things should be tested.
13:47 - This is a red flag.
13:49 Towards the end, what would you like to say?
13:51 We are asking from our side,
13:53 what would you like to say?
13:55 - I think through you and your program,
13:57 we would like to request that
13:59 we don't take our donors lightly,
14:01 we don't take them for granted.
14:03 People have a lot of choices.
14:05 But you can definitely give your money to Shaukat Hanum
14:07 as Zakat in this Ramadan.
14:09 Knowing that it will go to the right place,
14:11 the patients will be treated appropriately,
14:13 the patients will be treated at a high level,
14:15 and with equality.
14:17 Meaning, all facilities
14:19 are given to everyone equally,
14:21 whether they are paying themselves or for someone else.
14:23 - So, there is no VIP room,
14:25 - There are no VIP rooms,
14:27 - There are only VIP rooms,
14:29 - There is a paying patient,
14:31 - and a supportive patient.
14:33 - We as doctors and nurses,
14:35 - don't know who is getting treated for free,
14:37 - and who is getting paid.
14:39 - So, thank you very much, sir.
14:41 - And I would like to say,
14:43 - the few words in life,
14:45 - that we are afraid of,
14:47 - every one of us,
14:49 - one of them is cancer.
14:51 - When we hear about someone's loved one,
14:53 - we get scared.
14:55 - And the last thing we want to hear about ourselves,
14:57 - is that,
14:59 - you know, this has happened.
15:01 - So, I have a lot of faith,
15:03 - I am not a missionary,
15:05 - but I have heard from the scholars,
15:07 - that if we make an effort,
15:09 - which Allah has kept with us,
15:11 - whether it is one rupee or one billion rupees,
15:13 - thinking that we have to make the quality of life
15:15 - of a cancer patient better,
15:17 - I say that we should do it
15:19 - even if we think it is a selfish approach,
15:21 - that Allah will protect me and you,
15:23 - if we do something for someone,
15:25 - then we should at least think about it.
15:27 - And again, this is an institution,
15:29 - which has proved for years,
15:31 - that any view,
15:33 - whether it is religious,
15:35 - religious, nationality,
15:37 - or political,
15:39 - it does not come under pressure this time.
15:41 - This is a different thing that is going on,
15:43 - on its merit, and in a great way.
15:45 - So, I would say, Ms. Shaukat,
15:47 - please strengthen the hands of the hospital.
15:49 - It is the month of Ramadan.
15:51 - We should be thankful to Shaukat Khan.
15:53 - His expectations are increasing,
15:55 - in the month of Mubarak.
15:57 - Actually, the expectations of the patients are increasing.
15:59 - They are looking at us, that Ramadan has come,
16:01 - and some matters will get better.
16:03 - So, I understand, it is an economic crisis,
16:05 - but we need to do our part,
16:07 - so that we can light our own candle.
16:09 - I always say,
16:11 - if we all light one candle,
16:13 - it will be a lot of light, Inshallah.
16:15 - Shaukat Khan Hospital is to be built in Karachi.
16:17 - It was the redline of 2023, now it is 2025.
16:19 - So, all of us, Pakistanis,
16:21 - should make a pledge,
16:23 - that we will continue this project in Karachi,
16:25 - till the end of 2025,
16:27 - which will be twice as big as Lahore.
16:29 - We have to make it reach the Paya Takmah,
16:31 - and we have to make it successful.
16:33 - So that,
16:35 - Shaukat Khan is such an institution,
16:37 - that we have a few good examples to quote,
16:39 - and the world tells us, we have such institutions.
16:41 - For sure, Shaukat Khan is one of those institutions.
16:43 - So, sir, thank you very much once again.
16:45 - Thank you. - And I wish you all the best.
16:47 - We will be back after a short break.
16:49 - Let's give a big round of applause to all the workers and customers of Shidara.
16:53 [Applause]
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16:59 [Music]
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