coming clean [mirror from tamtampamela]

  • hace 4 meses
Even if Pamela believed what she said the attacks on her would still be fucking harsh. Stop you 'freethinkers'. Seriously.

Original video

And go look at TamTamPamela's channel comments. Even I think they are harsh. These are the people you attract and makes videos to, Thunderf00t.
Think about that. Think about that, for a second, will you?

Oh and read the info her from Potholer's video "Creationist Junk Debunked -- #2" ( )

"The original of this video had to be withdrawn very soon after it was launched, because there were audio upload problems and because one of the nominees exposed himself as a satirist."
Wonder if TF will show the same integrety or courtesy?

I would say it is possible to get fooled by this, even my friend Eimajun0 got fooled. But then I hope you both correct your error.
