Blessed With Twins Full Movie

  • 6 months ago
Blessed With Twins Full Movie


00:00:00 [Dramatic Music]
00:00:10 [Piano Music]
00:00:15 This video uploaded by English Movie and Lee in
00:00:19 [Piano Music]
00:00:27 It's funny how mirrors work, reflecting everything you do, imitating it.
00:00:35 But looks can be deceiving.
00:00:39 What you see isn't always what you get.
00:00:45 [Piano Music]
00:00:49 Nora Summers was just an innocent girl,
00:00:52 who thought she was just having a passionate night,
00:00:55 with a handsome boy she had just met.
00:00:59 [Piano Music]
00:01:15 How dare you sleep with that man?
00:01:17 Dad, it's not what it looks like.
00:01:19 You have ruined this family's reputation.
00:01:22 From today, I only have one daughter.
00:01:25 And her name is not Nora.
00:01:30 [Fart]
00:01:31 As Nora wept in sadness and confusion,
00:01:36 her twin sister Yvonne approached her room.
00:01:40 Yvonne, my own twin sister.
00:01:45 Why would you do this to me?
00:01:47 You did this to yourself.
00:01:49 I did the best in school.
00:01:51 I took piano.
00:01:53 I worked so hard for our parents.
00:01:57 And still mom only loves you.
00:01:59 Her perfect Nora.
00:02:01 Yvonne, now we'll see who you really are.
00:02:05 Yvonne left the room, smiling in victory.
00:02:10 But as she played back the video,
00:02:14 she discovered something shocking.
00:02:17 [Music]
00:02:23 As Yvonne looked through the footage,
00:02:27 she discovered the guy Nora spent the night with
00:02:31 was no other than Samuel Blackwood,
00:02:35 the son of a multi-billionaire family.
00:02:39 This can't be.
00:02:41 Why does she always get the best?
00:02:45 [Music]
00:02:49 She's going to regret this.
00:02:52 Meanwhile, Nora Summers was facing something else
00:02:57 that she didn't expect.
00:03:00 A positive pregnancy test.
00:03:03 [Music]
00:03:14 Look, I'm sorry.
00:03:18 I know that I exposed you to the family.
00:03:22 But now that you're pregnant,
00:03:25 this is really serious.
00:03:29 I'll help you keep this a secret.
00:03:33 Shouldn't I tell the father he's going to have a baby?
00:03:37 No, no, no, no.
00:03:40 Do you know who he is?
00:03:42 Do you know what kind of attention that'll bring to us?
00:03:46 To our family?
00:03:48 Look, we're twins, right?
00:03:52 I'll just be you for a while.
00:03:56 We'll figure this out.
00:03:58 For the next nine months, Yvonne took care of Nora really well,
00:04:03 making sure she got everything she needed.
00:04:06 The two grew closer together
00:04:08 and created a bond that couldn't be separated
00:04:12 until Nora gave birth.
00:04:15 Okay, Nora, breathe, okay?
00:04:19 [Breathing]
00:04:21 [Yvonne crying]
00:04:24 [Yvonne crying]
00:04:28 That's it, that's it. Okay, push.
00:04:30 [Yvonne crying]
00:04:33 Okay, again, breathe, breathe.
00:04:36 Okay, one more, one more big one. You got one more big one?
00:04:39 Push, push, Nora, push!
00:04:41 [Yvonne crying]
00:04:42 She's here, she's here.
00:04:45 She's here.
00:04:48 How is she?
00:04:50 Oh, she's beautiful.
00:04:52 What are you going to name her?
00:04:54 No, no, I've been way too stressed about being pregnant.
00:04:59 Well, you can think about it in hell.
00:05:03 What do you mean?
00:05:05 I'm sorry, Nora, but you always get the best,
00:05:09 and I'm left with nothing.
00:05:11 It's not going to be like that anymore.
00:05:14 Yvonne? Yvonne?
00:05:17 [Yvonne crying]
00:05:21 Yvonne!
00:05:23 Yvonne thought she was leaving Nora to die,
00:05:28 but she underestimated a mother's love.
00:05:31 Little did she know, not only did Nora survive,
00:05:35 but that there were two survivors that night.
00:05:39 Because Nora didn't only have one child.
00:05:42 She had twins.
00:05:45 Sir, we found her. The girl from nine months ago.
00:05:55 And we have amazing news.
00:05:57 She's giving birth to your baby.
00:06:01 A beautiful baby girl.
00:06:03 That's amazing. I can't believe it.
00:06:06 All this time I was just looking for the girl,
00:06:08 and she has my child?
00:06:11 Send over a car right away to bring them here.
00:06:14 I want to meet my family.
00:06:16 Of course, sir. I'll send someone right away.
00:06:19 [music]
00:06:23 Okay. Okay, I understand. Thanks, Doctor.
00:06:40 Okay, bye.
00:06:42 Well? What do you say?
00:06:44 Nothing. Still the same.
00:06:47 Samantha's still not talking,
00:06:50 and he says something probably happened to Grace.
00:06:53 It's going to be okay. Okay?
00:06:55 We're going to figure it out. We're going to get through this.
00:06:58 I think I'm going to take her to the park.
00:07:01 Okay, Samantha, go on now.
00:07:15 Don't go too far, but have fun.
00:07:17 [phone vibrates]
00:07:23 Hey, what's up?
00:07:27 Hey, I'm just here at the park with my little peach.
00:07:30 How are things?
00:07:31 Just working on things here.
00:07:33 I had to clear my head after the appointment.
00:07:36 Yeah, I think maybe we should try and do these things more as a family.
00:07:40 Maybe it would help.
00:07:43 I'm going to have to call you back. I think she's run off.
00:07:46 Hey, what's going on?
00:07:48 Samantha? Where are you?
00:08:00 [phone vibrates]
00:08:02 Samantha?
00:08:06 Mommy? Where's your dad?
00:08:10 Samantha, there you are.
00:08:12 I've never heard her speak before. This is so weird.
00:08:16 I'm glad she's finally speaking, but...
00:08:19 Thank you so much for finding my girl. I'm sorry.
00:08:21 I didn't quite catch your name.
00:08:23 Nora was lost for words.
00:08:27 Her daughter and the love of her life were there in front of her after all this time.
00:08:33 She didn't know what to say.
00:08:37 Christine. The name's Christine.
00:08:41 It was hard to believe how old she had become.
00:08:51 It had been nearly a decade, and yet it felt as if yesterday Nora had lost her.
00:08:58 Christine, I can't thank you enough. I can't remember the last time she said anything to anyone.
00:09:06 Why's that?
00:09:08 Well, doctors diagnosed her as mute, but for years they said there was nothing wrong with her.
00:09:12 Maybe something missing. An emotional trauma, or...
00:09:16 She just never really wanted to speak.
00:09:19 That's interesting.
00:09:21 Samantha, it's not polite to stare.
00:09:23 No, no, it's okay. Here, I have something for you.
00:09:27 What's this for?
00:09:29 Well, seeing as she only spoke once, I wouldn't quite say that she's cured.
00:09:33 But I can help. I work with children and their struggles.
00:09:36 I could accommodate for some type of speech therapy.
00:09:40 Yes.
00:09:42 It seems like someone likes the idea.
00:09:45 Well, listen, I'll have to run it by the wife first, but it seems like a step in the right direction.
00:09:50 Let's get out of here.
00:09:52 And just like that, she was one step closer to being reunited.
00:10:01 Did you find her?
00:10:03 She spoke. She said "mommy."
00:10:05 She ran off and she bumped into some woman and she said "mommy."
00:10:09 Yvonne, isn't this exciting?
00:10:17 Yes, of course. Did you find out who this woman was?
00:10:21 Some lady named Christine.
00:10:23 The best part is that she offered to help her with her speaking problems.
00:10:26 That's great. Well, I'm going to go get her.
00:10:29 Great. Well, I'd love to meet her sometime.
00:10:32 Great. Well, I'll try and arrange something.
00:10:35 You don't recognize me, do you?
00:10:48 Excuse me?
00:10:50 Oh, you must be Yvonne Blackwood.
00:10:53 I thought you might not recognize me, but I recognize you.
00:10:57 It's because of the way Mr. Blackwood described you.
00:11:00 It's Yvonne Summers. I decided to keep my last name.
00:11:04 Nice to meet you, Miss...
00:11:07 Christine. Christine Bailey.
00:11:09 Nice to meet you, Miss Bailey.
00:11:12 So, tell me, what is it that got my daughter talking?
00:11:16 All of the doctors said there was no cure for her speech impediment.
00:11:20 What do you have that these doctors don't?
00:11:22 The truth.
00:11:25 The truth.
00:11:27 Sorry, I don't follow.
00:11:31 Well, Miss Summers...
00:11:33 Oh, please, call me Yvonne.
00:11:35 Yvonne, the truth is what your child has isn't a medical condition.
00:11:40 What she has is selective speech vocalization.
00:11:44 It's involuntary and it's usually related to trauma.
00:11:48 But there's a fix.
00:11:50 How do you know all of this?
00:11:52 I have a little one of my own with a similar condition.
00:11:56 It took us a while to figure out what was going on, but...
00:11:59 That's amazing! I can't wait for you to get started with Samantha.
00:12:03 Oh, I can't help you.
00:12:06 What do you mean?
00:12:11 What's the point of you being here?
00:12:13 Just because it worked on my son doesn't mean it's going to work on your daughter.
00:12:16 I'm not an expert.
00:12:18 You're the only one who has figured it out.
00:12:20 Doctors have completely given up.
00:12:22 You're our only hope.
00:12:24 We will pay you whatever you want.
00:12:26 It's not about the money.
00:12:28 What if it doesn't work?
00:12:30 I'm not asking that it works. I'm asking that you try.
00:12:34 Please eat.
00:12:36 You're a parent.
00:12:38 This is my only child. She means the world to Samuel and I.
00:12:41 And what happens if it doesn't work?
00:12:43 Then we try another method.
00:12:46 Please, I am begging you.
00:12:48 Please, I am begging you.
00:12:50 Okay. Okay, I'll do it.
00:12:54 On one condition.
00:12:56 That condition is that I can bring my son.
00:13:03 This will help Samantha learn faster and hopefully get her talking quicker.
00:13:09 Of course.
00:13:11 Your son is welcome in our home any time.
00:13:14 And please, think of my daughter as your daughter.
00:13:18 My daughter?
00:13:20 Like, feel free to try any techniques with her.
00:13:23 Spend as much time with her as you need.
00:13:25 Right, of course.
00:13:26 You have no idea how grateful I am that we found you.
00:13:30 I can't wait till you start teaching my daughter.
00:13:34 You mean my daughter?
00:13:37 Right, of course.
00:13:40 [SAMANTHA]
00:13:42 You were able to get her to say yes just like that?
00:13:47 Of course. But it took a lot of convincing.
00:13:50 Well, I'm glad you were able to convince her.
00:13:53 Yeah, it wasn't easy. She's also asking for way too much money.
00:13:56 I mean, anything our daughter needs.
00:13:58 But she's asking more than what most of the specialists in this country ask for.
