Sophie Binet critique Vincent Bolloré dans un livre Grasset

  • 6 months ago
Sophie Binet, secrétaire générale de la CGT, critique le milliardaire Vincent Bolloré, accusé de soutenir l'extrême droite, dans un ouvrage publié mercredi par Grasset, une maison d'édition contrôlée par l'homme d'affaires.
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00:00 Sophie Binet, Secretary General of the CGT, criticizes billionaire Vincent Bolloré, accused
00:05 of supporting the far-right, in a book published on Wednesday by Grasset, a publishing house
00:10 controlled by the businessman.
00:12 The union leader signs "It is midnight - a quarter", an essay that introduces the reissue
00:17 of the National Council of Resistance program "Happy Days", adopted 80 years ago,
00:23 on March 15, 1944.
00:25 After a historical reminder of the context of this program, of the participation of the
00:30 clandestine CGT, and of its legacy after the war, Sophie Binet says her concern about
00:34 the current political situation.
00:36 "A part of the dominant classes openly support the far-right, subsidized by big
00:41 bosses, from Elon Musk to Vincent Bolloré, who create bridges with the traditional right,
00:46 "she writes.
00:47 The far-right is thriving on the rise of religious integrity, largely financed,
00:52 again, by the capital.
00:53 It is the integrist Catholics who promote the return of the mass in Latin, fight for
00:58 the right to IVG or homoparentality and take advantage of the vastness of Vincent Bolloré,
01:03 "adds the general secretary of the CGT.
01:05 Sophie Binet takes more generally to the media concentration.
01:09 "Mr. Bolloré's situation is cited as an example, he who owns the channels
01:14 Canal + and CNews, Radio Europe 1, Le Journal du Dimanche and other titles, such as
01:19 Paris Match, which he negotiates the sale.
01:21 In France, a handful of billionaires share today most of the national press
01:26 and the media.
01:27 A unique situation in Europe.
01:29 Deeply alarming, and far from the CNR program, she estimates.
01:34 The greasy editions are a subsidiary of Achete Livre, therefore of the Gardère, controlled
01:39 since November by Vivendi, Mr. Bolloré's group.
01:43 This one, who does not make a mystery of his very conservative opinions, is heard
01:48 on Wednesday at the National Assembly by the parliamentary inquiry commission on the attribution
01:52 of frequencies of the digital television terrestrial.
