• il y a 9 mois


00:00 Did you know that in Japan they used women's legs as an advertisement?
00:03 For obvious reasons.
00:04 14 unusual facts about Japan, one of them is false.
00:07 Will you find it? Let's go!
00:09 Did you know that Godzilla was an official citizen of Japan?
00:13 He even comes from Shinjuku.
00:14 In Japan, there is a competition in which sumo wrestlers have to make babies cry.
00:18 And according to tradition, the first one to cry will grow up healthy.
00:21 In Japan, there is a hotel where you are welcomed by receptionist dinosaurs.
00:25 The Japanese who survived the Titanic's sinking are considered cowards
00:28 because in Japan, the meaning of sacrifice is very developed.
00:31 So, surviving equals betraying.
00:32 In Osaka, there is a highway that crosses a building.
00:35 Original, right?
00:36 In Japan, there are more pets than children
00:38 because the Japanese don't have time or the desire to reproduce.
00:41 By the way, the average delay of Japanese trains is 18 seconds.
00:45 Yeah, the guys count the delay in seconds.
00:46 In Japan, there are at least 20 ways to apologize, the most famous being "gomenasai".
00:51 In Japan, cats are considered gods
00:53 so it is common to make offerings to them, like milk or fish.
00:56 Eating at KFC is a traditional Christmas meal in the Land of the Rising Sun.
01:00 Okunoshima is a Japanese island off Hiroshima, populated only by rabbits.
01:04 Sleeping in a coma or at the office for Japanese people is common.
01:07 It means that you work a lot and that you are exhausted.
01:10 In Japan, you can swim in a jacuzzi filled with noodles and broth.
01:13 The pasta would have, it seems, some benefits on the body.
01:16 Cosplay of ramen.
01:17 So, did you find the false information?