00:14:02 I say that we try it out, and if it works, we negotiate her down to 50%.
00:14:08 Yvonne, that's terrible.
00:14:10 No, we have the money. We don't need to play games like this.
00:14:14 But she's not even--
00:14:15 No, no. We'll pay her what we agreed to pay her.
00:14:18 I don't understand.
00:14:28 Why are you here if you're not working with her directly?
00:14:31 It's important for me to understand Samantha's surroundings.
00:14:35 What she does on a day-to-day basis, who she interacts with, what her overall environment's like.
00:14:41 What does that have to do with figuring out why she isn't able to talk?
00:14:45 Um, it's not that Samantha's not able to talk.
00:14:50 It's that she doesn't want to talk. And I need to figure out why.
00:14:55 Are you suggesting that we're the reason our daughter doesn't want to talk?
00:14:58 I'm not saying that at all.
00:15:00 That is incredibly disrespectful.
00:15:02 You are a con artist. Get out of my house.
00:15:05 Yvonne, I--
00:15:06 I said get out!
00:15:08 You can watch part two of this video search in English only on
00:15:27 She's a con artist.
00:15:29 She's not going to help. I can help our daughter.
00:15:32 What are you talking about?
00:15:34 We tried everything. Everything.
00:15:36 And you kicked her out on day one.
00:15:38 No, I get a bad feeling from her.
00:15:41 Look, I understand.
00:15:43 Samantha called her mommy before you. I get it.
00:15:46 But we need to take baby steps and we need our daughter to talk.
00:15:50 Okay, so what are we going to do?
00:15:54 I'll call her and see if she's willing to come back.
00:15:57 Maybe you can offer her more money.
00:16:00 How about you let me handle it?
00:16:01 You sure?
00:16:03 Yes. Please just stay out of it.
00:16:06 I'm surprised you called.
00:16:18 Look, I have to apologize for the both of us.
00:16:22 I think Yvonne was out of line and she misunderstood the situation.
00:16:27 You don't say.
00:16:30 I hate to leave things how we did, you know, all so suddenly.
00:16:34 In my business, when you see potential, you make a leap of faith and you go for it.
00:16:38 Maybe I should chat with Yvonne again.
00:16:40 You know, maybe we both started off on the wrong foot and can try to work things out.
00:16:45 Let's arrange another day for you to come by and we can forget the other day even happened.
00:16:49 Okay, sounds good.
00:16:52 I don't want to keep doing this, Yvonne.
00:17:08 Doing what?
00:17:09 The cover-ups.
00:17:11 The trying to talk people back into our lives.
00:17:14 We're trying to have a normal life here.
00:17:17 You said you wanted me to stay out of it.
00:17:20 After you almost gave up our only chance at helping our daughter.
00:17:23 I said that I was willing to try.
00:17:26 Do you even care?
00:17:27 Do you think I don't?
00:17:29 Listen, she's going to give us another chance.
00:17:33 I want you to try.
00:17:35 Fine. I'll try.
00:17:38 Great. I'll let her know.
00:17:42 [Music]
00:17:47 Look, as much as I want to help my daughter, it's...
00:17:51 What you're asking for is unreasonable.
00:17:53 I can't kick Yvonne out of the house every time you're around.
00:17:55 She's my wife.
00:17:57 Look, I just don't want her to interfere with Samantha's learning.
00:18:01 Yeah, but asking her to leave when you're around is too much.
00:18:04 You saw what she did last time.
00:18:06 She yelled at me and she kicked me out of the house.
00:18:08 I understand, but there has to be another way.
00:18:11 What other way?
00:18:13 Well, how about if I give you my word, I promise you that she won't interfere anymore.
00:18:18 And what if she does?
00:18:21 I've given you my word.
00:18:25 I'll think about it.
00:18:27 Samantha?
00:18:34 Listen to me, sweetie.
00:18:36 Are you listening?
00:18:39 I know you've had a tough time with things.
00:18:42 But you've had it pretty fortunate growing up in this big, beautiful house.
00:18:47 You've had everything you could ever want.
00:18:52 I just don't understand.
00:18:57 I want to help you. I am your mother.
00:18:59 I've only ever wanted what's best for you.
00:19:03 I just wish... I wish you could just tell me what's wrong.
00:19:08 Samantha?
00:19:14 Your dad.
00:19:29 What do you mean you don't want me to interfere? She is my daughter.
00:19:33 Our daughter. And she isn't talking right now.
00:19:36 We need her to speak. And Christine's our only hope at that.
00:19:39 And you already pushed her away once. I mean...
00:19:41 I didn't mean that. I was just emotional.
00:19:45 She is my daughter. I am her mom.
00:19:48 Why won't she call me mom?
00:19:51 Yvonne, this isn't the time to get emotional.
00:19:53 It's the time to be smart.
00:19:55 Let's just let this woman try and help Samantha.
00:19:58 Please. I know you want this as much as I do.
00:20:02 I do. But at what cost?
00:20:05 I'm going to lose my daughter.
00:20:07 Yvonne, you're not going to lose her.
00:20:09 How do you know?
00:20:11 Because it doesn't matter who she calls mommy.
00:20:13 She's our daughter.
00:20:16 Okay, let's just try this again. Properly.
00:20:21 Okay. Only for you.
00:20:26 [Sigh]
00:20:28 Samuel.
00:20:36 Did you give it some thought?
00:20:38 I did. Did you?
00:20:41 Did I what?
00:20:44 Since we last spoke, did you give any more thought to what Yvonne said?
00:20:49 Listen, I am just trying to help and
00:20:54 I don't think that she's doing what's best for your family.
00:20:59 How do you mean?
00:21:01 She's just jealous that Samantha only talks when she's not around
00:21:06 and she's manipulating everybody to be the bad guy.
00:21:11 Well, I personally can't see that happening.
00:21:15 I know. But it adds up.
00:21:20 You just met me and all of this crazy stuff is happening in your life.
00:21:25 It just seems like more than a coincidence and she's frustrated.
00:21:31 I'll talk to her some more about it, but as I said before, she isn't going to interfere.
00:21:35 There's one more thing.
00:21:36 What is it?
00:21:38 Samantha.
00:21:40 She said something else.
00:21:44 [Silence]
00:21:47 Listen, we need to move on from the Dagson account.
00:21:50 We need to try to consolidate the company.
00:21:52 But we can't take the hit. We're already out losing money.
00:21:55 If you continue the path you're on, you have to consolidate.
00:21:58 I don't care. We need to try to stop the bleed.
00:22:01 If we're losing money, we can move it to a safe spot.
00:22:03 You're not bleeding it, it's hemorrhaging.
00:22:05 The finance plan fell through it. Now it's tanked. No matter what.
00:22:09 No matter what?
00:22:11 Listen, I'm just trying to let you know how it is.
00:22:14 Is there anything you think we should do?
00:22:18 There are no good options. Let's not be rash.
00:22:21 We can close this account like you said, and then we can make up for it somewhere else.
00:22:25 And then we can stabilize.
00:22:27 But for now, I wouldn't go out of my way to do anything financially risky.
00:22:30 Let me call you back.
00:22:32 [Phone beeps]
00:22:35 Hi, it's Samuel Blackwood.
00:22:40 Yeah, I was wondering if I could get a statement of my account and recent purchases on my joint account.
00:22:44 Thank you.
00:22:46 [Phone beeps]
00:22:48 Oh, Yvonne.
00:22:54 The dog goes, "Woof."
00:23:02 "Woof."
00:23:06 "Woof."
00:23:09 Yeah, very good. Very good.
00:23:12 The tiger goes, "Rar."
00:23:16 "Rar."
00:23:20 "Rar."
00:23:23 Yeah.
00:23:25 What's this?
00:23:27 Bunny.
00:23:29 Good job.
00:23:31 The cow goes, "Moo."
00:23:34 "Moo."
00:23:39 "Mama?"
00:23:41 [Laughs]
00:23:43 What's this?
00:23:48 Bunny.
00:23:50 That's amazing, Samantha.
00:23:53 It's been two weeks, and Samantha still hasn't spoken to me.
00:24:02 She calls Christine "Mom."
00:24:05 Do you know what she calls me?
00:24:07 Nothing. She calls me nothing. I'm nothing to her.
00:24:09 Look, it's not like she's saying anything to me either.
00:24:12 I mean, like you said, it's only been two weeks.
00:24:15 Let's just give it some time.
00:24:17 How much time?
00:24:18 I don't know.
00:24:20 But I talked to the doctor again today,
00:24:22 and he was saying that if Christine and her are working together on the speech, and if it's helping,
00:24:26 to let them continue, and to let them keep bonding.
00:24:29 Bond? Are you serious?
00:24:32 Do you want to go bond with Christine too?
00:24:35 What are you talking about?
00:24:37 I'm talking about our child here.
00:24:39 It seems like this Christine person is invading our lives, and you're just letting her.
00:24:44 Samantha calls her "Mom."
00:24:47 You know what? I'm going to go stay with a friend until you can prioritize the entire family.
00:24:52 Yvonne, don't do this.
00:24:55 I'm leaving.
00:25:04 Yvonne left home for a few days.
00:25:07 Samuel was torn.
00:25:10 But he was seeing hope as his daughter started speaking more.
00:25:15 And what's this?
00:25:22 Bunny.
00:25:23 That's great.
00:25:26 Do you have a good student on your hands?
00:25:27 The best.
00:25:29 Well, I'd say she has a pretty good teacher too.
00:25:31 Like I said, the best.
00:25:33 [laughter]
00:25:35 Honestly, Christine, I...
00:25:39 Thank you.
00:25:40 I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see you helping my only daughter.
00:25:43 Well, I can tell you've instilled some great values in her.
00:25:48 Well, I try to set a good example for her.
00:25:51 All the conglomerate, all the businesses, the successes I've built, it's all for her.
00:25:55 I admire that.
00:25:57 There are more important things to teach her though than money.
00:26:01 Like what?
00:26:03 Like teaching her the right knowledge.
00:26:06 Why catch her a fish when you can teach her how to fish?
00:26:09 I admire your thinking.
00:26:11 Well, I'm glad you're slowly making some good progress with her.
00:26:15 Yeah, pretty soon she's going to be speaking so much you're going to wish that she was quiet.
00:26:19 [laughter]
00:26:21 I only hope she can recognize who I am.
00:26:25 Daddy?
00:26:29 Did she just call me daddy?
00:26:32 Wow.
00:26:43 I don't know about you, but that was amazing.
00:26:48 I'm actually glad I decided to stop at this hotel for a drink.
00:26:52 You know, you probably wouldn't have met a pretty girl like yourself anywhere else.
00:26:57 Oh yeah?
00:26:59 Well, don't get used to it.
00:27:02 What did you say your name was anyway?
00:27:08 Nobody.
00:27:10 My name is Nobody.
00:27:13 What we just did never happened and I was never here.
00:27:18 Okay.
00:27:20 Miss Nobody.
00:27:23 Well, what we just didn't do was amazing.
00:27:29 So, maybe we shouldn't do it again sometime.
00:27:35 I don't think so.
00:27:40 Okay, well, if we're not going to do it again later, we might as well do it again now.
