Bonanza Season 3 Episode 33

  • 6 months ago
00:00 [music]
00:27 What happened to you?
00:29 Well, I was all at once struck down.
00:32 My heart and...
00:33 Oh!
00:35 My arm hurt something fierce.
00:38 You take it easy. I'll get you to a doctor.
00:40 No, I ain't gonna last long. Enough for no doctor to give me my money's worth.
00:44 Just get me back to my camp.
00:46 All right.
00:47 Why don't you show me where your camp is?
00:49 Take it easy.
00:51 [music]
00:56 Paul, hurry up with them splints.
00:58 Here you are.
00:59 Straighten up, I guess.
01:02 Give me your handkerchief.
01:04 [cow mooing]
01:08 Come on, you ain't helpless.
01:10 Well, what are you gonna do with it?
01:12 Take care of it.
01:16 It's gonna be a lot of trouble to you.
01:18 Poor Lorne thing.
01:21 Well, Trudy, something like this happens every lamb in time.
01:29 [cow mooing]
01:31 Go on, you mama, go on.
01:33 [cow mooing]
01:43 Trudy, I tell you what.
01:46 Come fall, you fatten him up real good.
01:48 I'll build a big fire, and we'll roast him.
01:51 Paul!
01:53 Don't you dusty think of such a thing.
01:55 Come on.
01:58 Trudy, I was just funny.
01:59 I was just funny.
02:00 I'll get you good if you ain't.
02:01 [cow mooing]
02:05 Grandpa.
02:07 Grandpa.
02:10 What did you do to him?
02:12 I found him this way on the trail.
02:13 He helped me, Trudy.
02:15 Give me a hand.
02:16 We'll let him off the horse.
02:17 No, I'm down.
02:18 Here we go, Pa.
02:20 Take it easy.
02:23 Does the name Harker mean anything to you, girl?
02:27 No, Grandpa, it don't.
02:29 It's a rich family in San Francisco named Harker.
02:31 Yeah, they're the ones I'm talking about.
02:35 They're your folks, Trudy, just as much as I am.
02:40 How could that be?
02:41 I ain't never even heard of them.
02:43 Your father was Frank Harker,
02:45 a fine, upstanding man.
02:48 Grandpa, why didn't you tell me all this before?
02:51 It wasn't easy to tell.
02:54 You see, your mother met young Frank Harker in San Francisco.
03:00 They fell in love.
03:03 But the Harkers was high and mighty.
03:06 They wasn't gonna have no hill girl
03:09 by the name of Abigail Coombs in their family.
03:12 No, sir.
03:15 So Frank and Abigail, they run away and got married.
03:21 What happened to them?
03:22 One day, Abigail came here with you.
03:28 She told me that Frank had up and died.
03:33 She come to me 'cause she had no place else to turn.
03:38 She made me make a promise before she died.
03:41 What kind of promise?
03:43 She made me promise that I'd try to get you back to the Harkers
03:48 and the things that were rightfully yours.
03:53 I've been happy here, Grandpa.
03:55 Seth, I'll take care of her. You know that.
03:57 You don't have to worry about it.
03:59 Now, you stay out of this, you hear?
04:01 I didn't raise her to marry no sheepherder.
04:08 I want you to go to your rightful people, Trudy.
04:12 Make 'em take you back.
04:14 I don't want to leave here, Grandpa.
04:17 I'm asking you for your promise, Trudy.
04:20 Now, will you do as I ask?
04:24 I'll try, Grandpa.
04:27 And I'll need yours, too, son.
04:29 You have my word.
04:32 Now I can rest easy.
04:41 He's gone.
04:54 He's gone.
04:57 He's gone.
05:00 [music]
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05:58 Trudy, I put the ground sheet on for you, just in case it comes up a rain or something.
06:04 Well, don't seem likely.
06:07 Well, you can't never tell about those things.
06:10 I put some bread and meat in there for you, too, if you get hungry.
06:14 Thank you, Pa.
06:16 You look after that lamb now.
06:18 Oh, I will. Don't you worry about that.
06:21 Just don't you get to liking it down there too much.
06:24 You know I could never like anything but what's right here.
06:28 Pa, I'm afeard.
06:31 Trudy.
06:32 I'm all trembly inside.
06:35 I've never done nothing like this before.
06:37 Well, I don't like it neither.
06:39 I don't like it when Grandpa sends you off to people you don't know and strangers taking care of you.
06:44 I ought to be the one who's taking care of you, Trudy.
06:48 Thank you very kindly, Pa, but you ain't no kin of mine. You don't need to.
06:55 Well, I want to.
06:57 You know I got a strong feeling for you.
