Yong an Dream (2024) ep 21 chinese drama eng sub

  • 6 months ago
Yong an Dream (2024) ep 21 chinese drama eng sub
00:00 [Xiao Zhan's "The Legend of the Three Kingdoms" plays]
00:03 [music]
00:24 Steward Zhao
00:25 Your Highness
00:28 I have always treated you well
00:31 I didn't expect you to do something so humiliating
00:35 Tell me
00:41 Who ordered you to do this?
00:44 Now you are a dead man
00:50 Tell me everything you know
00:56 Just like you said before
00:58 Even if you get something
01:01 Don't take it with your life
01:03 It's useless
01:04 Say it
01:06 No, yes
01:10 I said, I said
01:11 I had someone give me money before
01:15 Then he asked me to help him
01:17 to clear the relationship
01:19 And?
01:20 I, I, I just want to help to transport those boxes
01:24 Then
01:25 That, that seal
01:27 The iron mine evidence found in the Mansion of the Grand Duke of the State
01:29 Did you make it with a fake seal?
01:31 Yes
01:33 I didn't dare to use the real seal of the Grand Princess
01:37 I made a fake seal myself
01:40 No, yes
01:41 I, I was really wrong
01:43 I was too arrogant
01:44 Please forgive me this time
01:46 Who contacted you?
01:47 I, I don't know
01:48 I really don't know
01:49 I, I just heard
01:51 According to their little book
01:53 Called "Friendship"
01:54 You don't know?
01:55 I don't know
01:56 Just because of a man who has never been in the public
01:58 You betrayed the Mansion of the Grand Duke of the State
02:00 For so many years of gratitude
02:02 No, no
02:06 No, master
02:07 Master, please forgive me this time
02:09 I was really wrong
02:10 Please forgive me this time, master
02:12 I really know I was wrong
02:14 Tomorrow morning, send it to the Imperial Censorate
02:19 Yes, master
02:20 Imperial Censor
02:30 This person is the Steward Zhao of the Mansion of the Grand Duke of the State
02:35 These things are all evidence found on him
02:38 Take him to the prison
02:40 Take him to the prison
02:53 Question him strictly
02:54 Take him away
02:55 Yes
02:56 Go
02:57 Go
03:07 Enjoy your meal
03:08 Thank you
03:09 Well
03:20 Actually, Su Heng
03:24 He heard Pang Hu and someone at the wharf
03:30 He has now understood and misunderstood Lu Tingwei
03:35 He also regrets it
03:37 Why don't you forgive him?
03:39 I was too excited that day
03:42 Su Heng is also responsible
03:45 It's all for my good
03:47 I never blamed him
03:49 Really?
03:50 That's great
03:51 The fool was worried that you wouldn't forgive him
03:53 He didn't dare to come to see you
03:54 How could it be?
03:55 That's good
03:56 The buns are here
03:58 Eat while it's hot
03:59 Lady Shen
04:02 There is no meat in the store
04:03 I have to go buy meat quickly
04:04 Can you go to the kitchen and watch the fire?
04:06 In such a hurry?
04:08 I'll go buy it for you
04:09 You don't know how to buy meat
04:10 I'll go
04:11 You just help me watch the fire
04:12 OK
04:13 Isn't there someone here?
04:21 Master
04:27 Master
04:33 Why don't you talk to me?
04:34 Master
04:37 Lu Shiyan
04:44 Why are you here?
04:48 Did Zhuang Nian arrange you to come?
04:50 Otherwise, he wouldn't invite you to eat buns
04:52 Lu Tingwei is quite capable
04:55 This little beard
04:57 Wait, wait, wait
04:58 Calm down, calm down
05:01 I've been eating buns for a long time
05:03 Don't make trouble
05:04 You
05:06 You have the ability to cook
05:08 I didn't know
05:09 Don't look down on me
05:11 The buns you just ate
05:13 I made them all
05:14 Really?
05:15 I want to eat more
05:17 I'll steam one more for you
05:19 Why are you here suddenly?
