Ian Green vs Vaughn Alexander (02-12-2023) Full Fight

  • 6 months ago
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00:00 All right, gentlemen, come here.
00:02 Get the instructions in the back, obey my command,
00:03 protect yourself at all times.
00:05 Right here is good, right here is good.
00:06 Any questions?
00:08 Talk to me if you like, come out of the belt.
00:10 - We are ready for our main event.
00:14 10 rounds for the WBA Continental USA Middleweight title.
00:18 Ian Green, 17 and two, 11 knockouts
00:21 from Paris in New Jersey.
00:22 He's in the orange.
00:24 Vaughn Alexander, 18, seven and one,
00:26 11 knockouts from St. Louis.
00:28 He's in the black and red.
00:31 Mark Abrams ringside here at Casino Miami, Miami, Florida,
00:34 along with the manager of champions, Carl King,
00:36 and the boxing legend, Christy Mark.
00:39 We are underway, our final battle of the evening.
00:42 - I think we can say we saved the best for last.
00:46 This is gonna be a very intriguing matchup.
00:49 - I think so too.
00:50 - No matter how long it goes, if it goes 10 rounds
00:52 or if it goes two rounds, it's gonna be a good one.
00:55 - This is the one we've been waiting for.
00:57 You know, this, I'm telling you, man,
01:00 I've seen Vaughn a long, long time ago.
01:02 I haven't seen him recently.
01:04 But to look at him, he's in great shape,
01:06 conditioning does count.
01:08 And Ian Green, well, what do you say about Ian Green?
01:11 He's been very good.
01:13 - Alexander, who's coming off a first round stoppage
01:17 over Brian Damian Chavez.
01:19 That took place August 11th in his hometown of St. Louis.
01:24 Green won that split decision over Alexander Castro
01:27 back here on January the 21st,
01:30 right here at the Casino Miami Highline.
01:33 - You know, what Ian Green said was, you know,
01:37 kind of a fluke because of the cut, you know?
01:41 So we're gonna see, maybe tonight we'll see
01:45 the best of both guys.
01:46 - Green said he has a lot of respect for Alexander.
01:52 He said he's a great fighter.
01:53 If he wasn't a good fighter, I won't be fighting him.
01:55 So he's got a lot of respect.
01:57 - And it's a fight fans matchup
02:02 that we usually like to see.
02:04 The brawler against the boxer, puncher.
02:07 This could turn into a really good war here
02:10 as we get heated up.
02:11 - I agree.
02:12 I think it's, when I seen it, I'm like,
02:14 okay, this is gonna be something.
02:16 This is really gonna be something.
02:18 A lot of people may not know the names,
02:20 but they will after the night if you're tuned in.
02:23 - Green lands a little left on the inside.
02:25 Alexander has been fighting a lot of bigger guys,
02:32 guys like Christian and Billy.
02:34 - You know, he comes from a fighting family, man.
02:39 So, you know, I think guys like that
02:42 are fundamentally sound, their technique is good,
02:45 and they don't get overexcited in a fight.
02:49 So I think that's, you know, we're gonna see.
02:52 - I asked Vaughn if he, you know, he's fought,
02:57 like you said, a lot of named guys.
02:58 I said, do you think this is the best chance
03:01 you've had to win a fight at this level
03:05 since your comeback?
03:06 He said yes.
03:07 You know, he's fighting much bigger guys.
03:11 You know, he's going in behind the eight ball to start.
03:13 - I think he followed that yes up with
03:15 this is the first time he's had this kind of opportunity
03:18 at his--
03:19 - Correct. - Natural weight class.
03:20 - Correct.
03:21 See Alexander, and a stalking misses with the right hand.
03:26 End of round one, scheduled for 10,
03:30 our main event here in Miami.
03:32 - More of a fill out round, I think.
03:35 You know, it's getting ready to heat up
03:39 pretty quickly, in my opinion.
