• last year
The speed of electric current is almost equal to the speed of light. In 1746, when this was not yet known, the French priest and physicist Jean-Antoine Nollet wanted to measure the speed of current experimentally
00:00 The speed of electric current is almost equal to the speed of light. In 1746
00:08 when this was not at known the French priest and physicist Jean-Antony
00:17 Nollet wanted to measure the speed of current experimentally. He placed two
00:24 under monks connected to each other by the Hiram wire in a circle over one and
00:32 a half kilometer long and then just discharge a battery of leaden jars
00:39 invited higher and higher into this circuit. All the monks reacted to this current in
00:47 hand and start which convinced Nollet of the very high level meaning of the desired
00:54 value.