07:00 Well, I didn't know nothing of the sort.
07:03 You never spoke of it.
07:05 Well, there are things that just don't speak right out.
07:10 How's a girl to know lest you tell her?
07:12 Well, you know now.
07:16 I got all kinds of things planned for us. I want to tell you about them.
07:20 Paul, I want to hear about them things.
07:24 I want to hear about all of them.
07:29 There just ain't no time now.
07:31 I got to go and do what Grandpa made me promise.
07:34 Yeah, I guess you do.
07:37 Well, you go on, then. Don't worry about things. I'll watch over everything right here for you.
07:42 Thank you, Paul.
07:45 And don't you fuss, then, 'cause I'll be back.
07:47 I'm hoping you will, Trudy.
07:49 You know I will.
07:51 Sure.
07:53 Sure, I know you will.
07:57 Better get started.
07:59 Well, the sooner I get going, the sooner I'll be back.
08:14 You take care of her now, you hear, Cartwright?
08:17 Don't you worry. I'll take good care of her.
08:19 'Cause I don't want anything to happen to her.
08:32 I'll be back before you know it.
09:01 Come on in.
09:22 It's bigger than a church.
09:26 I guess it is.
09:27 Come on, I'll take you upstairs to your room.
09:31 Yeah, this is your room right here.
09:33 Oh, look at it! Is this whole place just for me?
09:36 Yeah, whole place just for you.
09:38 Oh, wait.
09:39 Just walk around, get acquainted.
09:41 I'm gonna go downstairs and heat up a couple of buckets of water.
09:44 You could kind of wash up a little bit before my family gets here. Kind of pretty up.
09:48 Is it gonna be all right with him, I mean, me staying here?
09:50 Oh, yeah, yeah. My pa loves company. You leave that to me.
09:54 If you need anything, just call me. I'll be downstairs.
09:57 Oh, little Joe.
09:59 You've been real good to me.
10:02 Make yourself at home.
10:26 Joseph.
10:28 Hi, Pa.
10:30 Well, you're back early.
10:33 How was the hunting?
10:34 I didn't have any luck at all.
10:37 Joseph.
10:39 Yeah.
10:42 Whose horse is that outside?
10:45 Horse? Oh!
10:48 Just belongs to a friend of mine. Came back with me.
10:50 Oh.
10:51 Girl.
10:54 Oh?
10:56 Who is she?
10:57 Well, she's upstairs.
11:01 Oh?
11:03 Yeah, she's gonna take a bath.
11:06 Oh.
11:08 Well, see, you don't understand, Pa.
11:10 No, you're right.
11:12 I don't understand.
11:14 Now, suppose you start explaining.
11:16 Explain?
11:19 Her name's Trudy.
11:22 Yes?
11:24 Yeah, and, uh...
11:26 She's a fine, sweet girl.
11:28 Good.
11:30 She's gonna take a bath and stay with us for a while.
11:33 Gonna...
11:35 Stay with us?
11:36 Oh, yeah, but just overnight.
11:38 I mean, she wouldn't be any trouble at all.
11:42 I don't think she'd be any trouble at all.
11:44 Good.
11:46 Do you think?
11:53 [♪♪♪]
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13:05 Well, I suppose I should leave you.
13:12 No trouble at all.
13:20 What happened?
13:21 It's that tippy chair, little Joe.
13:23 I fell clean over.
13:24 Are you all right?
13:25 Well, I reckon, but you ought to warn a buddy about them things.
13:27 They ain't safe.
13:29 What happened to the chair?
13:30 It's broke.
13:31 Oh, it's broke.
13:32 Don't say anything.
13:38 Trudy, I'd like you to meet my father.
13:40 Pa, this is...
13:41 Howdy, Mr. Cartwright.
13:42 Well, Miss Gomes, it's a pleasure.
13:45 My name's Harker now, I guess, Mr. Cartwright.
13:47 Oh, at least I think so.
13:48 Oh, well, from what little Joe told me, I guess.
13:50 Well, it's just that so much has been happening to me today, I'm not sure about anything.
13:54 Except that you folks are being right nice to go to all this trouble for me.
13:58 It's no trouble, is it, Pa?
14:01 Oh, no, no, of course, no trouble at all.
14:03 Trudy, we're going to be fixing supper pretty soon, and we're going to wash up,
14:07 and I thought maybe you'd like to wash up.
14:11 Yeah, well, I was just bringing her the water when you came in, Pa.
14:13 Oh, never mind, little Joe, I can tell her.
14:19 Oh, and don't you worry none about that tippy old chair, little Joe.
14:22 It ain't broke much.
