'Mow Down MND' campaigner hopes to hand petition to Prime Minister to make MND a notifiable disease.
00:00 Yeah, try and put that...
00:03 And what will be happening when you get to Canberra?
00:06 Well, we're actually hoping...
00:10 We're hoping that possibly Anthony Albanese will come out and meet us.
00:19 Possibly on a Thursday, we haven't had it confirmed yet have we?
00:23 Not confirmed, but we've been suggested that we change our gathering to Thursday the 21st of March at 11am.
00:29 And we've got a fighting chance of Albanese coming out and some other members.
00:33 So that's what we're really going for.
00:35 So we've changed our plans to make that happen and hopefully it can come through on his end.
00:40 I do remember when he was campaigning, he was telling everybody he was brought up in the Housing Commission and everything else.
00:50 And so was I.
00:52 And I sent him a letter and said, "Mate, you were brought up in the Housing Commission, you'll never forget where you come from, you'll never forget your mates.
01:02 I'm asking you now, come out and meet one of your mates. Come back to where you started from and meet one of your mates and do what you can."
01:12 Because that's what we do in Australia.
01:14 Absolutely.
01:16 We help each other.
01:18 If he's a true Hauser, he'll meet me there.
01:22 I'm happy to meet him.
01:26 Just give us a bit of time.
01:28 Just to take our petition.
01:31 Hopefully.