父女受困失火住家 警员破门英勇救人

  • 6 months ago


00:00 "I'm going to kill you!"
00:03 "I'm going to kill you!"
00:07 A man and his daughter were trapped in a fire
00:10 Fortunately, three police officers who received the headshot
00:13 rushed to the scene and broke the door with a smoke
00:16 and rushed into the fire to save the trapped man and daughter
00:20 "I'm going to kill you!"
00:24 "I'm going to kill you!"
00:29 When the trapped woman and daughter were rescued
00:32 they could see the police officers holding them
00:35 The three officers were covered in smoke and dust
00:39 Although they were embarrassed, they were praised for their bravery
00:43 Thanks for watching!
