Penetapan Pembayaran THR Paling Lambat 7 Hari Sebelum Idul Fitri

  • 6 months ago
Menteri Ketenagakerjaan, Ida Fauziyah menegaskan, bahwa tunjangan hari raya atau THR, harus dibayarkan oleh perusahaan paling lambat 7 hari sebelum hari raya Idul Fitri 1445 Hijriah. Dalam memastikan, pembayaran tunjangan hari raya bagi para pekerja, Kemenaker akan mengeluarkan surat edaran mengenai penetapan pembayaran THR bagi seluruh wilayah di Indonesia untuk diteruskan kepada para pengusaha.


00:00 Thank you, Mr. Sanda, for joining us.
00:02 The Minister of Labor, Ida Fauzia,
00:04 has confirmed that the payments for the holidays,
00:06 or THR,
00:08 must be paid by the company
00:10 7 days before the holiday,
00:12 1445 Hijri.
00:14 To ensure the payment of the payments
00:16 for the holiday,
00:18 the workers will issue a letter
00:20 about the payment schedule for THR
00:22 for all regions in Indonesia
00:24 to be sent to
00:26 the entrepreneurs.
00:28 Ida Fauzia, the Minister of Labor,
00:30 said that the payments for the holidays
00:32 must be paid 7 days before
00:34 the holiday, 1445 Hijri.
00:36 Ida also added that until now,
00:38 the Ministry of Labor has not received a complaint
00:40 about entrepreneurs who refuse
00:42 to pay THR for their workers.
00:44 You know that
00:48 THR is the job of the entrepreneurs
00:50 that must be given to
00:52 the workers or teachers
00:54 to meet the needs
00:56 of the workers
00:58 on the holidays.
01:00 The payments for THR
01:02 must be paid
01:04 7 days before the holiday,
01:06 1445 Hijri.
01:08 [Music]
