Free food for those in need thanks to a kind Wolverhampton man.

  • 6 months ago
Fold Street Car Park will be where a thousand bags of free food will be given out by Vick Singh and his family., to those in need. He has funded it as a thank you to the City. Tesco have come on board and given him the food at a special rate so that the money can stretch further.


00:00 Hi you guys, we're here just outside Fold Street car park, Wolverhampton.
00:04 Going to be an eventful day next week. Vic, just fill us in on what's going to be happening here.
00:11 Yeah sure, so next Saturday we're planning to do a local donation event
00:15 whereby we'll be handing out food bags to the local community
00:19 comprising of sort of common household essentials and that'll be taking place here next Saturday.
00:24 And it's just to help those people who are struggling isn't it?
00:28 Yeah, absolutely. So I'm a Wolverhampton resident myself and I just felt it's time to give something back to my community
00:35 and help the local population because I know everybody's been struggling these last few years
00:39 with the cost of living, inflation, so it's just good to sort of do something and help the local community.
00:45 So yeah, sort of privileged to be able to do that.
00:48 And the plan is to have a thousand bags given out, yeah?
00:51 Yeah, that's right. So we're planning to create a thousand bags with the help of Tesco of course.
00:55 We've been kind enough to source the goods from you and give you a discount as well.
00:58 Well that's it, let's get you guys in as well. So we've got a store manager and a staff member there.
01:03 Tesco are doing their bit in this store aren't they? You're kind of giving them a special rate I believe?
01:08 Absolutely, yeah. So Vic came to see us last week and told us about what he was doing
01:12 and we thought it was an absolutely fantastic sort of gesture for the community
01:15 and a real good sort of force for good and we want to be involved in that.
01:19 So we've collated the items for Vic and we've given him a discount on the items
01:23 and hope that will really help him sort of serve the community
01:26 because we want to be a positive force in the community just as much as Vic does.
01:29 So it really enables us to do that.
01:31 And Vic, have you always been a kind giving man?
01:34 I'd like to think so, yeah.
01:36 Is it something that comes with age as we reflect back on life?
01:39 I think this will probably just inspire me to sort of continue and strive to do more of these events.
01:43 So hopefully you'll be a success and in the future we should strive to do more
01:47 and I think we should all love, respect and peace for everybody really.
01:51 That's the kind of ethos we like to follow in life.
01:53 So yeah, I think it's hopefully sets some paves away for more events in the future.
01:59 And it's going to be full of goodies, it's essentials isn't it?
02:02 Your toothpaste, your tins of beans, cereal, stuff that can be really made with this.
02:06 Yeah, we've even decided to throw some biscuits in there as well.
02:08 Just a little treat, it's a little treat.
02:10 Well thank you guys. Chin chin.
02:12 Thank you.