14:23 I'll fix it myself, first thing in the morning.
14:29 It ain't broke much.
14:33 Joe, that girl wouldn't be safe in Virginia City by herself.
14:36 You can't send her to San Francisco.
14:39 Well, why not? Her grandfather wanted me to.
14:41 No, no, no, you said that he wanted you to look after her.
14:45 Well, she has family in San Francisco. They can look after her.
14:49 Joe, suppose by chance she happens to find this family of hers, the Harkers?
14:54 Yeah, Harkers.
14:56 Suppose they don't take her in.
14:58 Then what does she do?
14:59 You know, a couple of hundred miles away from anybody she knows.
15:02 Why wouldn't they want to take her in? She's part of the family.
15:05 Joseph, you just told me Mr. Harker turned away her mother 20 years ago.
15:11 Yeah, that's right.
15:14 I guess we don't have a guarantee he'll take her in, do we?
15:17 You really got yourself into something, didn't you?
15:24 Evening, Pop.
15:25 Evening.
15:27 I was wondering when you boys would get back.
15:30 How's what the doctor say about your arm?
15:32 Oh, it's all right, boy. He said I'd have full use of it in another week or two.
15:35 Oh, good.
15:36 Uh, listen.
15:38 I'd like to talk to you about something.
15:40 Yeah, we know all about it, Paul.
15:42 We met little Joe going into town a while ago.
15:44 Oh, that's our little brother.
15:46 Goes out looking for a bear and brings back a girl.
15:48 I hear them Harkers are pretty fancy folk there in San Francisco.
15:51 We think we ought to dress or something before we meet this little gal.
15:54 Well, I don't think that will be necessary.
15:56 This particular little gal wasn't brought up in San Francisco society.
16:00 Well, Joe didn't give us any detail.
16:02 He just said he was wiring the people.
16:04 What's the story?
16:05 Well, there was this old man Coombs up in the mountains.
16:11 Trudy, come on down.
16:13 I want you to meet my other two sons.
16:18 Miss Trudy Harker, my son Adam.
16:20 Howdy, Adam.
16:21 How you doing?
16:22 And my son, Hoss.
16:23 Howdy.
16:24 Howdy, ma'am.
16:25 Oh, Mr. Cartwright, you sure raised some fine ones.
16:28 How'd you get them so big?
16:30 I guess it's the double helpings they're always eating.
16:33 Uh, well, Trudy, how about some dinner?
16:36 Joe went to Virginia City to send a telegram to your grandfather,
16:38 but I think among the four of us we ought to be able to rustle up something.
16:41 Oh, no, no, no, I'll do it.
16:42 Oh, no, no, Trudy, it isn't--
16:43 No, sir, cooking is a woman's job.
16:45 I'll go see what's out there.
16:47 If you got some, I'll fix you up some hogback and turnips.
16:50 It'll only take a short while.
16:53 Hogback and turnips.
16:54 That don't sound bad at all, does it?
16:58 You know, I think that girl's going to have a little trouble in San Francisco.
17:01 Yeah, I think our work is cut out for us.
17:04 What sort of work, Paul?
17:07 Getting a young lady out of a mountain girl.
17:18 Hi.
17:19 Well, looks like you made out pretty well.
17:22 Yeah, pretty good.
17:25 You set that telegram off.
17:27 Yeah.
17:28 I persuaded Mrs. Wilson to open up the store.
17:30 Did you buy all them packages of clothes for Trudy?
17:32 Yep.
17:33 Wasn't an easy job, either.
17:35 Tell me something, how'd you pick out the sizes?
17:37 I just got Maisie from the saloon to come down and try things on for me.
17:40 She's about the same size.
17:41 I'll be dead and burnt.
17:43 Little brother, I gotta hand it to you.
17:45 When it comes to women, you're the real expert in the family.
17:47 I just hope you're right.
17:48 Hey, where's Trudy, anyway?
17:56 Good morning, Mr. Cartwright.
17:58 Morning, Mr. Cartwright.
17:59 Morning.
18:00 Morning, Mr. Cartwright.
18:01 Morning, Trudy.
18:02 Morning, little Joe.
18:03 I'm glad there ain't no more of you.
18:04 I'd be plumb wore out.
18:07 Oh, little Joe, I saw you ride up.
18:09 Did you hear from Grandpa Harker yet?
18:10 No, I just sent the telegram last night.
18:12 It'll take a little time.
18:13 But I made a deal with the man in the telegraph office to bring it here just as soon as he gets it.
18:17 Trudy, want some coffee?
18:18 Oh, yeah, sure.
18:28 There's one thing I like in the morning.