05:24 I have found out
05:30 It's the housekeeper Zhao of the Duke of Zheng
05:32 He copied my mother's seal
05:33 Now the witness and evidence
05:35 are all in the censor
05:37 With this evidence
05:38 My mother's case
05:40 will be delayed for a period of time
05:42 I knew it
05:43 You can find it
05:44 Look at you
05:47 You make a bun
05:48 and there's flour all over your face
05:58 Lady Shen
05:59 Lu Tingwei
06:05 You're here to see Lady Shen
06:08 You're not ashamed
06:11 Sorry
06:15 I disturbed you
06:16 But you're here
06:18 I want to help a fool
06:21 Is it about Pang Hu?
06:23 Yes, but not
06:26 I and Guard Su
06:27 found Pang Hu at the dock
06:29 We heard Pang Hu
06:31 wanted to find you as soon as possible
06:32 and then to settle the crime of the eldest princess
06:34 He
06:36 finally understood after hearing this
06:38 He did misunderstand Lu Tingwei
06:40 and regretted it now
06:41 I wonder
06:43 if Lu Tingwei
06:44 can meet him
06:46 He is willing to atone for his sins
06:48 OK
06:54 I'll let Yang Zong contact you
06:56 OK
06:57 You go on
07:01 I'm leaving
07:02 Go on
07:10 Go on
07:11 Your Highness
07:27 Lu Tingwei
07:30 Lu Tingwei
07:32 Lu Tingwei
07:38 I was wrong before
07:41 I didn't expect to be trapped by the enemy
07:43 and you and the eldest princess were in trouble
07:46 It's all my fault
07:48 I apologize
07:51 Guard Su, you're too serious
07:55 Get up
07:56 They've been planning for a long time
08:00 and they're so thorough
08:02 If I get these clues
08:04 it's hard not to suspect
08:06 But
08:07 if I had trusted you from the beginning
08:09 and handed over the evidence
08:11 maybe none of this would have happened
08:13 It's my fault
08:15 Guard Su, don't blame yourself
08:19 We only trust evidence
08:23 This case is serious
08:26 I'll find out the truth
08:27 The goods mentioned by Pang Hu
08:30 have been properly arranged by him
08:32 Those goods
08:33 should be weapons
08:36 You're too reckless
08:37 You retreat first
08:38 Let's go
08:39 You evacuate Lu Tingwei
08:56 I'll help Yang Zong
08:57 You're not good at martial arts
08:59 Which one will escort Lu Tingwei?
09:00 You're not good at martial arts
09:01 Which one will escort Lu Tingwei?
09:02 Anxin
09:06 Arrest them all
09:17 Yes
09:18 Why is Zhou Shuman here?
09:26 We're trapped
09:29 You
09:30 Pang Hu, go after him
09:49 Yes
09:50 Stop
09:57 Censor Zhou
09:58 Lu Tingwei was wronged
10:00 I heard Pang Hu say
10:02 he wanted to frame Princess Royal
10:03 I can be a witness
10:05 Censor Zhou
10:08 This
10:15 Censor Zhou, you came at the right time
10:20 Isn't all this
10:21 in Lu Tingwei's plan?
10:23 Yang Zong has long been found to be being followed
10:25 and suspected to be Pang Hu's men
10:27 Fortunately, we took this opportunity
10:28 to let Censor Zhou
10:29 gain something
10:30 If we can continue to track down
10:32 people related to Pang Hu
10:33 at least we can prove
10:35 this case is more serious
10:37 and
10:38 there is further clue
10:40 I wonder if Censor Zhou
10:41 has found anything today?
10:43 The evidence is right in front of us
10:45 What else can we gain?
10:47 I have already reported to His Majesty
10:49 that there is still doubt
10:51 about Princess Royal's case
10:52 and further investigation is needed
10:54 What else can we gain?
