加沙饥饿问题 以色列归咎于联合国缓慢派物资

  • 6 months ago
八点最热报 | 联合国最新发布的报告指出,目前有110万名巴勒斯坦人正面临严重的饥饿问题,未来几个星期随时会发生饥荒。联合国的人权事务专员福尔克尔表示,加沙的饥饿问题,是以色列限制人道援助物资进入当地的结果。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the hotline.
00:04 After the War of '18, in addition to the large number of deaths,
00:08 there was also a serious food crisis in the area.
00:11 The latest UN report shows that
00:13 1.1 million Palestinians are currently suffering from severe hunger.
00:18 There will be famine at any time in the next few weeks.
00:21 UN Human Rights Commissioner Volker said
00:24 the famine in Gaza is the result of Israel restricting humanitarian aid to local people.
00:30 He warned that Israel's actions could lead to war crimes.
00:34 Israel refuted this, saying that they were following international law
00:37 to allow humanitarian aid to enter Gaza from land, air and sea.
00:41 Therefore, there was no so-called restricting the amount of food sent to Gaza.
00:45 Israel also blamed the UN and its partner agencies for the mistake.
00:49 Because there was no rapid distribution of aid, the famine became more serious.
00:54 In addition, the Israeli military released a video again,
00:57 showing that there are a large number of weapons hidden in the hospital in Gaza.
01:00 Israeli troops launched a surprise attack on the largest hospital in Gaza,
01:05 the Hamas Hospital, on Monday.
01:07 They killed 50 Hamas gunmen.
01:09 The video released by the Israeli military yesterday shows that
01:11 soldiers searched the hospital's office and found a large number of weapons,
01:14 including guns, ammunition and rocket launchers.
01:17 On the other hand, the UN estimates that
01:19 more than 70% of the people in Gaza are suffering from famine.
01:23 Local refugees are crowded with people.
01:26 People are waiting outside the railway station,
01:28 waiting only to have a sip of hot soup.
01:30 Sometimes, waiting is several hours.
01:33 As for Israel, Prime Minister Netanyahu still has a tough attitude
01:46 and claims that he has already expressed to President Biden
01:49 that the army must completely wipe out Hamas.
01:51 And to pull out the ground forces from Gaza
01:54 is the only way to achieve this goal.
01:56 Not only do we need to eliminate Hamas,
01:59 we need to enter into a reconciliation.
02:01 We do not see a way to eliminate Hamas from the military
02:04 without destroying the remaining forces.
02:07 We intend to do this.
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