03:40 - See, you know this is the big fight of the night
03:43 'cause Christie just picked up her pen
03:45 and she's gonna do the unofficial scorecard for this one.
03:48 - Well, you know, when you get into those later rounds,
03:51 you start to forget about those early rounds.
03:53 So yeah, you have to keep track.
03:55 - The fifth of our five championship bouts.
04:02 - So we're gonna post our unofficial scoring on the--
04:10 - I'm gonna hold that to Christie's, so.
04:13 (laughing)
04:18 (whistle blowing)
04:21 - I think judging is the hardest job in boxing.
04:25 That's my opinion. - It's very hard.
04:26 - It for sure is.
04:27 And it really all comes down to what do you like.
04:30 You know, do you like the style of a boxer,
04:32 do you like the style of a brawler?
04:34 - Little right hand from Ian Green to start round two.
04:37 Left hook to the body from Green.
04:48 Does that seem to get Alexander's attention a little bit?
04:51 - Alexander's been, he's been the busier fighter.
04:56 Ian Green hasn't had a fight since the last one.
04:59 He got the bad cut.
05:01 So he's had to sit for a minute.
05:02 - I actually was at the fight in St. Louis
05:06 where he stopped Chavez in the first round.
05:09 Good right to the body.
05:12 And it was body shots that he stopped Chavez with.
05:17 - Well, the Alexander's are fundamentally sound.
05:21 That's important.
05:24 You know, the layoff with Green,
05:27 that's his last fight was Castro, correct?
05:29 - Right. - Correct.
05:30 - So, you know, he could possibly be worrying
05:34 about a cut again.
05:35 And those things have a tendency to linger in your mind.
05:38 - When you fight a little tentative?
05:40 - Yeah, initially.
05:42 And things will heat up here in a few rounds, I think.
05:45 (crowd chattering)
05:47 - Alexander trained by his brother, James.
05:50 Ara's terrific guest, a long time trainer
05:56 in the Newark, Jersey area.
05:58 Trained a lot of good fighters up there.
06:00 - Seems like Ian Green's handspeed's just a little bit
06:05 quicker, a little bit more accurate.
06:07 His punches are a little accurate, more accurate.
06:10 - It's a good one-two combination from Green.
06:14 - Misses with the right hand, does Alexander.
06:17 Alexander gets in a body shot, jab from Green.
06:26 Right hand, and then a jab from Green again.
06:35 - I think both fighters have been rather cautious.
06:41 - See, Green's pretty much lived on the corners
06:44 or on the ropes.
06:45 Doing a decent job fighting off the ropes.
06:51 - Starting to heat up.
06:52 - Well, at least Ian Green is starting to heat up.
06:56 - Ian Green's starting to heat up,
06:57 but is it because Alexander's making him?
07:00 He's stalking him.
07:01 Just right in front of him, every step he takes,
07:03 he's there to answer it.
07:05 - Flicking left from Alexander, right hand from Green.
07:09 (crowd cheering)
07:12 - Jab from Alexander, as we close in on the end of round two
07:23 and Alexander sneaks in a body shot.
07:26 (bell dings)
07:31 - This one?
07:38 - That's a jab, yes.
07:39 - Christy Martin gives the first two rounds to Ian Green.
07:45 - I think even though Green was backing up
07:48 and fighting most of the round with his back
07:50 against the ropes,
07:52 he was still landing the more effective punches.
07:54 - And as we see in the replay, kind of was spinning out.
07:58 Rowe is never in too much harm's way.
08:00 - He's gonna have to keep that up.
08:05 He's gonna have to stay away.
08:06 Stay out of harm's way.
08:09 At the same time, he's gonna have to let those hands go,
08:12 try to do some damage.
08:13 But I believe we're about to heat up real quickly.
08:18 (crowd cheering)
08:22 Once they kind of settle in.
08:25 - I think so.
08:26 We're gonna see if Ian Green isn't in top physical condition
08:30 where he can keep moving,
08:32 then he may have a long night.