10:56 Actually, Censor Zhou
11:00 has been helping me secretly
11:02 When I went to the prison
11:05 to meet my mother
11:06 my father's wrist was broken
11:08 and found there was a bug in his room
11:11 I think Censor Zhou
11:12 has been thoughtful
11:14 and made the arrangement
11:15 And that night
11:17 after I left the Baixiang Pavilion
11:18 I was attacked
11:19 and someone helped me
11:20 I can still recognize
11:22 the person who helped me
11:24 Censor Lu has been in prison
11:31 The Blood Wings are gone
11:38 I understand
11:45 What do you understand?
11:47 You deliberately let Censor Lu
11:48 steal the Blood Wings
11:49 Maybe in your heart
11:51 you never think Censor Lu is guilty
11:53 My ability has improved
11:57 You can guess my mind
11:59 Mainly because I have doubts about the case
12:01 So, in this way
12:03 Princess Royal was also
12:04 framed up by someone
12:05 Yes
12:07 If Lu Shiyan intended to join the army
12:09 with his ability
12:11 he would never
12:12 show so many flaws
12:14 If he really wanted to kill Zhao Chong
12:16 he would not do it in the capital
12:18 and would not steal the Blood Wings
12:20 He would not tell me
12:21 about the case of stealing the blood wings
12:23 And the evidence we got
12:25 about the case of Princess Royal
12:27 was too smooth
12:29 You should follow Lu Shiyan
12:31 and protect him secretly
12:33 I mean
12:36 protecting Lu Shiyan
12:37 is protecting the evidence
12:38 It is very important for the case
12:40 Yes
12:42 Investigating the case
12:43 is the duty of our censorate
12:45 I am responsible for
12:46 protecting the people involved
12:48 But you two...
12:51 Censor Zhou
12:54 You have a plan
12:56 Why didn't you tell me earlier?
12:58 The real murderer has been caught
13:00 since the case of Cheng Xiqu
13:02 It is fatal
13:03 It must have been planned for a long time
13:05 There are too many people involved
13:07 So
13:08 I don't want to put the guard of Su Xiao
13:09 in danger easily
13:11 Chen
13:19 Chen?
13:20 The rest of the characters
13:21 are not written by the blood
13:23 Zhao Chong wrote Chen before he died
13:26 So
13:28 they started to use me
13:29 since the Blood Wings
13:31 So Chen
13:32 means the prince
13:34 The information we have
13:38 is getting clear
13:40 What they want
13:41 is getting clear
13:42 Which prince
13:43 is so bold?
13:45 The enemy is in the dark
13:47 We are in the light
13:49 We need to make the next step
13:53 I hope you can secretly
13:54 investigate the situation in and out of the city
13:55 Don't worry
13:56 Everything is ready
13:57 There will be soldiers
13:59 if there are weapons
14:00 Can you ask the guard of Su Xiao
14:02 to go back to Jizhou
14:03 and ask General Su to prepare the troops?
14:05 Troops?
14:08 Is it really that serious?
14:09 If General Su is willing to help us
14:11 Then we have a strong
14:12 support in the capital
14:15 Guard of Su Xiao
14:17 With your help
14:18 We are like tigers and gods
14:20 Then
14:22 What about Peng Hu?
14:24 Leave him to us
14:25 Brother Su Heng
14:32 You are
14:36 I am going to Jizhou
14:38 Jizhou?
14:39 You and Guard Lu
14:41 must be good
14:43 I didn't understand
14:48 We are childhood sweethearts
14:51 Why did you choose him
14:52 instead of me?
14:54 Until this time
14:56 Duke Zheng's Mansion was in trouble
14:57 I saw you and Guard Lu
15:00 You didn't need to say much
15:01 But you have a firm
15:02 trust and tacit understanding
15:04 I really realized
15:06 what it means to have a firm trust
15:08 and tacit understanding
15:10 Instead of being like me
15:13 I have always been
15:14 your protector
15:15 But I never thought about
15:17 what you really want
15:19 Brother Su Heng
15:22 Thank you
15:23 I know you are good to me
15:26 You have always been like a brother
15:28 protecting me
15:29 and not letting me be wronged
15:31 Anyway
15:33 Our friendship
15:35 will never be broken
15:36 Of course
15:37 With me
15:39 I think Lu Shiyan
15:40 won't bully you
15:42 You don't need to worry
15:46 about the case of the eldest princess
15:48 I believe Guard Lu
15:50 will get through this time
15:52 Go to Su's Mansion
15:56 Someone has been waiting for you for a long time
16:04 Thank you, Brother Su Heng
16:05 Be careful
16:07 I thank you for caring about me
16:09 Be careful
16:12 Where are you going in such a hurry?
