• el año pasado

It's in your eyes, a colour fade out
Looks like a new transition
Is starting up and shaking your ground
Turning your head to see a new day calling

Does it feel like a head to lean on?
A snapshot from where you were born
I%u2019m looking for your hand in the rough
You%u2019re caught in the wire
Well, I%u2019ll lift you out

Leading on the action
Caught in a cell phones' rays
Bleeding on the sofa
Staring at the wayside
He%u2019s coming and she knows it
Even though she knows why
Footsteps in the hallway
Girl you haven%u2019t got time

You gotta get out
Go far away

Darkness in the bedroom
Maybe she's resting up
Maybe she was out late
Just come back from the club
I can%u2019t hear her breathing
Something doesn%u2019t seem right
Killer in the hallway
We%u2019re living on a set time

We gotta get out
Go far away