08:35 - Also Dwight Fleming's in the corner of Ian Green.
08:38 Another long time Newark Jersey trainer
08:41 whose son actually is an undefeated junior middleweight.
09:02 Right inside from Alexander and the clinch.
09:06 - Well, Alexander's certainly applying the pressure.
09:15 - He's applying the pressure.
09:17 It seems like he does need Ian Green to stand there
09:21 before he can really get off.
09:23 And Green's just not gonna cooperate, at least not early.
09:26 - And it's a little difference in pressure
09:28 and punching pressure too.
09:30 Tonight, he has to apply all those skills together
09:34 to see what Ian Green is really gonna do.
09:36 - Oh, nice right hand.
09:46 - Left to the body from Green.
09:53 (crowd chattering)
09:56 Alexander trying to work the body.
10:05 He might be getting in a little bit too deep.
10:07 He's not being able to kind of get some good extension
10:10 on his shots as Vaughn Alexander.
10:13 - Well, I know Ian Green told me
10:16 he's gonna be DK plays.
10:18 - Oh!
10:19 - New Mike Tyson.
10:21 - Good right hand from Green.
10:22 - That's all we needed DKP.
10:24 (crowd cheering)
10:27 The great right hand, Ian Green just landed.
10:29 - If there's a new Mike Tyson,
10:33 we have to find a new Christy Martin
10:35 to put on the upper cards.
10:36 - Absolutely. - They broke the mold.
10:40 - Thank you, Carl.
10:40 (crowd cheering)
10:43 - Uppercut just misses from Green.
10:53 (crowd chattering)
10:56 30 seconds to go in round three.
10:59 Alexander's in fabulous shape.
11:11 He said no one trains harder than he does.
11:13 - No, I believe it.
11:15 - Both of these guys look in tremendous condition
11:21 but we're gonna see though.
11:23 - Yeah, we are gonna see.
11:24 - We're gonna see when we get to eight, nine and 10,
11:26 we'll see who's in shape.
11:27 (bell dinging)
11:29 - Good job, the body end of round three.
11:30 Scheduled for 10.
11:31 (crowd cheering)
11:50 - You know, it never ceases to amaze me
11:53 with the guys with their arms on the ropes.
11:55 That's just not what you're supposed to do.
12:01 - And these guys should, again, you know,
12:04 the people in the corner, they know better.
12:05 They should know better.
12:06 - Absolutely, they should.
12:08 - Ian Green is one of the few guys in the business
12:11 that actually has a cut woman.
12:13 And Veronica Soto, she's a very good cut person,
12:16 keeping him in that fight.
12:18 The last time with the really bad cut in the first round.
12:22 - Yeah, that's important.
12:24 You know, these are some of the unheralded heroes
12:27 in the game.
12:28 Just without them, a whole lot of guys
12:31 would not be world champions.
12:33 - Very true. - That one otherwise.
12:35 - Oh, nice left hook.
12:36 - Seems like Ian Green can pick his shots better,
12:44 place his shots.
12:45 - Wanna give a say hello to some of the fans
12:48 around the world.
12:49 Tuned in after watching other fights.
12:53 We are in our main event right now.
12:55 Ian Green in the orange shorts.
12:58 Vaughn Alexander in the black and red.
13:04 Mark Adams with Carl King and Kristi Martin.
13:07 We're at the Casino Miami in Miami, Florida.
13:09 Left hook from Green.
13:10 Green unofficially on our card
13:14 has taken the first three rounds.
13:17 (crowd shouting)
13:20 - It looks as though in this fourth round,
13:21 he's found his rhythm.
13:22 He's really comfortable.
13:24 He's landing his jab pretty much at will.
13:26 - Switched southpaw. - Turning southpaw.
13:29 Throwing a jab.
13:30 He's relaxed out there and actually having fun.
13:34 - What's Alexander have to do to kind of
13:37 turn this thing around in his favor a little bit?
13:40 - He has to make it a dogfight.
13:43 He has to get inside and stay on his chest.
