Brothers launch Wolverhampton charity initiative to give out parcels and a friendly welcome

  • 6 months ago
Two charitable and kind-hearted brothers made an incredible gesture to give back to their Wolverhampton community with 1,000 bags of household essentials.
Vick and Juggy Singh, both of Tettenhall, gave away pre-made bags in Darlington Street in the city centre near the Fold Street car park from 8.30am on Saturday filled with cereals, tinned goods, toothpaste and toothbrushes, toilet rolls and biscuits. Samosa and a warm cup of coffee were also on offer and many curious people stopped just to have a chat.


00:00 So Vic how we doing? We've started the food hand out and this is just a part of what you've got to hand out isn't it?
00:07 Yeah this is a quarter of the delivery so we've got another truckload coming.
00:11 So I've just sent some family and friends to pick up another truckload.
00:15 So yeah we're going to make a start this morning.
00:18 Fantastic.
00:19 And lads you've come along to help yourselves out because times are tough.
00:25 What do you think of what he's doing here?
00:27 I think it's brilliant. I mean he's struggling at the moment.
00:29 Yeah.
00:30 We rely on food banks nearly every day so this is a bonus today because we don't get anything on a Saturday.
00:36 Yeah.
00:36 So it's a bonus.
00:37 It just shows doesn't it because we hear all this bad news it shows there's good spirits out there isn't there you know what I mean?
00:42 It's all about as well.
00:43 Yeah yeah.
00:44 I spoke to a person recently and they're really struggling with egg melts and everything else
00:49 and they said oh we're too good for that so they said sorry are you on 20 for the hour?
00:53 Yeah.
00:54 You're living in a small flat.
00:56 Yeah.
00:57 They're giving you stuff out of bread.
00:58 Yeah.
00:59 It's 12 months but no it's the cost of living.
01:01 A loaf of bread is £1.12.
01:04 Yeah yeah.
01:05 It's £1.
01:06 It's ridiculous isn't it?
01:07 I went shopping Wednesday and Thursday a loaf of bread was 50 pence.
01:10 Yeah.
01:11 And I was chuffed.
01:11 Yeah yeah.
01:12 It just feels like there's no end to it now as well.
01:14 It feels like this struggle's going to be onwards you know.
01:17 It's central.
01:18 Yeah.
01:19 The government won't do it.
01:20 Yeah.
01:21 I want to look at our markets.
01:22 So you're very grateful to this man here?
01:24 I'm grateful yeah.
01:25 Thank you very much.
01:26 I think it's brilliant.
01:28 It is isn't it?
01:29 Absolutely fantastic.
01:30 We need a few more people like our Vic don't we?
01:32 Yeah we do yeah.
01:33 You're a Wolvesman.
01:34 Yeah.
01:35 So you're a local lad.
01:36 Yeah.
01:36 And times are tough.
01:37 You finding it difficult yourself?
01:39 Yeah I am yeah.
01:40 Yeah.
01:40 What is it particularly?
01:41 The food, energy or a bit of everything?
01:44 A bit of everything really.
01:45 Yeah.
01:46 Venturing.
01:48 Gas you know.
01:49 Gas.
01:49 Yeah.
01:50 It's not easy is it?
01:51 No it ain't.
01:52 Cool.
01:53 Vic we're just trying to get the word out at the minute aren't we?
01:57 Let the good people of Wolves know.
01:59 Yeah.
02:00 The weather's testing us at the moment.
02:01 I know mate.
02:02 What's inspired you to do this Vic?
02:05 Just something to give back to the local community.
02:07 And just sort of yeah.
02:09 Help the local community essentially.
02:11 I know it's been a tough few years for everybody.
02:14 Cost of living, inflation.
02:15 So it's just nice to be able to give something back.
02:19 So yeah that's why.
02:20 You're a local beastie span aren't you?
02:22 Yeah yes I'm Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton bred.
02:25 So yeah yeah.
02:26 Have an active involvement in the local community.
02:28 Yeah as much as we can.
02:30 So all this food's gonna get to good people isn't it really?
02:32 Yeah yeah absolutely.
02:33 Whether it be today in the rain or tomorrow by other means.
02:36 Yeah absolutely yeah.
02:38 I hope once it dries off.
02:39 We're trying to spread the word now as much as possible so.
02:42 Hopefully you get people turn up.
02:44 Yeah great stuff.
02:45 Well thank you Vic.
02:46 That's great thank you.
02:47 Any questions?
02:49 Come on.
02:50 Hello sir what's your name?
02:52 Daryl.
02:53 Daryl what do you think about what's going on today then Daryl?
02:55 Fantastic.
02:56 Everyone needs food at the moment.
02:57 Good kind-hearted people isn't it?
02:59 Definitely.
02:59 That's what we need.
03:00 Times are hard, you're struggling yourself yeah?
03:02 Really struggling yeah.
03:03 Yeah.
03:03 Really struggling.
03:04 So any little bit helps mate.
03:05 Yeah this is really helping us all.
03:07 Thank you ladies.
03:08 Thank you ladies he says.
03:09 It's a bit of a rainy day but you know what.
03:12 It is isn't it?
03:13 A bit of a rainy day.
03:14 We're trying to get people on the live.
03:16 We're trying to get people on the live here.
03:19 We've got some people just trying to just share.
03:22 Share what's going on.
03:23 Thank you.
03:24 Yeah.
03:25 Cool.
03:26 Vic's sheltering.