16:27 I
16:28 I go out to buy something
16:30 Bye
16:31 Go
16:37 Come back early
16:38 Why are you here?
16:57 What?
16:58 After saying goodbye to your sister Zhen'er
17:00 you are going to leave?
17:01 I was just going to find you
17:04 You are here
17:05 You have a conscience
17:06 I drank so much tea and wine with you
17:08 Don't worry
17:09 Xu Jiaying's words
17:11 When I come back
17:12 we will fight again
17:14 I hope you won't lose too badly next time
17:16 Next time
17:17 It's not certain who will lose
17:19 I'm leaving
17:21 By the way
17:24 I have made it clear to Zhen'er
17:27 I will be her brother in the future
17:29 My obsession
17:30 has been let go
17:32 Why are you telling me this?
17:36 Wait for me
17:41 Lu Shiyan
17:49 I love you
17:51 Look
18:07 How is it?
18:11 Big brother
18:15 I love you
18:16 This painting should be in the city court
18:27 How did you get it?
18:28 Prefectural governor Zhou sent medicine to my father a few days ago
18:30 He gave it to me by the way
18:32 I see
18:33 This old fox
18:35 Since Prefectural governor Zhou helped you
18:37 Can you take the eldest princess out?
18:39 Don't be too anxious
18:43 Don't let the other party be too vigilant
18:45 It will be better
18:46 Do you understand?
18:47 Then we can visit her
18:49 You care about your future A Jian
18:53 You
18:54 You
18:55 You
18:59 Be careful
19:00 If you come to me
19:01 Just inform Lady Xu
19:03 She also lives in Su's Mansion
19:04 OK
19:05 I said who was nagging me
19:07 Let's make it clear
19:09 I'm only responsible for spreading the news
19:11 Not responsible for spreading wine
19:13 Then I'll trouble you, Lady Xu
19:15 Then you continue
19:16 Do you like it?
19:29 Yes
19:30 You put so many spices in this sachet
19:41 The eldest princess will definitely like it
19:43 But you have to be careful
19:47 Don't break the sachet
19:50 By the way
20:00 Do you know
20:02 Has Prefectural governor Zhou been to Baijiang Pavilion these two days?
20:06 No
20:07 He must be too busy
20:09 Otherwise
20:10 He can't find a big reason to come here
20:13 What should we do?
20:16 What else can we do?
20:17 Wait for your son to take the first step
20:19 Prefectural governor Zhou is always looking forward to it
20:23 But my son's determination is more real than Ding Hai's
20:27 Zi
20:31 Lady Shen
20:33 It's getting cold
20:38 Fu Man and I are going to prepare some quilt
20:41 Your sachet
20:45 It's more suitable to put some amulet
20:47 Zi
20:49 Do you know what I'm doing?
20:52 I asked when I passed your door
20:54 Amulet can remove bugs and calm the mind
20:58 It should be very suitable to put it in the jade
21:00 You are very attentive to outsiders
21:02 You know not to attract attention
21:04 You use the same fabric as the quilt in the jade
21:07 Zi
21:08 It's all approved by Prefectural governor Zhou
21:10 It will be fine
21:11 I didn't agree with you before
21:14 I just couldn't bear to see you suffer
21:16 But you are willing to do it
21:18 I support you
21:20 I know you love me the most
21:24 (Sobbing)
21:26 Man Niang
21:43 Prefectural governor Zhou and Lu Shiyan
21:46 remember your sister
21:48 They will find your sister
21:50 I believe you
21:52 Zi
22:01 Lady Shen
22:09 Man Niang
22:14 How do you teach me this?
22:16 I teach you
22:17 Add this
22:18 Add this
22:19 How about this?