18:36 It's good, hot coffee.
18:40 Haven't we noticed?
18:43 I, uh, I got you some new clothes for your trip to San Francisco.
18:47 New clothes?
18:48 For me?
18:51 Oh.
18:53 Gee, thanks, little Joe.
18:55 I ain't never had enough store-bought clothes before.
19:13 These don't look to be too sturdy, little Joe.
19:38 Don't you reckon they'll wear out awful quick?
19:40 Uh, Trudy, um, why don't you take these upstairs and try them on there?
19:49 I'm sure your instincts will tell you what goes with what.
19:52 Little Joe, as soon as I get this stuff figured out, I'll come down and you can tell me if I was right.
20:15 I think maybe you should have brought Maisie along.
20:18 No, no, no.
20:19 Little brother's an expert.
20:21 He'll need an amp.
20:22 He'll need an amp.
20:54 Well, Jeb just brought the telegram for Mr. Harker.
20:56 Oh?
20:57 I don't get it.
20:58 He doesn't want her to come to San Francisco.
21:00 He wants to come here.
21:01 He'll be here in two weeks, just sign Harker.
21:05 I don't know whether it's good or bad.
21:07 I was so sure he'd want her to come there right away.
21:10 Yeah.
21:11 Maybe he just wants to check, make sure this is really his granddaughter.
21:15 Yeah, maybe.
21:17 That could be another reason.
21:19 What's that?
21:22 You know, Harker's a fairly wealthy people, from what I've been given to understand.
21:29 And, well, they live a very social life.
21:33 Trudy's from the mountains.
21:35 What does that got to do with it?
21:36 She's part of the family.
21:37 Joe, you don't understand.
21:39 For the last 19 years, Trudy's been hidden up in the mountains, away from civilization.
21:45 And Harker's, you know, they live a life quite different from ours right here in the Ponderosa.
21:51 Maybe they want to look the girl over.
21:54 Maybe they don't think that she'll fit into their kind of life.
21:57 You mean I ain't good enough for 'em?
21:59 Well, Trudy, come on down.
22:02 You look lovely.
22:07 That's it, ain't it?
22:09 Just like my ma wasn't good enough.
22:11 Oh, now, Trudy, we were just talking.
22:13 What does a buddy have to be to be one of them?
22:15 Trudy, let's look at it calmly now.
22:19 They do lead a different kind of life.
22:21 And they think differently and talk differently and they dress differently.
22:26 Joe, could you teach me to talk and act like them before they get here?
22:35 Trudy, it's hard to learn a whole new way of life in two weeks.
22:39 But if I tried, would you help me?
22:44 Little Joe, you promised my grandpa.
22:51 Oh, it ain't for him, just--
22:55 It's for me to show him I'm a lady, too.
23:00 Trudy.
23:01 Trudy, you are a lady.
23:04 You have courage and you have honesty.
23:07 Well, those are the things that a person should be judged on, not just clothes and manners.
23:11 Them things, though, them clothes and manners, they're important to the Hawkers, ain't they?
23:17 Yeah, well, they might be important--
23:19 Then I want to get them.
23:22 Oh, it ain't just for my sake.
23:25 It's for my ma's sake, too.
23:36 Will you help me, Little Joe?
23:39 Yeah.
23:42 Yeah, I'll help you, Trudy.
23:47 Thank you.
23:49 [music]
24:18 Trudy, why don't you rest for a while?
24:20 You've been--you've been going at it pretty hard now for a couple of days.
24:23 I don't have time, Little Joe.
24:25 I got to learn it all, everything.
24:28 Nobody's going to say that I ain't--
24:33 Nobody is going to say that I'm not fit.
24:39 Just don't you give up on me, please, Joe.
24:43 Don't worry, I ain't.
24:46 Okay, come on, let's try it again.
24:56 [music]
25:01 Trudy, put your arms down.
25:07 You're making fun of me.
25:09 I am not making fun of you.
25:11 Nobody eats this way.
25:12 In San Francisco, the society people do eat this way.
25:15 With all of them forks?
25:16 All of these forks.
25:18 With all of these forks and spoons and glasses?
25:21 Well, you don't need but one of each of them.
25:23 And if you have to, you can get along without any of them.
25:25 Look, I'm not going to argue with you about it.
25:27 Now, you're going to learn it.
25:29 We're going to go through it again, all right?
25:32 Starting from the left, what is this?
25:34 A fork.
25:35 Yes, I know it's a fork.
25:37 What kind of a fork?
25:38 [music]
25:42 One, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three.
25:47 See?
25:48 Okay.
25:49 Ready to try it?
25:51 Well, might as well get my feet wet.