00:27:46 Is that a smile?
00:27:51 Oh yeah, that's a smile.
00:27:55 Stop it.
00:27:58 You want me to stop?
00:28:01 Well, I haven't even got to start.
00:28:05 Hey Yvonne, I know you're upset, but please call me back.
00:28:14 You're never going to believe what happened.
00:28:17 Our daughter, Samantha, she called me daddy.
00:28:21 And I know it's only a matter of time until she starts calling you mommy.
00:28:26 Please call me back.
00:28:29 I'm so excited.
00:28:31 I love you.
00:28:34 I'm just, I'm going to go in.
00:28:38 No, no, please stay for dinner.
00:28:40 Oh no, I've got someone waiting.
00:28:42 Ah, well whoever he is, he's a lucky man.
00:28:45 Oh, no, no, no.
00:28:47 Nobody is that lucky yet.
00:28:49 No, no, it's just a friend.
00:28:51 Okay, I see.
00:28:54 Honestly, I can't thank you enough, Christine.
00:28:57 From the bottom of my heart, you have no idea how much it means to me to have my daughter
00:29:01 finally recognize me as her dad after all these years.
00:29:05 I totally understand.
00:29:07 I went through something really similar with my son.
00:29:11 So, I don't know if I can ever repay you or thank you enough, but if there ever is anything
00:29:16 that you need from me or my family, please don't hesitate to ask.
00:29:20 Samuel, you're a good person and just getting to spend time with you and our daughter is
00:29:25 reward enough.
00:29:27 Our daughter?
00:29:29 Our daughter?
00:29:33 Did I say that?
00:29:34 Oh my gosh, no, I meant your daughter.
00:29:37 Right, well, thank you.
00:29:38 Thank you again.
00:29:40 Yeah, if there's ever anything.
00:29:42 Yeah.
00:29:43 Do you like it?
00:29:48 Oh, it's beautiful.
00:29:51 Happy anniversary, baby.
00:29:53 Oh my God, I love it.
00:29:55 Thank you.
00:29:57 Um, oh, that reminds me.
00:30:00 I've got something for you, too.
00:30:02 What's this?
00:30:06 Samantha and I made it for you.
00:30:09 Looks like we've got a real Picasso on our hands.
00:30:12 Samuel?
00:30:14 Samuel?
00:30:16 Samuel, are you listening?
00:30:19 You can watch part two of this video searching EnglishMovieOnly on
00:30:24 Sorry, could you repeat that?
00:30:26 I said, I'm taking my son camping.
00:30:29 I think it would be great if Samantha could come with us, get her out in some nature.
00:30:33 Yeah, sure, no problem.
00:30:35 Is everything okay?
00:30:38 Yeah, I'm just, I'm thinking about how quickly times change.
00:30:43 What do you mean?
00:30:45 Well, one day you're sitting there and you think everything's okay, and then a little bit of time passes,
00:30:49 and you're sitting there in shambles wondering where everything went wrong.
00:30:54 Couldn't you say the same for the opposite?
00:30:57 What do you mean?
00:30:58 One day you're sitting there thinking, how did everything go wrong?
00:31:02 And then some time passes and you think, what was I so worried about?
00:31:08 I guess you're right.
00:31:11 Things are going to get better.
00:31:14 Thank you.
00:31:16 You let her take my daughter?
00:31:27 Our daughter. No, I didn't let her just take her.
00:31:30 You haven't seen the progress that she's made.
00:31:33 She's just literally started calling me daddy.
00:31:35 Oh yeah? And who is she calling mommy?
00:31:39 Yvonne.
00:31:40 Don't Yvonne me.
00:31:42 I was gone for five days, and in five days you let a total stranger take my daughter.
00:31:48 She's not a stranger.
00:31:49 She's evil.
00:31:51 I saw her, she was teaching Samantha to call her mom.
00:31:54 Before she came around, she wasn't calling anyone anything.
00:31:59 She literally couldn't speak.
00:32:01 Do you even know where they are?
00:32:03 Of course, Christine told me before they left.
00:32:05 He told me right now.
00:32:07 Yvonne.
00:32:08 Look, I'm upset, but what's done is done.
00:32:13 So just tell me where they are so I can have some peace.
00:32:19 Hey, but please don't interfere.
00:32:24 I gave Christine my word.
00:32:27 [Music]
00:32:30 Looks like we've got a real Picasso on our hands.
00:32:38 We really do.
00:32:40 Why don't you try on the bracelet?
00:32:42 Of course.
00:32:44 Where is that bracelet from?
00:32:48 Oh, um, this was me and my sister's friendship bracelet.
00:32:55 It's the only memory I have of her.
00:32:58 We lost everything in the fire.
00:33:01 I'm so sorry.
00:33:05 Don't be.
00:33:07 Wherever she is now, the better.
00:33:11 [Music]
00:33:14 You lied to me!
00:33:21 What do you mean?
00:33:23 You said they were at Atkins Camp.
00:33:25 I called.
00:33:26 They're not registered there.
00:33:28 I'm sure there's just a mix-up with the registration.
00:33:30 No, I went there myself.
00:33:31 My daughter is not there.
00:33:33 You said you wouldn't interfere.
00:33:35 Does that mean you get to lie to me?
00:33:37 You've already pushed her away once.
00:33:40 She's the only help Samantha has.
00:33:42 She's good for her.
00:33:44 I was just trying to help her.
00:33:46 I'm not going to lie to you.
00:33:48 She's the only help Samantha has.
00:33:50 She's good for her.
00:33:51 Our daughter could be in danger.
00:33:55 She's not in danger.
00:33:58 I have my people looking over them.
00:34:01 You're not the man I married.
00:34:04 [Music]
00:34:07 Hotel charges?
00:34:15 No, no, that can't be right.
00:34:16 I haven't been in a hotel.
00:34:17 I've been home all week.
00:34:20 I see.
00:34:24 Yeah, it's definitely fraudulent.
00:34:28 Yeah, please, yeah, please cancel the cards.
00:34:32 Thanks.
00:34:34 We're back.
00:34:36 Welcome back, guys.
00:34:37 How was camping?
00:34:38 Fun.
00:34:40 It sure was.
00:34:41 Can we go wash your hands?
00:34:43 Uh-oh.
00:34:44 She calls you mommy.
00:34:45 She's listening to you.
00:34:46 What's next?
00:34:47 Are you moving in?
00:34:48 I don't think Yvonne would like that very much.
00:34:50 Hmm.
00:34:51 Well, you know, maybe she'd surprise you.
00:34:53 She's not as bad as you think.
00:34:55 I didn't say she was bad.
00:34:58 Fair enough.
00:34:59 Where is she anyway?
00:35:02 You know, I don't know.
00:35:04 I think she said she was at a friend's house.
00:35:06 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:35:14 So embarrassing.
00:35:16 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:35:22 Well, you seem like a damsel in distress.
00:35:25 Oh, you want me to guess?
00:35:27 You're the hero.
00:35:29 According to you, I'm nobody.
00:35:31 Well, Mr. Nobody, my card was declined.
00:35:35 Suspicious activity.
00:35:39 I'm just trying to figure out what to do next.
00:35:43 You can watch part two of this video searching English Mobilely
00:35:46 on
00:35:47 That has room for two.
00:35:50 Seems like a waste of money getting another woman.
00:35:54 And what will we do in this room?
00:35:59 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:36:02 Well, I can promise you that whatever
00:36:05 didn't happen last time, it won't happen again.
00:36:10 [SIGHS]
00:36:23 This isn't good.
00:36:24 Of course it's not good.
00:36:25 We could potentially lose the entire company here.
00:36:28 Sam, we need you to fly here immediately.
00:36:30 I can't fly down.
00:36:31 I'm dealing with a lot at home right now.
00:36:34 I'll see what I can do from this side.
00:36:36 All the partners are worried, Sam.
00:36:38 You knew how important this merger was for us.
00:36:41 Yeah, I know.
00:36:42 Trust me, I want to help.
00:36:44 My family's just going through a lot right now.
00:36:46 I understand.
00:36:48 Let me handle the business stuff with the partners,
00:36:50 and you can handle all the family stuff.
00:36:53 Thank you.
00:36:54 Oh, and Samuel, there's something you should probably know.
00:36:59 It's about your wife.
00:37:01 The hotel charges on your credit card,
00:37:08 it was from your account, but it wasn't your card.
00:37:11 It was your wife's card.
00:37:13 [SIGHS]
00:37:14 What does that mean?
00:37:15 She's the one that booked the hotel and stayed there.
00:37:17 And saying that you thought it was fraudulent activity,
00:37:20 I'm assuming you didn't know.
00:37:22 Well, I'm sure there's some viable explanation for it,
00:37:27 but I'll talk to her about it.
00:37:29 I appreciate it.
00:37:30 Of course.
00:37:31 Just looking out for you.
00:37:33 Thank you.
00:37:34 Yvonne, what are you up to?
00:37:43 What do you mean the business is in trouble?
00:37:50 Are we broke?
00:37:51 No, we're not broke.
00:37:52 I just think that we need to be spending a little bit less
00:37:55 until we stabilize again.
00:37:57 Are you freaking kidding me?
00:37:59 My entire life is falling apart.
00:38:01 My daughter doesn't recognize me.
00:38:03 My husband won't respect me.
00:38:05 And now I don't have any money.
00:38:07 It's not that we don't have any money.
00:38:09 We just need to be mindful of our spending.
00:38:11 Mindful? Could you be mindful of my life?
00:38:13 Everything is about you.
00:38:16 Your business, your life.
00:38:18 Your daughter calls you daddy.
00:38:21 Okay.
00:38:23 Wait.
00:38:25 Let's just forget that I brought this up, okay?
00:38:28 Forget?
00:38:30 You're forgetting that you have a responsibility to this family.
00:38:35 Look, we'll figure it out.
00:38:37 No.
00:38:38 Not we.
00:38:39 You.
00:38:41 This is your problem, not mine.
00:38:43 You fix it!
00:38:52 How's learning going?
00:38:54 Oh, it's going well.
00:38:56 Yeah, how about things with you?
00:38:58 They're going.
00:39:00 Is there something going on with the business?
00:39:03 How did you know?
00:39:05 When you spend enough time in a home,
00:39:07 you start to feel like family.
00:39:10 Well, Christine, you are family.
00:39:12 And thank you for your concern.
00:39:14 You know, I have my degree in business,
00:39:16 so I could potentially be of some help.
00:39:20 It's nothing, really.
00:39:22 I built this company from the ground up.
00:39:24 It should be a walk in the park.
00:39:26 And I can find new clients easily.
00:39:29 You're losing clients.
00:39:31 We're losing our biggest clients.
00:39:33 And they're leaving, and we have no idea why.
00:39:35 Well, maybe it's something we could work together on.
00:39:40 It's not your problem to try and fix, but I appreciate it.
00:39:43 Hey, like you said, I'm part of the family.
00:39:47 Your problems are my problems.
00:39:50 You know, for someone who says this wouldn't happen again, yeah.
00:40:00 [music]
00:40:08 Sure does seem to be happening quite often.