22:21 It's good
22:23 Just like this
22:24 It's good
22:25 Sit down
22:27 Lady Shen
22:31 I think Uncle Shen's medicine is running out
22:33 So I make some more
22:35 You are so busy with work
22:39 How can I trouble you to send the medicine in person?
22:41 I'll get it next time
22:43 It's okay
22:44 I'll send it to you
22:45 It's okay
22:47 I just want to have a look
22:50 Why did he come as soon as you mentioned Prefectural governor Zhou?
23:02 Maybe you have something in mind
23:05 He must come
23:07 I'm always in a hurry
23:10 Maybe because
23:12 the noodles you made last time were so delicious
23:15 I'll make you another bowl
23:20 Okay
23:21 You are so good at making jokes
23:31 This is my new dish
23:38 Try it
23:41 Thank you, Lady Shen
23:42 You are welcome
23:43 My father's medicine is always troubling Prefectural governor Zhou
23:46 We are sorry
23:48 Then eat it
23:52 Here
23:53 Let me help you
24:20 It's okay
24:21 You eat it
24:22 I can do it
24:23 I'm done
24:45 Wine is like a chain
24:48 The wind is like a shatter
24:51 It awakens the beauty of the past
24:58 The mountains and rivers are gone
25:03 But who will the white water flow to?
25:06 It's the name of love and hate
25:14 I'd rather be broken than to be torn apart
25:20 I'd rather see the ups and downs of my life
25:28 If there is no future, then why do we talk about reincarnation?
25:36 It's not you, it's not right to be reincarnated
25:43 I'd rather see the ups and downs of my life
25:51 I'd rather see the ups and downs of my life
25:58 I'd rather see the ups and downs of my life
26:06 I'd rather see the ups and downs of my life
26:13 Prefectural governor Zhou, go ahead and eat
26:23 Don't delay the official business
26:25 Okay, I'll leave first
26:29 If you like noodles, I'll cook for you next time
26:43 Okay
26:50 [The End]
26:56 Yan
27:08 I'll wait outside
27:10 Yan
27:17 Mother
27:19 Yan
27:20 Mother, how are you?
27:21 I'm fine
27:23 Yan
27:26 Let me see
27:29 Mother
27:32 Come in
27:36 Greetings, Your Highness
27:42 Shen Er
27:45 Mother, I was wanted by Zhen Er
27:48 She found the clue for me
27:51 And these are the things Zhen Er prepared for you
27:56 I heard from Prefectural governor Zhou
27:58 Thank you, Shen Er
28:00 You're welcome, Your Highness
28:02 I put the tranquilizer and insect repellent in this sachet
28:07 It may help you sleep better
28:12 Since you're in the imperial chamber
28:15 you should follow the rules here
28:17 You shouldn't be treated in a special way
28:20 The quilt is exactly the same as the one in the prison
28:27 But it's a soft one
28:29 I'm a prisoner after all
28:32 I know what I can't control
28:35 I can't sleep well at night without the quilt
28:38 I can't hold on for long
28:42 And the breath
28:44 It's cold in the prison
28:46 It won't hurt my knees with it
28:49 I was so mean to you
28:53 I...
28:54 I was impulsive
28:55 I left without any reason
28:58 What happened to you that day?
29:00 You were so aggrieved
29:08 but you didn't mention it to Yan Er
29:11 You risked your life to find the evidence for me
29:15 You're so generous
29:18 If I can get out of danger
29:21 I'll make you my daughter-in-law
29:23 Now we're in a big case
29:28 You've got the compensation
29:30 But I can't drag you into the fire
29:33 Your Highness
29:35 We'll go through the danger
29:38 But we won't give up
29:40 We'll clear your name
29:42 Mother
29:45 I'll find out the truth
29:48 Yan Er
29:50 It's not that simple
29:53 I'm confident
29:55 Don't worry, mother
29:57 It won't take long
29:59 I believe you
30:03 Zhen Er
30:05 Thank you
30:11 for everything you've done for me
30:14 By the way, mother
30:24 I want to confirm something with you
30:26 When we searched the mansion
30:28 we found a bracelet in your room
30:30 It's Zhen Er's mother's legacy
30:33 How could it be in your room?
