• 8 months ago
Kathie Lee Gifford Doesn’t Think She Would’ve ‘Lasted 1 Day’ Hosting Talk Show in ‘Today’s World’


00:00 Like you said, this story really tests faith of the characters as well.
00:04 What would you say has tested your faith the most throughout the years?
00:08 Oh man, loss, I think too. You know, not necessarily a test of faith,
00:16 but in a way that you revisit it that ultimately, I'm very grateful to say that
00:20 strengthened it. But I think often that can be what a test is, not necessarily like you're
00:27 running away from anything, but that it's rewiring it in you too, only making it stronger.
00:33 To the loss of my dad in 2015 was definitely very difficult, but it was also something that made me
00:42 lean on my faith so much more than I otherwise ever had to in such a large capacity.
00:49 How about you, Mom?
00:51 Oh yeah. Well, a lot of the terrible things that happened in my life, unfortunately,
00:55 were also very public. Everything was heightened, heightened, heightened. Had I not had a firm
01:03 grip on the hand of God, I would have never made it through. I never would. So,
01:09 they're well chronicled. Well, the truth isn't out there about them, but people knew what was
01:16 going on. It's funny, not a day goes by that somebody doesn't come up to me and say something
01:21 about, "When I saw how you came through that," or, "I stayed in my marriage because you did,"
01:27 and, "Because I thought if she can do it, I can do it." That makes things a little easier knowing
01:32 that there was purpose to it as well. In suffering, there's often God has a purpose for it beyond
01:39 your own suffering. A lot of people can't relate to celebrities. They think our lives are just
01:46 perfect and all, and it couldn't be further from the truth. But when they see you go through just
01:52 real life stuff like they do, it's an opportunity for us to express that we live in hope. I don't
02:02 live in the hope of a next role or more money or any of those things. I live in the hope of,
02:08 first of all, just a life with my God in this world, but beyond it, eternal hope.
02:15 But in the meantime, we've got to get through today. We all need so much help. We're all weak,
02:24 really weak. The older I get, the weaker I feel. I feel stronger. My arms are better. I've been
02:32 working out. Otherwise, I just feel weak about stuff. Her filter has become very weak.
02:38 I would not have lasted one day in today's world on my show with Regis or my show with Hogan.
02:48 In this world where you've got to watch what you say, I've made a living not watching what I say.
02:53 Right. That's true. That's why we love you.