00:40:21 Whatever.
00:40:23 Well, you know what they say, right?
00:40:27 Product's good, people keep coming back.
00:40:30 Or maybe the people are just bored.
00:40:35 Yeah, I doubt that.
00:40:37 [phone buzzes]
00:40:40 Samuel Blackwood.
00:40:42 Okay.
00:40:46 This video uploaded by English Movie & Lee in
00:40:50 Yeah, you're Yvonne's--you're Yvonne Blackwood.
00:40:53 Okay.
00:40:54 Come here!
00:40:55 Yeah, you're billionaire Blackwood's wife, aren't you?
00:40:59 Yes, you are.
00:41:00 Yes, you are.
00:41:01 It's Yvonne Summers, not Blackwood.
00:41:04 Okay, okay, Miss Summers.
00:41:05 Yeah, my apologies.
00:41:06 Yeah, but does your husband know that you are in a hotel room with a complete stranger?
00:41:10 He doesn't need to know.
00:41:11 He has his own issues.
00:41:12 I have mine.
00:41:13 Of course he doesn't.
00:41:14 We don't want to break his heart, but...
00:41:16 You look really good on camera.
00:41:21 Are you blackmailing me?
00:41:22 No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:41:23 See, blackmailing is illegal, okay?
00:41:27 So, why don't we just say that you are hiring me to protect our mutual interests.
00:41:35 I've really got to thank you for the job, honest to God.
00:41:38 You know how much of an honor it is to work with a Blackwood now?
00:41:41 Can I get you coffee?
00:41:42 Do you want a coffee?
00:41:43 What do you want?
00:41:45 Well, I mean, the room is kind of expensive, so I need you to pay for that, but you know what I want.
00:41:50 [A few days later]
00:41:53 All your accounting seems to be in order.
00:41:56 Operations side is running smoothly and your marketing is on point.
00:42:00 See, I told you it's not about improving the business structure.
00:42:03 It's about finding why the clients are leaving.
00:42:06 [Phone vibrates]
00:42:09 Hey, what's going on?
00:42:12 Where are you?
00:42:13 I was at my friend's house.
00:42:15 Which friend?
00:42:16 Oh, so all of a sudden you're interested in my life?
00:42:19 What?
00:42:20 You disappeared for hours without telling me. I'd like to know where you are.
00:42:24 Oh, kind of like how you knew where our daughter was when she went camping.
00:42:29 That's not fair.
00:42:30 Anyway, I called you to tell you that I'll be going on a girls trip this weekend.
00:42:36 And I've also hired a personal trainer.
00:42:38 He's supposed to be one of the best, so he's not cheap.
00:42:42 Yvonne, what did I tell you about our expenditure?
00:42:45 We discussed that it was your job to figure it out.
00:42:49 So figure it out.
00:42:51 You need a fire, Christine.
00:43:06 Oh, Yvonne. This again?
00:43:08 You keep pushing her away, but she's making great progress with Samantha.
00:43:12 I'm serious. I saw her in your office. She was snooping.
00:43:16 Oh, really?
00:43:17 Yes.
00:43:18 Well, that's good news, because I asked her to help out.
00:43:20 You would know that if you'd stuck around a bit more.
00:43:23 I mean, I haven't seen you in days.
00:43:25 Help? With what?
00:43:27 With business.
00:43:29 What business?
00:43:31 Well, I could show you.
00:43:32 No, I don't care. If you want to be with her, go be with her.
00:43:36 What I want is for us to have a proper conversation about what's been going on lately.
00:43:40 What's been going on lately is this woman is trying to take over my life right in front of my eyes.
00:43:46 You know very well that's not what this is.
00:43:48 Don't you think it's a little suspicious that she's gaining your trust,
00:43:53 taking your daughter out without you being there?
00:43:56 Now she's trying to get into your business?
00:43:59 You know, speaking of suspicious, I actually wanted to talk to you about a credit card charge.
00:44:08 What charge?
00:44:13 The credit card company called me and said there was a suspicious charge from a hotel room.
00:44:18 And?
00:44:20 And I didn't do anything at a hotel room.
00:44:23 And you think I did?
00:44:25 Well, honey, it was from your card.
00:44:28 Well, Samuel, I did book a hotel room.
00:44:31 I was going to stay with a friend, but then I decided I needed some much-needed time alone.
00:44:37 Why didn't you just tell me that?
00:44:39 Because you're part of the reason I need time alone.
00:44:43 Look, Yvonne, I'm your husband.
00:44:46 If there's a problem, we need to be able to talk about that.
00:44:49 I do share things with you, but you don't seem to understand.
00:44:54 So the solution is just leaving?
00:44:58 I needed time alone. Why can't you understand that?
00:45:02 I do understand. I just don't want you keeping things from me.
00:45:05 I'm not keeping things from you. I just needed time alone.
00:45:10 Okay. I understand.
00:45:13 Hey, where's Yvonne?
00:45:23 Uh, she's on a girls' trip.
00:45:25 Oh. Okay.
00:45:28 By the way, did you find anything?
00:45:30 Yes. I found out that you were wrong.
00:45:35 What do you mean?
00:45:37 You know how you said the structuring of your company was fine?
00:45:40 Yeah.
00:45:42 It's not.
00:45:44 How? I mean, you looked at it yourself. You said it was perfect.
00:45:46 I said that the accounting and the marketing was perfect.
00:45:50 But then I got to thinking. What about the employees?
00:45:54 What about them?
00:45:56 Takes one bad fish to poison the pond?
00:46:00 What if someone from within the company is feeding your clients to competitors?
00:46:04 It's a huge company. How would we even know?
00:46:06 I have a plan.
00:46:08 What's the plan?
00:46:16 Well, you said that your biggest clients were being stolen, which means that it has to be someone at the top.
00:46:22 Yeah, that makes sense.
00:46:24 So if a big client came in, they would likely sabotage that, right?
00:46:28 Maybe. I mean, I don't know.
00:46:30 What I'm thinking is we get someone to pose as one of your largest, biggest clients you've ever had.
00:46:37 If they get pushed to a competitor, then you know it's coming from within.
00:46:42 You think it'll work?
00:46:44 Do we have another option?
00:46:50 Mommy?
00:46:52 Yes, dear?
00:46:54 I'm hungry.
00:46:56 I can make you something to eat.
00:46:58 Yes, please.
00:47:00 Did you hear that? That is the most she said at once.
00:47:02 That's amazing. Samantha, I love you.
00:47:04 I love you, Daddy.
00:47:18 Are you kidding me? That's literally our biggest client. We can't lose them.
00:47:21 I don't know what to say, Samuel, but we need you to come to the office right now.
00:47:25 Yeah, yeah, stay right there. I'm on my way.
00:47:27 So I just tucked Samantha in and I'm going to head home.
00:47:32 No, you can't go.
00:47:33 Why not?
00:47:34 There's an emergency at the office. Please, I am begging you.
00:47:38 Isn't Yvonne supposed to be home?
00:47:41 I don't know. But, Christine, just hear me out.
00:47:44 We're about to lose our biggest client and I need someone to watch Samantha.
00:47:48 But I need to go home. My son's there and the sitter's going to go.
00:47:53 Just take Samantha with you. Take her home.
00:47:56 Christine, I'm begging you, please. This is something I have to deal with right now.
00:48:00 Okay, okay. I'll go get Samantha.
00:48:03 Thank you. You're a lifesaver.
00:48:06 [♪♪]
00:48:08 Samuel?
00:48:19 Samantha?
00:48:23 Anybody home?
00:48:29 [♪♪]
00:48:31 [phone buzzing]
00:48:40 Hello?
00:48:42 Hey, where are you?
00:48:44 I had to run to the office. There's an emergency.
00:48:47 Is Samantha with you?
00:48:49 No, Samantha went home with Christine.
00:48:51 She what?
00:48:53 Look, I really can't do this right now, okay?
00:48:56 I just got into the office. You weren't home and I had to be here.
00:49:00 We lost our biggest client.
00:49:02 Do you want to lose your wife, too?
00:49:04 You knew I was coming back.
00:49:06 You should have called me. I was half an hour away.
00:49:09 Look, I really can't focus on this right now.
00:49:11 She's safe, okay? She's safe with Christine.
00:49:14 Please don't make a big deal out of this.
00:49:16 Not make a big deal about our daughter being alone with some stranger?
00:49:19 Are you listening to yourself?
00:49:22 So where were you then?
00:49:23 Are you freaking kidding me?
00:49:25 Do you know what you have been putting me through lately?
00:49:28 You're never home. Ever.
00:49:31 I haven't seen my daughter. She doesn't even want to talk to me.
00:49:34 You know, I thought I could get away for the weekend,
00:49:37 relax with my girlfriends, but nope.
00:49:39 I come home to this mess that you've left me.
00:49:41 My daughter is missing with some stranger,
00:49:43 and my husband has completely abandoned me.
00:49:46 [door slams]
00:49:48 [music]
00:49:57 Hey.
00:49:58 What do you got?
00:50:01 Um, I think this is the one.
00:50:05 You can't possibly mean...
00:50:08 Blackwood.
00:50:10 With a B.
00:50:12 The billionaire.
00:50:13 Hold on, hold on. You're trying to tell me...
00:50:15 What's the catch?
00:50:17 Well, let's just say that his wife realized that money isn't everything.
00:50:21 Yeah. What a shame.
00:50:24 Hold on.
00:50:26 Yeah.
00:50:28 So what do we do?
00:50:30 Uh, as I caught wind that Samuel does kind of know what's up.
00:50:36 I don't think he's 100% yet.
00:50:39 You know what? We gotta act fast on this.
00:50:42 We don't have a lot of time.
00:50:43 You just said I'd do an hour.
00:50:46 Let's warm him up.
00:50:48 You know, let him know we're coming.
00:50:51 Then, if he thinks we're bluffing,
00:50:55 we'll send him a little bit of a sample.
00:50:57 You know, we'll be sure to capitalize on it.
00:51:00 Make him regret messing with us.
00:51:02 You got it.
00:51:04 [music]
00:51:14 [sniff]
00:51:16 Hey.
00:51:24 Looks like someone's making themselves right at home.
00:51:27 Oh, this?
00:51:29 This is a snack for Samantha.
00:51:32 You know, I would really prefer it if you focused on Samantha and her learning.
00:51:38 Which is what we hired you for.
00:51:41 Unless you're suddenly interested in a nanny position.
00:51:44 Just trying to help out around here.
00:51:47 I noticed things were a little tense with the family, so...
00:51:52 No offense, Christine.
00:51:54 Not really part of the family.
00:51:57 So, uh, mind your business.
00:52:00 That's not what Samantha says, and she tells me everything.
00:52:06 Shut up. Samantha says mom and dad.
00:52:09 She's hardly talking.
00:52:11 Really? Is that what she says to you?
00:52:14 Like I said, mind your business.
00:52:18 Pretty sure, Yvonne, she's speaking.
00:52:21 You're just not listening.
00:52:25 And by the way, this is a pretty big house.
00:52:29 But the walls still talk.
00:52:31 I know a lot more than you think.