25:53 All right, now when a gentleman comes over and he wants to ask you to dance, he says,
25:56 "May I have the pleasure of this dance?"
25:58 Pleasure?
26:00 Ain't he taking a lot for granted?
26:03 Then you're supposed to say to him, "I'd be delighted."
26:06 Do I got to say that?
26:08 Well, you have to say something like that.
26:10 Why?
26:11 Well, what if I ain't delighted?
26:13 Well, just say it anyway as a favor to me.
26:16 I guess that's so that you won't feel bad if you don't want to dance with him, huh?
26:20 Yeah, I think it's something like that.
26:21 Come on.
26:23 Now, this arm here, see?
26:27 And you take my hand there.
26:29 Don't squeeze my hand so tight.
26:32 Well, I got a good strong grip.
26:33 I skinned and quartered an elk once all by myself.
26:37 Well, just relax when you're dancing.
26:39 Try to think of your partner as someone more charming, more exciting than an elk.
26:44 All right?
26:45 Mm-hmm.
26:46 Okay, now, on one.
26:48 One.
26:51 Sorry.
26:52 It's all right.
26:53 Here we go again.
26:54 Ready?
26:55 Let me get--
26:56 Okay.
26:58 One, two, three.
27:00 One, two, three.
27:01 That's good.
27:24 Judy?
27:33 It's 1 o'clock, child.
27:35 I couldn't sleep, Mr. Cartwright.
27:37 I reckon you couldn't either.
27:38 Either.
27:39 Now, as a matter of fact, I heard someone moving around down here.
27:43 Don't you think you ought to be in bed?
27:45 Grandpa Hawk will come in tomorrow.
27:46 I'm just too excited.
27:48 You've been working very hard for the last two weeks, and you've done very well.
27:52 Don't you think that you ought to look lovely and rested in the morning?
27:56 But there's so much to do and remember.
27:58 Oh, by the way, I've asked Annie Wilson to come over in the morning to help out with the last-minute details.
28:03 Thank you.
28:04 So you have nothing to worry about.
28:05 Tomorrow will be just fine.
28:07 Tomorrow, I've got to do everything right.
28:09 You will.
28:10 I've just got to make him want me.
28:11 I've just got to.
28:13 Mr. Harker will want his granddaughter, whether she picks up the right fork or not, if he's any kind of a man.
28:20 If he doesn't like me, I'll just die.
28:23 No.
28:24 Oh, you don't understand, Mr. Cartwright, what it's like sleeping on a new soft bed for the first time,
28:30 wearing pretty clothes, and eating off a tablecloth, just so.
28:36 It must be very wonderful for you.
28:38 I don't ever want to lose all that.
28:41 I can hardly wait to get to San Francisco.
28:44 All them tall buildings and them shiny, bright carriages and fancy parties and wearing pretty clothes all the time.
28:53 Well, Kootie, you know, it isn't all one big party.
28:55 All them stylishly dressed young men come to take you dancing.
29:00 Kootie, don't I remember Little Joe saying something about a young man up in the mountains?
29:06 You mean Paul?
29:09 Well, so much has been happening to me.
29:14 I ain't thought about him much lately.
29:17 Yeah, I guess right now, tomorrow, is the most important thing on your mind.
29:21 So don't you think you'd better get some sleep?
29:24 I'll try.
29:28 But I won't shut my eyes a wink.
29:31 [music]
29:39 Hopsing, where are those curling irons?
29:41 In a minute, in a minute.
29:42 Right now and hot.
29:45 Here, I'll take those.
29:55 Hey, Hopsing, there's no hot water in the guest rooms.
30:00 Here, I'll take those.
30:02 Five people yelling all the time, only one hot seat.
30:05 Let me have those, let me have those.
30:06 I want to talk to Trudy anyway.
30:16 Isn't this fun?
30:27 I can't breathe.
30:28 You're not supposed to.
30:30 Now, hold tight.
30:33 I'm coming.
30:35 Here, put this dress over your head.
30:37 These things are burning my hands.
30:39 I'm coming, I'm coming.
30:41 Do the best you can.
30:43 I'll be there, I'll be there.
30:48 Come on, these things are hot.
30:49 Well, all right, hook up her dress.
30:50 Sit down, sit down there.
30:53 Don't worry, you remember everything now?
30:55 I hope so.
30:56 What do you do with your butter knife?
30:58 I don't know.
31:00 Just keep watching me, do whatever I do.
31:02 What foot do you lead off with when you're dancing?
31:04 The left.
31:05 I lead off with the left, you lead off with the right.
31:08 The right, the right.
31:10 You're scalping me.
