Jaksa Agung: Fraud Rp2,5 Triliun Dilakukan Empat Debitur

  • 6 months ago
Terungkapnya indikasi korupsi penyelewengan dana, di Lembaga Pembiayaan Ekspor Indonesia (LPEI), membuat Kejaksaan Agung bergerak cepat. Laporan Menteri Keuangan, Sri Mulyani membuka tabir korupsi empat debitur yang tengah dibidik tim terpadu penanganan kasus LPEI.


00:00 The disclosure of the corruption indication of funds in the Indonesian Export Funds Agency or LPI
00:05 makes the Ministry of Finance move fast.
00:07 Minister of Finance Srimuliani's report opens the corruption table for 4 debtors
00:11 who are being supervised by the LPI case management team.
00:14 Indication of fraud in the use of funds in the Indonesian Export Funds Agency
00:23 recorded a loss indication of up to 2.5 trillion rupiah.
00:28 Problematic credit and indication of corruption or fraud action
00:32 carried out by 4 company debtors.
00:35 Jaksa Agung Estu Berhanudin affirmed
00:39 in the report submitted by Minister of Finance Srimuliani Indrawati
00:43 it is clear that 4 companies are indicated to be fraud.
00:47 The 4 companies that are corruption indicated are PT RII worth 1.8 trillion rupiah,
00:53 PT SMR corruption indication worth 216 billion rupiah,
00:58 PT SMI fraud 1.44 billion rupiah,
01:02 and PT RPS worth 305 billion rupiah.
01:06 The total amount is 2.50519 trillion rupiah.
01:14 That's the first stage, there will be a second stage.
01:22 The joint team consisting of Jaksa Agung Muda
01:25 in the field of data and state-of-the-art business or JAMDATUN,
01:29 the Financial and Development Supervision Board or BPKP,
01:33 and the Minister of Finance General Inspectorate
01:36 managed to reveal the 4 debtor companies
01:39 consisting of corporations in the field of palm oil, coal, nickel and shipping.
01:46 From Jakarta, IDX Channel.
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