13:45 - Well, how does he do that?
13:46 He has to get on the inside.
13:47 - You gotta let your hands go, number one.
13:50 And see, he's moving forward, but he's,
13:53 you know, you need to move forward behind the punch.
13:56 I think that's probably fundamentally
14:02 what he probably should be doing right now.
14:04 - See Green landing a good right off the ropes.
14:09 He's just moving and flicking shots
14:11 without Alexander doing much in return.
14:14 (crowd shouting)
14:16 - There's a left hook from Alexander.
14:22 And a straight right.
14:25 And right from Green.
14:28 - Well, I think Green knows if you stand
14:34 in front of Alexander and allow him to get off,
14:37 it could be a long night for you.
14:39 He has to be able to move and work the angles a little bit.
14:43 - That's a body shot from Alexander.
14:45 - He's fighting a perfect game plan.
14:47 - You think Alexander should, I mean,
14:49 just landed one body shot.
14:50 He's been throwing a lot of head shots,
14:52 good right hand from Green.
14:54 Maybe work the body because Green is moving so much.
14:57 Maybe try to cut down on some of that movement
15:00 going to the body.
15:01 - For sure, and you see him, he's touching him on the hips.
15:03 That's an old Julio Cesar Chavez move.
15:06 Hit him on the hips.
15:07 That'll slow him down in a hurry.
15:08 - Listen, a couple of rounds from now,
15:11 you gotta start shaking the leg a little bit
15:15 when he stands up.
15:16 And certainly Julio was a master at that.
15:20 - We are through four rounds here in Miami.
15:24 Good left hook by Anna Green.
15:25 (bell rings)
15:31 (crowd cheers)
15:57 - So far, I think Green is just,
15:59 is having a better night.
16:02 - He had a game plan and he's,
16:04 so far he's been able to stick to his game plan.
16:07 Von Alexander hasn't been able to,
16:09 you know, to bump him off.
16:10 - Well, that's--
16:12 - Get him thinking differently.
16:14 - You know, that's the lesson
16:15 that a lot of fighters should learn
16:18 is to have a game plan
16:20 and then have a way to execute that game plan.
16:24 There's so many times you see a guy may have a game
16:26 and he abandons it the minute something doesn't go
16:29 the way they felt it should go.
16:31 - Green has been able to stay focused
16:34 and continue to move, use his hand speed.
16:38 - And we'll see if that continues,
16:44 if he has any kind of controversy in this fight,
16:47 any kind of anything, you know,
16:51 get hit or cut or something like that.
16:55 - But he's fighting a very good fight at this stage.
16:59 - Jab from Green again.
17:05 Green gets a little right handed.
17:11 - He can't miss with his jab.
17:15 - Green is fighting at the exact pace he wants his fight at.
17:25 - I think Alexander needs to let his hands go a little more.
17:28 - Alexander gets in a body shot.
17:32 Both guys miss right hands.
17:41 (crowd shouting)
17:43 Good right from Alexander.
18:09 (crowd shouting)
18:11 - He needs to do more of that to get back into this fight.
18:16 - Those guys are clinching.
18:21 Good left to the top of the head from Green,
18:23 back to the jab.
18:24 Counter right from Alexander, jab from Green.
18:28 - Alexander's gonna have to just stop
18:31 doing one punch at a time.
18:33 He has to put punches together.
18:35 - Exactly, he does.
18:38 See, he's just walking forward
18:40 without letting those hands go.
18:43 Until he gets in the set position to fire the shot.
18:51 - Oh, nice right hand.
19:02 - Good right from Green off the ropes.
19:06 (crowd shouting)
19:09 Good right again from Alexander.
19:17 Alexander's trying to press forward,
19:19 land some shots on the ropes.
19:21 Alexander misses with a chopping right hand
19:31 as we end round number four, round number five.
19:37 - These rounds are flying by.
19:39 - They are, here we are halfway through.
19:42 - Lot of action, I mean really,
19:47 Ian Green staying busy.