31:11 If you just hold still.
31:13 Little Joe, they're coming.
31:14 Oh, my gosh.
31:15 Oh, Little Joe, I can't remember nothing.
31:17 Just relax, you're going to be fine.
31:19 You're going to be just fine.
31:20 I'm going to up and die, I just know it.
31:29 Mr. Harker.
31:30 Mr. Cartwright.
31:31 Welcome to the Ponderosas.
31:32 Thank you, sir.
31:33 My granddaughter, Stephanie.
31:35 How do you do?
31:36 How do you do?
31:37 My son, Adam.
31:38 How do you do?
31:39 Stephanie.
31:40 Mr. Harker.
31:41 And my other son, Eric.
31:43 We call him Horse.
31:45 I'm charmed, Horse.
31:47 No, ma'am, not Horse, just plain Horse.
31:51 Boys, would you look after the luggage,
31:53 and perhaps Mr. Harker and Miss Harker will come into the house.
32:06 It's rather elegant, isn't it, Grandfather,
32:08 considering how deep we are in the wilderness.
32:10 Mr. Cartwright, I've been looking forward to meeting you for some years.
32:13 Well, thank you, sir.
32:14 I didn't know San Francisco had ever heard of us.
32:16 We have.
32:17 Your Ponderosas is quite famous there.
32:19 Well, thank you again.
32:20 Now, I'm sure you must have had a long, tiring ride.
32:22 You probably want to rest up a bit.
32:24 Well, you're very thoughtful, sir.
32:25 Mr. Cartwright, where's the young lady you promised to show us?
32:28 Well, I'm sure you--
32:29 [footsteps]
32:36 Move fast to me, little Joe.
32:45 Miss Harker, Mr. Harker, my youngest son, Joseph.
32:49 How do you do?
32:50 How are you, sir?
32:52 And this, sir, is your granddaughter, Trudy.
32:55 How do you do?
32:56 It's a pleasure, my child.
32:59 My other granddaughter, Stephanie.
33:02 How do you do?
33:03 How do you do?
33:06 I'm looking forward to chatting with you, young lady, after I've rested.
33:10 Mr. Cartwright?
33:11 Oh, yes, of course. Excuse us.
33:21 Interesting.
33:23 Most interesting.
33:34 Now, get a little more light in this room.
33:40 That's better.
33:41 And I'll get some hot water.
33:42 Will you please sit down a moment, Mr. Cartwright?
33:44 Of course.
33:46 You finally come directly to the point, sir.
33:51 You know the reason I've come out here, don't you?
33:53 Well, I presume it's to see your granddaughter.
33:57 Precisely.
33:58 I made a mistake 20 years ago in disowning my son.
34:00 He was a strong man.
34:02 He had a good, independent mind.
34:04 Now, after I die, there will be little enough strength left in the Harker family.
34:09 Stephanie will run through my money in a year.
34:12 Oh, shirt sleeves, two shirt sleeves in three generations.
34:16 Yes, I'm afraid that's true.
34:20 In my old age, I'm looking for an element of strength.
34:23 My son's strength, if you will, to bring back into the Harker family.
34:28 I'm hoping there's some of that strength in young Trudy.
34:34 Well, Mr. Harker.
34:38 I don't know if Trudy's going to be everything that you might want her to be.
34:45 But I do know this.
34:48 She's your granddaughter.
35:03 Everything happened so fast, little Joe.
35:05 I didn't get a chance to do anything.
35:07 Don't you worry about it.
35:08 I think you said howdy very well.
35:10 Besides, you're going to get a chance to show up at dinner time.
35:12 Oh, and that Stephanie.
35:14 Have you ever seen anyone so beautiful?
35:16 I'm going to look like a new cliff sheet next to her.
35:19 Now, look, I think you're prettier than she is, and don't you forget it.
35:22 All right, little Joe.
35:24 Mr. Cartwright.
35:25 Oh, hi.
35:28 I thought you were going to rest for a little while.
35:30 Oh, I'm much too excited to rest.
35:32 It isn't every day that you meet an only cousin for the first time.
35:35 Don't talk about it that way.
35:37 Joseph, would you be sweet and do us a favor?
35:41 I would like so much to talk to cousin Trudy alone for a while.
35:45 Oh, sure.
35:46 Joe, go check on Hop Singh, see how he's making out with the biscuits.
35:51 Well, now, cousin Trudy, we must have a nice, long chat.
35:56 Tell me about yourself, what you've been doing all these years.
36:00 I've been living up in the mountains with my grandpa, my other grandpa.
36:04 Yes, the one who asked the Cartwrights to wire us about you.
