
  • 6 months ago


00:00 8
00:02 11
00:04 11
00:06 11
00:08 5
00:10 5
00:12 11
00:14 11 and 10
00:16 5
00:18 5
00:20 10
00:22 8
00:24 8
00:26 8
00:28 Okay.
00:29 (Speaking in Tagalog)
00:34 Ready?
00:35 (Speaking in Tagalog)
00:37 Listen, okay?
00:38 (Speaking in Tagalog)
00:42 Grade 3.
00:44 Grade 3.
00:45 Grade 4.
00:46 Grade 4.
00:47 Grade 5.
00:48 Grade 5.
00:49 Grade 5.
00:51 (Speaking in Tagalog)
00:53 High school.
00:54 High school.
00:56 (Speaking in Tagalog)
00:57 Where?
00:58 (Speaking in Tagalog)
00:59 Where?
01:00 (Speaking in Tagalog)
01:01 Grade 8.
01:05 Grade 8.
01:08 Grade 8.
01:09 Grade 3.
01:12 Grade 3.
01:13 Grade 2.
01:14 Grade 2.
01:15 Grade 2.
01:16 Grade 2.
01:17 Grade 3.
01:18 Grade 3.
01:19 Grade 5.
01:20 Grade 5.
01:21 Grade 5.
01:22 (Speaking in Tagalog)
01:23 So, ready guys?
01:25 (Speaking in Tagalog)
01:26 So, first category.
01:27 Listen.
01:28 First category now.
01:30 So, give me different kind of fish under the sea.
01:34 (Speaking in Tagalog)
01:35 Short.
01:42 Dolphin.
01:45 Dolphin.
01:46 (Speaking in Tagalog)
01:48 Sit down.
01:50 Sit down.
01:51 Sit down.
01:53 Okay.
01:54 Sit down.
01:55 So, fish under the sea.
01:57 (Speaking in Tagalog)
02:03 (Laughing)
02:05 (Speaking in Tagalog)
02:06 (Speaking in Tagalog)
02:10 Another fish.
02:11 Fish ball.
02:14 Fish ball.
02:15 Give me different kind of fish under the sea.
02:19 Fish ball.
02:20 So, another fish.
02:21 So, another fish.
02:22 Fish ball.
02:24 (Speaking in Tagalog)
02:25 Very good.
02:27 Whale.
02:28 Cloudfish.
02:33 Check.
02:34 Octopus.
02:37 Check.
02:38 Starfish.
02:40 Check.
02:41 Barred or milkfish.
02:43 Check.
02:44 (Speaking in Tagalog)
02:50 (Speaking in Tagalog)
02:51 (Laughing)
02:52 (Speaking in Tagalog)
02:55 Copperfish.
02:57 Copperfish.
02:58 Nemo.
03:00 Squid ball.
03:01 (Laughing)
03:02 Squid ball.
03:04 Okay.
03:05 And next category.
03:06 This time, this is the final.
03:08 Sit closer.
03:10 Closer.
03:11 Closer.
03:12 Next category now.
03:13 So, give me different kind of vegetables.
03:17 Vegetables.
03:18 One, two, three.
03:24 Carrot.
03:25 Very good.
03:26 (Speaking in Tagalog)
03:27 Carrot.
03:28 Check.
03:29 Lettuce.
03:31 Lettuce.
03:32 Broccoli.
03:33 Wow, very good.
03:34 Broccoli.
03:35 (Speaking in Tagalog)
03:38 Give me five.
03:40 Very good.
03:41 Very good.
03:43 (Speaking in Tagalog)
03:45 (Speaking in Tagalog)
03:46 (Speaking in Tagalog)
03:47 (Speaking in Tagalog)
03:48 (Laughing)
03:49 (Speaking in Tagalog)
03:51 (Speaking in Tagalog)
03:52 (Speaking in Tagalog)
03:55 Very good.
03:56 (Speaking in Tagalog)
04:00 (Laughing)
04:01 (Speaking in Tagalog)
04:04 Another vegetables.
04:07 How many vegetables?
04:08 Cabbage.
04:10 Corn.
04:11 Corn.
04:13 (Speaking in Tagalog)
04:14 (Speaking in Tagalog)
04:15 (Speaking in Tagalog)
04:16 Very good.
04:17 Squash.
04:18 (Speaking in Tagalog)
04:19 (Speaking in Tagalog)
04:20 (Speaking in Tagalog)
04:21 (Laughing)
04:22 (Speaking in Tagalog)
04:23 (Speaking in Tagalog)
04:24 Potato.
04:25 Potato.
04:26 (Speaking in Tagalog)
04:27 (Speaking in Tagalog)
04:28 (Speaking in Tagalog)
04:29 (Speaking in Tagalog)
04:30 Alright, so ready?
04:31 Next category.
04:32 Let's see.
04:33 Give me different kind of fruits.
04:39 Apple.
04:42 Apple.
04:43 (Laughing)
04:44 Strawberry.
04:45 Strawberry.
04:46 Grape.
04:47 Grape.
04:48 (Speaking in Tagalog)
04:49 Banana.
04:50 Banana.
04:51 Watermelon.
04:52 Watermelon.
04:53 Orange.
04:54 Orange.
04:55 Grape.
04:56 Grape.
04:57 (Speaking in Tagalog)
04:58 Pineapple.
04:59 Pineapple.
05:00 (Speaking in Tagalog)
05:01 It's a fruit.
05:02 It's a fruit.
05:03 (Speaking in Tagalog)
05:04 (Speaking in Tagalog)
05:05 (Speaking in Tagalog)
05:06 Mango.
05:07 Mango.
05:08 Fruit salad.
05:09 Fruit salad.
05:10 Fruit salad.
05:11 Oh, fruits. There's so many fruits. Another fruit.
05:15 Juicy fruit. Very good.
05:23 Ready.
05:25 And next. Anybody now?
05:27 Give me different kind of land animal.
05:31 A land animal that's buried in the ground.
05:34 I'm asking for four names. Four feet tall. Ready. Start.
05:37 Zebra.
05:40 Dog.
05:42 How do you say it?
05:46 Again.
05:52 Two chicken.
05:54 If it's one chicken, it has two feet.
05:58 If it's two chickens, it has four feet. Very good.
06:01 Give me five. Two chicken.
06:03 Bear.
06:06 Lion.
06:08 Giraffe.
06:10 Again.
06:14 Pea.
06:16 Cat.
06:18 Oh, you said cat.
06:20 You said cat?
06:22 Lion.
06:24 You said lion?
06:26 What animal?
06:28 Monkey.
06:30 Tiger.
06:32 Buaya.
06:34 Buaya. Okay.
06:36 Next category now.
06:38 So give me different kind of colors.
06:43 Red.
06:45 Rainbow.
06:50 Clap your hands for rainbow.
06:52 All of your rainbow is seven colors.
06:55 Okay.
06:57 So I'll tell you the color that's not in the rainbow.
06:59 And you didn't call it seven colors.
07:01 Another color.
07:03 In the rainbow, there's blue.
07:05 That's a shame.
07:07 Seven colors that's not in the rainbow.
07:09 White, check.
07:11 Brown, check.
07:13 Black, check.
07:15 Red, purple.
07:17 Maroon, check.
07:23 In the rainbow, there's pink.
07:25 Yes, that's a shame.
07:27 Blue or red, there's pink, right?
07:31 No, there's no pink.
07:33 Pink.
07:35 Red.
07:37 Peach.
07:39 Okay.
07:41 Alright.
07:43 Next category now.
07:45 Let's do category now.
07:49 Give me different kind of planet.
07:53 which is...