00:52:34 [music]
00:52:44 I have something for you.
00:52:48 Thank you.
00:52:50 How did you know I like these?
00:52:52 You may have brought it up once or twice.
00:52:55 You know, I was thinking of what you proposed.
00:52:57 Okay, I know it's not foolproof, but it will expose the problem at your company.
00:53:02 I think it's a great idea.
00:53:04 And we've got a big meeting coming up. I think you should sit in on it.
00:53:07 You want me to act as the client?
00:53:09 Maybe throw on a disguise, a little bit of makeup. Think you're up for it?
00:53:12 I mean, I'm no actor, but I will do my best.
00:53:18 It's settled. I'll get out of the board and tell them we have a big client coming in.
00:53:21 I'm excited.
00:53:22 You should be. We're about to close a big deal.
00:53:26 Thanks, Christine.
00:53:29 [music]
00:53:35 So, as you can see on page six and throughout the rest of the report,
00:53:38 Christine has an excellent foundation as a client, and I think we should represent her as a firm.
00:53:42 Her business has a great reputation in the industry, a solid platform,
00:53:45 and even though they haven't seen insane profits, they've been consistent throughout.
00:53:48 They're a safe bet.
00:53:50 You know, Samuel, in recent light of other clients,
00:53:53 I've been apprehensive about your decision on taking on other people or any further referrals.
00:53:57 However, the science is solid on this one.
00:54:00 I appreciate the vote of confidence.
00:54:04 It would be a shame if they were to fall off, but like you said, it sounds like our firm can hold on to them.
00:54:09 Thank you, Tom.
00:54:10 [phone ringing]
00:54:14 Sounds like word travels quick at your company.
00:54:17 What do you mean?
00:54:19 Someone seems excited to work with Christine.
00:54:24 Let's keep an eye on it. I'm sure we'll be able to find out where the hole is in the company.
00:54:28 Look at all these flowers, huh?
00:54:44 Can you tell me what color the stems are?
00:54:51 No, silly. You know.
00:54:54 Yeah, that's right. The stems are green. Very good.
00:54:58 You know, you're very good at coloring.
00:55:02 Thank you.
00:55:04 What's wrong?
00:55:09 Wow, Samantha. These are so good.
00:55:18 I didn't know you were such an artist.
00:55:21 So, tell me. Who do we have here?
00:55:27 Mommy.
00:55:47 I just hope this works.
00:55:49 Hey, what's new over there?
00:55:55 Well, you might want to consider finding yourself a new office.
00:55:59 I can explain.
00:56:02 No need. The numbers are sound.
00:56:05 The client you have lined up for us, they would end up making our firm a ton of profit in the long term.
00:56:11 Just like you said.
00:56:14 You almost gave me a heart attack.
00:56:17 Well, you should consider getting it checked. You knew we were here to keep you on your heels.
00:56:22 Cheers to that. Things wouldn't work the same around here without you keeping us on our toes.
00:56:26 We owe every penny to it.
00:56:28 Well, like I said before, let's keep a stern eye on this and hope it doesn't fall off.
00:56:32 Don't worry. I plan to stay on top of this one.
00:56:37 [Phone Vibrates]
00:56:41 [Phone Vibrates]
00:56:52 Hello?
00:56:56 I almost thought you weren't going to pick up.
00:56:59 What would you like?
00:57:01 You know what I want.
00:57:04 Listen, it's coming. I just need time.
00:57:07 You know life doesn't revolve around you.
00:57:10 You'll get what you want. I just need time.
00:57:16 [Phone Vibrates]
00:57:18 [Phone Vibrates]
00:57:29 [Phone Vibrates]
00:57:33 [Phone Vibrates]
00:57:36 [Phone Vibrates]
00:57:39 [Phone Vibrates]
00:57:42 [Phone Vibrates]
00:57:44 It can't be happening again.
00:57:53 [Phone Vibrates]
00:57:55 What's going on here? I just got wind that your client is looking to make a move directly with our competitor.
00:58:02 I thought you were on top of this.
00:58:04 Something's wrong. I tracked the move. I made the proposal. I followed through every step of the way.
00:58:11 Well, then what went wrong? We can't have this happening again. It's killing us.
00:58:16 Only a few people knew about this.
00:58:18 Oh, I don't know what to tell you, but we need to make some changes around here. Fast. We can't keep doing this.
00:58:24 There was a client, but there were no middlemen on this.
00:58:29 Where did the files go?
00:58:34 Well, I gave them to Mason. He was in charge of archiving and perforating the contract.
00:58:39 Well, it has to be.
00:58:41 You can't be serious.
00:58:44 Think about it. You knew he was overqualified. Something's been off since he got here. Work's been falling off the rails.
00:58:51 He has to be a mole.
00:58:53 I don't care whose fault it is, but if you're right, someone's facing some serious charges.
00:58:58 Well, we better start packing our bags if we're wrong.
00:59:04 I'm not.
00:59:06 [music]
00:59:08 The dog jumped over the fence to get the ball.
00:59:15 He was so fast.
00:59:18 He ran like the wind.
00:59:21 Whoosh!
00:59:23 Looks like you two are spending awfully a lot of time together.
00:59:29 What are you reading?
00:59:31 Oh, um, it's the Big Blue Dog Book of Adventure.
00:59:35 The series about a dog with superpowers.
00:59:39 Well, yeah, they're fun.
00:59:42 Right.
00:59:44 Samantha likes them.
00:59:46 Well, I think that Samantha's old enough and smart enough to tell me what she likes herself.
00:59:52 It's not right, sweetie.
00:59:54 Look, we're just trying to have fun.
00:59:56 Do you know what's not fun?
01:00:00 Pretending like your daughter can't talk, which I somehow believe is your fault.
01:00:05 Look, do you think that this is maybe something we might want to take into another room?
01:00:10 Are you... are you telling me how to behave in my own home?
01:00:14 Okay, well, I think we're gonna leave.
01:00:18 And who made that decision?
01:00:20 Me.
01:00:22 Samantha?
01:00:28 [music]
01:00:30 How could you do it, Mason?
01:00:48 Uh, I don't know what you mean.
01:00:54 Don't play games with me.
01:00:56 I'm not.
01:00:58 Our business is built on a foundation of trust and respect.
01:01:02 And you violated that.
01:01:04 I really don't know what you're talking about.
01:01:07 Tom and I were the only ones besides you that knew about this deal.
01:01:10 We gave you the files to work on, along with the files for every other company that went disappearing.
01:01:15 And now this one disappears too?
01:01:17 Look, Mr. Blackwood...
01:01:19 Don't play stupid with me.
01:01:20 Mr. Blackwood, listen to me.
01:01:21 What?
01:01:22 I didn't receive the paperwork for this deal until five minutes ago.
01:01:27 You can go.
01:01:35 [silence]
01:01:37 [phone buzzes]
01:01:58 Is now a bad time?
01:02:03 No, no, no.
01:02:05 What do you got?
01:02:07 How did you know this guy again?
01:02:09 History book.
01:02:11 Just something I'm trying to forget.
01:02:14 Well, he's not going anywhere anytime soon.
01:02:17 My advice is, try and cut off contact with this guy ASAP.
01:02:21 I wish it was that easy.
01:02:23 Yvonne, you know the paparazzi?
01:02:25 How annoying they can be?
01:02:28 Yeah?
01:02:29 This is way worse.
01:02:30 If he gets anything on your family, he's gonna try and suck every single penny he can.
01:02:35 He's a parasite.
01:02:37 He's scum.
01:02:38 So what do I do?
01:02:39 You have to find out what it is he has, and take it back.
01:02:42 Or nip it in the bud as soon as you can.
01:02:45 I...
01:02:46 I don't know what he's got.
01:02:49 Listen, I know things are tense at home, but I think we can find a way out of this.
01:02:54 Trust me.
01:02:56 Look, I slept with him.
01:02:58 He knows I cheated.
01:03:00 Okay, okay, okay, okay.
01:03:04 Things have just been so hard at home.
01:03:06 I regretted it the moment it happened, but now he's stalking me.
01:03:11 Well, regardless, we'll find a way out of this.
01:03:16 Are you certain?
01:03:17 Yvonne, I promise.
01:03:27 Hey, what's up, Samuel?
01:03:28 I spoke to Mason.
01:03:30 Turns out he didn't do it.
01:03:32 That makes no sense.
01:03:33 He's the only mutual connection to all these cases.
01:03:36 Yeah, that's what I was thinking, and then I dug a little deeper.
01:03:40 I asked myself, "Who's it has the most to gain from my demise?
01:03:44 Is it my employees, or is it my business partner?"
01:03:47 And then I started looking at the mutual connections.
01:03:49 And it turns out that every company that was given to Mason was handed to him by you.
01:03:54 And why would I betray you?
01:03:56 I don't know, Tom.
01:03:57 What is it that was so important that you tried to burn your best friend and business partner
01:04:01 and tried to take the company that he built from him?
01:04:03 Your business? Your company?
01:04:06 I built this thing from the ground up.
01:04:08 I was the one that had the idea.
01:04:10 You just got lucky and made all the money.
01:04:12 No, Tom. This isn't right.
01:04:14 What you did is a crime.
01:04:16 I'm going to give you the option to walk away and avoid any prison time.
01:04:21 So what? You just want me to walk away from my business?
01:04:24 No. I'm going to buy you out.
01:04:26 Your half of the company becomes mine.
01:04:29 And given that you drove the price of the company down,
01:04:32 I'm going to pay you a fair price.
01:04:35 Stupid Christine.
01:04:45 It's not fair.
01:04:49 [Phone vibrates]
01:04:51 Remember me?
01:05:03 Not this. Not now.
01:05:07 So you forget.
01:05:09 You don't remember what didn't happen last time?
01:05:13 What do you want?
01:05:15 What are you up to tonight?
01:05:17 You in town?
01:05:18 Want to get a drink?
01:05:20 None of your business. Goodbye.
01:05:22 How are you? I wouldn't do that.
01:05:24 Why is that?
01:05:28 [Phone vibrates]
01:05:32 Is paying you not enough?
01:05:38 [Phone vibrates]
01:05:39 It is.
01:05:41 Just make sure you do what I say next time.
01:05:45 [Phone vibrates]
01:05:47 Sit down.
01:05:59 What's this?
01:06:03 You closed the deal. That's amazing.
01:06:08 We didn't just close the deal. We found the rat.
01:06:10 Who was it?
01:06:12 That doesn't matter. But did you read the rest of the document?
01:06:15 Look at the bottom there.
01:06:17 I don't understand.
01:06:22 We need more people like you, Christine.
01:06:24 You think outside the box. You're dependable.
01:06:27 I want you to join the team.
01:06:29 You don't have to answer right this second. I know it's a big decision.
01:06:32 Take your time. But the offer's not going to last forever.
01:06:35 So nothing changes?
01:06:39 Oh, also, you'd be reporting to me.
01:06:42 Well, I actually have something to share with you, too.
01:06:49 What's that?
01:06:51 I'm not Christine Bailey.
01:06:54 I'm not Christine Bailey.
01:07:05 I'm the new executive at Blackwood Enterprises.