36:09 And what did he tell you about us?
36:12 That we were very rich?
36:14 No, I mean, yes.
36:18 He didn't mean anything--
36:20 Oh, don't apologize, my dear.
36:22 Believe me, if I'd been you, stuck up there on some mountain,
36:25 and learned that I had some very rich relatives,
36:28 I would have tried to get to them much sooner than you did.
36:31 Oh, it's not that way.
36:33 I mean about the money.
36:35 Grandpa said that you were all the kin I had.
36:38 And you were hoping to be reunited with us, weren't you?
36:41 Yes, I always thought the kinfolk should be together.
36:46 Oh, come now, cousin Trudy.
36:49 You wouldn't fit into our life in San Francisco
36:51 any more than I could live on your mountain.
36:55 Now, Grandfather Harker is a very reasonable man,
36:58 and I'm sure that you can work out a nice financial arrangement with him.
37:02 Financial arrangement?
37:05 I don't understand. What are you talking about?
37:09 I'm talking about money.
37:12 Isn't that what you're really after?
37:14 But that's wrong!
37:16 You're wrong! I don't want any money!
37:26 Hi, Trudy.
37:28 Oh, what are you doing here?
37:36 Well, I just came down to see how you was doing.
37:40 I want to tell you that a little lamb died this morning.
37:44 Lamb? What lamb?
37:47 You've changed, Trudy.
37:52 You're pretty dressed and everything. I almost didn't recognize you there for a minute.
37:56 Cousin Trudy, don't you introduce your acquaintances?
38:00 Oh, I'm sorry. Paul Magruder, this is my cousin Stephanie.
38:05 How do you do, ma'am?
38:07 How do you do? Are you a friend of Trudy's from up in the mountains?
38:11 Well, yes, we spoke for each other.
38:15 Does that mean that you're Trudy's fiance?
38:19 Well, I guess that's what it means. We're going to get married.
38:22 Paul, I never said I would.
38:25 You didn't? Well, he said he's going to come back.
38:30 My, but this is fascinating news!
38:33 May I offer my congratulations?
38:35 Well, thank you, Cousin Stephanie, but nothing's settled yet.
38:38 Well, I would say it's all settled.
38:41 Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm sure an engaged couple must have lots to talk about.
38:47 Oh, Paul.
38:50 Why did you have to come down here? And why just now?
38:54 Well, I missed you. I wanted to see what she's doing, that's all.
38:57 Well, I'm doing all right. Didn't you think I'd be able to manage things?
39:01 And why did you have to tell her we was spoken for?
39:05 There ain't nothing wrong with a body telling the truth.
39:08 Well, it ain't the tru-- isn't the truth.
39:11 At least, why it's not right now.
39:13 I've got to find out about Grandpa Harker first.
39:16 If-- and he wants me, if I'm good enough.
39:19 Good enough? What do you mean, good enough?
39:21 Oh, Paul, you don't understand.
39:24 Tonight-- tonight is so important.
39:28 Paul, please, you go on back to that mountain.
39:32 And as soon as I know, I'll send for you.
39:35 You ain't coming back, are you, Trudy?
39:38 Paul, you-- you just don't understand. Please!
39:41 Please!
39:43 Hey, Paul, when did you get here?
39:49 Hello, Joe. I just came down to see Trudy, that's all.
39:53 Come on inside. No, she don't want to see me.
39:56 What are you talking about? Trudy tell you that?
39:58 Just the same as. She said she's gonna send for me when her folks got her settled.
40:02 Look, Paul, I don't think she meant that.
40:04 What's going on around here, little Joe? Something's changed her.
40:08 I think maybe she's a little upset. It's been a big day for her, meeting her relatives.
40:13 Mm-hmm. Well, maybe I'd just like to meet them folks myself.
40:17 You think you'd fix that up for me?
40:19 If there's any reason, why not? Why don't we go to the bunkhouse and clean up?
40:21 We'll have dinner in a little while.
40:23 Thank you, Hopsing.
40:25 Mr. Cartwright, this fowl is delicious.
40:28 Simply marvelous. Which wine was used in the sauce?
40:31 I believe Hopsing uses a sauterne.
40:34 And the grapes of which are grown not too far from your part of the country, Mr. Harker.
40:38 Whatever it is, it's right tasty.
40:41 Paul, use your fork.
40:43 Cousin Trudy, why don't you let your friend eat in his own fashion?
40:47 Mr. Harker, I thought perhaps tomorrow we might ride around the Ponderosa...
40:55 and then you can take a look at our livestock operation.
40:58 That'd be most interesting to me, Mr. Cartwright.
41:00 I've told my business associates time and time again...