19:49 And at the same time, you can feel Alexander
19:52 putting the pressure on, you feel it like,
19:54 oh okay, it could come at any time.
19:56 - Exactly, and it needs to if he intends
19:59 to come out victorious, this is the time
20:02 he needs to step it up and let those hands
20:04 fly a little more.
20:06 I think he's been a bit conservative on his punch output,
20:09 but Green is just, he's fighting Ian Green's fight
20:13 in my opinion.
20:14 I just think that Ian Green is,
20:16 with the jab, the movement, placement of the shots.
20:22 - And that's kudos to Ian Green
20:24 because he had a game plan, he's able to stick to it
20:26 and not be deterred.
20:28 - And that's what it takes, and it's Alexander's job
20:31 to make him get away from that game plan.
20:34 And we have yet to see that occur.
20:36 - Oh! - Good right hand
20:44 from Alexander. - What a right hand.
20:45 - By far his best punch of the fight,
20:48 and I think he hurt Green bad.
20:50 - That one, that gave some damage.
20:54 - Let's see if Alexander can capitalize.
20:58 He's got Green backing up, overhand right again
21:00 from Alexander.
21:02 (crowd cheering)
21:04 He's got Green backing up on the ropes,
21:10 right and a left from Alexander.
21:14 Goes back down to the body with the jab.
21:16 Right again, misses with the left uppercut.
21:21 The quick overhand right rocked Ian Green
21:26 as Alexander lands a body shot.
21:29 - A little blood coming from the left nostril now
21:31 of Ian Green.
21:32 Right over the top and a left from Alexander.
21:38 - And now's the time though,
21:40 Alexander has to put punches together,
21:42 not just one at a time.
21:43 - Exactly, that would do it.
21:46 He needs to do that.
21:48 - Jab from Alexander.
21:58 Right to the body.
21:59 - This may be his best opportunity
22:05 to turn this fight around is in this round.
22:08 And you're right about him putting them together
22:10 in order to do that.
22:11 - He's still hurt, I think,
22:15 if he could just put three, four, five punches together.
22:18 And let's see.
22:19 - He may have let Green off the hook a little bit.
22:24 - There you go.
22:26 - Three punches from Alexander.
22:27 That's what he needs to do more of.
22:29 - Yeah, exactly.
22:30 Combination punches right now can be his best friend.
22:34 That's what I meant about abandoning that game plan.
22:50 He's trying to recover right now.
22:52 - Here's a right from Alexander again.
22:57 - He had some help in deciding to abandon that game plan.
23:01 - Yes, he did.
23:01 Yes, he did.
23:04 - That help came in a Von Alexander right hand.
23:09 - Green. - Another right hand.
23:13 - Green was backing up, you know,
23:14 and punching most of the first five rounds.
23:17 He's backing up again, but he's letting Alexander dictate.
23:20 One punch has turned this fight around for Von Alexander.
23:25 (crowd chattering)
23:28 (bell dings)
23:31 - He still needs to let his hands fly though.
23:34 He got out of that round.
23:37 Ian Green got out of that round.
23:39 Now, if he has great recuperative skills,
23:42 we'll be back, you know, he'll be okay.
23:46 - We'll see if he's able to come back to his game plan.
23:49 - Yeah, exactly.
23:50 - Or has that train been boosted off the tracks?
23:54 (laughs)
23:56 - See, I look at the way Alexander's sitting in the corner
24:11 and versus Ian Green is up.
24:14 - This is old school.
24:17 They know they've been around a long time.
24:19 Get your arms down, relax.
24:21 That's how I learned the game in camps
24:24 with the Bobby Lewis's, Slim Robinson's,
24:26 Angelo Dungy's of the world.
24:29 That there was unacceptable at the training camp.
24:34 - For sure, for sure.
24:35 (bell dings)
24:38 - Round seven scheduled for 10.
24:40 Let's see if Von Alexander can now keep the momentum going.