01:07:09 So you accept the offer?
01:07:11 Of course. How could I not? Anyone would be thrilled to receive this.
01:07:15 Thank you so much.
01:07:17 I really thank you.
01:07:19 Since you came into my life, it's been a lot better.
01:07:24 Careful, Mr. Blackwood.
01:07:28 Mrs. Blackwood wouldn't like where this is going.
01:07:32 Really, thank you.
01:07:35 I know about your deals. Your scams.
01:07:44 I hired someone to look into you.
01:07:46 You hired someone?
01:07:48 You're becoming quite the drama queen, aren't you?
01:07:52 I don't think you realize who you're messing with.
01:07:58 You know, I'm not the only one.
01:08:03 He looks good on camera.
01:08:05 Seems like you've been involved with some questionable activities and some powerful figures.
01:08:12 Oh yeah, yeah, those.
01:08:17 Oh yeah, those are my friends.
01:08:20 Business partners, actually.
01:08:24 Yeah, yeah. Thanks for these. I'm probably going to post them online.
01:08:28 Gain some traction. Yeah.
01:08:31 And what about the offshore accounts? The shell companies?
01:08:35 Going to post those too?
01:08:37 You've been doing your homework, haven't you?
01:08:40 Uh-huh. Here's the thing, Yvonne.
01:08:44 These politicians are... powerful figures, as you like to call them.
01:08:53 Do you think they're just going to look away when you run off with all their money?
01:08:58 Do you think that they're going to come after you?
01:09:01 Like they did with me and my family?
01:09:05 Yeah. That's right.
01:09:10 You're trapped.
01:09:14 Just like me.
01:09:18 [SAMUEL]
01:09:21 Samuel?
01:09:28 Christine. What are you doing here so late?
01:09:32 Samuel, I have something I have to tell you.
01:09:36 What is it?
01:09:38 It's been me all this while.
01:09:41 I don't understand.
01:09:46 All those years ago?
01:09:49 That girl who was pregnant with Samantha?
01:09:52 That was me. Nora.
01:09:55 You?
01:09:57 Yes.
01:09:59 Yvonne tried to kill me.
01:10:03 But I survived.
01:10:06 And now I'm back to reunite with my daughter.
01:10:11 And her father.
01:10:15 Nora.
01:10:17 It's you.
01:10:20 So, how was your day?
01:10:33 It was good. Yeah, we slowly started earning back some clients.
01:10:37 That's great.
01:10:39 It's amazing. In fact, some of them are even coming back with bigger contracts.
01:10:43 That is amazing.
01:10:45 Yeah. Oh, and Tom. You're never going to believe this.
01:10:48 Tom was the one who was stealing companies and feeding them to our competitors.
01:10:52 Our Tom. The Tom that you've known since you were Samantha's age.
01:10:56 The very same.
01:10:57 What are you going to do?
01:10:59 No, nothing. I dealt with it.
01:11:01 What did you do?
01:11:03 What should be done when you're betrayed.
01:11:06 Yeah, it just sucks to see someone that I trusted this much betray me like this.
01:11:10 Samuel.
01:11:13 Yes?
01:11:15 I've done something terrible, Samuel.
01:11:19 What is it?
01:11:22 I had an affair.
01:11:28 Samuel.
01:11:37 I had an affair, Samuel.
01:11:40 An affair?
01:11:43 With who? Tom?
01:11:46 No, just some guy I met at a hotel.
01:11:48 Some guy in a hotel?
01:11:51 Look, I needed to be alone. I went to the hotel. I wanted to have a drink.
01:11:56 And I met this guy and I was just confused.
01:11:59 And one thing led to another and we ended up sleeping together.
01:12:02 I'm sorry. You cheated on me because you were confused?
01:12:05 It's more complicated than that, I promise.
01:12:07 It doesn't sound very complicated, Yvonne.
01:12:10 It sounds like you had an affair with a total stranger.
01:12:13 What are we supposed to do now?
01:12:15 Just pretend nothing happened? Walk it off?
01:12:17 He was blackmailing me.
01:12:19 What?
01:12:20 He took pictures of us and he threatened to expose them on the internet to make you look bad.
01:12:25 I love you.
01:12:27 If you loved me, you wouldn't have slept with this guy in the first place.
01:12:33 I'm sorry.
01:12:36 You've ruined this entire family.
01:12:47 I'm sorry.
01:12:48 You're sorry? That just makes everything okay, right?
01:12:51 What am I supposed to do?
01:12:53 It's not what you're supposed to do. It's what you shouldn't have done.
01:12:56 I made a mistake.
01:12:58 This isn't just some mistake, Yvonne.
01:13:01 I know. I know, but we're stuck now.
01:13:05 Why are we stuck?
01:13:07 Because he's blackmailing me.
01:13:09 And that's my problem?
01:13:10 He's going to ruin your reputation.
01:13:13 Oh, that's what this is about?
01:13:15 You care about my reputation now? Is that what this is?
01:13:19 What if he wasn't blackmailing you?
01:13:21 Would you have told me then?
01:13:24 Would you have told me anything?
01:13:27 I don't know.
01:13:28 I do, Yvonne.
01:13:30 I think you're only coming to me because you're scared.
01:13:32 And not for my reputation, but for your own image.
01:13:35 Do you even care about this family?
01:13:38 I'm sorry.
01:13:41 Are you sorry you cheated, or are you sorry that you had to tell me?
01:13:45 They say the truth has a habit of revealing itself with time.
01:13:59 And in this case, time was running out.
01:14:04 While Yvonne and Samuel dealt with their marriage issues,
01:14:08 Samantha was spending more time with Nora's son, her twin brother, Andy.
01:14:15 Roar, I'm the dinosaur.
01:14:23 No, I'm the dinosaur.
01:14:25 You know, my mom said you and me are brother and sister.
01:14:29 Mommy?
01:14:31 Yeah, she said we're twins.
01:14:35 I'm your brother.
01:14:38 Brother?
01:14:40 Congratulations on yet another big win.
01:14:53 Thank you.
01:14:55 Honestly, I don't know how you did it.
01:14:57 This was literally impossible.
01:14:59 You can thank my executive, Christine.
01:15:01 She's the one who put the whole proposal together.
01:15:04 I don't know where you found a Samuel.
01:15:06 But wherever you did, you need to find more.
01:15:09 Ever since she came into the company, our numbers have just been flying.
01:15:14 Well, to be honest, you wouldn't believe me if I told you.
01:15:18 As long as the numbers keep flying like this, I'll believe anything you tell me.
01:15:22 Look, the reason I wanted to talk to you, it wasn't because of the deal.
01:15:28 I need you to look into something for me.
01:15:32 Sure, Samuel.
01:15:34 It stays between us?
01:15:36 Of course.
01:15:38 It's about my wife.
01:15:46 So, your wife had some affair and is now being blackmailed?
01:15:54 Pretty much.
01:15:56 Apparently some guy with a history of successful blackmailing.
01:15:59 And let's say we figure out who this person is, what are you going to do exactly?
01:16:04 Just walk in there and confront the guy?
01:16:07 The company may have had its ups and downs, but don't forget that I'm still a billionaire.
01:16:11 I'm sure we can find another way to deal with this situation.
01:16:14 Whatever it is, I can't have you getting into more trouble than you already are.
01:16:19 We just got out of choppy waters with the company, and it's my job to watch your back.
01:16:24 I appreciate the concern, but this is something I have to move on.
01:16:28 And if you're not going to help me, I'll find another way.
01:16:31 I never said I wasn't going to help you.
01:16:34 I just said we need to be careful on how we move on this.
01:16:38 Then be careful, but move on it. Fast.
01:16:41 Samuel, I think you're being a tad emotional.
01:16:44 I said move on it.
01:16:46 Okay.
01:16:48 Thank you.
01:16:50 Hello?
01:17:01 Mr. Blackwood.
01:17:03 Who is this?
01:17:05 I think you should be less worried about who I am and more about what I can do.
01:17:10 And what exactly is it that you can do?
01:17:13 Ruin you.
01:17:16 Look, I'm getting sick and tired of these threats.
01:17:19 What do you have and how much do you want?
01:17:21 What I have, Mr. Blackwood, isn't for sale.
01:17:24 In fact, you're going to sell me something.
01:17:29 And the price is going to be your reputation staying intact.
01:17:34 This has to be the weirdest sales pitch I've ever received.
01:17:37 I'm not pitching. I'm warning.
01:17:41 How exactly are you going to be ruining my reputation then?
01:17:48 You're a smart man, Mr. Blackwood.
01:17:51 I'm sure you know by now that your wife is having an affair.
01:17:55 You wouldn't want those pictures all over the internet, would you?
01:18:00 What do you want?
01:18:02 Listen carefully.
01:18:06 [Music]
01:18:10 There's a politician, Bradley White.
01:18:14 He's running for mayor.
01:18:16 You've previously spoken bad about him in the press.
01:18:19 You've called him shady.
01:18:21 And because of that, he has lost a lot of support.
01:18:25 That's because Bradley is shady.
01:18:27 The guy is scum of the earth.
01:18:28 He uses his company to take advantage of poor people.
01:18:31 Well, your opinion is about to change.
01:18:34 I want you to issue a full apology.
01:18:37 Tell the public you are wrong and back him with your full support.
01:18:41 I've spoken very negatively about Bradley.
01:18:44 Don't you think it would look a little suspicious if I come up now and change my opinion on him?
01:18:48 I don't think you quite understand what's going on.
01:18:52 This isn't a negotiation.
01:18:55 You are going to issue an apology within the next 48 hours
01:18:58 and tell the public you verified every part of his business.
01:19:04 And it's clean.
01:19:06 [Music]
01:19:15 You called for me?
01:19:17 Yeah, come in.
01:19:19 [Music]
01:19:22 Is everything okay? You look upset.
01:19:25 Yeah, Christine, I need to talk to you.
01:19:27 What is it?
01:19:31 I want you to know that I really appreciate what you've done for the company and for my family.
01:19:37 I'm only bringing you in here because I really need your help.
01:19:42 What is it?
01:19:44 There's this dirty politician, Bradley White.
01:19:47 Even dirtier businessman.
01:19:49 And I've said some very negative things about him.
01:19:51 Trying to make sure that he doesn't get elected for mayor.
01:19:54 I see.
01:19:55 But now he's blackmailing me and he's using something that I never did.
01:19:59 And I'm being asked to change my opinions on him.
01:20:01 And if I don't announce them publicly, everything in my life will come crashing down.
01:20:06 What does he have on you?
01:20:08 I can't tell you.
01:20:11 But I can tell you that I didn't do it.
01:20:14 Do you trust me?
01:20:20 Of course I trust you.
01:20:22 It would just be helpful if I knew everything that was going on.
01:20:28 I understand.
01:20:30 And maybe that's something we can talk about eventually, but for now, I just need your help getting out of this situation.
01:20:38 Could it be Tom?
01:20:40 No, not this time.
01:20:41 No?
01:20:42 It's less to do with the company and more to do with me.
01:20:46 Right.
01:20:49 And if you go down, your name's attached to the company, so the company goes down.