30:36 A few days ago
30:37 Censor Zhou asked me the same question
30:40 I said I'd never seen it
30:42 But I thought about it
30:45 I think I got this bracelet
30:48 from the Empress
30:50 when I was delivering cloth to her
30:52 I saw it at the Crown Prince's
30:54 and praised him
30:56 Then the Crown Prince gave it to him
30:58 You know me, Yan Er
31:00 I don't care about these things
31:02 I just took a look
31:04 and never saw it again
31:06 So I didn't remember it
31:08 According to the Princess
31:14 my bracelet was taken by the Crown Prince
31:18 Does the word "Chen"
31:20 mean "Crown Prince"?
31:26 His Majesty has been unhappy with the Crown Prince
31:28 for the past few years
31:30 If the Crown Prince is planning something
31:35 to stabilize his position
31:37 it's possible
31:40 We can't be rash
31:48 We need to investigate further
31:51 Yes
31:52 Last year, the Han Empire was flourishing
32:04 Thanks to Master Ge
32:06 for getting a big fish
32:08 As long as Master Ge prays
32:10 everything will go well
32:12 and everything will go well
32:14 That's great!
32:15 Is Master Ge that smart?
32:18 Master Ge can summon the powerful
32:21 Powerful?
32:23 Then we can protect the nation
32:25 Please summon the powerful
32:29 and protect the nation
32:31 Please summon the powerful
32:33 and protect the nation
32:35 Yes!
32:36 [The power of the Crown Prince is strong]
32:38 [The power of the Crown Prince is strong]
32:40 [The power of the Crown Prince is strong]
32:42 [The power of the Crown Prince is strong]
32:44 [The power of the Crown Prince is strong]
32:46 [The power of the Crown Prince is strong]
32:48 [The power of the Crown Prince is strong]
32:50 [The power of the Crown Prince is strong]
32:52 [The power of the Crown Prince is strong]
32:54 [The power of the Crown Prince is strong]
32:56 [The power of the Crown Prince is strong]
32:58 [The power of the Crown Prince is strong]
33:00 [The power of the Crown Prince is strong]
33:02 [The power of the Crown Prince is strong]
33:04 [The power of the Crown Prince is strong]
33:06 [The power of the Crown Prince is strong]
33:08 [The power of the Crown Prince is strong]
33:10 [The power of the Crown Prince is strong]
33:12 [The power of the Crown Prince is strong]
33:33 The fire is coming
33:35 The windows are haunted
33:38 I have changed several prescriptions
33:41 Your Majesty's illness is not getting better
33:45 Since the collapse of the West City
33:49 The fire spread everywhere
33:51 The people are not stable
33:53 It makes me feel dizzy
33:55 How can this illness be cured?
33:57 Your Majesty
33:59 Your Majesty is worried about the country and the people
34:01 [The people are not stable]
34:03 How about I invite Mr. Ge
34:09 to set up a prayer ceremony
34:11 to pray for Your Majesty and the people
34:13 I heard that he succeeded in praying for the Emperor of Han last year
34:17 and saved many people
34:19 He must be very capable
34:21 It's just a coincidence
34:24 Your Majesty
34:27 You should try it
34:29 so that the people can rest assured
34:31 All right
34:35 Do as you wish
34:37 I will ask the Crown Prince to host the prayer ceremony
34:39 Then
34:43 I will ask Censor Zhou to invite Mr. Ge
34:45 What do you think, Your Majesty?
34:47 Do as you wish
34:49 Yes
34:52 [Cough]
34:54 Since the death of the Commandant of Su
35:06 Someone
35:08 has been absent-minded
35:10 What?
35:12 I promised Su Heng
35:13 to catch Pang Hu
35:15 But he is avoiding me
35:17 So it's for Heng
35:21 I have nothing to do with him
35:23 Have you heard of Mr. Ge?
