• 6 months ago
Aired (March 22, 2024): Walang pagsidlan ng saya ang Team Walang Tulugan matapos nilang ma-still ang scores sa Sparkle 10.


00:00 [music]
00:05 Iron Man, Petsapato.
00:07 [music]
00:10 Woah. Woah.
00:12 [laughs]
00:13 That was strong.
00:14 It was strong.
00:15 Beatrice is strong.
00:16 I was scared.
00:17 Here we go. It's a double points round.
00:18 Top 6 answers are on the board.
00:20 Aside from shampoo and soap,
00:23 what else do you use for bathing?
00:26 Yes, sir.
00:28 Umm...
00:30 feminine wash.
00:31 Feminine wash.
00:33 You're not the one using it, right?
00:35 You're not, right?
00:36 Feminine wash.
00:37 [buzzer]
00:38 Nothing.
00:39 Lian, aside from shampoo and soap,
00:41 what else do you use for bathing?
00:43 For curling.
00:44 For curling.
00:45 [laughs]
00:46 Yes.
00:47 Lian, pass or play?
00:49 Of course, play.
00:50 Here we go again. Let's go. Let's go, Lian.
00:52 Sparkle 10.
00:53 We're here again.
00:54 Ashley, aside from shampoo and soap,
00:57 what else do you use for bathing?
00:59 Conditioner.
01:00 Conditioner.
01:01 Is the conditioner here, guys?
01:03 Yes, Ravia?
01:04 Water.
01:05 Water.
01:06 Of course.
01:08 Hot or cold?
01:09 Hot.
01:10 Water.
01:11 Top answer.
01:13 Faith.
01:14 Faith, you can do it.
01:15 Aside from shampoo and soap,
01:17 what else do you use for bathing?
01:19 Body scrub.
01:21 Body scrub.
01:22 Sir, he says...
01:23 [buzzer]
01:24 Nothing, Lian.
01:25 Aside from shampoo and soap,
01:27 what else do you use for bathing?
01:29 For bathing...
01:30 Um...
01:31 Bathing soap.
01:32 Is the bathing soap here?
01:34 [bell dings]
01:35 Ashley.
01:36 Um...
01:37 Bathing soap.
01:38 Is the bathing soap here?
01:39 Bathing soap.
01:40 Is the bathing soap here?
01:41 [bell dings]
01:42 There.
01:43 Bathing soap.
01:44 Because it's more efficient in water,
01:45 right?
01:46 If you have bathing soap and soap.
01:47 Ravia.
01:48 Lotion.
01:49 Lotion.
01:50 Sir, he says...
01:51 [buzzer]
01:52 Nothing.
01:53 Okay, no point.
01:54 Faith.
01:55 Aside from shampoo and soap,
01:56 what else do you use for bathing?
01:58 Hand.
01:59 [laughter]
02:00 [bell dings]
02:01 It's hard to wash your hands.
02:04 What will you do?
02:05 Sir, he says...
02:06 [buzzer]
02:07 Nothing.
02:08 Jack.
02:09 Sponge.
02:10 Sponge.
02:11 Yes, sir.
02:12 Aside from shampoo and soap,
02:14 what else do you use for bathing?
02:16 Um...
02:17 Bathing...
02:18 Toothpaste?
02:19 No.
02:20 Boy.
02:21 I feel like...
02:22 Steel brush.
02:23 Steel brush.
02:24 [laughter]
02:25 [bell dings]
02:26 Toilet paper or toilet paper.
02:29 [bell dings]
02:30 [cheering]
02:31 Top answer.
02:32 Third answer.
02:33 Fourth answer.
02:34 Nothing.
02:35 We don't use toilet paper.
02:37 Is toilet paper available?
02:39 There it is, sir.
02:40 There it is.
02:41 Toilet paper.
02:42 Toilet paper.
02:43 Let's find out if it's available
02:44 when we return to Family Feud.
02:47 Welcome back to our anniversary special
02:50 of Family Feud.
02:51 And earlier, our question was,
02:54 aside from shampoo and soap,
02:56 what else do you use for bathing?
02:58 We're looking for one.
02:59 Ken's answer is toilet paper or toilet paper.
03:01 If they're right, they'll win.
03:04 We'll see.
03:05 Survey says...
03:06 That's right.
03:07 [bell dings]
03:08 [cheering]
03:09 [bell dings]
03:10 Let's do a recap.
03:12 [laughter]
03:14 Whoa.
03:15 Sparkle 10 still has 131 points.
03:18 But here it is.
03:19 The sleepless team has won
03:21 with Master Showman.
03:23 144 points.
03:24 Oh.
03:25 [bell dings]
