Sidhu Moosewala Brother: पंजाबी गायक सिद्धू मूसेवाला के घर एक बार फिर किलकारी गूंज उठी. यहां उनकी मां चरण कौर ने बेटे को जन्म दिया है. मूसेवाला के पिता बलकौर सिंह ने खुद इंस्टाग्राम पर अपने नन्हें बच्चे की तस्वीर शेयर की है.
Sidhu Moosewala Bhai: Once again laughter echoed in the house of Punjabi singer-composer Moosewala. Here his mother Charan Kaur has given birth to a son. Moosewala's father Balkaur Singh has shared the picture of his small child on his own conspiracy.
Sidhu Moosewala Bhai: Once again laughter echoed in the house of Punjabi singer-composer Moosewala. Here his mother Charan Kaur has given birth to a son. Moosewala's father Balkaur Singh has shared the picture of his small child on his own conspiracy.