• last year
Aired (March 20, 2024): Maagaw kaya ng TEAM JUANA CHANGE ang puntos ng kalaban sa round na ito?


00:00 [music]
00:05 You're still watching Family Feud!
00:08 And we are still celebrating our second anniversary.
00:11 That's why our guests are very special.
00:16 Team Sea Princess and Team Moana Change are playing now.
00:20 Team Moana Change is just scoring, that's why they have 75 points.
00:23 Team Sea Princess will get their revenge.
00:27 Miss Nova and Sir Richard, let's play round 2.
00:31 [music]
00:36 Sir Richard, let's go!
00:38 [music]
00:43 Here we go. Top 6 answers are on the board.
00:48 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
00:53 Miss Nova?
00:55 Of course, a cobra is a coconut.
00:58 Is there a coconut?
00:59 Yes.
01:00 Coconut.
01:01 Cobra?
01:03 Cobra.
01:04 Cobra?
01:05 Cobra.
01:06 Sorry, sorry.
01:07 Cobra.
01:08 We'll give you a chance.
01:09 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
01:12 It's venom.
01:14 Venom.
01:15 Venom.
01:16 Is it a commander?
01:17 Commander.
01:18 [music]
01:19 Yay!
01:20 Pass or play?
01:21 Play, of course.
01:22 Sir Richard, let's go back.
01:24 We'll go back to you.
01:27 This is fast.
01:29 Miss Nova?
01:30 [cheering]
01:32 Miss Shelly, what does a cobra have that humans don't have?
01:36 Scales.
01:37 Scales.
01:38 Scales.
01:39 Scales.
01:40 Scales.
01:41 Is that a scales?
01:42 [cheering]
01:43 Dr. Rica, what does a cobra have that humans don't have?
01:47 Femmes.
01:48 Femmes.
01:49 Femmes.
01:50 Femmes.
01:51 Is that right?
01:52 The commander is in the femmes.
01:54 He's in the femmes.
01:55 Femmes.
01:56 Yes.
01:57 [cheering]
01:58 Yes.
01:59 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
02:03 Nails.
02:04 Nails.
02:05 Yes.
02:06 Long nails.
02:07 Long nails.
02:08 Sir Richard.
02:09 Yes.
02:10 Yes.
02:11 Miss Nova, back to you.
02:12 What does a cobra have?
02:13 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
02:14 Um, nails.
02:20 Nails.
02:26 Oh, the nails are there.
02:27 Okay, Miss Shelly, we have two more.
02:32 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
02:35 Slime.
02:36 Slime.
02:37 Yeah.
02:38 Yeah.
02:39 The slimy.
02:40 The slimy.
02:41 The slimy.
02:42 It's different.
02:43 It's different.
02:44 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
02:45 It's a cobra.
02:46 It's a cobra.
02:47 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
02:48 It's a cobra.
02:49 It's a cobra.
02:50 Okay, Miss Shelly, we have two more.
02:51 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
02:52 A crow.
02:53 A crow.
02:54 Yes.
02:55 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
02:56 A crow.
02:57 A crow.
02:58 Yes.
02:59 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
03:00 A crow.
03:01 A crow.
03:02 Yes.
03:03 Yes.
03:04 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
03:05 A crow.
03:06 A crow.
03:07 Yes.
03:08 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
03:09 A crow.
03:10 Yes.
03:11 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
03:12 A crow.
03:13 Yes.
03:14 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
03:15 A crow.
03:16 Yes.
03:17 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
03:18 A crow.
03:19 Yes.
03:20 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
03:21 A crow.
03:22 Yes.
03:23 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
03:24 A crow.
03:25 Yes.
03:26 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
03:27 A crow.
03:28 Yes.
03:29 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
03:30 A crow.
03:31 Yes.
03:32 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
03:33 A crow.
03:34 Yes.
03:35 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
03:36 A crow.
03:37 Yes.
03:38 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
03:39 A crow.
03:40 Yes.
03:41 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
03:42 A crow.
03:43 Yes.
03:44 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
03:45 A crow.
03:46 Yes.
03:47 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
03:48 A crow.
03:49 Yes.
03:50 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
03:51 A crow.
03:52 Yes.
03:53 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
03:54 A crow.
03:55 Yes.
03:56 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
03:57 A crow.
03:58 Yes.
03:59 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
04:00 A crow.
04:01 Yes.
04:02 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
04:03 A crow.
04:04 Yes.
04:05 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
04:06 A crow.
04:07 Yes.
04:08 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
04:09 A crow.
04:10 Yes.
04:11 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
04:12 A crow.
04:13 Yes.
04:14 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
04:15 A crow.
04:16 Yes.
04:17 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
04:18 A crow.
04:19 Yes.
04:20 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
04:21 A crow.
04:22 Yes.
04:23 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
04:24 A crow.
04:25 Yes.
04:26 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
04:27 A crow.
04:28 Yes.
04:29 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
04:30 A crow.
04:31 Yes.
04:32 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
04:33 A crow.
04:34 Yes.
04:35 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
04:36 A crow.
04:37 Yes.
04:38 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
04:39 A crow.
04:40 Yes.
04:41 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
04:42 A crow.
04:43 Yes.
04:44 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
04:45 A crow.
04:46 Yes.
04:47 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
04:48 A crow.
04:49 Yes.
04:50 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
04:51 A crow.
04:52 Yes.
04:53 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
04:54 A crow.
04:55 Yes.
04:56 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
04:57 A crow.
04:58 Yes.
04:59 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
05:00 A crow.
05:01 Yes.
05:02 What does a cobra have that humans don't have?
05:03 A crow.
05:04 Yes.