01:20:53 Completely.
01:20:54 Everything I've worked to build, it would come crashing down.
01:20:58 Well, you said he's dirty, right?
01:21:00 Okay, so all we have to do is find bigger dirt on him.
01:21:06 How do we do that?
01:21:09 I think I have an idea.
01:21:12 [Music]
01:21:20 Samantha, would you like a sandwich, honey?
01:21:24 Would you like peanut butter or jelly?
01:21:32 Honey?
01:21:36 Peanut butter or jelly?
01:21:44 Peanut butter or jelly?
01:21:47 Why won't you talk to me?
01:21:49 What is wrong with me?
01:21:54 What have I done that is so awful that you won't talk to me?
01:21:57 All I have ever done is take care of you.
01:22:01 Goddammit, Samantha!
01:22:03 You will love me.
01:22:05 You will recognize me as your mother.
01:22:09 Mommy.
01:22:15 Did you just call me mommy?
01:22:18 No, I want mommy.
01:22:30 Nothing.
01:22:32 I literally could not find anything about this guy.
01:22:35 On paper, he's totally clean.
01:22:39 Should I find anything?
01:22:41 Not even a parking ticket.
01:22:42 So what now?
01:22:43 Now we give him what he wants.
01:22:45 I have less than 12 hours.
01:22:46 I need to make a video publicly addressing him and giving him support.
01:22:49 Otherwise, he's going to leak everything online.
01:22:53 There has to be another way.
01:22:54 We can't just give him what he wants.
01:22:56 We know that he's dirty.
01:22:58 Right, but how do we prove it?
01:23:00 We could scrape the entire internet looking for dirt in the sky, but he keeps coming up clean.
01:23:03 If he's clean, then he wouldn't be blackmailing you.
01:23:06 Because he's not clean. He's dirty.
01:23:08 Exactly.
01:23:10 We know that he's dirty.
01:23:12 And we know that we don't have anything on him.
01:23:16 But he doesn't know that.
01:23:20 Are you implying we should bluff him?
01:23:23 I think it could work.
01:23:33 What's this?
01:23:35 What?
01:23:36 You hired Christine as an executive at your company?
01:23:40 She's been a great help at the company.
01:23:42 So instead of hiring her as a low-level employee, you decide to hire her as a top executive?
01:23:47 She literally saved our company from going into the ground.
01:23:50 She deserves it.
01:23:51 And for your information, she's helping get rid of your blackmailer.
01:23:56 She knows about the affair.
01:23:58 No, not exactly. But she knows we're being blackmailed.
01:24:01 So I'm confused. Is she helping you out with the business, or is she getting involved in our personal lives?
01:24:07 Yvonne.
01:24:08 What's next? Family therapy?
01:24:10 Yvonne.
01:24:11 Stop.
01:24:12 You know, gallivanting with this woman? I've been coming up with a plan.
01:24:28 Is that a gun?
01:24:30 It's protection.
01:24:32 Where did you even get that from?
01:24:33 It doesn't matter. I got one for you, too.
01:24:36 The serial numbers are filed off, so they're untraceable.
01:24:39 What are you talking about?
01:24:40 We're talking about protecting our family.
01:24:43 I have people working on this.
01:24:45 You think money can make this go away?
01:24:48 No, we have to take care of the problem ourselves.
01:24:52 You just said this was for protection, and now you're saying we need to take care of the problem?
01:24:56 No. It's just in case they come after us.
01:25:01 This isn't right.
01:25:03 What about this situation is?
01:25:05 Samuel, just take the gun.
01:25:08 We have a child in the house. It's just not safe.
01:25:11 This is for her safety.
01:25:14 I don't feel comfortable with it.
01:25:16 Neither am I.
01:25:18 But what choice do we have?
01:25:29 Are you sure this is going to work?
01:25:30 What other choice do we have?
01:25:32 I could just go support the guy.
01:25:34 And let him continue blackmailing you?
01:25:37 I don't think so.
01:25:39 He's supposed to call at 8, so it should be any minute.
01:25:47 Hello?
01:25:48 You didn't put out your video of armed support?
01:25:51 No, and I don't think I will be.
01:25:53 Then I guess it's time for you to sit back and enjoy the show.
01:25:58 I don't think so.
01:26:00 I know.
01:26:01 And why is that?
01:26:02 Do you remember our friend Bradley White?
01:26:05 Well, I have something on him that I think he's going to be interested in seeing.
01:26:09 What is that?
01:26:13 Well, he's going to have to find out for himself, but I'd be happy to swap over everything I have on him in exchange for all the pictures he has of my wife. In person.
01:26:21 That's not how this works, Samuel.
01:26:24 It is now.
01:26:32 And what happens if, for some reason, what you have isn't real, and we've just given you all of our copies?
01:26:40 Well, Bradley can confirm everything in person.
01:26:44 Bradley won't be coming.
01:26:46 I will.
01:26:48 And we're doing this on my terms.
01:26:51 What are those terms exactly?
01:26:53 You're going to drop off what you have in a location of my choice.
01:26:57 Once I've verified everything, you will receive the originals.
01:27:00 Otherwise, I'll assume you're bluffing, and those pictures get released.
01:27:07 Okay.
01:27:08 Okay, we'll do it your way.
01:27:10 You'll be getting a text soon with the location details.
01:27:13 Bye, Samuel.
01:27:14 Bye.
01:27:19 Do you think it worked?
01:27:21 I sure hope so.
01:27:22 Okay.
01:27:23 Now, all we have to do is get them the drive, have them plug it into their computer, then we'll have full access.
01:27:32 We'll be able to get all the evidence that we need.
01:27:44 Did you find anything?
01:27:46 No, they're not having an affair.
01:27:48 Are you sure?
01:27:49 Yvonne, I'm positive.
01:27:51 I followed them both.
01:27:52 The only time they're together is when Christine is coming over for Samantha's classes.
01:27:57 And you're usually home for that.
01:28:04 What about at the office?
01:28:05 Well, Samuel goes to the office a lot, but Christine, she seems to be working mostly from home.
01:28:11 She spends a lot of time with her son Andy, and frankly, she looks like a good mother.
01:28:16 What about hobbies?
01:28:17 Does she have any hobbies?
01:28:18 Just going through my notes here, but mainly taking your son to the park.
01:28:23 Look, Yvonne, I think you might be looking for something that isn't there.
01:28:28 Do yourself a favor and don't ruin your family life trying to prove something that just doesn't exist.
01:28:35 It's going to drive you crazy.
01:28:37 Trust me.
01:28:38 I guess.
01:28:40 Thanks, Donald.
01:28:41 Of course.
01:28:42 Anything for you, Yvonne.
01:28:51 I know she's not clean.
01:28:54 She's up to something, and I'm going to figure out what it is.
01:29:06 What do you mean there's no movement?
01:29:08 Relax, Samuel.
01:29:09 It hasn't even been an hour.
01:29:10 Sometimes these drops can just take days.
01:29:13 Days?
01:29:14 We don't have days.
01:29:15 I know, but don't worry.
01:29:17 We have a whole team watching the perimeter.
01:29:19 This isn't our first rodeo.
01:29:21 Okay.
01:29:22 Just make sure no one follows him, right?
01:29:24 We don't want him getting suspicious.
01:29:25 We just need to know that someone picked it up.
01:29:28 Hey, listen.
01:29:29 There's a reason why you've hired me to do this job.
01:29:32 I've been at it a long time.
01:29:34 We've been friends a long time.
01:29:36 Just trust me.
01:29:37 Okay.
01:29:39 Yeah, I know.
01:29:40 I know.
01:29:41 I'm just nervous.
01:29:42 Of course, of course.
01:29:43 It's completely natural to be.
01:29:45 But like I said, these things can take a little while.
01:29:48 So why don't you just rest up, relax, and I'll update you as soon as we have any movement.
01:29:52 Okay?
01:29:53 Okay.
01:29:54 Yeah.
01:29:55 Thank you.
01:29:56 Wait, wait, wait.
01:29:57 Someone is coming towards the pickup.
01:29:58 He's wearing a black hoodie.
01:29:59 I can't quite see his face.
01:30:03 Okay.
01:30:04 The item's been picked up.
01:30:06 He's leaving.
01:30:08 It's done.
01:30:10 The drop is complete.
01:30:13 Now we just got to wait for him to plug it in.
01:30:29 Christine.
01:30:31 Yvonne.
01:30:33 I heard that you're helping out with the business.
01:30:37 And?
01:30:38 And I just wanted to say thanks.
01:30:45 Look, I know that we started off on the wrong foot.
01:30:50 You know, we've had our differences.
01:30:53 I just wanted to take this time to apologize.
01:30:58 Well, I don't know what to say.
01:31:01 You've been a great help to this family.
01:31:05 I just, I want to say thank you.
01:31:11 I appreciate the gesture, Yvonne.
01:31:14 Please, I would love to take you out to lunch sometime to show my appreciation.
01:31:20 That, that won't be necessary.
01:31:23 Please, it'll be my pleasure.
01:31:27 Sure.
01:31:29 How does Friday next week sound?
01:31:32 Oh, Samantha wanted to go to the zoo on Friday.
01:31:36 Perfect.
01:31:38 I would love to join.
01:31:39 Great.
01:31:47 Everything on the business side is moving smoothly.
01:31:49 Of course, thanks to you.
01:31:51 Good.
01:31:52 Let's make sure it stays that way.
01:31:55 Any movement on our blackmailer friend?
01:31:58 Not yet.
01:31:59 But the tracking device on the USB is still working, which means it's active.
01:32:03 That's great.
01:32:04 So, there is something else that I wanted to talk to you about.
01:32:08 What's going on?
01:32:09 Samantha, she's been making great progress, but every time Yvonne is around, she stops talking.
01:32:19 Okay.
01:32:21 And most recently, I told her we were going to the zoo, and Yvonne basically invited herself.
01:32:28 Well, she is her mother.
01:32:30 I do understand that, but I'm worried that this will reverse all of the progress we've made.
01:32:37 I understand.
01:32:41 Well, okay, let me see what I can do about occupying Yvonne on Friday.
01:32:48 Thank you, Samuel.
01:32:56 Hello, Yvonne?
01:33:10 Hello, Yvonne?
01:33:12 Look, I was thinking, and I feel like we're going through so much right now.
01:33:16 How about we get away for the weekend?
01:33:18 But this weekend I have plans with Christine.
01:33:23 I know, but I feel like we need to spend some time together, and this Friday is the only day I have available.
01:33:30 I understand that, Sam, but we're finally starting to get along.
01:33:34 I don't think me flaking on her is going to set the right impression.
01:33:38 Trust me, I don't think she'll mind.
01:33:40 It's one day.
01:33:41 I'll just give her a call and let her know I need some one-on-one time with the missus.
01:33:45 I don't think it's a good idea, Samuel, but have it your way.
01:33:49 I can take her out another day, I guess.
01:33:52 Exactly.
01:33:53 You can go to the zoo any time.
01:33:55 Wait.
01:33:57 I never said we were going to the zoo.
01:34:02 Is it that the two of you don't want me to spend time with my own daughter?
