• el año pasado
"Planeta encantado: 7 - Una caja de madera y oro":

1. The episode is part of the "Planeta encantado" (Enchanted Planet) documentary series, which explores various historical and archaeological mysteries[1][2][3].

2. This specific episode focuses on the topic of the Ark of the Covenant, delving into the origins, history, and potential location of this legendary biblical artifact[1][2][3].

3. The documentary likely investigates theories and evidence surrounding the Ark of the Covenant, including its purported supernatural powers and the ongoing search for its whereabouts[1][2][3].

4. The episode is available on platforms such as YouTube, DocumaniaTV, and Odnoklassniki, with a runtime of approximately 54 minutes[1][2][3].

5. The "Planeta encantado" series has received a rating of 7.2/10 on IMDb, indicating positive reviews from viewers.

In summary, "Planeta encantado: 7 - Una caja de madera y oro" is an episode that explores the enduring mystery and legend of the Ark of the Covenant, providing viewers with an in-depth examination of this iconic biblical artifact.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oKpXQMLIMg
[2] https://www.documaniatv.com/historia/planeta-encantado-7-una-caja-de-madera-y-oro-video_6821309a0.html
[3] https://ok.ru/video/3379335334582
[4] https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8unfmu