24:46 He took from Ian Green in round six.
24:49 (crowd shouting)
24:52 - Well, it looks like he's starting around now,
24:56 more active than he has in the past six rounds.
25:00 - Green looks like-
25:02 - And we've done a reversal
25:03 because now Green is actually the one moving forward.
25:06 - Here's a right from Alexander.
25:12 Uppercut on the inside from Green.
25:17 Right to the side of the head.
25:19 (crowd shouting)
25:21 Right and a left from Green.
25:27 - Starting to live up to his billing.
25:34 I was expecting a war.
25:46 - Body shot from Alexander.
25:48 Green coming forward again.
25:50 Good right to the side of the head from Alexander.
26:00 Left from Green.
26:01 Another left from Green.
26:03 Good right- - Right hand.
26:06 - Chopping right on the inside from Ian Green.
26:08 - Von Alexander could have missed his window of opportunity.
26:15 - He just might have.
26:16 - Good uppercut and a right from Green.
26:18 Ian Green taking back the momentum in round seven
26:24 as he lands an uppercut to the body.
26:26 Left and a right to the head.
26:27 Green misses with the left hook.
26:33 Now it's Alexander who has to try to fight off the ropes.
26:39 (crowd shouting)
26:41 Nice uppercut again from Ian Green.
26:56 Now a cut, it looks like, around the right eye of Ian Green.
27:05 (crowd shouting)
27:08 I think him turning the tide, moving forward,
27:13 backing Alexander up is working to his benefit this round.
27:17 - There was blood around the right eye.
27:18 Can't tell if there was a cut.
27:20 - Which eye was cut before, do you remember?
27:25 - Actually, it looks like maybe up in the-
27:26 - I think it was the right eye cut before?
27:29 - I think so, but I think there's blood
27:30 maybe up on the forehead, I think.
27:32 (crowd shouting)
27:34 - They have been fighting at close quarters
27:38 in this round seven.
27:42 (crowd shouting)
27:44 Here's some of the action of round seven.
27:59 Good uppercut landed there by Green.
28:02 - Ian Green took back the control of the fight pace.
28:06 - Yes, yes he did.
28:09 And he needed to do that before it got out of hand,
28:12 as far as he's concerned.
28:14 - And on Christie's unofficial card now,
28:17 it looks like Alexander is gonna have to do more
28:22 than just win the rest of the rounds,
28:23 maybe score a knockdown or two.
28:25 - Well- - Again, unofficial.
28:28 - Very unofficial because some of those judges
28:31 may have given Von Alexander rounds
28:33 for the pressure that he was keeping on Ian Green.
28:36 (bell dings)
28:41 - But we feel he's definitely behind in the fight.
28:43 He has to start moving.
28:46 Or moving, not necessarily moving, but-
28:51 - Moving his hands.
28:52 - Yeah, start to get it going.
28:59 - Alexander tries to land a chopping right
29:01 and a chopping left.
29:02 Ian Green says, "Nope."
29:04 - I love it when they say no.
29:06 It means yeah, yeah, yeah.
29:08 (laughs)
29:10 - There's a left three-punch combination from Alexander.
29:22 - That's what Alexander's gonna have to do.
29:24 He's gonna have to punch in combinations
29:25 and plan on one of those punches of the combination landing.
29:30 - Yeah.
29:31 Upper cut again from Alexander.
29:38 - That's not Green's mouth open, is it?
29:44 Is that just the way his facial expression is?
29:48 I don't think he's sucking air.
29:50 It just seems that-
29:52 - Oh, good right hand from Alexander.
29:55 (crowd cheering)
29:58 - Alexander landed some pretty solid body shots early on,
30:03 so Ian Green's mouth could be coming a little open.
30:06 - Left hook misses from Green.
30:12 - And you know, Von Alexander moves him.
30:21 - Oh, there was a-
30:22 - Headbutt.
30:23 - There was a headbutt followed
30:24 by a big right hand from Green.