01:34:06 Look, Yvonne, it's nothing like that.
01:34:10 When you're around Samantha, she gets a little more timid.
01:34:14 Timid?
01:34:15 Around her own mother?
01:34:16 Look, Samantha has made some great speech progress.
01:34:20 We... I don't want to jeopardize that.
01:34:23 It's not like I'd be going to the zoo with them anyways.
01:34:26 You are slowly taking my daughter away from me.
01:34:28 I hope you understand that.
01:34:30 I extended Christine an olive branch, and this is what she does.
01:34:35 Try to sort my family apart even more.
01:34:37 Yvonne, that's not what's going on at all.
01:34:39 Oh, screw you!
01:34:41 [phone vibrates]
01:34:46 Hello?
01:34:47 I think you might want to hear this.
01:34:57 What do you mean? Are you sure?
01:34:58 Samuel, I'm positive.
01:35:00 He plugged in your drive and all the data on his computer,
01:35:02 including real evidence of Bradley White bribing politicians, showed right up.
01:35:07 Oh, yeah?
01:35:08 Oh, yeah. He's caught away for a really long time.
01:35:13 What about the pictures of Yvonne?
01:35:14 We've got everything on his computer and on his server.
01:35:17 Are you sure? 100% sure?
01:35:19 Absolutely. And I've notified my contact to the CIA.
01:35:23 Turns out that our friend was actually at the top of their most wanted list.
01:35:28 They just didn't have any solid evidence of him at the time until he plugged that drive in.
01:35:32 Wow. I don't know what to say.
01:35:34 Count your lucky stars, Samuel.
01:35:36 Whoever gave you that plan was a goddamn genius.
01:35:43 She really is.
01:35:45 Oh, and there's something else. It's about that new Christine girl you hired.
01:35:57 That is amazing news.
01:36:00 I know.
01:36:01 So they got all of the evidence?
01:36:02 Everything.
01:36:04 Does Yvonne know?
01:36:06 Not yet, but I'll let her know when the time is right.
01:36:12 Christine, I can't thank you enough, really.
01:36:15 You've done so much for me and for the company and our family.
01:36:21 I know that you would do the same for me.
01:36:25 You know, a lot of people around me, they try to deceive me and lie to me,
01:36:29 pretend to be something they're not.
01:36:33 I can't tell you how much I appreciate that you've never done that to me.
01:36:41 Samuel, I have something that I have to tell you.
01:36:49 Let me guess.
01:36:53 Is it that you're not Christine Bailey?
01:37:01 What?
01:37:05 How did you know?
01:37:08 I've looked into every aspect of my life when I was getting blackmailed.
01:37:13 I had a feeling a little while ago that things were off,
01:37:15 but I waited until I was certain to talk to you.
01:37:20 I wasn't trying to destroy your family.
01:37:23 I just wanted to be closer to my daughter.
01:37:27 You didn't ruin my life.
01:37:29 Yvonne did when she left you in that fire.
01:37:34 Not just me.
01:37:36 My son.
01:37:38 Our son, Andy.
01:37:42 Andy's my son?
01:37:44 Yeah, and Andy and Samantha are twins, just like Yvonne and I.
01:37:52 Whoa, whoa.
01:37:55 That's just a lot.
01:38:00 So what do we do now?
01:38:07 We protect our family.
01:38:13 What? How?
01:38:15 From what I saw, he's not in police custody.
01:38:18 This is CIA.
01:38:21 Pretty serious business.
01:38:24 Do you think it could be one of Samuel's people?
01:38:27 Hard to say. People like this blackmail guy,
01:38:30 they end up getting the short end of the stick one way or another.
01:38:34 And what about the picture evidence that he has on me?
01:38:38 Like I said, Yvonne, it's hard to tell.
01:38:43 I'll call Samuel with the good news.
01:38:45 Oh, and there's one more thing.
01:38:49 I dug a little bit deeper into your friend Christine's profile,
01:38:52 and something is definitely off with that woman.
01:38:56 You knew it. What'd you find?
01:39:05 You knew it. What'd you find?
01:39:08 Nothing yet, but something's definitely off.
01:39:11 It's like she didn't exist a few years ago,
01:39:13 and then all of a sudden there was a ton of activity on her profile.
01:39:17 Do you think she could be the blackmailer?
01:39:20 I don't think so, but--
01:39:23 So what do we do?
01:39:25 I say we follow her more and see what I can't find.
01:39:29 People like that, it may not be dirty,
01:39:32 but something just definitely isn't right there.
01:39:34 Oh, she's dirty. I know it.
01:39:36 Let's not jump to conclusions just yet.
01:39:38 I'll do some more digging, and I'll tell you what we find.
01:39:43 [phone beeps]
01:39:46 [phone dialing]
01:39:52 [phone ringing]
01:39:55 Samuel.
01:39:56 Yvonne, what's wrong?
01:39:58 I did some digging, Samuel. I knew it.
01:40:01 What did you find out?
01:40:02 Christine. Something's up with her.
01:40:05 Stop. You've gone on and on about her.
01:40:07 You can't keep this going. You're obsessed with this idea.
01:40:11 No, I'm serious. I had someone follow her.
01:40:14 You're tearing this family apart. You had someone look into it?
01:40:17 Are you crazy? Just give it up.
01:40:20 Don't get me started. You're in on this.
01:40:23 You're being hysterical.
01:40:25 If you don't believe me, I'm just going to have to prove it to you.
01:40:28 Yvonne, what are you going to do?
01:40:31 I'll show you crazy.
01:40:35 Yvonne.
01:40:38 [phone ringing]
01:40:49 Hey, Samuel.
01:40:50 Yvonne, no, Christine. Damn it, it's about Samantha.
01:40:53 What? What's going on?
01:40:56 Yvonne, your sister, she's on to you, and for some reason I think in the crossfire she's going to take it out on Samantha.
01:41:01 Where is Samantha?
01:41:02 She's at home. I'm on my way there right now.
01:41:04 I can't let her beat me there. I don't trust this woman.
01:41:06 I'm on my way.
01:41:07 No, you can't go. It's not safe.
01:41:09 Samuel, this is my daughter. I can't lose her again. We can't lose her.
01:41:15 Fine.
01:41:18 [birds chirping]
01:41:22 Samantha, honey, where are you?
01:41:24 Daddy!
01:41:25 Don't bother.
01:41:26 It doesn't matter. Your dad doesn't care.
01:41:28 Yvonne, calm down.
01:41:30 Samantha, honey, everything's going to be okay.
01:41:32 I've given everything for this child. I have spent years working with her.
01:41:38 Just take it easy.
01:41:39 You take it easy, Samuel.
01:41:42 Part of me wishes I never even met you.
01:41:44 Every heartbreak, every struggle has come from her.
01:41:51 I was with you. We tried to do our best, Yvonne, okay?
01:41:55 It wasn't easy. Don't be so naive.
01:41:57 I'm her mother. You think I'm being naive?
01:42:01 You don't know what it's like to lose the love of your life.
01:42:05 To be so close and you can't have it.
01:42:08 [door slams]
01:42:10 [music]
01:42:13 [door slams]
01:42:19 Your daughter?
01:42:20 That's right. My daughter.
01:42:23 [music]
01:42:27 Nora. I thought you were dead.
01:42:30 I remember well. You tried to make that happen.
01:42:33 I knew it from the moment you stepped into this house. Something was up.
01:42:38 Listen, Yvonne, all I want is my daughter and my life back.
01:42:42 Your daughter? You and I both know it's not going to happen.
01:42:47 Not here. Not now.
01:42:49 Don't you cross me, Samuel.
01:42:52 Don't do it!
01:42:56 [music]
01:42:59 [music]
01:43:05 She took Samantha. She kidnapped my daughter. She's holding her hostage.
01:43:09 Samuel, do you know which way she went?
01:43:11 I don't know. When they left the house, they went south.
01:43:15 Which car did she take?
01:43:17 The SUV.
01:43:19 Well, don't worry about it. I'll put out an amber alert.
01:43:21 No, don't do that. She has a gun. She might hurt her.
01:43:24 Wait. Which SUV did she take?
01:43:27 I don't know. One of the guards' ones.
01:43:30 Those SUVs must have some sort of trackers on them.
01:43:33 Let me see. Let me see.
01:43:35 Oh, oh, oh, I see. I see. It's moving fast. Wait.
01:43:39 It stopped. 95 Balkh Avenue. I'll send my people right over.
01:43:44 No, no, no, no, no, no. We don't want to freak her out.
01:43:46 I'll go myself. I'll go myself. Thank you.
01:43:48 They stopped somewhere. 95 Balkh Avenue.
01:43:51 95 Balkh Avenue? That's my house.
01:43:55 Andy's there.
01:43:57 [♪♪♪]
01:44:01 Yvonne? Samantha?
01:44:08 There's a note.
01:44:10 "You took from me what I love most. Now you must pay with what you love most."
01:44:16 Well, they left the car outside, so they're on foot, which means they can't have gone far.
01:44:20 What if they took another car?
01:44:22 So we'll never find her.
01:44:24 I think that it's time we call the police.
01:44:26 No, no, no. She has a gun pointed at both of our kids.
01:44:28 She's going to do it anyway. We need to act fast.
01:44:31 Just let me think.
01:44:32 Samuel, this isn't the time to think. It's the time to do.
01:44:35 Christine, Nora, please just listen to me.
01:44:39 No. You listen to me.
01:44:41 She's going to hurt Andy and Samantha.
01:44:45 Oh. I would never hurt Samantha.
01:44:55 Oh, I would never hurt Samantha.
01:44:58 Samantha's my baby.
01:45:00 This little rat means nothing to me.
01:45:03 Yvonne, please.
01:45:05 Nora, Nora, Nora.
01:45:08 You couldn't just stay dead, could you?
01:45:11 You had to come back and stick your leg in my life.
01:45:13 We can work all of this out.
01:45:16 Oh, we can work this out.
01:45:18 Okay, yeah, let's work this out.
01:45:20 You and this little rat can go live in that house and die.
01:45:23 And Samuel and I can live happily.
01:45:26 Samantha.
01:45:28 Yvonne, please.
01:45:30 Shut up!
01:45:32 You have taken everything from me.
01:45:36 And that little Andy here has to pay the price.
01:45:40 Say bye, Andy.
01:45:42 Yvonne, no!
01:45:44 (gunshot)
01:45:46 (gunshot)
01:45:52 (music playing)
01:45:55 (music playing)
01:46:24 Yvonne's body was never found.
01:46:26 And in the eye of the public, Nora became Yvonne.
01:46:30 She changed her name eventually to Nora,
01:46:33 to publicly honor her deceased sister.
01:46:37 Their business flourished,
01:46:39 and the two lived happily ever after.
01:46:42 From time to time,
01:46:45 Nora still misses Yvonne.
01:46:47 And to cope with it all,
01:46:50 she writes in her journal.
01:46:53 (music playing)
01:46:56 I really miss you, Yvonne.
01:47:05 May you rest in peace.
01:47:08 (music playing)
01:47:19 (upbeat music)
01:47:21 (upbeat music)