41:04 that the resources of this country...
41:06 Oh, pitiful grandfather, do we have to go into that sort of thing now?
41:09 My dear, you'll find that if you give a man half a chance...
41:12 all he wants to talk about is business.
41:15 I suppose.
41:17 How about you, Mr. Magruder?
41:19 I was hoping you might show us where you live.
41:22 Well, it's a pretty poor piece of land.
41:26 It's up in the high country on the north fork of the Bushy Creek.
41:29 Bushy Creek. What a quaint name.
41:32 Is that where you have your house?
41:35 Yes, ma'am.
41:37 It's not a house, exactly. It's a cabin.
41:39 Built it yourself, no doubt.
41:41 Sure did.
41:43 Including the dirt floor.
41:46 Stephanie, that'll be enough.
41:50 But, grandfather, I was just asking about the house...
41:53 because I want to know if that's where he intends to take his wife.
41:56 Stephanie, I fail to see where any of this is our concern.
41:59 Grandfather, you mean Cousin Trudy hasn't told you...
42:03 that Mr. Magruder is her fiance?
42:06 They're engaged to be married.
42:09 Trudy, is this true?
42:13 Will you see Grandpa?
42:15 Go ahead and tell him, Trudy.
42:18 Paul and me, we've known each other a long time.
42:21 Are you going to marry him?
42:24 I guess she's not.
42:26 Excuse me for pushing in here, Mr. Cartwright.
42:41 Oh, Paul, sit down. You're welcome here any time you know that.
42:44 Well, thank you very much, sir, but if it's all the same to you, I'm afraid I'll have to go.
42:48 I'm afraid I'll have to go.
42:50 Well, thank you very much, sir, but if it's all the same to you, I'd like to stay in a bunkhouse tonight.
42:55 I've got to get back up to the mountain first thing in the morning.
42:59 I've got a lot of things to do.
43:01 There's a meadow up there that ain't never been turned to plow.
43:04 And there's a creek up there that I've got to dam up.
43:07 There's things up there in a high country a man needs for his family and his children.
43:12 It's important to me.
43:15 I used to think it was important to you too, Trudy.
43:19 I guess you found something else.
43:23 Whatever it is, I wish you well.
43:28 I'm very sorry. I seem to have started something.
43:40 Yes. I think it's probably just as well.
43:44 I think you're wrong, Grandpa. Dead wrong.
43:49 Maybe Paul didn't know which one of them doodads to scoop up his vittles with.
43:56 And maybe I don't either.
43:58 But I've had enough upbringing to know that you don't make fun of somebody sitting at the same table with you.
44:04 Trudy, I just want you to know that I'd be proud to have you come and live with me in San Francisco.
44:12 Up to now, I felt that the Harker family had almost lost its last vestige of courage and honesty.
44:19 Grandpa, thank you.
44:22 But I know where I belong now.
44:26 It's with Paul and the things he believes in.
44:30 And I guess it's high time I stopped trying to be something I'm not.
44:35 I grew up on that mountain.
44:39 And I reckon I belong there.
44:43 Trudy?
44:46 I'll be leaving come morning.
44:51 [music]
44:55 Well, Miss Stephanie, it was nice having you here at the Ponderosa.
45:15 Mr. Cartwright, I'd like to say--
45:17 Miss, I told you before, Stephanie. You've said enough already.
45:20 I just wanted to thank you for your hospitality.
45:23 You're very welcome.
45:26 Well, goodbye, sir.
45:28 Hoss will meet you in Virginia City with your tickets for San Francisco.
45:31 And I'm-- I'm sorry that your trip wasn't all that you thought it would be.
45:35 On the contrary. I found the granddaughter I was looking for.
45:39 The fact that she won't be living with me won't change that.
45:43 Perhaps someday she'll come to see me.
45:46 Will you please tell her that for me?
45:48 I think you can tell her that for yourself.
45:51 I just wanted to say goodbye, Grandpa Harker.
45:54 Well, I'm sorry if I've disappointed you.
45:56 You didn't disappoint me, child. I'm proud of you.
46:00 And when you feel like it, I hope both you and your husband will come to visit me.
46:05 Well, goodbye, Cousin Stephanie.
46:13 Goodbye, Trudy.
46:15 And I'm sorry.
46:18 Yeah!
46:21 Well, Trudy, what now?
46:33 Well, little Joe's helped Paul tie my things on the horse.
46:37 I guess we'll be going.
46:40 Trudy, something I'd like to say to you.
46:45 You're a real lady.
46:48 Thank you, Mr. Cartwright.
46:52 At least I learned what a real lady is.
46:56 [music]
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