Russes solidaires après l'attaque, donnent du sang et se recueillent

  • 6 months ago
Des dizaines de Russes ont afflué dès l'aube samedi vers des centres de dons du sang à Moscou ou des mémoriaux improvisés, encore sous le "choc" après l'attaque armée dans une salle de concert qui a fait au moins 133 morts.

Sous un ciel gris et malgré la pluie, ils étaient environ 150 à attendre leur tour en pleine rue devant un centre spécialisé dans le nord-ouest de Moscou.
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00:00 Dozens of Russians were flooded from dawn on Saturday to blood donation centers in Moscow or improvised memorials,
00:06 still in shock after the armed attack in a concert hall that killed at least 133 people.
00:11 Under a gray sky and despite the rain,
00:14 there were about 150 waiting in the middle of the street in front of a specialized center in northwestern Moscow.
00:20 They came in the form of solidarity and the call of the authorities,
00:24 even if they said there was no shortage of blood in the immediate area.
00:28 "I came to help," said Alexandra, a 35-year-old specialist in air logistics,
00:34 who believes it is the duty of every citizen.
00:37 Residing not far from the Krokus City Hall concert hall,
00:41 near the capital's suburbs,
00:42 attacked by armed individuals on Friday evening,
00:46 this woman is said to still be in shock after the attack claimed by the Islamic State Jihadist group.
00:51 And when you can see from her balcony the horrors that are being talked about on television,
00:56 you understand that it is a reality, and for me personally, it is a nightmare, she said.
01:02 Russian authorities announced Saturday the arrest of the four attackers who had opened the fire with automatic weapons
01:09 before setting the building on fire with a flammable liquid.
01:12 "Not willing to help. When you see this situation, you don't want to stay out of it, you want to help,"
01:19 explains Vladislav, an 18-year-old student who is in line to donate blood.
01:24 At noon on Saturday, Russian medical authorities announced they had had enough blood for the hundred injured in the attack.
01:32 "But we continue to receive all the donors.
01:36 We are in solidarity with the wish of the people who come to help to make up the reserves,"
01:40 said a Russian medical-biological federal agency official, Olga Eikley, quoted by the official TASS press agency.
01:48 On many advertising panels and in some bus stops in Moscow,
01:52 posters appeared showing a candle on a black background and the inscription "We are on watch March 22, 2024".
01:59 Russians also came to lay flowers in front of the Krokus City Hall,
02:04 whose roof is blackened and partially destroyed by the flames of the day before, according to a journalist from AFP.
02:10 The police and special forces were still deployed there,
02:13 and hundreds of rescuers were pursuing the work of clearing the debris.
02:18 "Yesterday's day was a great tragedy for all of us.
02:22 We cannot remain indifferent, many of us had friends and parents there yesterday,"
02:27 said Maxim, a 37-year-old party employee.
02:31 "His friends are alive, but they have lived a real hell," he said.
02:36 "The whole country is worried.
02:38 For my part, it was impossible for me to stay at home today, in Bondi-Katrina, 48 years old.
02:45 Fear.
02:47 In Saint Petersburg, the second city in Russia,
02:50 residents laid flowers in several places in the city,
02:53 and a queue formed in front of the main improvised memorial, in front of the Russian National Library.
02:59 The former imperial capital was the victim of a bomb attack in the subway in 2017,
03:05 which killed 14 and injured 53.
03:08 In Ekaterinburg, the big city of Loural,
03:10 an improvised memorial was formed on the central square, near a monument to Lenin.
03:16 Residents brought flowers, toys, candles,
03:20 many stayed silent, some cried,
03:24 a journalist from AFP noted.
03:27 In Donetsk, a city occupied by Russia in the east of Ukraine and a bastion of Moscow's partisans,
03:32 residents laid flowers and stuffed animals in front of a giant red writing "Russia".
03:37 In the capital, the Red Square was closed,
03:40 and tourists from other Russian regions did not hide their fear by walking nearby.
03:45 "We have only three days to go to Moscow and we wanted to see, at least from a distance, the heart of the country",
03:51 explained to AFP Lyubov, 43 years old,
03:54 who came with her family from the region of Pskov, northwest.
03:58 "Even if there is no reason to rejoice",
04:01 she said, saying she was afraid for her life and for her loved ones.
04:05 "All this was so unexpected, a terrible tragedy",
04:09 Olga, 38 years old, from Chelyabinsk, said.
04:13 "I don't feel completely safe, of course", she admitted.
04:17 "And I'm scared, very scared".