35:29 I heard that he can summon the auspicious spirit
35:31 and is very powerful
35:33 It seems that today
35:35 Censor Zhou was sent to pick up Mr. Ge
35:37 He said he would pray for the people
35:39 Summon the auspicious spirit? I'm interested
35:41 Lady Xu
35:49 Do you know
35:51 if Censor Zhou is married?
35:53 Do you have a crush on him?
35:57 Censor Zhou is handsome and righteous
36:01 What's wrong with him?
36:03 He is good. He is good
36:07 I will ask him for you later
36:09 Speaking of Mr. Ge
36:12 I want to ask him to pray for my sister
36:14 I hope we can reunite soon
36:18 Lady Shen
36:20 Why don't we pray with Man Niang?
36:22 It might be more useful
36:24 Lady Shen, how about we go together?
36:26 Go or not, let's go together
36:28 OK, let's go together
36:34 The carriage can't be repaired for a while
36:42 Yes
36:47 What should we do now?
36:49 Uncle Zhang, you stay here
36:53 and see if it can be repaired
36:55 I will take them to the mountain first
36:57 OK
36:59 Let's go
37:01 Lady Shen
37:05 Isn't this Censor Zhou?
37:09 Censor Zhou
37:11 Censor Zhou
37:21 Lady Shen
37:23 Where are you going?
37:25 We are going to pray for Mr. Ge
37:27 Your carriage is broken
37:31 If you don't mind
37:33 you can take my carriage to the mountain
37:35 It's on the way
37:37 Please
37:39 Lady Shen
37:47 Thank you, Censor Zhou
37:51 Come
37:53 Come
37:55 Come
37:57 Come
37:59 Come
38:01 Come
38:03 Come
38:05 Come
38:07 Come
38:09 Come
38:11 Come
38:13 Come
38:15 Come
38:17 Come
38:19 Come
38:21 Come
38:23 Come
38:25 Come
38:27 Come
38:29 Come
38:31 Come
38:33 Come
38:35 Come
38:37 Come
38:39 Come
38:41 Come
38:43 Come
38:45 Come
38:47 Come
38:49 Come
38:51 Censor Zhou, do you also want to
38:53 pray for Mr. Ge?
38:55 I want to
38:57 but
38:59 I don't rely on you
39:01 I only rely on myself
39:03 But
39:05 everything in the world can be achieved by hard work
39:07 Only marriage
39:09 depends on fate
39:11 Censor Zhou
39:13 do you have a girl in your heart?
39:15 Why don't you pray to God
39:17 to bless you to be together?
39:19 I have no regrets
39:21 It sounds like
39:23 you have a girl in your heart
39:25 Then
39:27 what does the girl in your heart
39:29 look like?
39:31 She is gentle
39:35 kind, smart
39:37 and tough
39:39 In my heart
39:41 she is the best woman in the world
39:43 But
39:45 she always takes care of others
39:47 and forgets to take care of herself
39:49 So
39:51 I want to
39:53 take care of her
39:55 It's raining
39:57 It's raining
40:15 Censor Zhou
40:17 How about we wait until the rain stops?
40:19 As you wish
40:23 Thank you
40:25 Go
40:51 Go
40:53 Have some hot tea
41:15 to warm up
41:17 Thank you
41:19 Thank you
41:33 Did you go to see Mr. Ge
41:37 to pray for your father
41:39 and sister?
41:41 Yes
41:43 But not entirely
41:45 I want to pray for Censor Zhou
41:47 too
41:49 I want to pray for Censor Zhou too
41:51 Stay inside
42:17 Don't come out
42:19 Go
42:45 Go
42:47 Go
42:53 Censor Zhou
43:01 Shiyuan
43:07 Shiyuan
43:13 Yanshi, chase
43:15 Shiyuan
43:17 Shiyuan
43:23 Shiyuan
43:25 Shiyuan
43:27 Why are you so silly?
43:29 Because I
43:33 don't want you to get hurt
43:37 Shiyuan
43:39 Shiyuan
43:45 Shiyuan
43:47 Shiyuan
43:49 (music)
43:51 (upbeat music)