30:26 I think the headbutt is what caused Alexander
30:30 some discomfort.
30:32 Left hook from Alexander just misses with the right.
30:37 Green was coming in with his shoulder,
30:43 I think just hit Alexander in the jaw,
30:45 left to the body from Green.
30:46 - Alexander has the lift.
30:52 He resembles Ernie Shavers in the face.
30:55 Back in the day, that's what comes to my mind.
30:58 - What a puncher.
31:01 - Oh my God.
31:02 Y'all, this would be over.
31:04 Everybody be knocked out by now.
31:06 - Oh, good body shot.
31:09 Down goes Alexander.
31:11 A perfect left hook to the body,
31:16 puts Alexander on his knee.
31:18 And I don't think he's getting up,
31:21 and this fight is over.
31:23 And Green.
31:26 - That was a hell of a shot.
31:29 - With a left hook to the body,
31:32 put Bornell General on a knee,
31:34 and this fight is stopped.
31:36 Wow.
31:41 That was one hell of a shot.
31:44 - Perfect.
31:45 That's the thing about a liver shot.
31:47 There's just not a whole lot you can do about it.
31:49 - No, it's paralyzing.
31:51 - Oh my goodness.
31:52 - The perfect shot by Ian Green
31:56 gives him win number 18, stoppage number 12.
32:00 - Hell, my liver's hurt.
32:02 - And he will rise in the rankings in the WBA.
32:10 - For sure, and he's another guy
32:13 that he deserves that big shot.
32:16 He's paid his dues, he's been there.
32:18 - Let's take a look at it.
32:20 - Perfect shot right there.
32:22 - Right there, bam.
32:24 And that's the liver shot.
32:25 You can take one step, and then you think,
32:27 I thought I would never breathe again.
32:29 - Ooh.
32:29 - Yeah, let's see it.
32:30 - See when he go, first one, then this.
32:33 - Yeah.
32:34 It's one of those delayed reaction shots, and Ian Green.
32:39 - You know, it's almost as if you can't condition
32:44 that part of your body.
32:45 - No.
32:46 - You can't toughen that up,
32:47 or build a shield around it.
32:51 And I've never, well, I might have been hit there,
32:54 but not in a boxing ring.
32:56 - Right.
32:57 - But by a boxer, Michael Dokes.
33:00 - Oh, I thought you were gonna say Michael Tyson.
33:02 - No, I wouldn't be here if that was the case.
33:06 - Michael Dokes.
33:08 - Michael Dokes, and I had some,
33:10 I'm overdue for a win, let's put it that way.
33:15 He's undefeated against me.
33:18 - Well, Ian Green continues to announce himself
33:23 as a player in the middleweight division,
33:25 and he will be on short list for big fights going forward.
33:30 - Well, I think this was a very impressive win for him.
33:34 - Absolutely.
33:36 - And based on what I've seen tonight,
33:38 just on tonight's performances,
33:43 Alec Castro shouldn't, you know,
33:45 he needs to stop asking for this guy again.
33:49 I don't think it'll work out for him.
33:51 - And as we say this, the team of Castro
33:53 is yelling at Green.
33:55 - Trust me when I tell you this,
33:59 a manager can get a fighter beat quicker than anybody.
34:03 - But with the time of the stoppage here,
34:05 let's throw up to Jeremiah Gallegos.
34:08 (crowd murmuring)
34:11 - Ladies and gentlemen,
34:18 here from Casino Miami, what a night and what a finish.
34:24 The official time, 240, round eight,
34:31 as our referee, Sam Burgos, reaches the count of 10.
34:37 To the winner by KO, and he is still
34:41 the reigning WBA Continental USA middleweight champion,
34:46 the fighting bribe of Patterson, New Jersey,
34:51 the young general,
34:54 Ian Green!
34:55 - Ian Green.
35:06 WBA Continental USA middleweight champion,
35:09 a very impressive eighth round stoppage
35:11 over Vaughn Alexander in our main event.
