Paranormal Activity 4 Coming Soon October 19 2012

  • hace 3 meses
We just reported that paramount will be moving forward with a paranormal activity 4 and today we have a release date! The 4th installment will be released on october 19 2012 just in time for the spookiest holiday of the year! The date gives the fourth installment of the film a 13 day (ooh spooky!) jump on Halloween and opens a week ahead of Halloween 3D's October 26th release. Most likely it's biggest competition for the horror fans out to get a Halloween scare. WE aren't surprised by the timing of this release as the previous two films in the series also were released around Halloween, with the latest, made for $5 million, opening October 21, 2011 with $52.6 million — a record for a horror movie — on its way to $203.1 million in global grosses!
